18V Extended Reach Ratchets from RIDGID – R866020 & R866021 [HOME DEPOT]

RIDGID sent us their newest 18V Brushless Extended Reach Ratchets in 1/4″ and 3/8″. #sponsored You can get these at the Home Depot for $199 each. The RIDGID R866020 is the 1/4″ 18V Cordless Ratchet with 45 ft-lbs of breakaway torque and up to 325 RPM. The RIDGID R866021 is the 3/8″ 18V Brushless Ratchet with 55 ft-lbs of breakaway torque and up to 250 RPM. #tools #review #homedepot

RIDGID R866020 1/4″ Extended Reach Ratchet:

RIDGID R866021 3/8″ Extended Reach Ratchet:

RIDGID Cordless Ratchet Head Cover:

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Reach even further with the extended Reach 18vt ratchets from [Music] Rigid rigid sent us out the quarter inch Drive and the 3/8 Drive of their 18vt Brushless extended reach ratchets now They provided the tools therefore this Is a sponsored video however that never Comes into play when we're offering our Advice as well as what we think of a Tool now let's go ahead and take a Closer look at each of the features here And then we'll actually use them and Then we'll come back and talk about Pricing and Warranty these are the rigid uh 18vt Brushless extended reach ratchets we Have the 38 drive and we have the Quarter inch Drive uh the model number On the quarter inch is the r 86620 and uh the 38 is the r 86621 a b as a bar tool so if bees at The end of it that's getting it as a Bare tool really haven't seen it kitted With a battery I would recommend getting It kitted with a A 2 a hour battery by The way and I don't have one currently Uh so I've got a 4 amp hour and a 6 amp Hour they're the same size battery as Far as Dimensions uh just more power in These cells uh anyway so you will see There's a little bit more length in the 38 drive otherwise these things are About identical smaller head size on the

Quarter inch Drive um 45 5 footb on the Quarin drive and 55 ft-lb on the 38 Drive also 325 RPM for the quarter inch And 250 RPM for the 38 we'll go ahead And get a measurement on these so the 38 Drive is going to be 19 1 12 In and the quarter inch is just short of 19 maybe 18 and 3/4 inches so looks to Be about 3/4 of an inch difference here Now one of the main differences is again The size of that ratchet head so looks Like one a little less than 1.2 in Across that so a little less than an Inch and a quar 1.1 165 in and then on The 38 Drive 1.48 1.49 so about an inch and a Half so a little more than a quarter Inch difference on uh the diameter or Across the the head of the quarter inch Versus the 38 let's go ahead and get a weight on These and see the difference there so We're going to do it without the battery 2.9 lbs I would say this one's probably Going to be a couple of ounces heavier So 2.9 or 2 lb9 O actually not 2.9 lb 2 Lb 9 oz well that is quite a bit heavier Uh 3B PB so what's that a 7 o difference 16 o and a PB so 2 lb 9 oz 3 lb even so Quite a bit heavier on this so you know What there there it is there because When we go to Actually yeah under an Inch and that's right at an

Inch 0.95 and 985 so a little bit larger all The way through here on the Body now you got me Curious uh 2.25 or 2.22 In yeah I guess I guess we're the same Same thickness in there so the actual Body of it fine but just once it uh the Actual extending part of the ratchet is Quite a bit different between the two so That gives this much more weight now Let's go ahead and weigh both of these With a 4 amp hour battery pack on And with the battery pack 4 lb 1 and 12 Oz and we'll use the same pack so 4 lb 1 12 Oz 4 lb 9 oz again That 4 lb 82 Oz so still getting that 6 o Differential 6 and 1 12 7 o differential And let's just throw the 6 amp hour on There see if there's any difference There yeah 4 lb 9 and2 o so depending on What type of battery somewhere between Four and 5 lb and I'm sure the 2 Amp Hour is could be a whole row of cells Less uh so that's going to lighten Things up quite a bit so definitely Recommend again you know using that Lower profile 2 Amp Hour battery it'll Kind of slim things down here on the end As well as lighten things up I would say That is one of the negatives here on the Rigid ratchet is they don't have a

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12volt line or a smaller voltage line so You've got this larger battery hanging Off the uh the butt end of the ratchet Kind of you know weighing things down However it really shouldn't get in the Way it's just probably more of a Hindrance of having to deal with it all The time but again I wish I had a 2 Amp Hour Slimmer battery that would Definitely Slim those things up on this End we have a lock right here I'm sure That's a trigger lock yes so that's in The lock mode and you cannot press the Trigger and that's going to be on both Of these so slide it forward so when you Throw it in your toolbox or throw it in Your truck uh whatever slide that lock Button and then it's not going to Activate the the ratchet or battery if It rolls into something or hit something Also if I turn that off squeeze the Trigger we've got an LED light here even Though I'm not sure how much light we're Going to shine all the way out there uh To where that ratchet head Is and then switching directions pretty Typical like your conventional ratchets It is kind of sunk beneath the surface So you do kind of reach in there with Your Fingertips I am Curious these are the ratchet knobs uh And these are specific for the Milwaukee I'm just curious if they will work work

