Milwaukee 3050 M12 FUEL Insider Extended Reach Ratchet Review

Since we saw it first at the ISN Tool Expo a couple months back, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on this new Milwaukee 3050 M12 FUEL Insider Extended Reach Ratchet. Think of an extended-reach high-speed cordless ratchet that had an even lower profile head. In addition, you also get a pass-thru design on the sockets that allow a stud or all-thread to run through the middle in all the sockets from 8mm to 15mm. The metric socket set comes with the 3050-20 and the 3050-21 Kit. The kit includes a 2.5Ah battery and an M12 charger.
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Milwaukee 3050-20 M12 FUEL Insider Ratchet:
Milwaukee 3050-21 M12 FUEL Insider Ratchet Kit:

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Do you need a ratchet with a hole in it Let's find out [Music] This is the Milwaukee 3050 or 3050 and It's their M12 fuel Insider extended Reach ratchet and it takes these funky Sockets right here which are very low Profile once they go inside the head Unit let's check this thing out it's Actually pretty cool and has more Features than just a different head Let's dig in this is the Milwaukee model Number 3050 so 3050 you can get it as a Dash 20 which is the tool only but not Really tool only because the tool only Also comes with the sockets or you can Get it in 3050-21 which would be the ratchet The Insider ratchet the sockets and the Charger and the 2.5 amp hour high output M12 battery as well so this is the M12 Insider extended reach box ratchet as You can see here there's no Anvil here On this end so you see we have big open Hole there actually a hex there that Passes all the way through and then we Have special sockets to go in here and You can see it comes with the socket kit It comes with the metric sockets but you Can also get an SAE set of sockets as Well and it comes with everything from An eight all the way up to a 19 so 8 9 10 11 12 all the way up to 19 skips the 20 and then we get a 21 millimeter as

Well you also get a quarter inch hex Adapter the quarter inch adapter a Quarter inch and volt or Square adapter And the 3 8 inch square or Anvil adapter As well so you can run your own sockets You can run your own quarter inch hex Bits if you want to or you can use the Supplied sockets with it also now what's Cool is all the way up to 15 millimeter We get a pass-through socket so you can See we actually have a hole all the way Through the socket and so if you're you Know running all thread things like that Yes you can pass that all the way Through on the SAE that's also going to Go all the way up to a 9 16 but then After that once we get to 16 millimeter It's no longer a pass-through so 16 all The way up to 21 in order for it to hold Up to you know bigger stuff we can't Have that hole in there anymore so up to A 15 millimeter up to a 9 16 you're Going to get that pass-through hole in Those sockets and again whether you get The bare tool or whether you get the kit These sockets are supplied with both of Those now there's several different cool Features that is different from their Typical M12 ratchets or extended reach Ratchets or even their high speed Ratchets or high speed extended reach Ratchets and that is we get 350 RPM now If you know the speeds of the different Ratchets in their family line if you

Will this is faster than the original Fuel series but slower than the high Speed the high speed is 450 RPM and this One's down just 100 RPM to 350 RPM but It's still faster than the Original Series so again not quite as fast as the The the M12 fuel high speed ratchet but Faster than your typical M12 ratchet or M12 fuel ratchet but we also bump up and Torque where this had 35 foot pounds of Torque The Insider ratchet has 60 foot Pounds of torque and they're really Doing it with about the same size head Now it looks bigger but we're actually Going to measure that here in a few Moments and you can see the switch here From left to right or loosened to Tighten very easy to flip that the other Cool thing here is if you'll notice this Same paddle switch as the as the other Ratchets okay so we get the same paddle Switch same lock out here but if you'll Notice here we have two LED lights why Do we have two LED lights well with this Pass through We can run this On this side And have your typical ratchet we can Also flip this over and go to this side And have this same motion but what that Does is that enables us to change the Location of that paddle switch so if You're in a precarious situation where That paddle switch is actually getting

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In the way of you working you can flip That socket around to the opposite side And now you can work from the other side To get that paddle switch away from Whatever you're working on and we still Get the LED light shining on that area So that's why we have two or dual LEDs To make sure regardless of which Direction or which orientation we're Using the ratchet we still have that Light shining on the area same M12 fuel Gauge there so when the battery's in we Pull the trigger we see the fuel gauge Of the battery let's take a quick Measurement of this tool okay so from The top of the ratchet or the head of The ratchet to the back of the battery We're looking at right at 16 inches Yes dead on 16 inches now just for Comparison's sake if we take the 3 8 2965 extended reach ratchet about 15 and A quarter so we're getting another three Quarter inches of length and you can see Most of that is actually in the head or Extended reach version of the actual Ratchet Now if you take a look at these it looks Like the original extended reach ratchet Has a smaller head than The Insider but I'm really not sure so let's go ahead And take a measurement so 29 and a half millimeters or one point One six three let's measure that again Yeah 1.166 1.167

So just a touch Larger not much at all So it looks like a couple of hundredths Of an inch if that So maybe One and a half hundredths or 15 Thousandths of an inch bigger so 1.178 One point 1.160 so depending on where you're Measuring this very very close in Measurement between the width of this Head versus this one and I still like The flush design we have so we have no Directional mechanism getting in the way Just like this one where you have the The flush mount so I really like that They're tucking that out of the way even If you're on this side you can see The switch really doesn't protrude much Above the actual surface of the ratchet And as you saw if you needed to kind of Protect that or move that out of the way Now you put it down there and it's Really not bothering you at all on this Side so another reason why having that Access to both sides really comes in Very handy Now something else that's interesting Let's put in a 15 millimeter here So I've got the 15 millimeter in 15 millimeter on this ratchet And now you can see the difference in The height there between the 15 Millimeter that's on the inside of

