10 woodworkings tools I wish I bought sooner to make my woodworking projects faster, better and easier.
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Ryobi Cordless Nailer –
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Here are 10 woodworking tools that I wish I'dÂ
bought sooner Thanks to Shopify for sponsoring  today's video This is not one of those 10Â
beginner woodworking tools videos because  We've all seen those and we know what they areÂ
I know when I started I got all the tools and  Then afterwards I picked up a few tools that I wasÂ
like what have I been doing all this time without  These and those are the ones we're talking aboutÂ
today now this first tool is probably my favorite  You'll see why in just a minute this is the AmanaÂ
non-marring counter sync bit with a depth stop  Collar on it but as you're starting out workingÂ
let's be real you're using screws because you  Know you're not like mortise and tinon dude orÂ
gal yet and if you want to put screws flush with  Your material you're going to be using someÂ
counter sync bits and so this is one that IÂ Â Started using actually I think this might be theÂ
exact one that I started using right when I was a  Beginner when you're drilling the hole you'reÂ
just kind of eyeballing it and trying to get  The same depth on each one and get that rightÂ
below the surface and so when you drive your  Screws in one might be pretty deep another oneÂ
might be a little bit more shallow and another  One might be right there at the top and I don'tÂ
know if you're like me you're probably not but  I am neurotic and I want them all to be the sameÂ
level because Perfection and all that good stuff  Now the collar is the depth stop and as I drillÂ
in it's going to stop exactly where I need it now  I can drill all three holes and they should comeÂ
out perfect and after driving in some screws you  Can look at it and it looks gorgeous and so I'mÂ
going to be raing these tools on a faster better  Or easier for this one it is definitely fasterÂ
because you don't have to eyeball it and it is  Definitely better and easier for that matterÂ
highly recommend this tool when you first start  With working you're probably going to have aÂ
circular saw and you're going to be breaking  Down plywood with that because you probably haveÂ
a smaller table saw and after using a 2×4 for a  While and trying to find straight 2x4s I pickedÂ
up this guy and this is a straight edge that is  Just made out of aluminum and I use this forÂ
a long time but let's say I wanted to cut this  Piece at 12 in I could make a little mark downÂ
here but I can't just grab my straight edge and  Put it on there because the distance between theÂ
blade and The Edge on this saw is 5 in so I need  To offset the straight raight Edge 5 in there toÂ
make the cut right on my line and I've got to be  Honest there are definitely times where I haveÂ
not done that when I was using a straight edge  And made my cut either 5 in too long or 5 in tooÂ
short and probably the thing I hate most is dust  Collection because even though it does have a dustÂ
port on the back it is wide open right here so it  Is just a disaster as far as dust collection andÂ
you might capture 50% if you're lucky so I waited  Far too long before I got tool number two which isÂ
the tracksaw a track saw is so much better than a  Circular saw on a straight edge in just every wayÂ
first off the dust collection is amazing it's got Â
The little boot here on the back but also it isÂ
fully enclosed so it really captures a lot of  Dust and you can even get little 3D print capsÂ
like this one from my buddy Drew with that will  Go right into this little dust port and let youÂ
capture even more dust now the dust collection  Alone on a tracksaw is enough for me to buy oneÂ
that just makes it way better but what also makes  It faster and easier is the actual TR rack there'sÂ
no more offset I can put this right down on that  12in line and just line it up exactly where IÂ
want my cut and then just cut straight down the  Line and your Cut's going to actually be betterÂ
too because it's got this little strip on here  That acts as a tear out prevor and there's even aÂ
little tear out prevor here on the bottom of the  Saw to also help I think I was in woodworkingÂ
for over 10 years before I got a track saw but  It makes it faster better and easier shouldÂ
have done that one way earlier and one of the  First things you probably bought was a drill andÂ
you probably used it for just about everything  Drilling driving you know mixing paint whateverÂ
and I did that for sure when I started out then  I upgraded to a driver but that's not the toolÂ
