Some products are unsafe while others are just very poor quality. Unfortunately, there are 10 items that made the worst 10 list ranging from tool batteries to hand tools and more.
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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Here’s a list of several products that actually performed well.
Milwaukee Battery:
US Jack:
Malco Sheet Metal Cutters:
Belt Sander:
Capri Tools Bolt Cutters:
Knipex Bolt Cutters:
Irwin Diagonal Cutters:
Videography Equipment:
Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
Go Pro Bundle:
This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC
All the videos in this channel our Viewers suggested I've had a lot of Requests to put together a review on the Worst 10 products ever tested so let's Jump right into it if you're looking to Save a few dollars on a power tool Battery you might decide to buy a Knockoff battery and you might just Regret that decision I compared several 6 a knockoff batteries including the Amti battery against a genuine Milwaukee 6 a hour battery and the very first sign That things weren't going to go too well For the emti is the weight of the Battery and the emti only weighed 596 G And the genuine Milwaukee is much Heavier at 1,077 G how in the world is a Knockoff going to perform just as well As a much larger and heavier battery to Compare the batteries I bought 175 wat Milwaukee power supply each one of the Batteries powered up a fan which draws Around 150 wats and the $26 emti claims To deliver 6 amp hours and that's a very Good price if it can indeed deliver that Much power unfortunately the emti ran Out of juice and only 15 minutes and 51 Seconds I used the genuine Milwaukee Battery as the litmus test and the Genuine Milwaukee was was just getting Warmed up at 15 minutes at 23 minutes The Milwaukee still has a lot more juice To give and the genuine Milwaukee is Still smiling at 32 minutes and a 6 amp
Hour Milwaukee is finally out of juice At 39 minutes and 15 seconds so the Milwaukee lasted more than twice as long As a yti the 6 ampire Milwaukee Outperformed all the knockoffs and the Amti finished in last place among all The batteries and the knockoffs but Things were about to get a lot worse for The amti a battery powered tool is only As good as a battery so I compared the Batteries using a Milwaukee drill and a Pork adapter driving in a lag bolt and Milwaukee made very quick work of the 5-in lag bolts and made it to 183 inbs And the emti battery gave up very early At only 89 inbs Which is less than half As much as the Milwaukee so once again The Milwaukee 6 amp hour battery Finished in first place in the emti Finish in dead last place once again I Then use an impact driver to compare Performance of each battery driving in Three lag bolts per battery any emti Really struggled driving in the lag Bolts averaging over 7 seconds per bolt And the genuine Milwaukee drove in three Leg bolts without any problem and Average right at 6 seconds per bolt and Once again the genuine Milwaukee came Out on top and the emti once again Finished in dead last place an angle Grinder is a very thirsty tool and the Emite is really [Music]
Struggling and it's hard to believe but The emite has already given up in only 10 seconds and I'm unable to get the Grinder to power up again and the Genuine Milwaukee battery lasted over 6 And 1/2 minutes and made a lot of Progress sanding the paint off of the Metal and once again the emti finished In last place if you don't want your House or shop to burn down it's a very Good idea to have batteries that are Short circuit protected to test the Batteries for short circuit protection I Use two metal conductors attached to the Positive and negative contacts of the Battery I also used the current meter to Keep track of the energy Spike and the Duration once the battery expires to Short and the emite made it to 123 amps And the current is gradually dropping And the current finally dropped to zero At almost 8 seconds definitely not a Safe battery in my opinion so the emti Delivers less than half the battery Capacity and in my opinion it's also a Very unsafe battery definitely one of The worst 10 products I've ever tested And the zsp jack stands definitely Earned a spot in the worst 10 products Ever tested list if you're ever crawling Under a vehicle your safety and life Depends on jack stands doing their job The manufacturer claims that it's a six Ton adjustable performance car and truck
