First Time for Everything – RIDGID 18V Brushless 12″ Chainsaw Review

RIDGID RO1101VNM 18-volt Brushless 12-inch Chainsaw will be available at the Home Depot online only. Due to be available in Spring 2023 for $189 as a bare tool. The RIDGID chainsaw will be covered by the Lifetime Service Agreement (LSA), if you register the tool within 90 days of the purchase.
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[Applause] No you're not seeing things Ridgid Actually has a chainsaw [Music] This is a brand new chainsaw from Ridgid It's a 12 inch 18 volt chainsaw Brushless motor and they're coming out With it this spring yes you can't buy This yet but you will be able to in the Next couple of weeks let's not waste any More time let's take a look at these Features and then we'll use this and Then come back and talk about pricing And warranty And the Ridgid fans say hallelujah we Finally got a chainsaw this is the rigid Model number Ro1101vnm and it's their 12 inch Brushless 18 volt chainsaw now initially You will only get this in a tool only Format I'm sure they will come out with A kit that includes the battery as well And initially this will be a Home Depot Online only as well so only to Get this tool so let's check out this 12 Inch chainsaw you see here's where the Battery goes here in the side right at First glance I will tell you it's kind Of an in-betweener I would call it it's Not a small saw by any means and it's Not a big saw so it's definitely not too Cumbersome or too large but it is quite Lengthy and it's only a 12 inch saw now Again this is not knocking this is just

Pointing this out if you're looking for A baby chainsaw or a little tiny Chainsaw this is really not it Um at the same time are you going to be Failing trees with this no this is not The saw for that either I don't believe We haven't used it yet and we'll find That out here in a few moments but with A 12 inch bar and chain uh thin curve Again this is meant to be trimming Things up Storm cleanup you know taking Care of those four and six inch branches That sort of thing and it is pretty easy To handle because it does have a larger Body and just to give you some reference But you see the size difference if we Line up the bars right there and you see The body is sticking out quite a bit Further now again this is a top handle Saw meant to be light and compact also Meant to be more of a kind of a Professionalist kind of saw the top Handles you're typically what an Arborist would carry up the tree so if You're thinking about skipping Treetops That'd be the soil you'd want to grab But anyway regardless just showing you The size reference on that saw and to Give you a length idea And by the way this is with the the 12 Inch bar right at 26 inches of overall Length on this saw from the back here to The front and to the top of the handle I Don't know you're looking at eight

Inches if you look at the brake handle Right at nine inches so Not that you're ever worried about how Tall a saw is and then width-wise yeah I Would say that's pretty typical pretty Standard you know on the saw of this Side it's only about eight inches wide So nothing too narrow or too wide about This at all nor the height but on the Length you are going to get about 26 Inches and as far as usable uh bar space Probably right at 10 inches yeah so You're looking at dead on at 10 inches a Little past on the tip of the chain Now as I mentioned it does not come with A battery but I believe what they're Recommending is going with a six amp Hour of their Max output batteries to Pair with this they're claiming a Hundred Cuts per battery charge they Don't say anything about what those Hundred cuts are whether it's Twigs or Balsa wood or whatever it is but I would Assume something like a three by three Post or four by four post it's three and A half by three and a half I'm just assuming typically that's what They'll you know State those claims on Regardless we'll show you some real World stuff of what this six amp hour Battery will do here we have the oil Tank there so somewhat translucent it Looks like we'll put some oil in there And actually see how translucent it is

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For the time being here's our break so We have a chain break does sound like It's not an electronic it's actually a Physical chain break So there you see the chain Works Chain Break on chain does it work Let's throw that Chain Break back on I'm Going to throw this battery in here Bring over a scale And let's see how much this thing weighs With the battery So nine pounds two and a half ounces not Not too bad not too bad at all so not Exactly a light saw but not a heavy saw At all You know the the uh the weight of the Oil is going to add a little bit but We're talking ounces not not pounds Take this battery back out And let's take a look here uh so it Looks like so once we have the Chain Break off then all we have to do is Slide this back to activate the trigger Because you'll see it kind of locks out The trigger see the triggers locked out Until I pull that back and then I can Engage the trigger so that looks like The only safety mechanism outside of the Chain break so there's no power button You have to turn on or anything else Once you slide the battery in it's Active and ready to go let's confirm That Chain break on

