Electric Chainsaw – Milwaukee M18 FUEL Hatchet 8-inch Pruning Saw [Milwaukee 3004-20]

Just a few weeks ago we first saw this new @Milwaukee Tool M18 FUEL Hatchet 8-inch pruning chainsaw. Finally, we received our own and we didn’t waste any time to give it a true test. Still cleaning up after Hurricane Ian, we have plenty of fresh testing material for this battery powered chainsaw. We powered ours with the 6.0 High Output M18 battery. Even after more than 50 cuts in a 4-inch plus log, we still had 3-bars left on the battery. You can get the Milwaukee 3004-20 M18 Hatche for $279 for the bare tool, and it’s covered by a 3-year warranty.
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Milwaukee M18 FUEL Hatchet:

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Milwaukee released a hatchet that takes A battery is it something you need we’ll See [Music] [Applause] [Music] This is Milwaukee’s M18 fuel Hatchet or Otherwise an 8-inch pruning saw now we First saw this at the Milwaukee pipeline Event uh not back in June maybe in August I believe so a couple of months Ago and it was a big hit there we were Very surprised at the power that this Thing lays down so let’s go ahead and Dive in take a closer look at the Features we’ll talk about some of the Specs like chain speed explain some of The chain speed and then we’ll take this Out and use it and then come back and Talk about pricing about warranty as Well as what we think of it the model Number on this is the Milwaukee 3004-20 now the dash 20 tells us that’s A bare tool so you can buy this in bare Tool form I don’t believe you can even Buy it as a kit yet anyway I’m sure that We’ll see some combos come out as well As you’ll probably be able to buy it in A kit form very soon as well but anyway This is the image 18 Fuel and they’re Calling it The Hatchet the M18 fuel Hatchet and it’s an eight inch pruning Saw so obviously running on their M18 Platform we don’t have a battery in it

Because while we’re messing with a Chainsaw chain I want to have some cut Proof gloves on as well as not have a Battery in the saw so let’s talk about Some of the features as we look this Over so I’ll pull the guard off here Usually they just kind of slip on and Don’t have this additional kind of catch If you will I like that because the Smaller the bar it’s going to slide off But that kind of catches on the bar nuts Which Yeah it may or may not work anyway I Like the idea so move that aside we have An eight inch bar I don’t see any organ Markings on it but I think it’s a pretty Common Um small like a pole saw chain and bar Set the chain size is a 3 8 inch by o43 And it is a low profile chain any of Your smaller battery powered stuff is Going to run a low profile just cuts Through a lot cleaner and not as much Pressure on it and so forth anyway and It is a 33 tooth blade I like the fact That we do have a typical stud and nut For retaining the bar or keeping the Tension on the chain and then we have a Standard tensioner here as well and Again we’ll pull this cover off in just A few moments it’s also an automatic Oiler so if we look on the other side Here we have an oil tank And no tools needed to open that up in

Fact we’ll get rid of a little Advertisement there real quick almost Like it looks like a quarter turn yeah Quarter turn and that’s off so that’s Nice and it is translucent so we can see Our bar oil in there without having to Open it up and take a look obviously our Typical scrunches are going to be able To open that also speaking of scritch Underneath here we do have a typical Scritch we don’t have any spark plugs to Take out but we can use this on our bar Nut as well as for tensioning the chain And to pull this out you just lift up Here on the screwdriver side of the Stretch and then slide this out so I Like that retainage that’s actually Going to hold I think so you see that Little cylinder there you slide this Over here and close that down again That’s going to be used over here when We go to loosen or remove our bar and Set the tension on the Chain which again We’ll go over in just one moment we also Have a little Keyhole here where we can Actually hang that so put a screw on the Wall and actually hang this saw and then We also have a lanyard Loop here also so If you’re hanging from your side if You’re wanting to play the arborist and Hang this from a lanyard it’s ready to Do so you’ll notice here we don’t have Your typical blade break where you Actually throw it forward and lock the

