5 Must Have Tools for the Shop from Harbor Freight [and Elsewhere]

Not Sponsored and Not and Ad. We went to Harbor Freight and spent our own money to buy some tools that think should be in every tool box. They may not be a necessity, but they can make your life easier and/or more comfortable. Whether you buy them from Harbor Freight, Amazon, Home Depot, or Walmart, these are 5 Must Have Tools for any shop. Let us know if you think we missed something. #tools #harborfreight #notsponsored

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Is Harbor Freight fit for the pro [Music] Mechanic we were in Harbor Freight the Other day and decided to pick up some Items and I had an idea on just grabbing A few things that we think should be in Every shop now some of these are not That cheap and some of these are pretty Cheap in fact we specifically spotted Five different things that we bought and Really and truly more than that um like This car wash here which we don't need This car wash but by the way Good mention here you could buy like Maguire's 3M stuff at Harbor Freight as Well so it's not just their own branding Uh anyway so we thought we'd get five Specific tools that we were after that We think every shop needs but we Actually bought more than that and we'll Explain that here in just one moment and We're going to give you some options all Right just as we mentioned we went to Harbor Freight and bought all of these So this is not a sponsored video and This is really not just a Harbor Freight Uh type of video because we'll give you Some other options as well but just an Idea of some things that you can get uh That may help out around the shop first Off is a pair of flush cut Pliers now these are the icons and I'm Assuming they have that cap on there Because they're very

Sharp and you can see here nice set Applier so basically your cutting blades Are flush here on the back not like a Set of regular side Cutters where They're actually you know v-shaped on Either side and so they leave a gap when You cut and let me show you what I'm Talking about before I do that though There are other options because I think These were like 25 bucks to buy these Are the icons I think they're lifetime Warranty um just their top-of-the-line Tools at Harbor Freight but if you want To spend less I think these were less Than $5 little bit smaller but still Flush Cutters with again that blade there Flush on the back side let me show you What they're good for now you're Probably already well aware of what They're good for in fact there are many Uses you can use these for but one of The main things is zip ties because when You take a regular pair of side Cutters And you cut that zip tie and I'm going To go as flat as I can against that zip Tie even if you cut it nice and straight You still have a little stick out right There that is nice and sharp and likes To grab onto your skin if you get it Crooked at all it's even worse so so Basically you can take a pair of Flush Cutters and you can put it flush against That make your cut and now you have no

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Stick out whatsoever and we'll try even The cheapies Here and same thing really great job Even with the uh cheap Pittsburghs There and just to show you here's the Set that we use the regular side Cutters For and we'll get down Here I accidentally just pulled that Back up so let me make let's push that Back out we'll give it a fair shot close As we can there we go and then we'll Grab These and you see that we still cut off The end of that zip top so this is what Flush Cutters are great for again There's many other uses but something That everyone should have in their Toolbox and again you can go with the $25 option or the less than $5 option Here so that's number one Number two is a pressurized sprayer now What are these good For and by the way these are not Cheap we bought this one at Harbor Freight and I think it was $39 probably 40 plus once you pay taxes And just so you know I think we bought This one maybe on Amazon maybe at O'Reilly or something uh but anyway and I think you can on Amazon save four four Bucks or something like that bucks maybe And again once you get it here it might Be just as expensive but still you can Save a few bucks if you go online and

Find these but the point is number one It looks like they're all made almost Identical except the handle's a bit Different a little more industrial here On the Harbor Freight one uh but there's A lot going on in this canister and one Of the main things is safety um if You're not aware of air pressure and how It works it grows exponential as it Relieves the container so the last thing You want is one of these blowing up in Your face anyway way regardless I'm not A huge you know safety freak but my Point is something like this when you're Holding a pressurized container you do Want something that you can actually Count on now let me give you a couple of Uh ideas for this number one you're Probably way ahead of me Already but I do have some pointers for You you're probably all used to using Aerosol cans of brake clean and in fact Some people will swear that that's the Only way to go however ever you Can purchase This in larger Volumes and you can see it already Discoloring my container there probably Why Harbor Freight won't warranty this After it's out of the package anyway so We've put brake clean now in our Pressurized container well it's not Pressurized yet and by the way there's Also a uh probably a neoprene washer

