Metabo HPT WR36DE Mid Torque Impact Wrench Review

Does the Metabo HPT WR36DE Mid-Torque Impact Wrench have the guts to make it in your shop? We put the 36-volt multi-volt impact wrench to the test to let you decide. The 36-volt brushless motor delivers up to 2,400 RPM and 3,400 BPM through a variable speed trigger.

Metabo HPT WR36DE Impact Wrench:

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We've got the Metabo 36 volt mid torque Impact wrench [Music] This is the Metabo model number Wr36de and it's their half inch mid Torque impact wrench rated at somewhere Around 750 foot-pounds for a loosening Torque but before we divulge too much Information on this let's go ahead and Take it over and take a closer look at The features and then we'll take it over To the test beds and actually see what We get out of it now with this kit you Get the impact wrench you get the two Two and a half amp hour 36 volt Batteries and uh the charger all in one Kit and we have a half inch hog ring Style or friction ring style Anvil a Very cool looking Anvil much different Than most of the anvils that you see on Impact wrenches don't know if that's Going to play out in anything but just a Totally different design than what you Typically see in anvils we also have a Rubber nose cone here that looks like It's going to provide some protection Our LED light is coming here from right Below the center of the Anvil and then Shining up on the area of the Fastener And then we have a typical directional Lever here for forward and reverse we Also get a variable speed trigger then We get a brushless motor and we get ip56 Rating on this for dust and water

Intrusion a very comfortable gripple Here so nice and ergonomic Now power on This or at least speed on this is zero To 2400 RPM depending on what speed you Have it in but Max is going to be 2400 RPM and Max on the impacts per minute or Blows per minute is going to be 3 400. Now when it comes to power they're Saying 568 foot-pounds of tightening Torque and 774 foot-pounds of nut Busting or loosening torque with this Tool let's go ahead and get a weight Measurement on this and height with that Two and a half amp hour battery you're Looking at 10 and three quarter inches Just short of 11 inches and from the Back of the tool the front of the tool Looking at right at six and three Quarter inches on that so just short of Seven inches just short of 11 tall just Short of seven long and then across the Width of the tool you're looking right At three inches on the width Now let's go ahead and get a weight And with that two and a half amp hour Battery Look at that five pounds 13 ounces so About a quarter pound shy of of six Pounds so five and three quarter pounds About an ounce above that so five pounds 13 ounces Now here on the base of the tool we have Two buttons here which is a mode button And a power or speed button so we have

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Four different speeds or four different Power modes and then we have the mode Button and literally the mode button is Just going to take it in and out of Auto Stop which is going to allow the tool to Automatically stop when it senses that a Bolt is loosened and automatically Stopped when it senses that the bolt is Tightened to keep from over tightening Say a lug nut or countersinking Something too far it will stop on the Titan side and then the loosening as Well keep from you know slinging a bolt Or slinging a nut across the across the Shop across the floor across the uh Wherever you're working So the speed modes one through four they Are going to act like they would on like An impact driver in other words it's Going to control Reverse as well as forward so I've got It in low I've got it in speed one and So our Max on that's going to be 1500 RPM in both forward and reverse so it is Going to limit the power output on the Reverse side as well many times on Impact wrenches especially your mid Torques and high torques many times the The reverse torque stays at 100 percent Not the case on that it's going to back That down as well if you have it in Speed one two or three it's going to be Limited on both reverse and forward so 1500 RPM and low and then in Speed 2

You're looking at 1800 RPM Speed 3 2100 And speed 4 2400 and we also get a Variable speed trigger so we can go you Know make it as slow as we want to even In high speed And then based on the input of the Trigger is going to then determine how Much power how much speed that we're Delivering to the Anvil now we don't Need this belt clip where we're going so We'll go ahead and Get rid of that guy And let's take this over and give it a Workout all right here's how this is Going to work we have our Metabo HPT Wr36de mid torque impact wrench with a Full 36 volt battery ready to go we have our Socket on you see we have some different Indexing marks on the socket just to Help you be able to identify help us to Be able to identify when the socket Starts turning now we will torque each One of these Fasteners and you can see They get larger as we go down we will Start the first one at 150 foot-pounds Then we'll go to 200 300 400 then 500 600 700 and so forth until we can Actually find the fastening torque that The Metabo will not release or will not Loosen We will let the Metabo hammer or impact On that fastener for up to 10 seconds if It is starting to move that Faster by

