SMOKE IT OUT!! AutoLine Pro VENTUS Smoke Machine Review [AMAZON]

Self-contained, cordless, and hoseless; the AutoLine Pro Ventus Smoke Machine runs off a rechargeable Lithium battery. It’s recharged with a USB-C cable and it has an onboard air compressor. The smoke is created without heat, using their formulated liquid, included with the system. Almost immediately after pressing the power button, smoke exits the Ventus machine. This all-inclusive machine makes it quick and easy to find intake gasket leaks, exhaust leaks, and more. #tools #review #amazon

AutoLine Pro Ventus Smoke Machine System:

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Something we've never done before on Shop true reviews we're smoking Out just a couple of months ago we Included the autoline pro Venta system On our Christmas gift guide for 2023 Well we had seen it and we had not used It yet but we saw the build quality of It and we thought that'll be a great Gift for the gift guide because we think It'll be a great tool we were spot on This thing is pretty awesome in fact Let's take a closer look at these Features and then we're actually going To use it on a job and then we'll come Back and talk about pricing warranty and What we thought of it this is the Autoline pro Ventus system and it's a Smoke machine system so nothing Groundbreaking as far as a smoke Machine's concerned they've been around For quite a while now probably becoming More and more popular especially the More vacuum systems and closed systems That are on vehicles nowadays uh it's More and more important to have a smoke Machine uh to be able to track down Where those leaks may be and that's Exactly what a smoke machine does Whether it's in a vacuum system or it's Just in an exhaust system or uh even in The cabin of your car regardless if You're trying to find a leak somewhere a Smoke machine is a great tool to do that Now there's some pretty cool features

That we'll find here on the Venta system For model line Pro that uh you won't Find on other machines or systems or Products number one look at the size of This thing number two the build quality Of it is pretty much off the charts this Is all aluminum uh very nice build uh Very nice build quality and just very Simplistic but again some of the Features really this apart uh from how It operates as well as how well it Operates number one lithium battery on Board so it is charged by a simple USB Type-c port you can find those all over The place now to charge this so onboard Lithium battery that will last 5 hours So you can smoke things out for 5 hours And uh if you need to you can recharge By again any old simple USB type-c Charger so there's no worry of having Plug this thing in no you don't have to Drag a cord anywhere number two built-in Air compressor on this as well so you're Not hooking up a hose to this so Everything's contained right here in This the only thing you have to add to This is basically the hose where you're Generating the smoke and let's take a Look and I talked about the build Quality of the unit itself but I don't Know I'm kind of a a geek when it comes To packaging because it just feels good When you get a product and it's packaged Really well I've made comments in the

Past of kind of being you know apple is Or iPhone esque you know when you get That uh new iPhone or I or apple uh Apple watch uh everything the the box is Just a real really tight sealed unit Same way on this just a really tight fit Uh everything fits in its spot and then Like this you kind of a magnetic lid Right there and then all of your items Are inside Here so I know packaging is not a huge Deal I get it but let's face it it's Just nice to get a product and it's Packaged well so this is the autoline Pro uh basically their smoke Formula here's another key feature it is Not using heat to create smoke from this Fluid so there's no element that's Heating up in there that's draining a Battery or causing a fire hazard of some Sort so they have formulated this fluid To smoke and almost smoke instantaneous We'll show that here in a few moments so Really cool system and you're going to Get like I believe they say like 500 uh Smoke usages out of this of course I'm Sure that depends on how long you're Running it but still you're getting a Lot of use out of uh one of these small Bottles obviously a manual in here and Some other things that just kind of Identify what is in here you even get a Hook where you can Actually screw this here on the back of

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The unit and be able to hang this Whether it be on a hood or on the car Lift or wherever you're using this but The hook comes with it you can put that On if you want To this is basically a little bladder Where you can pump this Up whether you need to seal off an Exhaust or whatever you're needing to Seal off and then you Can put your smoke in Via this port Right here so basically a one-way valve There and then when you're ready to let This out push the button let that down So that comes with it as well as well as The hose for entering the Smoke nice tapered aluminum cone so not Plastic already mounted on your rubber Hose I don't know that's probably yeah 6 Feet of rubber hose maybe a little More and this is already ready to Actually install in the Venta system and In case you don't have a USB type-c Cable it even comes with that USB type A To USB type c so again plug it into any USB port and uh be able to charge this This is very simple to use and I'm I'm Telling you it's very simple uh the First time I pulled it out within like 30 seconds I had it figured out on how To use it it's really no explanation Needed uh there's two doors right here Lift that up that is where you put in Your autoline pro smoke formula and you

Can see the liquid level right here on The window and that is also where you Put In your hose so there's going to be Their smoke delivery through that hose Right there and then this window right Here open that up and that's your power Button that's it that's really all you Need to figure out as far as on the Smoke machine side except right here you Actually have a flow meter so this will Actually you can identify leaks so if You've got a closed system and you're Trying to find that vacuum leak and You're you know um filling that up and Maybe you think you fixed a leak you can Tell here on whether or not you've still Got a leak because it'll still be Flowing uh and then you can also tell When obviously that that leak is sealed Up as well so pretty cool flow meter Right there as well so let me show you This so we've got our hose installed We've got some of the smoke fluid in There and we're just going to turn this On so right there we've already got Smoke so pretty much Instantaneous we get smoke from the Autoline pro so you can also see here if I push the button once that's running The Smoke if I push it again now we can Actually identify the Leak see right now it knows that it's