Jack stand and the manufacturer claims That this jack stand is as steady as a Rock and I'm not joking these things Look terrifyingly unsafe and the zsp is An extremely light duty set of jack Stands with a very poor build quality I Also measured the out of side to side Movement of the center tube and the zsp Has the most side to side movement of All the brands at 3/4 of an inch and the First test I measured the amount of Force it takes to cause a vehicle to Fall off the jack stands most of the Jack stands performed very well at over 180 lbs of force before the jack stands Fell over and the zsp claims to be Steady as a rock T deal trust and Confidence in to take $178 out of your Pocket and both jack stands broke at Only 95 lbs of lateral Force definitely The most dangerous jack stands I've ever Seen I I tested all the jack stands and Several additional tests and all the Jack stands besides the zsp survived the Test most of the jack stands took over 20,000 lbs to crush in a controlled Straight downward Direction I repaired The zsp and tested it once again and Pars were flying off the zsp at around 5,000 lb had over 40,000 lb to crush the Jack stand the US Jack is feeling pretty Happy about its Performance and the big red also showed Off some pretty impressive dance moves
But not the zsp there are a lot of other High quality jack stands out there but I Recommend avoiding the zsp a battery With a name like Ultra fire definitely Seems doomed to make the worst 10 list It definitely seems like a name that Indicates the battery has a quality Issue 18650 batteries are used in all Sorts of gadgets including headlamps Portable fans and even tool batteries The ultra fire is rated by the Manufacturer at a very impressive 9,800 Mah hours the first sign that the ultra Fire was in trouble was when it stepped Onto the scale and only weighed a little Over 35 G on the other hand the Panasonic is only rated for 3,500 mahs And it weighed 12 G more than the ultra Fire in the first test I compared the Internal resistance of the batteries Internal resistance is the opposition to Flow of current within the battery after Fully charging the batteries the two Ultra fire batteries that I tested had An internal resistance of 48 and 31 Respectively not good I tested a couple Of Samsung batteries and they had a much Better internal resistance of only 11.7 In we definitely want the internal Resistance to be low I then used a Battery tester to measure the actual Capacity of the battery batteries and The two ultra fire batteries that I Tested are supposed to make 9,800 Mah
And they only had a capacity of 1,230 And 1,163 looking at actual weight the ultra Fire batteries were very light compared To the brand names like the Samsung LG Sony and Panasonic when it comes to Being honest about its capacity it's Liar liar pants on fire for the ultra Fire the ultra fire only delivered 12.2% Of its rated capacity the worst in The Showdown to compare cold temperature Performance I then tested the batteries At around 6° f once again the ultra fire Really struggled at only 12.5% of its Rating the LG Samsung Sony and Panasonic Brands performed a lot better ranging From around 90% to 100% of their rating I then compared the batteries for Performance under a light to a moderate Current load ranging from 1 to 10 amps At only 1 amp the ultra fire voltage Dropped to just over 4 volts at a very Small load of 2 amps the ultra fire was Already beginning to struggle at only 3.8 volt at 5 amps the ultra fire was Just about ready to throw in the towel At 3.27 volts and was over for the ultra Fire at 6 amps at only 1.66 volts I then Installed the batteries and fans to Compare the runtime and the ultra fire Lasted 102 minutes on the other hand the Japanese and Korean batteries lasted More than twice as long considering the 9,800 milliamp rating and the awful
Performance the ultra fire definitely Deserves to be on the worst 10 products List the next product to make the worst 10 product list is this HHO or Oxyhydrogen generator the manufacturer Claims that you can reduce fuel Consumption by up to 35% it also claims To reduce emissions and extend engine Life it even claims to increase engine Torque and improve acceleration you can Have all this capability for around $200 The kit comes with a dry cell hydrogen Generator a couple of rubber hoses and a Holding tank for water and electrolyte Solution it also comes with a bubbler Wires and electrical connectors the Water canister is supposed to send water To the hydrogen generator then the Hydrogen generator makes a gas which Goes back to the water canister by the Way this gas that goes back to the Canister is highly explosive from the Water container the gas goes to the Bubbler and then into the engine there's Quite a bit of electrical and plumbing That has to happen to make this kit Operational this includes permanently Altering some things under the engine Bay such as drilling a hole in the air Intake assembly there's a relay that Powers up the HHO unit while the vehicle Is in use in addition to buying the kit You'll also need to buy some potassium Hydroxide for the electrolyte solution