Ratchet and the 15 millimeter that's Only high speed extended reach ratchet And of course that's probably going to Change even more as you go up in those Sizes and they incrementally get a Little larger on some of those sockets And to get a measurement of that so We'll take a measurement here So 1.65 And 2.046 and let's we'll go to the metric Side So 51.8 millimeters And 40.6 So 40.5 And 51 .6 so quite a bit of difference In the depth of that so when you are in A tight area where you're trying to gain Access having this Insider Slimmer Ratchet can definitely benefit Especially with the ability to swap that Around and get that paddle switch out of The way now in addition to the 350 RPM We also get a variable speed Trigger or Paddle switch so you can see we can Really make this thing go as slow as we Need to Or we can grab a handful And get that full 350 RPM as we need it So the question is is the hole in the Center actually big enough for uh for a Pass-through and the answer is yes and

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No there will always be bolts that are Kind of out of the norm if you will but I took uh three different 15 millimeter Head bolts out of the same vehicle and Just to show you this so I believe this Was out of I don't remember what this One was out of but you see fits Obviously the 15 millimeter head and the Actual bolt will pass through The actual socket this one the same way I think this is a head bolt and it will Pass all the way through and it's a 15 Millimeter head however this is I Believe a suspension or maybe even on a Cross member bolt and this is one where The actual threads are a little bit Larger the head's a little bit smaller And that's not going to pass through so Some if you're if you're running some All thread or you have maybe studs in a Head with with nuts on them and they Stick up really far you know it may be a Situation where they're larger than what The pass-through is but for many of them It is going to be sufficient in order For the threads to actually pass through The socket and you'll be able to utilize The pass-through socket with it so that You can actually run the nut off even Though there may be three inches of stud Sticking up above it and just to give You an idea on the 15 millimeter You're looking at 10.4 millimeters on The actual hole size yeah so 10 and a

Half the max yeah so the max is right at 10 and a half for the hole size on the 15 millimeter Okay if you've seen any of our past Cordless ratchet reviews you know we Don't care much uh for torque or we Really don't think it's a big deal when It comes to tort on a ratchet or on a Cordless ratchet it's not an impact Wrench so busting lug nuts loose is not Important to us on a ratchet we see this As a nut running device now if it will Break something free great but we just Want to know if we manually torque on it Get it broken loose pull the trigger and Run the nut off however they do claim 60 Foot pounds so let's do a little testing We're going to start here at 25 Foot-pounds so we'll torque down these Nuts to 25 35 and 45 foot-pounds we'll Put The Insider ratchet on there see if It will break them free and then we'll Move up from there if it does it I don't Have a lot of confidence that The Insider is going to be able to break These free up above say 35 foot-pounds However I claim 60 so let's find out Take our torque wrench and we're going To go down To 25. There's 26.4 Go to 35 36.7 It'll go to 45.

And that's 46.2 Gluten And we're just going to brace this And pull the trigger on 25 foot pounds Okay broke that free There's 35 Make sure we got a little bit of slop There It broke it free on the third try and Now at 45 foot-pounds Again we'll kind of get in that that Neutral area and it broke that free so If you let it get a little bit of a run In kind of that neutral sloppy area it Typically will break them free so we're At 45 which I'm a little impressed Okay So now we'll go We'll do 50. 50.3 And let's do 55. There's 55.5 And let's go to 60. 60.4 so again highly doubt that we're Going to be able to break these free and We really don't care but for your sake We're going to do it So 50 foot pounds Again just kind of that loosey-goosey Stage there Hey look at there we got 50 let's see if We get 55. Nope and this is where in our other Testing we hit the snag as well so

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Yeah Now here's what people say we'll give it A run and start and put it on there this Is cheating but I'll do it Yeah it broke it free so 60 foot pounds Yeah I broke it free so NASCAR style get It running throw it on there and it will Back those off but not really seeing it Break it free at kind of a static area For 60. but definitely has a little a Bit of torque in there Breaking Free the 25 35 and 45 foot-pounds You know if you boil this down you're Really getting all the benefits of a Long Reach uh somewhat high speed Ratchet and getting additional features Like the pass-through design especially Up to 15 millimeter but definitely Getting that low profile on all the Sockets starting from eight millimeter All the way up to the 21. now you can Also adapt your regular sockets as well So you're really not getting any Drawbacks other than the drop in 100 RPM Now would I get rid of my extended to Reach high speed ratchets no probably Not but would I reach for The Insider Ratchet first if this was available yes I would now the price on this is 399 Dollars for the kit as you see here Which means it comes with a 2.5 amp hour High output M12 battery it comes with The M12 charger and the sockets you see Here so that's 399 dollars and a five

Year warranty now here's the kicker is If you don't get the kit and you step Down to the bare tool which is 299 Also you save 100 bucks well as a as a Non-kit or as a bare tool you lose the Battery and you lose the charger however You still get the sockets so whether you Get this as a bear tool for 299 or 300 Or you get it with the kit for 3.99 For 3.99 you still get the sockets on Either one so I really like that that Basically you're getting the paired Sockets with the ratchet on no matter Whether you're getting this as a bare Tool or the kit so 300 bucks or 400 Bucks depending on whether or not you Want the battery and charger with it or Not five year warranty on this check it Out for yourself should hit the market In September of 2023 which is just a few Days away don't know where in that month It's going to fall but you should see it On the shelves we'll have a link in the Description as soon as we have one so Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and hey if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep smiling