With the Rigid well looky there works on that One and works on that one so now Changing the directions on these rigids That's pretty Easy interesting these use uh High Powerered Earth Magnets to to go on and then make it Very easy to shift directions on your Ratchet Head we have three 3/4 in nuts here Attached obviously to bolts we're going To go ahead and torque these down with Our torque wrench to we're going to Start at 25 foot PBS to go 25 uh 35 and 45 and start with the quarter in Ratchet So let's go up Here to 25 ft-lbs there we Go that's at actually 26 go to 35 dead on at 3 5 foot Lb and then we'll go up to 45 so 46.6 now I do have to use a/4 in to 3/8 Adapter because I do not have a 3/4 in Socket for a/ Quin drive we'll make sure We're in Reverse okay there we have it and we'll Start at 25t pen Lb and we'll just pull the Trigger had no problem there now 35t Lbs okay not a typical for a ratchet I'll keep bumping it oh it broke it free Now 45 foot lbs this is what it's rated

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For 45 Ft-lb okay now I'll tell you something On these ratchets it's not that one was Torqued wrong and one was tor correctly It's just that if there's a little bit Of air gap for that socket to move first It will break it free if there's not They really don't have the power to just Come out of the gates if you will but if They have the ability to move a little Bit they will actually uh break the Fasteners free as they're supposed To let's go ahead and go to 50 50.5 and then let's we'll jump 5B Increments to 55 55.8 and we'll go to 60 and 61.1 back in Reverse and here we go at 50 Okay looks like we've stopped deed there But but watch what I'm talking about if I get a run they kind of call this uh NASCAR style get to run at It it's going to break that Free but if I just pull the Trigger it's not going to break it Free so still I think uh it did fine at Breaking Free what they're claiming but Again don't expect these ratchets They're not impact wrenches they're not Right angle impact wrenches if you're

Looking for something to you know bust Them free uh without any input then you Want a 90° or a right angle impact Wrench we're going to go ahead and start At 45 ft-lbs for the 38 Drive here we go 40 47 and we'll go to 55 that's what it's Rated For they're 57.5 and then let's go to 65 10 lbs Over so 65.5 reverse so 45 foot PBS so again see what I'm talking about It's right there there's no gap for it To Move there bump it a few times times it Gets It make sure I'm not loosening that There we go again bump the Trigger and it had room to move and Break that Free but again let me give it some room To Move no problem breaking even 65 foot PBS Free Now here's my question when it comes to Cordless Ratchets since they are not impact Wrenches I know what mechanics are going To do when you're using these things Let's crank this up to 100 foot- PBS when that nut is tight I hope our

Fastener will hold this by the way I don't believe it's going to I think I'm about to break The there's 100 foot Lbs I know what's going to happen when You encounter you're doing that brake Job you're needing to break something Free obviously the ratchet is not going To bust it Loose you're going to give it that old Manual input especially on these Long Reach extended reach ratchets to break That free CU you got all that leverage At your hand so is it going to hold up When you've got 100 ft-lb and you need To break it free well let's find Out yeah no Problem that's what I want to know with A cordless ratchet not will it break it Free with the motor but can I give some Manual input without it flexing braking Cracking and everything else and that Held up absolutely fine I wouldn't Recommend standing on this thing and Breaking Free two and 300 ft-lbs but for 100t lounds and less or something Thereabouts these will be absolutely Fine For we love the extended reach format of The rigid cordless ratchets they have Their Standard Version now they have the Extended reach and the extended reach Cordless ratchets are a big hit among Mechanics and even diyers because it

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Enables them to get further into an area That many times if you're having to use The bulk side of the cordless ratchet May not fit very well so that gets that Head away from that larger body and Enables you to get in those tighter Areas and quite frankly just reach Further as far as actual power we think It's right on par with what they say or What they claim and right in line with Other ratchets that we test that Typically kind of test at at a Standstill they don't quite hit the Number that's claiming but on a you know Getting a run or even having just a a Small window to move just a bit it will Typically break that fasten or free at Where they rated it from and as we Mentioned also we don't put a lot of Weight in that because this is not an Impact wrench It's Not Meant to Break Those Fasteners free at a a huge amount You know it's meant to be a nutr runner Um so running nuts on an off and we saw Once it gets moving it does quite fine Now the quarter inch is going to be a Little bit faster than the 38 drive Again pretty typical uh among cordless Ratchets pricing on these guys are $199 Each and that's as a bare tool so so That is a pretty big pill to swallow to Buy a bare tool cordless ratchet at 200 Bucks again not out of line with others That we've seen uh but just wanted you

To know that so if you're already on the Rigid platform you already have the Batteries again I'd recommend a 2 Amp Hour with these because it's going to Slim these down quite a bit more and be A lighter tool and a Slimmer tool and Still have plenty of power to do so uh So you're going to spend another hundred Bucks or so if you're having to buy a Battery and buy a charger ger uh so Again $199 each they're the same price Whether you're getting the quarter inch Or the 38 drive as well you can buy a Protective head I think for 30 bucks and As with most Rigid power tools if you'll Register the product within 90 days of Purchase then you'll get that LSA or Lifetime service agreement that should Cover the tool and the batteries for a Lifetime of the tool we'll have a link In the description if you care to take a Look also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep Smiling