After installing the kit I inspected the Spark plugs in the combustion chamber For carbon buildup before powering up The HHO generator I made a couple of Runs from 0 to 60 MPH after making two Runs without the HHO attached I I Installed the fuse in the HHO setup and The HHO kit is working properly and There are bubbles that are going to the Engine I made a couple of 0 to 60 runs With the HHO attached unfortunately the Vehicle did not show any Improvement in Performance and actually was a little Bit slower from 0 to 60 MPH no Improvement with acceleration but I was Hoping to see a cleaner spark plug or Combustion chamber unfortunately no Noticeable Improvement I then tested Fuel efficiency using a fuel injected Generator the generator had to Supply Electrical power to the H kit the Generator ran for 19 minutes and 46 Seconds before installing the HHO kit After installing the kit the generator Ran just fine unfortunately the Generator did not show any Improvement In fuel efficiency in fact the engine Only ran for 19 minutes and 36 seconds Or 10 seconds less with the HHO setup Installed I then tested the H generator A second time to see if we'd see any Improvement this time the HHO setup did A little bit worse at 19 minutes and 25 Seconds so the HHO kit failed to deliver
On any of the claims and it's a waste of Money in my opinion for only $19 you you Can turn your drill into a circular saw The circular saw can also double as an Angle grinder unfortunately the saw did Not come with assembly instructions but It is pretty simple to put together a Few nuts bolts in about 5 minutes of Assembly and the circular saw is ready For action the build construction seems Very light duty but then again the cost Is under $20 you can even cut at an Angle maximum cutting depth is about an Inch made in China to serve as a Comparison let's first make a cut Through 1-in Oak using a cordless mil Walking circular saw 1.3 seconds to make The Cut as right-handed person holding the Drill with the left hand and holding the Saw with the right seems a bit awkward And the circular saw is vibrating quite A bit and seems pretty sketchy to say The least the cut made by the attachment Is on the bottom and the Milwaukee saw Is on the top and it's a much smoother Cut by the Milwaukee saw and there's Quite a bit of wobble with the output Shaft in the blade not all drill Attachments are junk this Malco metal Cutting Shear did an amazing job cutting Through sheet metal the Malco shears Made very easy work of cutting through Aluminum flashing it also did a great
Job cutting through 20 gauge steel on The other hand the circular saw attached M ment is more likely to cause an injury Than it is to make a quality cut Definitely one of the worst products I've ever tested an angle grinder can be Adapted to many different things but This drill attachment is extremely Dangerous at a price of only $12 it may Be very tempting to buy this angle Grinder drill attachment it claims to Have a three JW Chuck that's firm Clamping made of high carbon steel Unfortunately I don't have an angle Grinder that has a 10 mm Arbor I have Quite a few angle grinders and they all Have 5 hns Arbors so I do have an Adapter that has to be adapted so the Adapter will work with the grinder I'll Also use a 5/8 in grade8 nut to serve as A coupler a typical drill spins at 2 to 3,000 RPM however a grinder spins about Three times as fast unfortunately There's way too much wobble from things Being out of alignment definitely off to A very sketchy start fortunately I Bought a 4-in angle grinder locally that Has 10 mm threads but the angle grinder Has the wrong thread pitch so I'll have To use a thread tap to reshape the Threads this is definitely not a perfect Fix but it'll get the job done as cousin Edti likes to say good enough for Government work and the Chuck seems
Perfectly aligned with the angle grinder Shaft let's see how perform performs any Way drilling through a 2×4 with a 38 in Drill bit and the angle grinder drill Attachment doesn't waste any time and Made very quick work of drilling through The 2×4 to prevent the drill from Walking I'll make an indentation in the/ Quinch flat iron I'll go ahead and use a Cobalt split Point twist drill bit I Applied a lot of downward Force to Prevent the drill bit from work Hardening the mild steel and it's only 3.6 seconds to drill the hole and 10,000 RPM for a drill is just way too fast While most of the angle grinder Attachments were sketchy there are Actually some good attachments like this Belt sander it has a unique design Design that allows it to sand curved Objects like pipes while there are some Good angle grinder attachments I highly Recommend avoiding the Dangerous Ones Like this drill adapter the next product To earn a place on this Dreadful list is The Performance Tool 38 in Ratchet the $7 price tag is the first clue that this Ratchet might have a performance issue However we do find affordable products That perform very well all the time Manufacturers sell ratchets using Marketing information about Arc swing And tooth camp they're trying to Convince you that their ratchet is best