I wish I had have bought earlier because there  Are different kind of drivers let me show youÂ
one thing I've always disliked about impact  Drivers is how loud they are and when you're outÂ
in the open it's fine but if you're putting screws  Inside a cabinet or something it starts echoingÂ
around it can get really loud I've got a decel  Meter right here so I figure we should just goÂ
ahead and measure it if I hit this little Max  Button it will actually say the max Deb it's atÂ
and now we'll drive a screw and see how loud it Is 106.2 that is really loud there's a wholeÂ
deciel scale that's probably like in the IÂ Â Don't know jet engine level noise or ScreamingÂ
crowd in a stadium that's pretty loud and that's  Why I replaced my loud impact driver with thisÂ
hydraulic imp impact driver basically it's the  Exact same thing except there's actually oil inÂ
there that dampens the impact or at least dampens  The sound but the noise level is way lower so I'mÂ
going to switch out the bit from the old one to  The new one and I'm going to zero out the decelÂ
meter and then run this one at the same distance  From it we'll see how loud it is all right let'sÂ
check that out O 94.6 So this hydraulic impact  Driver is over 10 DB quieter than the normalÂ
impact driver so the decel scale is not linear  So that's not just like a 10 or 12% differenceÂ
that's actually something much more than that  Which I don't know which we'll put on the screenÂ
somewhere here so that is a huge reduction and  The hydraulic driver is definitely better maybeÂ
not faster and easier but for sure better than  The impact driver and if you're driving aÂ
whole bunch of screws over the course of  A day that could really make a difference whenÂ
I first moved into this shop 10 years ago this  Was the setup for my miter saw that's right it'sÂ
just sitting on a piece of MDF on top of these  Exact saw horses of course it was a little nicerÂ
because I had a nice laminated piece of MDF that  Was my mom's old sewing table now if you've everÂ
done a lot of mitera cuts on a rickety setup like Â
That then you can feel my pain so when I built myÂ
mobile Myers station that was a huge upgrade the  Main thing was outfeed and then having a stopÂ
block so that mobile Miner saw station did me  Well for a very long time but the next step afterÂ
that I really wish I had it done earlier now this  One is not so much a tool as it is a setup forÂ
the tool and I know it is a luxury because not  Everybody is going to have the space to do thisÂ
but building a mitol station that is stationary  And has a lot of outfeed was a huge game changerÂ
for me and this is in the garage these are only  20in deep cabinets so even if you have a garageÂ
and you're still parking cars in you can get by  With it but let me show you why this is such aÂ
game changer you can do this setup in a lot of  Different configurations but I really likeÂ
having the saw kind of right in the middle  So I can make cuts on either side now I've got 75Â
in of cabinets over here on the left and then six  Feet of cabinets over there on the right andÂ
the end of these cabinets goes into a little  Cubby because it's a corner so I can get an 8ftÂ
board and hang it all the way over there and make  An in cut right on my saw the thing I like bestÂ
about this is I have a fenceless setup so I have a  Little te trck that sets back from the front fenceÂ
here of the miter saw and then my stop block can  Move move up and down and I have a little flipÂ
stop on it so I can put it down and reference  It for a cut but if I want to lay somethingÂ
down and not use the stop block I just flip  It back up that's a really nice feature to haveÂ
and there's no fence to get in the way and you  Can get repeatable Cuts all the way down to aboutÂ
7 ft adding in this mitol station definitely made  Things faster better and easier and if you canÂ
at all swing it I highly recommend it getting a  Compressor and a me nailer was one of the firstÂ
things that I did when I started getting into  Woodworking and not just because this nail gun hasÂ
my name's egg to it but so I could do things like This sorry but you realize really quickly thatÂ
having a compressor going off all the time is  Really annoying especially if you're trying toÂ
film videos and if you're trying to work your  Way around a table youve got this cord that youÂ
kind of have to drag over and now it's getting  In the way of your project and it's just not thatÂ
convenient although they are fairly inexpensive  But as soon as I switched over to cordless nailersÂ
these are a big game changer because they're just  So convenient they're definitely a little bitÂ