No trigger because I have the Safety Lock on so pull the safety lock back Grab the trigger still Nothing powering let's throw this off There we go That was another thing I was curious About some of the early model chainsaws Really had a slow reaction to the Trigger pull looks like that starts Pretty quick Maybe not even a quarter second delay I Wouldn't call that really any delays Yeah let's call it a quarter of a second But I know some of the there were some Early saws and even later on where some Of the manufacturers just really slow Off the trigger did not like that at all Let's take a look behind the guard Battery out And let's see where our scrunch is Hiding we're hoping there's a scratch Here somewhere oh look at there so yeah We have a stretch in here tucked away Nicely I will say it looks like a little Rubber Yep a little rubber thing in there That's holding that in So this little piece of rubber looks Like it's actually holding that wrench In So it slides in here so that's kind of Captivating it as well and then you got To push that down and that locks that in So not a bad design there I like to see

That it's not just sitting in there Bose Has to slide in and then push down past That rubber piece and looks like we get A fold out hanger as well Like to see that integrated also So here's our stretch Save that for another time Okay so it looks like our pin here for Actually adjusting the chain tension is Right here on the case You see the screw on this side Double nut design I love that love to See the double bar nut retention And here's our bar Looks like a Six two one two three four five six yeah So a six tooth sprocket And you'll see here so I can spin that By hand but throw the brake on so we Actually get a physical break and that's Basically a you'll have a piece that Goes or wraps around this whole clutch Here and a big old band that actually Locks that into place If we were to take this plate off we Would see that and here's our Oiler Right here as well so we've got a Self-oiler and that's where that oil Comes out from the tank And that oil comes in and actually goes Through this hole right here now here's One thing to know if you're new to Chainsaws flip these things up Upside down

Every now and then you know use this Three or four times then take your bar Off turn it over turn your chain around Add and then utilize it this way these Bars are meant to work both ways and That keeps the keeps the bar from Wearing out too fast on one side and and Also make sure you run this thing with Oil looks like we get a 3 8 chain with a O43 gauge and looks like a 45 tooth so Thin curve chain which is expected on a Small battery powered or cordless Chainsaw now one thing I'm always Interested in is chain speed on these And this claims to have a 10 meter per Second chain speed what does 10 meters Per second get us well just uh just for Giggles uh steel Um Ms-180 so that's a typical homeowner saw Okay it has 10 000 RPM Of no load RPM that means at the Sprocket is turning 10 000 RPM well if We're getting 10 meters per second That's going to equate to 32.8 feet per Second And if we want to change that in to Minutes then uh we're just going to take And multiply that times 60 and we're Going to get 1968 Feet per Minute Well we're still not to RPM yet so we're Going to take our calipers here we know

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We have a six tooth sprocket well how Far does six teeth get us that's a great Question so let's measure 16th which will be the this first tooth And then the seventh tooth so one two Three four five six And we're going to call that 4.5 inches So if we take 4.5 Inches we've got 1968 feet there's a Couple of ways we can do this we'll take 1968 Times 12 that should give us inches Because this is feet right so that times 12 is going to give us 23 316. divide That by four and a half because this is Inches and that should give us our RPM And if we do that if we divide that into That that comes out to 51.81 RPM Okay so roughly half of a steal that to Me really doesn't tell me a lot that's a That's a gas powered saw it relies on RPM to actually build torque a little Two-cycle engine like 30cc so a lot Different than an electric chainsaw that Has torque you know 100 of torque right Off the bat with battery power with Electric motors but just wanted to share That and again kind of show what a Typical 12 inch saw might have in terms Of RPM or chain speed versus this one Okay with those just barely snugged we Want to check our chain tension which by The way on your chain tension when you

