6 Tools to Paint a Room Faster & Better

Will these 6 tools help you paint a room faster and better? Watch and find out!
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Edge Trimmer –
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3” Maxi Trimmer –
Corner Tool –
18” Roller Cover –
18” Roller –
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Today I'm looking at six tools to help you paint 
a room faster and better there's two more We just bought this property and it came with these nice 
red walls but it's not 1995. so the red has got   To go so this is gonna be the perfect opportunity 
to test these tools and see if they're faster and   Better most paint jobs start with cutting in 
and so we'll test one of those tools first and   That is The Edge Trimmer so this is supposed to 
make it faster and also you think the packaging   Even says it eliminates the need for tape and 
if I wasn't clear I'm testing these tools and   We're going to see if they actually do make it 
faster and better versus in this case just a   Brush all right so I've always seen these little 
paint trimmers and they've always seemed like a   Gimmick to me we're gonna find out if they 
are but right out of the gate I am not too   Impressed uh these little rollers were kind of 
all out of whack and I had to pull them out and   Put them back in there and it just doesn't 
look like it's going to roll real smooth so   I don't know let's just uh try it out all 
right I'm gonna load this thing up man like   I said I've never used one before and they say 
just to dip it in there and now we can roll it   On the wall so I already got a little bit of 
paint on this roller and they say you have to   Make sure you keep those clean uh so yeah hopes 
are not high all right let's see how it works Okay okay going back up so first thoughts 
obviously you'd probably need to get this   Loaded up because that first streak was not good 
at all but when I came back by uh it's kind of   Okay but it's definitely still streaky and there's 
a lot of paint built up on the edge here which is   Going to cause a problem if I don't brush that 
out and make it kind of flow in so I'm going to   Load it up a little bit more paint and go through 
it again and then we'll look at it after I get   This whole side done all right I got a lot more 
paint on here this time let's see how this works Thing in there all right so the edge painter 
First Impressions I do not like it and it did   Put a lot of paint on the wall but the problem 
was is that it got paint on the trim that did   Not come from the rollers it actually came from 
the pad here also it had a lot of paint build up   Right on the edge here and when it dried it left 
a ridge which I'm gonna have to either sand down   Or I'd have to brush it out anyway if I was doing 
it while the paint was still wet one area this is   Definitely not good at is up against a corner and 
like this chair rail because you can't really get   It going and at the end you're gonna have to use a 
brush anyway and then lastly is just a little bit   Streaky because you're just going up and down and 
not left to right so it kind of had little spots   Where it was a little more dry than the other 
so this one is from bear love their paint but   Uh I'm not digging the roller and there's lots of 
different varieties out there and my assumption   Is going to be they're pretty much all the same 
I like to think that I know how to paint pretty   Well because I used to own rentals when I was 
younger I probably painted over 200 rooms in my  

Lifetime so if I can't figure it out the average 
person probably won't be able to figure out either   But if I got something wrong let me know in the 
comments all right the second tool that we're   Going to check out is uh this little Foam Guy 
right here and this is called the three inch Maxi   Trimmer and basically it's just a foam roller and 
it's a little bit bigger than some of those little   Small jobbies so it says that it will hold a lot 
of paint and save you a lot of time and this is   Perfect to test out in spots like here where you 
can't use a big roller and you don't want to hand   Rush the whole thing so let's see how it works 
now there are definitely some spots here that I'm   Going to just have to get with the brush so I'm 
going to go ahead and get those and got everything   Taped up but except for the outlet cover day 
one of landlording school they teach you how to   Paint around those that's perfect we call that one 
the landlord special but seriously folks for all   That is good and holy make sure that you take off 
your light switches and your outlet covers before   Painting so I feel like hitting areas like this 
you may as well just use the brush because you've   Got to cut in around everything anyway and we'll 
use the roller on the top and the bottom part I've   Got everything cut in and now I'm going to go in 
here in this little spot with the foamy and see if   It does it a lot faster than brushing and if it's 
a better finish than the brushing better coverage Now the paint is dry and I'll show you some 
close-ups here in a minute but I've got to say   The little Maxi trimmer I'm digging it it's got 
a lot more coverage than one of these little hot   Dog rollers has just because there's a lot more 
foam there it's also a coarser foam than these   Little rollers that I've used before so I think 
that helps it hold more paint and distribute more   Paint as you're rolling it on so when you look 
at the wall the coverage is definitely a lot   Better than with the paintbrush on just one coat 
now you can see there are a few little Spots I'm   Not sure if that shows up on camera but in the 
brushing area you can definitely see some areas   Where I've kind of brushed too hard and brushed 
away the paint so I'm going to give this one a   Thumbs up especially if you have a lot of areas 
of little small patches I would go with it if you   Just have something small you know a foot by two 
foot just brush it but if you have a lot to do I'd   Definitely pick one of these up now the third tool 
to give you faster and better paint job is this   And that is painters tape and this one is a bit 
controversial because some people love painters   Tape and other people think you're a hack if you 
use it personally I use it sometimes and sometimes   I don't and I'll tell you when and why but one 
thing I think we can all agree upon is that   If you use painters tape you are going to get a 
better job but probably not a faster job and I've   Never really timed myself to see how much extra 
time it takes to put up the tape and then how   Much more time it saves as you're going quickly 
across because you have protected your surfaces   Versus trying to get that line just right with the 
paintbrush so I'm going to use this wall to find   Out I mentioned this wall and it's a 126 inches 
wide and so I put a tape line right down the  