heavier but even something as inexpensive as  This RI one you could still get the same bumpÂ
fire and I do like this Milwaukee one a little  Bit better kind of cuz it sounds really awesomeÂ
too a cordless technology has come a long way and  These cordless models are just as capable and asÂ
powerful as their corded companions without the  Compressor they will definitely make your workÂ
faster and easier because you don't have to wait  For the pressure to build up in the tank and alsoÂ
you don't have to move around the cord and get it  Out of the way or rake it over your project andÂ
mess something up so if you can swing it for the  Money I would highly advise grabbing a cordlessÂ
nailer now woodworking has been around for a Â
Long time and so there's not that much InnovationÂ
that really comes out but about 10 years ago the  Compact trim router came out and actually BoschÂ
Colt was the first one and this was a huge Game  Changer in woodworking to have this nice smallÂ
compact size and be able to do things like round  Over edges and I use these a ton and just like theÂ
cordless nailer going from a corded compact router  To a cordless compact router is a nice upgradeÂ
but that's not actually the thing I wish I had  Bought earlier what I wish I had bought earlierÂ
was actually a better cordless compact router and  There are some big differences between theseÂ
two routers that make this one so much better  If you've been around the channel at all thenÂ
you're probably going to know this first one  And that is dust collection for me I am a hugeÂ
stickler for dust collection this one does have  A dust collection Port which I was super excitedÂ
about but the front is totally wide open so the  Dust collection is okay but there's still a lotÂ
that gets out this front side so when I saw this  One I was really excited because the entire baseÂ
is enclosed so we've got the port here but then  It is fully enclosed and then this back side soÂ
there's no place for the dust to go out at least  In the top of course it's still going to come outÂ
at the bottom but we're going to get way better  Dust collection so that is a huge positive forÂ
this guy now this next one if you're handling the  Tool properly you shouldn't have to worry about itÂ
but it is a nice feature and that is the stopping  So if I turn this guy [Music] on you see when IÂ
turn it off that it has a little while to spool  Down maybe takes two or 3 seconds as it goesÂ
and so that bit is still spinning and if I put  It down then I could gouge my table or you knowÂ
something worse and this guy has an electronic  Brake on it so if I turn it on and then turn itÂ
off it stops immediately so that is really nice  If I turn it off I know I can just put it downÂ
immediately and not have to worry about where  That bit is and if it's still spinning or not andÂ
the last thing is the ergonomics and the battery  Form factor on this guy is quite a bit wider soÂ
it can get a little more Tippy especially if you  Get a bigger battery on there versus this guy isÂ
more Compact and up and down so it's not going  To want to tip as you're going around especiallyÂ
on a little narrow surface so for all the tools  Today that I'm showing these are just just theÂ
ones that I've been using for years in my shop  Different brands could work great for you it'sÂ
more about the options and what they allow you  To do than it is about the specific Brands soÂ
just like the cordless nailor this is obviously  Going to be a faster and easier experience becauseÂ
you don't have the chord and this one has better  Dust collection than the rigid about two and aÂ
half years ago we hired our editor Chris say hi  Chris hi and he is an awesome graphic designerÂ
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Down Below in the description for a free trial you  Can go to shopify.com this build that if you'veÂ
been waiting to get your woodworking business  Going now is a perfect time and a big thank youÂ
to Shopify for sponsoring today's video a lot of  My woodworking projects are painted either fullyÂ
or partially whether I have a painted base with  A nice hardwood top or if I just have somethingÂ
fully painted like a dresser or a closet organizer  And I have been known to just use a paintbrushÂ
and maybe a roller for a lot of that painting  And that is just such a huge time suck when youÂ
have to go paint everything by hand so to save  Time I upgraded to an hvop paint sprayer and hvopÂ
stands for high volume low pressure and basically  This will just spray the paint out here and thisÂ
is just a really inexpensive one that plugs in  And it just runs off the little compressor up hereÂ
in the top now this is a good place to start and  It does an okay job it just doesn't have as muchÂ