For working in a tight space so I Compared all the ratchets working within A 30 30° space and the performance tools Gear set is extremely sloppy and it's Only able to advance one tooth at a time Within a 30° space and the ratchet Really struggled on this test and it Took 39 right to left swings to finally Complete 1 360° rotation on the other Hand 0 degre gear wrench in the icon Pro Completed the test in less than half the Back and forth passes and a Performance Tool finished in last place in this Category a ratchet with a lot of backd Drag really makes removing and Installing fastters and tight spaces a Challenge at times if there's enough Space adding resistance to the socket Using finger pressure allows the ratchet To make progress but that's not always An option for this test I used the 7/8 In socket fishing line in a scale to Measure the backd drag and a Performance Tool once again really struggled at 698 G of backd drag other affordable Ratchets like the S have less than half The amount of backd drag a high Performance ratchet will perform well on Both the working Arc swing and the backd Drag test while Performance Tool didn't Finish a last place on this test it did Finish in the last three if your hands Are greasy a stiff directional lever can Really make this things difficult I
Measured directional lever performance Using a scale and a screwdriver and a Performance Tool ratchet finished in Dead last on this test at 1,561 G or about 3 and2 lbs of force to Change directions in a final test I Compared the failure load of all the Ratchets this is a 3 in Ratchet and Should easily handle 200 ftlb of force And The Buttery soft Performance Tool Ratchet is all bent out of shape at only 58.4 3 ft-lbs a look inside the ratchet And there's a lot of damage and all the Ratchets made it past 200t lbs of torque Except for Performance Tool and a Performance Tool ratchet just proved That the only thing it'll loosen is Money from your wallet definitely the Worst ratchet I've ever tested and Performance Tool distinguish Itself by Being the only brand with two products To make the list unfortunately the Performance Tool Bol Cutters are Absolutely terrible however the Performance Tool bolk Cutters are not The least expensive product this time in Fact the genford bolk cutters cost $3 Less so I tested the genford brand first In the first test the Bol Cutters Competed to see which brand can make the Easiest work of cutting through a 16 Penny nail I put together a tester that Holds the Cutters and the nail it also Measures the downward Force applied to
The handle the locking pliers held the End of the nail to keep the nail from Becoming a projectile and the very Affordable genford brand made the cut With 120 lbs of squeezing Force the good News is that the Performance Tool barely Edged out the genford in the first test At 114 lbs as a point of reference the More expensive kab tool bolt cutters Made very easy work of the nail and About half the force at only 61 lbs of Squeezing force on the handle very Impressive the German made knipex brand Perform almost the same at 62 lb these Are bulk Cutters and a 16 penny nail Isn't even a challenge for a good set of Bulk Cutters so let's stop ping around And let's test the bolt cutters on a Deck screw and it took a lot of Squeezing Force for the $7 jred bolt Cutters to make the cut at 166 lbs but It did survived the test with minimal Damage to the cutting knives Unfortunately the deck screw Outperformed the perform as tool bolt Cutters the deck screw held up just fine But the lower jaw on the Performance Tool bolt cutters became badly bent at 164 lb of force on the handle as a Pointed reference the cpre tools easily Cut through the deck screw at only 89 Lbs of force very impressive and the Cutting knives still look very good and The kip X also made very easy work of
The Dex screw at 113 lbs of force on the Handle the cutting knives remained in Good shape and the Performance Tool bolt Cutters were the only brand that did not Survive cutting through the deck screw While assessing where is highly Subjective all of the brands receive a Damage rating of one or two indicating Very little or only minor damage except For the Performance Tool bolt cutters Cutting through a 3/16 in drill bit now We're finally getting into bulk cutter Territory and highquality bulk Cutters Like the Ares made the cut in only 166 Lbs and the cutting knives are still in Good shape just like the Ares the compre Tools made very easy work of the drill Bit at only 134 lbs so the very hard Drill bit wiped out five additional Brands and none of the bult Cutters had A chance at surviving a hex key but it Gave us their failure load and the best Brands in the lineup made it past 300 lb Of handle Force but the Performance Tool Finished in dead last and the next brand To make the worst tool list is a shop Tech SE clamp but the performance tool Brand was a close second the advertised Capacity for each of the C clamps is 6 In the shoptech has a cast ductile iron Frame the actual capacity is only 5 and 5/8 in throw capacity makes a difference On being able to reach and then apply Force on the right part of the workpiece