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Blade it’s actually right here so One-handed you can unlock this pull the Trigger and engage that chain that’s all You don’t have to turn a button on you Don’t have to push any buttons you don’t Have to you know throw a blade lock one Way or the other just pull this down and That’s ambidextrous so if you’re Left-handed you can do it from this side As well and once you do that you can Engage the trigger otherwise that Trigger is locked out until that’s Pulled down we do get a variable speed Trigger as well so we can vary that Speed and then we have metal bucking Spikes on here I like that idea not that You’re going to be failing many trees With this but still if you’re going to Have bucking spikes I don’t like having Just plastic ridges if you’re going to Have it put it on there I think those Plastic ridges on the fronts of a lot of Those battery powered saws are just Useless you might as well not even have Them you’ll notice also that you’re Basically kind of your blade guard if You will is right here so the idea is You’re going to have your second hand Here primary hand here and that’s going To ensure that you have both hands taken Care of so they’re not in the blade area Now let’s talk about speed for a moment They’re claiming 2600 RPM which is Interesting because we’re not getting a

Direct drive off the motor because the Brushless motor is sitting up here Critically and the blade is obviously Turning this way so we’re probably Either we have a pinion gears or a worm Drive situation not sure which and then Delivering 2600 RPM to the blade they’re Also claiming a 5 meter per second chain Speed so let’s actually dig into that Math and see and let’s do so by taking Off this guard I’m going to take our Scrunch and loosen the bar nut And we’ll remove the cover Okay so this is how you would you know Clear debris out of here as well as Let’s go ahead and take off this Bar and chain And also point out that right Right here is your automatic Oiler so Your oil is coming out of the tank and It’s going in this little area right Here and then that lines up with the Holes right here So your bottom one is actually the Tensioner and the top one is actually Where the oil is going to go in and that Is going to oil that bar and oil that Chain so it’s going to go in this groove Here and keep that chain oiled and Ensure that you’re getting some decent Lubrication so again they claim a five Meter per second chain speed and let’s Just make some marks on here for a Second so I’m going to look at my

Sprocket here And I’m going to put a mark on this Tooth right here And We’ll put a Mark here So that aligns with that Mark and let’s Count teeth one two three four five six So sixteenth so we’ve got a six tooth Sprocket So we know every one revolution we’re Going six lengths of the chain so let’s Uh take a look at this chain You’ll get where I’m going here in one Moment and I’m going to just uh Mark this one here And know that so let’s just mark this Tooth here so I’m going to mark that Tooth so then we know That every one two three four five Six teeth Every six teeth is a revolution in fact Let’s put it on the bar So we’re going to say a tooth here and Then one two three four five Six right yep So that’s every six teeth Take our calipers here So about four let’s call it 4.4 inches So every Revolution is 4.4 inches and Just to validate what I’m talking about So again we’ve got our Mark here and Then Color right there where that sprocket Lines up and I’ll show you here when I

Do a complete Revolution that This Mark here should go all the way to This Mark up here There we go there’s our Mark and our Marks lined up so we know every Revolution we’re getting 4.4 inches so If we take our 4.4 inches and we Multiply that times 2600 RPM That gives us 11 440 okay if we take our 11 440 That is inches per minute Okay so if we take 11 440 and we divide By 12 we get 950 feet Per minute Well typically when we look at chainsaws We see feet per second meters per second Something like that and Milwaukee had Claimed five meters per second okay so If we take 950 and we divide by 60 That’s going to give us per second so That’s 15.9 feet per second And if you convert five meters to feet That’s 16.4 so I would call that an Equal so 15.9 meters per second as long As we’re turning 2600 RPM and we know That’s probably a no load speed but just Wanted to tell you that the calculation Kind of works out by the math we’re Doing uh by sprocket size and chain link Okay so our math works out we’ll put our Guard back on here Capture nut on there