Middle at 63 inches on the left side over here I'm 
going to tape the crown molding the chair rail as   Well as the baseboards now on the right side I'm 
not going to tape anything off and I'm going to do   It by hand I'm going to see how long it takes me 
in between the two and also more importantly we're   Going to check out the quality difference and see 
how well I can hold a line and how different it   Looks from the taped version all right I'm going 
to start with the left side and do the taping and   I have a laptop right here with a stopwatch on it 
I'm going to let it roll through the whole thing   So you can know that it's exactly at the right 
time this video is sponsored by a scotch painters   Tape and that's the painters tape I'll be using 
they have a whole family of different products for   Any surface that you have and I'll be talking 
more about them as I go start the clock now After cleaning all the surfaces I started 
with the crown molding with the scotch blue   Original painters tape number 2090. this is a 
great multi-surface painters tape and this is   The same one that diy-ers and professionals have 
been trusting for over 30 years now since I just   Painted the chair rail yesterday I'm using Scotch 
delicate surface painters tape number 2080. this   One is perfect for fresh paint that's been cured 
at least 24 hours and it has Edge lock technology   To help the paint from seeping through and on 
the baseboards I'm using the scotch blue sharp   Lines painters tape number 2093. this one is 
great for smooth to lightly textured surfaces   Just like this trim and it also has the edge 
lock technology Scotch brand has a whole family   Of tapes to match any surface that you want to 
protect it makes getting that prep job easy so   You can get your best results in your painting 
now I'm going to have links Down Below in the   Description to all these items and a big thank you 
to Scotch brand for sponsoring today's video all   Right I'm going to pause this here 7 minutes and 
19 seconds because we need to let the tape set up   For about 30 minutes before we paint so I'm going 
to switch over to this one and I'll come back to   The 719 after I'm done all right now I'm going to 
paint as good as I can with no tape starting now All right six minutes and 42 seconds so just 
slightly less than the time it took me to do   All the taping I'm gonna wait a few more minutes 
and then we'll do the tape all right now I'm gonna   Paint the tape side and I'll add whatever time 
is here to the 719 it took the tape starting now Please All right four minutes and nine seconds 
I'm gonna clean up let this dry a little   Bit and then we'll take a look at the 
results now of course with tape you   Do need to take it off and I'm going to 
score it with a box cutter because it's   Now dry cut the line and then pull it off 
so go ahead and time that too starting now Two and a half minutes for that all right 
so here's how it All Shook out it took me   A little over seven minutes to tape the wall over 
here another four minutes to paint it in another   Two and a half minutes to get all the tape off cut 
it and of course there was the drying time within  

There so in total it took me just over 14 minutes 
on the other side it took me just under seven   Minutes to do the painting without any taping at 
all over here now that is just for one coat so if   We did two coats it would take me another seven 
minutes here taking me to 14 minutes here but it   Would only take me another four minutes over on 
this side so if you're doing multiple coats then   Actually the time is going to get a bit closer 
but for one coat it's about twice the time for   Painting so you'll definitely be investing time 
doing the taping but the quality results are   Definitely better if you're a painter like me and 
I thought I was doing a really good job but going   Back and inspecting the non-tape side I definitely 
ran over in quite a few spots and uh you know you   Can even tell it from a few feet away and if you 
really get up on it you can see where I just kind   Of got over onto the trim so that would need to 
be touched up or you know redone if I wanted to   Have it looking good or just look how it looks 
so is tape going to help you pay faster probably   Not but it's definitely going to give you a better 
result if you have tape protecting your trim it's   Not going to get drips or hits with a roller or 
a brush that might make you have to go back and   Touch up later so definitely gives you a line 
of protection and that quality so I'll leave   That up to you whether the tape is right for your 
job for me I'm going to keep doing the crown and   The chair rails and in the baseboards you know 
I'll do it where I really want to have a great   Job maybe in the kids room I'll skip the tape so 
everything is everything is in the room except for   Eigner and this next tool number 
four is a corner trim tool a Many people want to know about it because 
I can't think of an easier place to paint   Than the corner with a brush it goes so 
fast so uh yeah it's just this little   Foamy bristle thing and um let's give 
it a try maybe it's going to be amazing   Part about to dip this thing in here and get 
going but one thing I did notice is the way in   It it's got the little hairs on the top and then 
the little foam pad underneath I'm wondering if I   Just didn't get enough paint into the pad on that 
edge roller so for this one I'm going to make sure   I get some paint into that foamy pad and then 
you know maybe it'll go all that in one stroking   Be the best thing I've ever seen all right 
we're just gonna start up here in this corner On there let me really push it in oh 
there we go just gonna push harder Oh no I overdid it let me go back this honestly 
was not as bad as I thought it was gonna be uh   You definitely have to push in to get it into the 
actual corner and then after I think the second   Stroke if I had to stop it would have actually 
been pretty okay but it's still the brush is   Just as fast and how many corners do you have 
in a room four typically uh but not that many So I'm just gonna stick with 
the brush because painting   Corners is just about the easiest thing you can do All right now it's time to roll the 
walls and Tool number five is one  