The 10 second Mark we will let it go Ahead and finish that if it's not moving At that 10 second Mark then we'll call It and that will be it and it will get The previous score of the previous Faster whatever that was torqued to We're starting at 150 foot-pounds Because that's our high torque fastening Tool or torquing tool the lowest it will Go is 150 foot-pounds we do have a Smaller one but we think it's not going To have any problem doing 150 so we're Going to start at 150 and then go to 200 And jump in 100 pound increments after That Now this is a very precise bolting tool And so torquing these is better off than A torque wrench [Applause] All right so here we go we've started at 150 foot pounds and as we mentioned Doing 200 300 400 500 600 and 700 this Is where we stop at 700 foot-pounds Supposedly this should be able to break Free up to right around 760. so let's See how it does All right So definitely no problem at up to 400 Foot-pounds and by the way I do have it In mode four let's try something here I'm going to go to the auto mode and We're going to tighten up this fastener Okay it looks like it does not stop the Tool in fasten mode because I kept my

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Finger on the trigger it kept hammering Let's see if it stops IT and loosened Didn't look like it did it there either Try that again Okay it looks like it keeps hammering Away even in auto mode and let's go back To reverse and auto mode Now it doesn't look like it's stopping Or slowing down there either so not sure Why that's not engaging but it's Definitely not slowing or stopping the Tool Now let's move on Go to our larger socket Go to these larger Fasteners and we'll Start at 500 foot pounds Make sure we're in reverse And here we go That took a while to break that free but It was moving at the 10 second Mark and That's why we let it go ahead and finish Breaking that free Still have a full battery Still in reverse I'm going to take it out of auto mode So here we go at 600 foot-pounds I have to be honest it was not moving in 10 seconds I went ahead and let it hit For another few seconds and it looks Like at about the 12 second Mark that it Started moving that so I don't think We're going to give it that 600 Foot-pounds but let's move on to 700 and See how long it takes to break that free

Okay we're going to move you in a little Closer so you can clearly see that Indexing Mark there and let's uh use it On the 700 foot-pounds and see how we do [Applause] Thank you Man it's barely barely moving it but Can't seem to just break it free I don't Think we're going to continue on I mean We were hammering there for probably 25 30 seconds there and it moved it I don't Know maybe an eighth of a turn and it Was arguable in the first 10 seconds of Whether it was budging it or not so Definitely having trouble at above that 500 foot-pounds that 500 it did okay and Then at six and seven hundred definitely Struggling to break anything free so I Think we're going to stop it right there So apparently this acts a little bit Different than typical what this does is Depending on the speed you have it on Say like speed one in the auto mode it's Basically set for a preset amount of Time it's going to hammer for half a Second and then stop And then in mode two it's going to be One second In mode three a second and a half in Mode four two seconds so it's actually Going to hammer for that set amount of Time and and then stop hammering or stop Impacting So the auto mode didn't quite work like

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We thought it was going to work it's More of a timed preset built into the Tool so again as we just said mode one Is going to be a half second mode two One second mode three a second and a Half and mode four two seconds of Impacting before it actually stops the Tool which we validated that it did do That so a little different than we've Seen in other tools but still it works Somewhat about the same so you just have To watch if you're not wanting to Tighten it too much then make sure you Have it in one of the lower modes now we Also didn't quite hit the numbers that They claimed in the Breakaway or in the Loosening torque we still were able to Peek past you know 500 foot pounds so is It still going to be a great mid-torque Model for you if you're already on the Metabo platform sure absolutely Shouldn't have any problem with most lug Nuts on light duty and uh passenger cars Light duty trucks should not be an issue Now if you're working on you know big Rigs things like that then we definitely Recommend a high torque unit for that But for under the hood around the wheels And things like that on the lighter dude A lot on the lighter Duty cars and Trucks you should be absolutely fine Pricing on this is 3.99 for the kit with The two batteries and the charger and The case now if you get the tool bare

Then that's going to run you about 259 Dollars a warranty on this they claim a Lifetime warranty on the tool body so The body of the tool is covered for a Lifetime as long as it's still Serviceable and the battery is covered For two years so we'll have a link in The description to this also keep track Of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and if you don't mind Would you hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven't done so already And by all means did you hate our video Well then let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep smiling