Leaking and then if I close close this Off no Leak open it up a little bit and so it Kind of tells me how large of a leak I Have so got if I've got a big leak I've Got a brake booster hose that's off Something like that it's obviously going To kind of Peg that and you're going to Know hey I'm looking for a big leak However something really small then we May know that maybe we've got a cracked Hose somewhere or something like That So pretty cool and easy to operate off Of one Button again one two yeah we've already Got Smoke and you can see right here uh with The bladder if I put our hose On this in here turn it On Generating a ton of Smoke and again not from Heat now you also get with the kit these Cones and plugs right Here so these different size cones where You can block things off uh and you can Use this as a port To actually enter the Smoke or if you're needing to literally Just plug that off it comes with these Rubber cones right here where you can Actually close that off and block off That Port so You' got several sizes here

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That you can utilize and that comes with The System and I really like the fact again I'm said this many times but the of how Well they think of kind of Packaging Everything together keeping everything Nice and compact so all those cones go Into one another except for this one Here and everything fits in a nice Compact Area and then they have some other Options as well so when you're looking Into evap systems obviously you can do a Lot of that uh with the kit uh but then You're going to get into needing to seal Off the gas tank and so they sell some Different size basically your um gas Filler or your gas neck your gas filler Port so you can actually block that off Right here with this system here and They've got different these 3M rings to Seal that Off and then even with the bypass if you Need to use that as well and then that Comes with that Center rubber Port where You can stick your smoke machine in There and be able to fill that tank with Smoke and again without heat added just Filling it with Smoke and it's not over pressurizing Where you're going to hurt an EVAP System so it's definitely evap safe you Don't have to worry about it over Pressurizing so I've got an intake

Sitting here uh now obviously all the Intake ports are wide open so we're Going to have a massive leak but just Wanted to show you several ports where You could actually use this so right Here coming out the top of the intake Already got a hose we could stick that In there Turn on our Machine so now we can see smoke starting To come out the backside over there and I'm sure it's just coming out the ports Here so massive leak right in Fact you can turn it on there and we see We've got a massive leak obviously cuz It's pegging uh that float ball right There and then we could remove that Throttle Body And with that throttle body Removed so with the throttle bottle Removed now we insert uh this expandable Bladder and you say well will it get That large well let's See plug it in it's sealed up now we're Entering smoke into the system and then Release It And by the way if your bladder for some Reason gets a hole in it you can see Here it's leaking down a little bit well If you look real Close look real close right here there's A little hole in that we actually put in

There anyway so if it starts leaking Down no problem actually with the system You get an extra bladder and easy Instructions you don't even have to read Much you can look at the pictures and Very simple to do this end Unscrews and these little red washers There pull them out and then untuck it From The Edge pull that out discard that this new One pretty simple right Just going to pull this on pretty Self-explanatory pull that on until it's Even on both Sides and this is going to tuck In into this groove right Here you could probably do this with a Screwdriver and be very careful but I Would recommend some type of plastic Spatula like This that goes On cap threads back On same thing over Here red Washer Down grab that On no more leak Pretty Cool and we actually just used this on An LS style intake a little bit older Than this one but still same idea to Actually find a couple of leaks one Massive leak in the actual air horn of The uh hard hard plastic intake tube

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Also even after we sealed that up we Found leaks along the intake Gap gasket As well so we had to pull the intake and Actually replace the gasket so that was Nice in this and the fact that we F we Thought oh wow we found the huge leak And we sealed that up and thought we've Still got issues we we kept testing and And saw more smoke and realized that it Was also an intake gasket so it saved us From thinking we had everything solved Where if we would have just kind of Found it with our heads or hands or or Ears uh and allowed us to really Pinpoint where all the leaks were Possibly at and again it was leaking out Of both rails of the intakes really and Truly uh this little thing is just a Great tool because when you look at Smoke machines as we mentioned usually You've got a cord plugging in uh usually You've also got an air hose uh and all Of that is on board lithium battery on Board that's rechargeable by USB type-c Uh wire or charger as well as you've got An air compressor on board as well you Get instant smoke there's no heat Involved uh build quality is phenomenal It's small and compact it's easy to use Uh you can replace things on it Everything just seals up I mean we could Go on got a flow meter on it so really a Lot of features everything we talked About that's really cool in a tight

Package and it's only 229 bucks and you Can buy it on Amazon so very easy to kit Uh not that expensive at $229 yes you Can probably buy smoked machines a Little bit cheaper but again you've got Those other things to deal with now if That doesn't bother you awesome you can Stick with something like that but the Fact that they've kind of thought of Most everything and I'm sure they'll Continue to release more things so that You can use a smoke machine in other Jobs as well now if you're interested in The uh basically the gas cap sealer um This one I think was $40 I think it's $39.99 uh for the kit that comes with All the 3M disc as well as the um the Actual gas neck filler and the bypass as Well so that's another 40 bucks but Other than that everything here the Cones and the plugs and and the hoses And the bladder uh by the way that was Also awesome that you got an extra Bladder liner or bladder bulb or Whatever you want to call this thing With the kit because we literally poked A hole in it and needed to replace it And very easy to replace makes total Sense so check it out for yourselves and They claim a lifetime warranty on this Also so that is really hard to be check It out for yourselves we'll have a link In the description also keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even

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