power in here to really atomize the paint and you  Really have to thin things down with this so afterÂ
waiting far too long I upgraded to this paint  Sprayer which has its own dedicated turbine in itÂ
so the turbine is in this case part here and then  It has the hose so this will force the air and itÂ
just plugs in right here and then it does have two  Little canisters with differ size nozzles on itÂ
and there are a lot more options on this setup  As far as the flow rate as well as the shape andÂ
the direction of the nozzle that you can get with  This now let me turn this on one of the thingsÂ
I love about this specifically is you don't hear  Anything because you can turn it on right hereÂ
at the gun so it's not always spraying you can  Just turn it [Music] on and turn it off right atÂ
the gun head that's a really nice feature because  When you're spraying a project and after you stopÂ
pulling that trigger sometimes you just don't want  That extra air flowing out because it can messÂ
up the paint job or it can blow other debris and  Material into your finish I use this guy mostlyÂ
for paint and for stain for outdoor projects as  You can see with the nice speckled finish hereÂ
but I don't use this for polyurethanes or clear  Finishes just because I don't want to have clearÂ
and paint going through the same machine so IÂ Â Actually still haven't really gotten one that'sÂ
specifically for finishing that I think there's Â
A lot of other great options with four and fiveÂ
stage turbines that would be great for applying  Things like lacquer or polyurethane or any otherÂ
clear finish now good paint sprayer definitely  Checks off all the boxes of faster better andÂ
easier it's just so much Superior to doing a  Brush finish especially if you have a lot ofÂ
different parts that you need to get into or  Weird surfaces Norm Abram has drilled into ourÂ
heads that there is no more important safy rule  These safy and I would completely agree I amÂ
a big stickler for safety and I think falling  Close behind that is ear protection but the thirdÂ
one I think a lot of people Overlook and that is  Protecting your lungs with something like a dustÂ
mask this is actually a little bit of an upgraded  One because it has the little valve here so thatÂ
it won't fog up your glasses but these are great  For protecting you from fine dust and you shouldÂ
be wearing these whenever you're doing something  That's really dusty but these can only go so farÂ
just because they're fairly generic in the shape  Of them and it just has the cloth liner on it soÂ
I started wearing an upgraded dusk mask which is  Like this little guy right here which you can getÂ
a lot better fit with because it can go around the  Back it does have the nice little valves on itÂ
and it's all adjustable and it's just nice and  Easy to use so fairly similar to that but theÂ
real upgrade that I should have gone to earlier  Is a full respirator and this guy is awesome thisÂ
is a half latch respirator and you see me using  This in a lot of my videos especially if I amÂ
spraying finish or anything like that and that's  A big thing thing also is that you need to get theÂ
right one and they make different air filters for  This so I have some of the pink ones that you'veÂ
seen me wear a lot in the videos it's actually  At the new property right now so I don't have itÂ
so you really want to be using the organic Vapor  Filters when you're applying finish and you'reÂ
using something that has a lot of voc's if the  Finish smells really strong it's probably got aÂ
lot of voccs and especially if you start getting  A headache when you're working around it that'sÂ
where these will save you cuz we don't need to  Lose any more brain cells than we already areÂ
by watching so much YouTube the great thing  About the respirator is it has this full RubberÂ
seal and so you can put this on and there now IÂ Â Sound like Darth Vader ruk I am your father wasÂ
not actually the line in the movie but you know  That's another story and I love this half-lapÂ
feature on this mask that you can pull it on and  Off easily without having to take it all off soÂ
you need take a sip of Mountain Dew or something  Now the respirator is only really going to beÂ
better not so much faster or easier but it is a  Really important better and it really helps justÂ
keep my lungs clean so I'm not coughing the next  Day after I'm Milling up a bunch of lumberÂ
a chisel is probably one of the most useful  Woodworking tools and basically anything thatÂ
cuts is pretty much just a form of a chisel and  This was one that I got from my grandfather whichÂ
