2 SPEEDS 2 DIRECTIONS – Milwaukee M12 FUEL Cordless Band Files [2482 & 2483]

Just a couple of weeks ago we got our hands on these brand-new @MilwaukeeTool cordless band files, and we couldn’t wait to get them in the shop. It just so happens that a couple of early samples showed up in the shop. We got the Milwaukee 2482 and 2483 M12 FUEL Cordless Brushless Band Files. One uses a 3/8″ x 13″ belt and the other uses a 1/2″ x 18″ belt. Both heads will fit on either band file, and the head will rotate 360 degrees. You also get a Low and High Speed and Forward and Reverse. These are expected to start shipping in February 2023.
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Milwaukee 2482 1/2″ x 18″ Band File:
Milwaukee 2483 3/8″ x 13″ Band File:

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Have you thought about switching to a Cordless band file well Milwaukee's got Two to choose from Got the Milwaukee M12 Fuel band files And it's the model 2482 and the model 2483 which is the 3 8 by 13 inch band File and the half inch by 18 inch band File Milwaukee has made sure to take Advantage of the fact that now we're Cordless and we can do different things With different features that maybe with Air we can't do so let's dive in take a Closer look at both of these and then After that obviously we're going to use Them and then we'll come back and talk About pricing about warranty and what we Think these are the Milwaukee M12 Fuel Band files the 2482 is the half inch by 18 inch band file and the 2483 is the 3 8 by 13 inch band file and these just Released recently and I think we got our Hands on them at SEMA for the first time And uh they they send them to us and so Here we go we're going to try these out And see how well they work I also have a Couple of other questions we want to Answer based off of other band files Especially in the cordless category that We've used in the past and there's some Critical things that really make this Worthwhile especially when you're Looking at either body work or metal Work metal files things like that really Have to hit a couple of key things and

We're going to go over that here in one Moment so again these are the M12 Fuel Band files and one 3 8 and one's half Inch wide and a half inch wide is going To be a longer 18 inch belt bring these Out I have had these out by the way Foreign By the way these are the dash 20 so They'll be bare tool And obviously that's the half inch wide I thought they came with three belts but Apparently not We're gonna throw 4-0 batteries on both Of these And looks like we've got an 80 grit belt Here a 60 grit belt there And we'll take a look at the belts we Have on here in just one moment now one Of the cool things about these that we Noticed at the show is the fact that They're able to rotate the head 360 Degrees and those aren't index locations So they're not pre-stops if you will you Can literally turn this anywhere you Want to 360 degrees and that goes for Both of these tools So rather the 2482 or the 2483 you can Flip that lever turn this wherever you Need it for the best access and lock it Down and that's where it's going to be If I turn these tools around you'll also See we have some different controls on The tool as well so we have a speed one And a speed two so obviously one's one

Slower and one's faster than the other And we also have where we can change Directions on the tool as well so just Hitting the mode button is going to Cycle between one and two if I hold the Mode button down that's going to cycle Between forward and reverse So one single button to control that I Don't think that's too confusing Sometimes when you have a single button Controlling three or four different Things that's kind of a pain but we only Have basically one separate selection in Each category that's not hard to Understand hold it down to switch for One of them and just push it and release To select between the speeds so again Pretty easy to do so that's really nice Because sometimes you get in an area Where you can only get upside down and Sideways and to be able to change that Direction and it will help out many Times so anyway that's really cool that On either one of these tools you can Switch speeds as well as be able to Switch directions And have that indexing not really Indexing but being able to rotate that Head 360 degrees Now here's a really cool thing Number one easy to access these belts so Thumb screw right here no tools needed Loosen that a little the cover flies Open and then all I have to do is

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Basically pull this in So you'll see here when it compresses And it will actually lock into place so Now that's locked in I can take this Belt off And then when I want to put the belt Back on So I can put my new belt on And then just push this It extends out and now that belt's nice And tight and again I can index that Wherever I want to now let's push that Back in Lock it into place take the belt off and Then we'll notice something here This will slide right off so if the Belt's off the clamp is open this will Slide off now let me show you something Else so this is the 2482 or three I think this is 2483 is The smaller one anyway this is the 13 Inch Here is the 18 inch so again let's get This Let's get this belt off I'll push that In lock that Get that belt off And now flip this lever take this off Put that over here lock it down so Either one of these tools will run both Of these heads so arguably if they sold The heads you could buy one unit and Basically just have two heads and be Able to swap those out if you want to so

I thought that was pretty cool that There's no difference in these two tools So that you can change out the heads I Believe they still both you know run the Same RPM we'll check that here in a Moment and so that's not going to change Anything obviously just select your Speed and you're good and just like on The shorter one push this in and that's Going to lock into place there you go And now I can put that band on there Which let's take a look Uh oh great so there's no marking on Here at all that looks like it may be The same grit so apparently they're Probably both 80 grit or both 60 grit Belts on this case maybe 160 180 but There's zero marking on here they Probably cut this out of a large uh out Of a large belt and this is just an area Where it doesn't have the writing on it Anyway I'm going to put that on And you have to have it all the way back There in the groove And then it will fit on the front roller And again you just push this right here And you'll see this extend and the belt Get tight There we go so pre-tensioned Flip this up Clamp that down and now you're ready to Go So pretty cool these heads will change Out man the same thing on

