Top 5 Milwaukee M12 Tools!

Get the ROLOC Bristle Discs @ Amazon here —

#5 – M12 FUEL 5-3/8” Circular Saw @ Amazon here —

#4 – M12 Power Source @ Amazon here —

#3 – M12 LED Lantern/Flood Light @ Amazon here —

#2 – M12 FUEL Hackzall @ Amazon here —

#1 – M12 Polisher/Sander @ Amazon here —

[Music] Hey everybody today I’m gonna go over my Top five picks in the Milwaukee m12 Lineup now this is a very expansive line Covering power tools LED lights as well As accessories and unlike certain brands Where one tool might require a High-capacity battery the m12 line is 100% compatible with all the battery Packs so let’s say I had this circular Saw and I wasn’t done making cuts with The high-capacity pack but the battery Died on me I could remove this compact Version right out of the drill put it in The circular saw and then get right back To work now unlike some larger tools Which might be in part of an 18 or 36 Volt lineup these do not have the same Power levels but you are gaining a lot Of additional clearance because Typically these are going to be smaller In addition to that they will be more Lightweight and many people prefer a 12-volt tool over a larger 18 volt one Because they don’t need all that extra Power so what I want to do in this video Is go over my top five picks and I’m Going to show you why I like each one so Much starting out with number five would Be the m12 fuel circular saw this is a Fairly compact and lightweight unit Coming in at roughly 5 pounds and it is Using a very small 5 and 3/8 inch Circular saw blade

Although the blade size is a lot smaller Than your typical seven and a quarter Inch it can still cross cut to buy Materials with really no issues the Adjustments on this are extremely easy To do and you want to remember if you’re Looking at a saw like this the blade Orientation this is going to be set up With a left hand blade orientation Meaning the blade is on the left hand Side of the motor that’s gonna be very Typical with a worm drive saw if this Was a sidewinder style which is found on Many cordless circular saws in the Market today it would have a right hand Blade orientation with this setup you Can have a great line of sight as you Are using it and because the controls Are completely ambidextrous whether You’re right-handed or left-handed you Should not have any issues along with That this battery pack can get a Tremendous amount of work done and when We couple that The brushless motor and the smaller Blade it’s going to give you more power And more runtime [Applause] Number four would be the m12 power Source this is going to slide right on The top of any m12 battery pack and I’ll Typically use this with a compact unit Because it is streamlined with the base It doesn’t really add to the overall

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Weight of the pack and this actually has Two different functions if we look under The lip right here there’s a USB port we Can take a standard USB cord slide it in Place when we press the black button on The top it’s going to activate that port Instantly start charging the cell phone Or a tablet now the good thing about That it is putting out 2.1 amps of power And because it does have the option for Charging phones this is something that I’ll use all year round it does not need To be cold outside which is how many People will use this there’s also a Second port on the front specifically Designed for heating up the heated gear And I have another one of these plugged Into this heated sweatshirt when I press The button we can see that it will Instantly come on and because both the Ports are activated whenever a battery Is installed and you press that button If it’s cold outside and you want to Have a heated jacket as well as charge Your cell phone at the exact same time This is gonna be able to do that for you Number three would be the m12 LED Lantern now this is a lantern and a Floodlight we can have a hundred and Eighty degrees of light all the way up To 360 degrees by twisting a collar and The good thing about this particular Light it is a TrueView LED it means that Your color quality is gonna be excellent

It doesn’t distort any colors or make Everything look yellow or blue and Unlike some cheaper LEDs if you’re Working indoors this is gonna look Pretty much the same as daylight now if We remember the m18 version of this it’s Actually my favorite m18 tool however This one I do use almost as much but I Do have some other tools that I like More put side-by-side you can see the M12 light is going to be smaller overall Than the m18 and it doesn’t have the Same lumen output or the same run times The quality of the light is gonna be Identical and because you do have high Medium as well as low it really is ideal No matter where you’re at and let’s say You get straight If you hold the button in it also has a Strobe mode like the m12 power source Both versions of the LED lanterns both The m18 and m12 have a USB power port on The rear for charging up your cell phone Or your tablet they’re putting out 2.1 Amps of power and all you’ll need to do Is pull the dust cover down take your Cord plug it in the back and then to Activate that port there’s a button just Above it as soon as you press that in It’s gonna send power through your USB Cord charging your phone number two Would be the m12 fuel hacksaw which Features a brushless motor and it’s also Gonna be extremely lightweight this is a

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Compact reciprocating saw and as you can See using it with one hand really would Not be an issue and because it is using Standard reciprocating saw blades that Means you don’t have to buy any special Blades in order to use this unit if you Have some older blades which might Already be on one of your other Reciprocating saws you can pop them Right in here and it doesn’t even Require an allen key or any tools in Order to change them it’s completely Tool free and the only thing I wish that They would have done different with this Unit is put an adjustable shoe on it as You can see with this shoe it is fixed And it also does not pivot that will Really prevent you from using a Different portion of your blade if one Section where is out and that is an Advantage with a larger unit now as far As cut speed goes if we compare this to The standard m12 version in real life This will cut about three times as fast And it matches the cut speed is the Larger m18 unit A my number one favorite m12 tool would Be there two speed polisher sander and Although this might look like a standard Drill it’s actually a specialty tool With the mechanic or detailer in mind And it has much higher rpms with a Maximum rpm setting on sanding mode of 8300 rpms and then on polishing mode

It’s gonna be a lot slower coming in at 2800 rpms But you really want to match up what You’re working on with one of those Settings let’s say you’re cleaning up a Gasket surface and you’re using a roll Lock bristle disc like this it’s gonna Thread right on the 2 inch mandrel That’s gonna allow you to clean up the Surface and you’re not gonna be stuck Using a very loud and also very Inefficient angled die grinder they will Empty out an air compressors reserve Capacity very quickly and normally you Have to wait multiple times when you’re Cleaning up a surface for the tank to Air back up that’s not a problem with This because the only thing it needs is A battery pack and we’re going to Operate now if you are going to use this To polish a vehicle or a boat and you Don’t want to burn through the paint or The clear coat then you would use the Three inch disc it has a velcro backing Pad on it meaning any velcro three-inch Disks would attach to this and then you Would bump it down into polishing mode That’s gonna be a maximum of twenty Eight hundred rpms with the lower speed You’re not gonna really risk damaging What you’re working on one other thing To note for excellent control while you Are using it they have a removable side Handle so you can use it just like this

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With no side handle attached or you can Take the side handle and put it on the Left-hand side or the right hand side of The unit and that’s gonna give you Excellent control the entire time you’re Using it to show you how well this works We’ll go ahead and clean up the surface On this large metal disc now it’s Covered in grease and oil as well as Corrosion but using that roll lock Bristle disc it’s gonna clean up Extremely quickly and we don’t have to Deal with an angle die grinder [Music] So now you’ve seen my top 5 picks in the Milwaukee m12 lineup now all of these I’ve used extensively I’ve done reviews On every single one of them and I liked Them a lot but what I’m interested in is What you like the most in the m12 lineup Do you agree with the picks that I have Or do you have other tools that you like More leave a comment below this video And let me know what you think the other Thing I’d like for you to let me know is What you want me to feature next and my Next top 5 video I have a lot of ideas And I have a lot of different things That I can cover but if I have a lot of People that are let’s say focus on one Area I will bump that to the front of The line to get you those picks a lot Faster if you liked this video please Click like if you like my channel please

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