Pull it down pretty firmly you should Barely be to see the top of that tooth Now I will say initially on the first Run it's going to stretch pretty quick So I'm going to give it another little Adjustment here there we go So where I can just barely get it down To see the tips maybe even a little more Because like I said that thing is going To stretch definitely out of the gate Really quick and I'm going to tension This down And then one thing I did notice while we Were taking that apart and that is I'm going to call these something and I'm going to get a lot of hate mail I Call these bucking spots you can call Them whatever you want to I don't like Them when they're plastic and a saw like This it probably really doesn't matter But my point is if you're going to put These then put me a set of metal Aluminum I don't care steel aluminum but These spikes here the plastic ones if You're going to use these they really Don't do anything so I'd rather see a Set of metal ones there or not put it in At all typically you're using that to Kind of bury into the wood and use that For leverage But again probably useless on this saw For for what it's used for but if it is Going to be useful then put me some Metal ones on there not a huge deal at

All but just wanted to point that out Let's go use this thing All right let's get some oil in this Decent sized oil tank for sure We have a full six amp hour battery By the way room for expansion on a Larger size battery [Applause] Seems like it may take a couple of Seconds to get up to full speed another One That's maybe a second and a half to get The full speed and by the way this log Measures about seven inches across here A little more than seven inches across Here a little more than eight inches Across here so we're going to call this Seven and a half inches [Applause] Oh [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] This thing Cuts very well but we've got A brand new chain on it really doesn't Have the power to lay a lot into it and I didn't expect that this is a large log To be cutting with this you know 10 inch Biting chain now I know we've got a 12 Inch bar but really it's about 10 of Working inches if you will so I can't Expect this to be doing you know again Tree falling and again this is a larger

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Sized tree than you would typically be Using with this let's make a couple more Cuts anyway And also you'll see let me get into this A little bit [Applause] [Applause] I cut too thin of a cookie to do what I Wanted to so let me cut another one [Applause] This is where I wanted to talk about the Bucking spikes so you see here where I'm Biting into that log and I'm using that For leverage to kind of bury that chain And I'm not putting a lot of Leverage on It but that's where those become useful Initially can I get some bite on it yeah But over time those will wear out but Again on this saw I really think it Really doesn't make any difference Whatsoever whether they have them or They don't [Applause] So we've cut one two three four five six Cookies already on this we're calling it A seven and a half inch log I've got three out of four bars left Let's make a couple more cuts So I will say I haven't cut it out yet I Haven't really been laying into it but It hasn't gone into a cutout yet let's See what happens Okay there we go so finally cut it out I Was really leaning into it

See if I just pull the trigger again Yeah we're good Down to half a battery and we got one Two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. [Applause] Okay looks like we uh spent a battery Yeah we're down to one bar okay we're Going to change out the battery to a Fresh six amp hour battery This is a More understanding log I would say That's probably four inches across here And probably six six and a half so maybe Even seven inches this way but still a Lot smaller log that makes more sense of What we may tackle with this saw [Applause] Thank you Foreign [Applause] Make a little more sense Typical storm cleanup stuff [Applause] This rigid 18 volt brushless 12-inch Chainsaw landed almost exactly where we Thought it would in terms of performance If you're already invested in the Ridgid 18 volt platform and you need a great All-around saw for around the home then This will be a great saw for you price On this is going to be 189 dollars for The bear tool so without battery without Charger you're looking at 190 bucks and

It will be available at the only you won't find this In the stores at least not initially now We were pretty impressed with the number Of cuts that we got on a single battery And by the way once we got further up That log it was truly at least eight Inch in diameter and growing as we went Further because we were getting closer To the bottom or to the trunk side of That trunk so you're looking at 15 and Two-thirds cuts through this freshly Fallen Oak very wet Florida oak tree so By all means pretty impressed when it Comes to battery duration or the actual Amount of cuts you can get off a single Battery I think if you're cutting Smaller stuff you're definitely going to Get into that you know 50 60 100 cuts And going to cut pretty much all you Want off one battery with two batteries I think you're going to stay going for Quite some time hey check this saw out For yourselves also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and by all means if you hated our Video well then give us a thumbs down But would you let us know in the Comments why otherwise would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already have a great day And keep smiling