There on the under Underside or plastic Whatever you can write something on There what's in there but the brake Clean's going to eat it right off right Away but I want to give you a little Pointer here so let's put some air Pressure in This which by the way never fill these All the way to the top with your brake Clean because you want a volume of air In there so that you can pressurize it So here's my pointer so Now that Sprays this one probably atomizes a Little bit More so there's one tip for you there Buy the one from Harbor Freight because It's more of a Stream and if you want even more of a Stream then as you can see Here that's more Vapor this is more Stream boss man may like you to use this One if he's buying all the brake clean However if you want a little more of a Stream Take you some pliers or better yet in a Visce and a drill bit probably the Smallest drill Bit make sure you get all your parts Back in it like that little deal right There and Now even more Volume so if you're used to Knocking a Hole in the side of the airsa can and

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Dumping it out then go ahead and drill Your tip out to where you have a larger Orifice there and by the way you don't Just have to use this for brake clean You could use it for WD40 water uh Whatever you want or you can get a pump Sprayer as Well and then if you wanted To the one that uh sprays like your boss Likes it maybe you just write a boss on The top and that's the one you know you Use when the boss is walking by and if He says why do that say boss on the top You say well boss man it's cuz you're The boss and we know we appreciate you Because you buy all our brake clean Anyway so that's the second one is a Pressurized container for your brake Clean or whatever other chemicals you Like to use or water what have you next Up is a good pick set I say a good pick Set if you don't need a PIX set or don't Use it all the time U let me scratch That everybody needs a pick set and you Can choose I think this was $1.99 and I Think if I'm not mistaken I've heard Harbor Freight people all the time Talking about I think they give these Out some times I don't know I'm not Aware of all the coupon stuff and the Different days of the week stuff and all That type of stuff but I think uh these Are the kits that sometimes they give Out and great if you're happy with that

Then absolutely the handles are you know You can fill the seams not real smooth I Don't who knows what the quality is but Still you're typically not putting a lot Of prying power on on tips of of a pick Sets Right But we also went uh for the Top-of-the-line icon set as Well in which these actually look pretty Nice have a decent handle on them nice Sharp Picks and kind of the same kit except uh You're getting a little longer I guess Oops those don't like to stay in at All so two bucks here and 20 bucks here But again you want another option I Think you can get uh these Milwaukee at Home Depot for 20 or maybe even 1897 Something like that or probably other Places as well but again you don't have To stick to just Harbor Freight we're Just kind of giving you some options Here looks like the Milwaukee are a Little bit longer as well but that's Just something this Pi set is something You will use all the time kind of like The Flush Cutters um once you start Using stuff like this you'll always find More uses for them And then a pair of soft jaw Pliers these are something you don't use All the time uh but there will be times When you need to grab something that

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Either a it's something that's got a Nice finish on it and you don't want to Have to uh scar it uh and and by the way Yes you could take a regular pair of Channel locks you could throw some Rubber hoses heater hose on the end of It to keep it from Maring or uh you know Wrap it in tape whatever but if you've Got these in your toolbox it's really Easy to grab whether it's you know You're trying to grab a piece of pipe or Whatever it is and you can adjust these As well so just something else good to Have I think these were 25 bucks as well Um so a pair of soft jaw Pliers and then last Up you're probably ahead of me on this One magnetic Parts trays now you can go All out and you can get the uh the new Silicone versions of it which are great These are absolutely awesome to have um Because they you know lay on anything uh But I don't believe these are magnetic So it's not going to uh to hold your Tools um but these are the magnetic Trays so your nuts and bolts and things Like that it's going to not only hold Them but also provide some magnetization Mag magnetizing or you get it so anyway Just a place to hold Parts nuts Bolts Hardware things like that So these round ones are five bucks and Uh and it looks like the silicone tray Is only n bucks so n bucks for these

$4.99 for these I like these colorcoded Because then you can have multiple ones Around whether it's different people That has them or you got different Projects going on uh you can store those Nuts and bolts or fasters or whatever it Is uh in These don't let them pick up your tools Uh but just a great way to kind of Differentiate between the two or you can Go for just the silver ones and that's Great I think you can even get them a Little bit cheaper the Pittsburgh not The US general um or you can color code Them to your toolbox whatever you want To do but these are very handy to have Around the shop and by the way arguably I have probably the best pair of Flush Cutters uh that you would probably be Able to buy supposedly and they broke Too so not everything is going to last For forever no matter what name is on it So let's recoup 25 bucks for the soft Jaw pliers uh $25 for the icon Flush Cutters $3.99 or four bucks for the Pittsburgh Flush Cutters uh $39.99 or 40 Bucks for the madx pressurized sprayer $5 for the round Parts trays each that's $5 each or $.99 each and then 9 bucks or $8.99 for the silicone tray and then uh $20 for the icon pick set um $2 for the Cheapy pick set and then if you wanted To go to the Home Depot side or Lowe's Or I know it' be Home Depot um for the

Milwaukee those are going to cost you About 20 bucks as Well