RIDGID R86346B 18V Sub Compact Barrel Grip Jig Saw Review

The new RIDGID R86346 Sub Compact Barrel Grip Jig Saw delivers a 1-inch stroke at up to 3,200 SPM. This cordless jig saw has a 6-speed dial with the addition of Auto mode as well. The Auto setting starts at a lower SPM, then ramps up as it senses the saw is under load. During our testing, we agreed that the RIDGID jig saw is perfect for general-purpose carpentry and woodworking. However, if you’re looking for thicker hardwoods, bevel cuts, and decent dust extraction, then you may want to look to a more expensive jig saw such as the Festool. You can get these at the Home Depot for $179 for the bare tool. #review #tools #homedepot #jigsaw

RIDGID 18V Sub-Compact Barrel Grip Jig Saw:

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Are you a barrel grip believer well Ridgid may have a new one for you Ridgid Barrel grip 18 volt brushless Jigsaw has quite a few features on this But still a very easy to use saw let's Do it again and take a closer look at Those features then we'll use it and Come back and tell you what we thought As well as pricing and warranty this is The rigid model number r863 46b as in bare tool and it's their 18 Volt subcompact brushless Barrel grip Jigsaw a lot of words for one breath There so part of their subcompact Series So supposed to be a little lighter a Little smaller in fact they claim 20 Percent more Compact and 15 percent Lighter what's that compared to I don't Know probably a previous model but Regardless we'll weigh it and measure it And find that out a lot of people do Love the barrel grip jigsaw including The majority of us here so we do like to See that we actually reviewed the D Handle jigsaw from Ridgid just a couple Of months ago so you can find that Review somewhere floating probably Around here find the link but what we Have here we have a very simplistic Jigsaw with several features as well so When you get the bear tool you get what You see here you get a blade and then You get an extraction Port as well and It actually slides back here in the back

Of the tool so you don't have to run This and let's talk about some of the Features on this saw now right here on The top right in front of where you're Holding it is this speed dial and it Offers us six different speed settings And actually there's a little hash marks In between each one as well so really It's more than six it's kind of a Variable speed dial where you're setting The max Strokes per minute which is a Max of 3200 so in speed six there you Get a Max of of 3 200 Strokes per minute And they are one inch strokes but then We have the a here and that is basically The auto mode and what that's going to Allow you to do it sets it in Auto then Basically it starts at a lot lower RPM Or not RPM SPM Strokes per minute and Then as you engage the wood that you're Cutting or whatever you're cutting based On the pressure it actually speeds that Up provides more power and tries to kind Of give that sense of what it should be Powering and does a pretty good job of That for the most part so we'll we'll Actually test that out and see we also Get four different orbit modes really Three different orbit modes we have a Non-orbit mode where we actually turn it Off and then one two and three is going To be the most aggressive where we'll Actually see this shoe right here this Wheel actually push against the blade

And actually push it out giving it that Orbit motion so if you're wanting to cut Very aggressive and you don't care about Blowout things like that then you can Set it on speed three and really cut Through those two by fours plywood Whatever it is you're cutting we have a Power switch here on the left so slide Forward it locks in and pull it back Turn it off as well as over here on the Other side this is an onboard blower so This is the off position so the blower Is not blowing this is the on position And when you turn it on you can actually Feel the blower working what that is Supposed to do is kind of clear the Blade area so if you're cutting on a Line then you can actually see that the Sawdust is being blown out of the way so You can still see your cut line in front Of the blade and again we'll try that as Well now hidden right here on the back Of the tool is an allen key and what That's for is to actually adjust the Bevel now rigid claims on the website This is a tool free bevel adjustment I Don't see that it's tool free when you Actually have to use an allen wrench That may be a mistake or maybe they're Claiming since it's on board the tool That you don't need a tool but still What you have to do is pull the base off Here and loosen up this Allen Bolt and once you do that you can slide