was one of the first ones I started to using which  Was pretty awesome but uh it's got a nice littleÂ
Bend to it so after that I picked up some ones Â
From Harbor Freight which are horrible and thenÂ
I upgraded to a quite nicer chisel which was this  Irwin that has great Steel on it and then evenÂ
eventually to a socket chisel which this thing  Just cuts like butter but one thing these all haveÂ
in common is I need to sharpen them now sharpening  Chisels can be a little bit intimidating and IÂ
was definitely intimidated and I didn't want to  Get one of these sharpening Stones I really likeÂ
the scary sharp method which is basically using  Sandpaper so I made up this little tile and thisÂ
actually has some little Diamond lapping paper on  It then I could use one of these cheap littleÂ
sharpening Jigs and put my chisel in there but  Of course you have to get the angles you have toÂ
measure it and have a little jig for it and then  Once you have that then you can go in and justÂ
sharpen right here on the lapping paper and I'm  Mainly a power tool woodworker so I don't get aÂ
ton of enjoyment out of sharpening things like  Some people do so I got this instead this is theÂ
worksharp 3000 and no I didn't just make that name  Up that's what this is actually called but thisÂ
is basically a power tool for sharpening your  Chisels and plane blades and it is awesome nowÂ
just this little guy right here is the worksharp  And this is just a jig I built around it to holdÂ
all the accessories and basically the way that it  Works is it has these glass plates on top and itÂ
spins them and you put the Chisel against it and  It lines it up so it will perfectly sharpen theÂ
angle you want so I have a series of different  Plates here and you start up with one so oneÂ
side is 120 then you can go over to 400 and  That's great for when you're sharpening a newÂ
chisel or bringing a really beat up one back to  Life but if you just need a little tuneup youÂ
can go down and I will go down to the 3600 so  We've got 1,000 grit on this side and 3600 gritÂ
on this side so now now I can put this onto the  Worksharp this is where you put the Chisel in andÂ
you can adjust the angle I've got it at 25° which  Is where I like my chisels now if I want to putÂ
a new Edge on this guy I will just highlight the  Tip here in Black so I'll know it's been taken offÂ
or not then turn it on with a few Strokes it'll be Sharp so you can see here with the tip of theÂ
Chisel now is all shiny new metal which means  That is sharp now I can move on to the nextÂ
grits now I definitely wouldn't say this does  A better job than an expert with a wet stone butÂ
I think this for sure is faster and easier and  It works great for what I need it to do whichÂ
is basically just to have a nice sharp chisel  That can cut wood easily and not have to justÂ
sit there pounding away at it now there's one  Woodworking process that I think we can almostÂ
all agree is the absolute worst and that is  Sanding and there are some things that will makeÂ
it easier like great sandpaper or a little hook  And loop backer for it and of course one of theÂ
first things you should get is a random orbital  Sander because that's going to make your lifeÂ
a lot easier and you can even upgrade to the  Next level and get a 6in sander with an attachedÂ
dust extractor like I have here and these are all  Great things but that's not the thing I wishÂ
I had a bought earlier it's this guy the drum Â
Sander now a drum sander is basically just like aÂ
robot that does your sanding for you and don't we  All want that so it's a lot like a planer andÂ
it has a drum in the middle which you set to a  Certain height and a conveyor belt that feeds itÂ
through and it just Sands off that layer and you  Just keep going until you get to the level thatÂ
you want or until you get everything to a clear  Surface now the two places that the drum senderÂ
helped me the most were when I was doing ingrain  Cutting boards because those are just a nightmareÂ
to Sand by hand and also doing tabletops because  It is open-ended so you can put it through andÂ
then go to the other side so coffee tables for  Sure you do need to have a much larger machine toÂ
do something like a big tabletop but they come in  So handy it is really nice to have now I wouldÂ
say that this is faster better and easier but it  Comes at a price and if you are doing woodworkingÂ
for a business then for sure you're going to be  Able to get that payback on it because it'sÂ
just going to save you so much time if you  Want to see some tools under $20 that I loveÂ
I've got a video queued up for you right there  A big thank you to the ftbt builders club I'mÂ
Brad get out there and build something awesome