And the shoptech just doesn't offer too Much reach at only 2.25 in when trying To clamp two objects together an Adjusting screw with lots of slop can Cause a workpiece to move out of Position and a chop te has 0.095 in of Movement the handle length thread pitch And build quality very significantly Some of the C clamps are really light Duty to standardize the amount of handle Force applied to EC clamp I put together This attachment which will allow torque To be applied to each Vice handle Equally I've got a click style torque Wrench that I'll go ahead and set to Only 50 inbs and I'll then use it for Testing each of the C clamps the shop Teex adjustment screw is pretty gritty And not at all smooth with 50in lbs of Torque on the handle the shoptech is Finished at 396 lb of clamping Force the Performance Tool clamp has a lot more Slop at 0.332 in or about twice as much Slop as any of the other brands and the Performance Tools adjustment screw is Very gritty and only made it to 282 lb To take the last position from the Shoptech applying an equal amount of Leverage to all the C clamps the best Performing Brands delivered over 1,000 Lb of clamping force and the shoptech Ran out of steam at 396 lb and Performance Tool 282 lbs so for now the Shoptech is actually outperforming the
Performance Tool and the Performance Tool also finished in last place for Adjusting screw slot but the competition Is not over a stuck or stubb and swivel Head causes the workpiece or clamp to Move around quite a bit when trying to Tighten the C clamp to test the build Quality of the swivel heads I'll place This ball transfer unit under the flat Iron so it'll rotate freely I'll then Apply 500 lb of clamping force on the Swivel head and the shoptech swivel Head Is Stuck and a swiel head is slipping on The metal at 56 inbs at 2.5 in from the Fulcrum and a Performance Tool finally Outperformed a shop Tech at 25 lb but There's a lot more competition left in This showdown and it's a big side of Relief for the Performance Tool brand as A shoptech finished in last place in This event when I Can't Get Enough Clamping force with just using hand Force on the handle a cheetah bar really Helps so let's see how much force we can Achieve before bending the handle and The shop Tech made it to 812 lb before The handle became bent and the Performance Tool ran out of performance At 1,416 lb and it didn't go down Quietly the handle is now bent after yet Another round of competition the Performance Tool SE clamp is beginning To distance itself from the shoptech but The competition is not over if a clamp
Is already underload let's see how much Holding Force each brand can offer Before experiencing damage and the Shoptech went in two different Directions at 980 lb that Performance Tools adjustment screw doesn't offer too Much clamp load but the frame does have Pretty good strength at almost 4,000 2 200 lb after a pretty rough start the Performance tool brand recovered nicely But the shoptech did not and the Shoptech finished in a very distant last Place to round out the bottom 10 list The diagonal cutters made by Illinois Industrial tools made the list it's a Good thing Performance Tool did not Compete in this event by the way the Illinois industrial tools diagonal Cutters are made in China and not Illinois the first sign of trouble for The Illinois industrial Cutters is that The axle joint is extremely loose when There's quite a bit of wobble the Cutters don't line up and you get very Inconsistent results the average person Can exert a squeezing force of around 100 lb just like the bulk cutter review I'll be using the same tester to compare Diagonal cutters in the first test we Cut through 16 penny nails you'll need a Very strong hand or probably need to use Two hands to cut through a 16 penny nail With the Illinois industrial tools Diagonal cutters at 195 lb it might be
Tempting to think that you have to spend A lot for performance but for under $20 You can buy the Irwin diagonal cutters And you won't need buy any cans to cut Through a super soft nail either and the Irwin made the cut at only 78 lb Compared to 195 for the Illinois Industrial diagonal cutters just like The Irwin the $21 channel lock diagonal Cutters made this look way too easy at Only 73 lbs out of 15 Brands the Illinois industrial brand is in last Place after the first round of Competition nails are very soft compared To screws so let's see how the Cutters Compare on a deck screw unfortunately The Illinois industrial tools wasn't Able to make the cut and the pliers gave Up at 342 lbs of force the diagonal Cutters are run but the deck screw is Still in good shape these are diagonal Cutters and not both Cutters so let's See if any of the brands could survive Cutting through a drill bit and the very Affordable Irwin Cutters made the cut at Only 191 lb and the cutting knives are Still in great shape surprisingly over Half the brand survived the drill bit I Then used the shaft of a socket adapter To measure the failure load of the rest Of the brands and one of the Irwin's Jaws broke off at 320 lbs and the Cutting knives still look sharp all of The diagonal cutters did a better job
Cutting through Nails screws and drill Bits than the Illinois industrial tools Brand and they all had a higher failure Load the worst 10 products obviously I Don't accept sponsorships and I buy Everything tested on the Channel all the Videos in this channel are viewer Suggested so if you have a video idea I Hope you'll take time to leave a comment Thanks so much for watching please take Care and look forward to next time