That I've really been wanting to try out 
and these are roller covers I have always   Typically used just this standard nine inch 
roller but I've always seen the pros using   This guy please be kind in the comments uh this is 
an 18 incher and this is obviously twice the size   So does it actually make it twice as fast how hard 
or easy is it to use let's find out so I'm going   To start with both of the rollers loaded with 
paint so for the nine inch one let's get going now All right four minutes and 15 seconds not bad now 
again I know I'm not the fastest pair of the world   Or the best and let me know do you like the W's 
or straight up and down or what's your favorite   Pattern for the walls let me get the 18 inch 
roller we'll do this side all right I'm ready   With the 18 incher but first off this bucket 
is massive you look at the size of this little   Nine inch roller in it it is just ridiculous 
I've got it all loaded up as much as I can   We're gonna see how long this one takes All right Two minutes and 11 seconds so yeah twice the 
size half the time so believe the hype uh 18 inch   Roller is absolutely amazing and actually one of 
the things that I like about it the most is you've   Got support on both ends so when you have just 
the nine inch roller it's cantilevered on one end   And so you're always kind of pushing and you get 
more pressure on one side versus the other with   This double support it's all even pressure and it 
makes it a lot easier to get an even coat of paint   So absolutely if you're painting a big area get 
one of these it's going to save you a ton of time   I'm definitely interested in this next one as well 
because I was using it and this is a little grate   That you hang over the side of a bucket instead 
of using a tray pan and a liner so I can see some   Definite advantages over this I think with the 
speed you're going to get is not having to clean   Up as much because there's no tray or liner to 
clean up so we're going to try this out see how   It works now the idea here is that it's going 
to act just like a trade it has the little gray   There to wipe off the paint but instead of having 
to fill it up you can go right to the source and   You don't have to be using a five gallon bucket 
worth of paint you could pour other Paints in here   And then put a cap on it to save it so you don't 
have to go through the cleaning but uh we're just   Going to put this right down in here I'm assuming 
you can't do this on like a super full five gallon   Bucket but maybe like in the three to four gallon 
range all right so now I can just fit the entire   Roller down in here and I'm just going to go and 
dip it on the paint down there foreign distribute   It and roll it off right and excuse the cardboard 
box over the window filming in all afternoon sun   It's getting a little crazy here all right so 
let's see how much paint this actually is okay   So yeah I definitely get about the same amount of   Paint here let me go back and forth 
a few times and see how this feels Even just using this in this small little 
section I can already tell what I like and  

I don't like about this and I gotta tell you I 
am torn so I like it I think it's great because   It's getting a lot more coverage on the roller 
in this great really just distributes it a lot   Better than the pan and those little ribs 
on the tray and I always find myself with   Not enough paint in the tray because I don't 
want to fill it back up and see if I can get   More out of it and that leads to even less paint 
on the roller so I really love it that you just   Have the constant source of paint with the grit 
but the reason that I'm torn is because of this   Guy the one she told you not to worry about 
this guy is so much better at putting a ton   Of paint on there and this will not fit into a 
five gallon bucket so you'll probably want to   Use the grate when you're painting a larger 
area because it's with a five gallon bucket   But if you're going to be doing that why wouldn't 
you just use this and this does not fit with the   Grate so I will probably be using this with the 
bigger tray and still have to fill it up but now   What if we had a 10 gallon bucket 
I'm so glad that red is finally If you want to take a tour of the new 
property to see the rest of the house   And the shop I've got that video queued 
up for you right there a big thank you   To the fdbt builders club I'm Brad get 
out there and build something awesome