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This forward and then turn this to 45 And if you wanted anything other than a 45 then you can just adjust it and Tighten up the screw but if you wanted That either 45 then you slide it forward And it locks into place you can tighten Up that Allen screw and then cut any 45s Loosen it back up put it into zero and Then tighten it back down so again if You want zero or either 45 then that Locks into like a tooth there but if you Want it in in the other position then It's not going to have a locking Position you'll just have to tighten up The screw to wherever you desire it Right here on the rear of the shoe you See a a hole there looks kind of like an Igloo well that is actually where the Dust extraction Port is going to go it Slides in kind of locks into place and Now you can hook up your extraction hose And be able to pull some of that dust Away as you're cutting again we'll test To see how well that does on the D Handle version of the Ridgid saw it Didn't do a great job of that and we Wouldn't expect this to either because You're really not sealing up any of this Part up here so it's just providing some Vacuum right here behind the blade which Should pull some stuff in at the same Time we're not expecting uh big changes In sawdust removal Now we'll go ahead and put a 4 amp hour

Battery on here and just get some Measurements on the tool so front to Back a little over a foot so about 12 And a half inches long with the battery On there and as far as height goes a Little over seven inches so probably Seven and a quarter inches tall And width on this it actually is a Pretty slim tool the widest part is Probably the shoe or the foot and that's Three and a quarter inches And it pounds and ounces with the four Amp hour five pounds eight and a half Ounces so five and a half pound tool With the battery on it So not exactly a heavy tool but not the Lightest of sorts either now you could Slim that down for sure by putting on a Two amp hour battery if you wanted to But probably their four amp hour is Their most popular battery now we do get A tool free blade chain so you can see Here I can just take My blade slide it in here push it and it Locks into place now if I want to Release that no tool needed take this Right here push it out And it pops that out and it also Makes that ready again for another blade Put it in it locks into place Let's throw a battery on here for a Second I want to see I'm going to turn It on and yes so we also get an LED Light right there shining down at the

Blade to help us see our cut line Okay what we're going to try first we're Going to have the oscillation at zero so Basically no oscillation added to the Tool just the stroke up and down we're Also going to leave it in Auto and we're Going to have the blower off so no dust Extraction no blower on Orbit on off and You'll see how it cuts in the auto mode I will say it's easy to control I am Getting some dust here on the board but Really it's staying free of the blade Right in front of me I can see a Clear Sight line it's very easy to see my cut Line there And I'm going to leave it in Auto and We'll see how this operates I'm gonna back it off Turn it on so you hear that low Strokes Per minute now watch as I engage It's very easy to control it with the Barrel grip and I'm actually staying Aways from it since the camera's kind of In my way here so I'm sitting probably Three feet behind at least two feet from This blade And now you can see I'm starting to get Some dust in particulate sitting right Here in front of the blade so what I'm Going to do I'm going to turn I'm going to turn this on I'm going to Turn the blower on And so now let's see if we actually Clear some of this out I'm going to back

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It off That's pretty cool right away you see The blower actually doing its job it is Now starting to clear that debris I did Not see that when we tested the d-grip Handle of the Ridgid And you can see how I can stay right on My line by having a great Focus right There at the line seeing that sight line And the blower keeping it clear Foreign So the blower actually does well Clearing the sight line but you can see We we're still getting quite a bit of Sawdust obviously from the cut let's see How much of that we can actually extract From the rear with the extraction Port All right we're going to take our dust Extraction Port put it right here In the rear of the tool Doesn't really lock in just kind of Pushes in I guess it does lock in pretty well Hook up our hose Make the same cut orbit is off turn our Dust blower off And I'm noticing the same thing from When we actually reviewed the D handle The extraction Port is really not Pulling a lot of this Dust Away I think The blower does a better job at just Keeping it free from your sight line and Then you're just going to have to deal With the dust so you're not going to get