This guy as well No marking on the second one uh again Looks like it looks like 60 grit on that As well so it looks like probably both Of these have 60 60 grit belts I'll put the new ones on both here Again Get it back here in the groove and then It will slip on the roller and now I can Just push this Tightens the belt and we're ready to go So very easy to change out belts and Let's talk about belts while we're here Something that's really important in the Industry at least the metal working Slash automotive industry when looking At band files when it comes to grinding On metal people are going to have their Favorites when it comes to belts there Are some cordless companies that have Some band files that have a very Proprietary size therefore you have to Buy their bands and they don't work so Great on metal my work final would but If you're into metal working in Automotive then you're working on metal Anyway these are standard sizes so both Of these you can buy a 3M cubatron you Can buy Norton so those are those are Big names in the metal working industry In automotive industry that people Believe in those those Brands and They're going to go to their welding Supply house or their automotive supply

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House or wherever they buy their Industrial stuff and they'll be able to Buy the half inch by 18 or the 3 8 by 13 Inch in Norton or 3M or even Empire Abrasives things like that uh these are Common sizes and so you can buy the Different belts even getting into Scotch Brite and things like that where you can Do get into polishing that's a very Important thing so I would love to see That in these that that Milwaukee didn't Come out with some proprietary size Locking someone into buying only their Belts Another cool feature here is we get a LED light so shine in the area if we're Grinding in that area you know if we've Got it in a funky location that light's Not going to help us much but again it's There if we can use it safety trigger so Obviously got to flip that forward Before you can pull it you just try to Pull the trigger it's not going to Engage All right so one of the main things uh a Band file is used for especially in Automotive would be in Bodywork and that Would be removing spot welds so that Body panels can be removed and new door Skins put on new Fender Skins new Quarter panel skins things like that and I've got a fender here I think it's off An old Z28 or maybe even a Trans Am Anyway we're going to hit some of these

Spot wheels so all along the fender rail Here this is where where the hood would Be closing but anyway I've got some some Areas marked there where there are spot Welds and we'll go ahead and grind those Out see how well number one the belt is Going to do number two you know is the Tool powerful enough and we'll use the Uh we'll we'll start with the 3 8 here And we'll just see does it have the guts To actually do what we need it to do Okay we'll get this in a comfortable Spot That seems to be about right I'm going to start in one and then we'll Switch to two Foreign Looks like we're through that one I'm going to turn this up into two I believe we're almost through that one Yeah I believe we're through that one as Well I'm gonna get this top Edge Yeah we're through that one as well All right Yep So now we get all three of those So definitely not an issue with the Power and the belt seems to be blasting Decent as well Thank you And looks like it got that one broken Free too so I've done one two three four Five six seven eight nine uh looks like I could easily get 10 spot welds out of

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A belt if I was careful I could probably Get a lot more uh but definitely the Power to cut through these no problem at All In addition to spot welds obviously There's just general use uh whether You're you know sanding in between Banisters on wood or in between you know Columns or you know different Places where you need kind of a tight Reach or you have a tight reach or Things like this when you're cutting Metal tubing and you always have those Sharp metal shards inside that tubing Well I can get in there with this band Valve and clean that up rather quickly Even the bigger stuff Or if I needed to grind that seam out of There Now that seems gone And it's nice and flat in there so Obviously the ability to get into places Where your grinder or regular sanding Pad six inch Sanders not going to get And I can do that even into the corners Of say angle Whether I'm beveling out a weld Or actually just getting in the corner So a lot of uses for band files as for Grinding out spot Wells this thing does Absolutely fine the 3 8 and the half Inch obviously the half inch is going to Cut a a bigger head or a bigger spot so In those larger spot weld areas you may

Want to use the half inch but when You're trying to keep a little bit Cleaner then obviously the 3 8 is going To be the better choice for you now as Far as the belt's concerned you know it Lasted I don't know what'd we say 10 Spot welds so you know if if that seems Kind of down for you well you can change To whatever belt you want to as I Mentioned 3M cubatron Norton Empire all Of them make belts for this this is a Common size a 3 8 by 13 and the half Inch by 18. that was something we didn't Like about another cordless model of a Band file was that it was more of a Proprietary size and you couldn't get The common companies that make metal Working sanding belts to work with their Unit so we love the fact that Milwaukee Came out with something that's kind of Standard guys so you can get the belts That you want as well as even getting Into Scotch Brite where you'll be Polishing things and whether it be Polishing welds or kind of polishing the Bins and and metal or stainless steel or Whatever it may be you can still do so Hey so check these out they should be Hitting the shelves look for some time Late February is when kind of the Expected ship date is price on these They're a little bit Stout they're about 250 bucks a piece but if if you've ever Priced a a high-end pneumatic belt

Sander or finger belt sander or band File whatever you call these it's up There as well so they're not Out Of Reach by any means and we love the fact That these heads will change and you can Easily take them off and that you can Easily basically put this in any Location that you want to clamp it down And you're good to go so love these Things we'll find more and more uses for Them but they work great so check out The 2482 the 2483 M12 fuel band files From Milwaukee also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video and give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day keep Smiling and by all means have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year