The performance of dust extraction like You would maybe with like a Festool or Something like that so really and truly The dust port or extraction port on the Rigid here I really don't think it's Even worth messing with having a hose Hanging off the back So turn on the blower Let's do a couple of tests on this 2×4 Again I've got it in auto mode Like a straight cut Now I'm going to change the orbit all The way to three Same Auto speed You can see it muscles through there Rather quickly but in that orbit of Three you can see how much blowout You're getting so you're getting all Those splinters so if you really don't Care about the quality of the cut you're Just needing to make some really quick Raw Cuts you can definitely use that Orbit and be able to blow through that Wood really quick now let's back this Down to one So a nice balance there still cutting Through the wood rather quickly we're Getting the blower working keeping the Dust free we are getting a little bit of Blowout but near the you know of the Rough spikes that we got on the orbit of Three Of course blades are going to make a Tremendous difference when you're

Starting to make curves so a Slimmer Blade a Japanese two things like that Will definitely Aid you in making these Curving Cuts especially in that thicker Wood Now with this size blade I will not be Able to cut through two by material the Blade is not long enough So we put in some one inch Hardwood And again I've got my Orbit on one let's Leave it there and then we'll make a Bevel cut And you see what happened my blade Actually slipped off of the foot So it did not like that if you'll look The foot the pin actually came dislodged From its home And it's now kicked out sideways See if we can get the blade out we'll See if we can't get that fixed Okay looks like I got it back in place The wheel is now lined up with the blade Okay we're going to bail on the bevel For right now just try to make a Straight cut in this Hardwood Then we'll put that on orbit of one We're going to ditch this blade And A little Slimmer blade on there maybe With a little more bite Definitely a lot more control in that Blade than with the other Even go into orbit one Foreign

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Blades can make all the difference in The world especially when you're cutting Hardwood Overall performance of this saw is Actually pretty good in fact it's very Good in some areas as far as power to Blow through two by fours whether that Be a regular Pine or pressure treated Wood Redwood this is going to do Absolutely fine for you cutting plywood Cutting half inch three quarter inch and Other Hardwoods it's going to do fine Now when you get into thick bevels that May be a different story as you saw it Actually kind of kicked the foot Sideways and moved the pin over we had To take a screwdriver and get that back Into place we did so and it did just Fine after that however would I Recommend it for Hardwoods at a bevel Probably not if you're doing that a lot Either a you definitely want to step Into a better blade that may not have Happened with a better blade but we're Getting a lot of vibration and you may Say well you could have clamped it Better yeah maybe we were still trying To hold it and it still happened could We have done a better job always we Could have have always done a better job At clamping it and keeping vibration but But as you saw with the same clamp with The same setup with a better blade we Had tremendously less vibration with

That better blade so I would recommend When you buy this chunk this blade Unless you're just cutting straight Plywood and step into a better blade as Well as if you're doing a lot of bevels And Hardwoods you may want to look to a Better performing jigsaw Festool has Them but you're looking at you know Triple the price probably furthermore The dust extraction is pretty much Non-existent on this again I'm not Counting against it for that we didn't Expect to see a whole lot from it it may Work better in other situations but we Really didn't notice it pulling much Dust at all away from it we felt like The onboard blower did a great job at Just keeping your sight line clear but As far as being able to remove or Extract that dust as you're cutting it Just really doesn't do a lot and mainly Because there's nothing sealed up here That create that that vacuum pressure to Make it go down that hole just that Sheer you know velocity of that with all This open atmosphere there's too many Places for it to go rather than down This small tube so again if you're Looking for great dust extraction you May want to step up to a more expensive Saw so price on this is 179 dollars for The bare tool so no battery uh that's a Lot for just a jigsaw but at the same Time you're getting a subcompact High

Performing brushless 18 volt cordless Jigsaw so you are getting a lot for that 179 dollars so it really depends on what You're using this for you may be fine For a regular old corded jigsaw and you Can stick with that but if you're tired Of that cord dangling behind you you're Going to get a lot of use out of a Single battery with one of these and You're going to get a lifetime service Agreement with this tool as long as you Register it within 90 days we'll have The link in the description if you're Interested also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and hey if you don't mind when you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated our video well give Us a thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day and keep smiling