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And we’ll leave that nut loose because We want to tension this chain That’s actually Pretty tight which normally what I’d Like to see is when you pull down on the Chain on the bottom of the bar that you See kind of just the top of the tooth Even with the bar with just some light Tension however the shorter the bar gets The tighter you want to be on that Because you don’t want to be throwing a Chain on such a short bar so I’m going To probably leave that as good but you Can see here with the bar not loose you Turn it to the left and that’s going to Loosen up that chain and again that’s Just too much too little tension for Such a short bar so I’m going to tighten That up a bit and then tighten that bar Down Now just to give you an idea the size of This uh without the battery you’re Looking at right at 19 and three Quarters of an inch from uh front to Back now width on this is pretty pretty Narrow Tool uh looks like about four Inches even considering the uh the oiler Cap here so Very narrow tool should be very handy to Use And then let’s talk about weight And we’ll go ahead I’m going to run this With the 6-0 battery so I’m going to Throw the 6-0 battery on it which is a

Bit heavier than say a five And So seven pounds four and a half ounces And with the 5-0 battery Six pounds eight ounces so six and a Half pounds with the 5-0 and a little Over seven with the 6-0 battery So let’s go out and use this all right Let’s first uh fill this tank with some Bar oil We definitely don’t want to be running That dry Now we can see that translucent tank That we can see the oil level in there Which by the way I don’t like running Translucent oil when I have a Translucent tank because you can’t see It so I always add either a little bit Of automatic transmission fluid or even Some two-stroke oil something to color It a little bit so that you can actually See that if you are running running like A translucent Bar Oil because as that Gets dirtier that’s harder to see Through but now I can easily see the Level of my bar oil As I mentioned I’m going to be running This on a 6 amp hour battery the high Output XC 6.0 and what we’re going to Start cutting here is I don’t know that’s probably three inch Yeah that’s probably three inches once We get in there maybe two and a half Inch I guess it’s probably only two

Inches so we’re going to start with this Two inch limb and then we’ll move up to Some bigger stuff So again kind of proper holding Technique is hand through here to Capture that secondary hand first hand Here and I have to release the trigger Lock But then you’ll notice within one second I’m at full speed [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Cuts very quickly especially for an 18 Volt tool Foreign [Applause] Okay we’ll move up to this one which Probably again probably three inches Three and a half almost four inches so Three and three quarters of an inch Diameter so I’d say that’s a good idea Of what you would typically be cutting With this say after a storm of just Trimming some trees or whatever it may Be [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] And there’s an idea of how you use those Bucking spikes or how you can at least Make them beneficial on this I can kind Of you saw that limb kind of shaking

Because I’ve just got two attachment Points back here with some construction Screws same thing if it were on a tree And starting to rock back and forth what I can do is stabilize it by making my Primary cut And then I’m going to use that bucking Spike to kind of bury in there and then Just use that as leverage not Necessarily to add more pressure but to Keep that limb stable So now you see as I rock that in it’s Not shaking back and forth and I can get Another bite here And finish that cut So again now I can bury that bucking Spike So it’s not just for adding leverage It’s to really calm that limb down to Keep that from shaking back and forth as I’m cutting [Applause] Foreign Now we’ll go to a little bit bigger log And this one should increase we’re about Four and a half but I think it gets Probably close to Six as we move down And I’ll just kind of show this in One-handed operations here [Applause] All right Now I’m starting to add some downward Pressure while I’m cutting I think you can hear by the tone in the

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RPM that I’m really putting some Pressure against this either with the Bucking spikes or with downward pressure It really just keeps cutting Typically on battery-powered stuff when You do that it just cuts out it goes Into a cutout phase which I’m kind of Trying to find where that is on this But I’m putting way more pressure than I Thought I would And you can see We’re getting to Yeah we’re at five and a half inch Diameter right there which by the way on An eight inch bar typically you’re only Probably getting seven inches of cutting Yeah so just over seven inches from an Eight inch bar so we’re getting close to The maximum capacity of using a saw like This anyway if we haven’t passed that Already Foreign [Applause] [Applause] I’m literally putting more and more Pressure on this thing by using those Bucking spikes that I’m a little blown Away that I’m not stopping this saw There you go so I really kind of leaned On it and was able to stop it but still Very impressive at the amount of Pressure I’m able to put on this So basically to reset release the Trigger and go back to it I’ll do it

Again Okay so I stopped it Pull the trigger and go [Applause] Which by the way this is a fresh Fallen Oak Tree uh after Hurricane Ian so this Is not a piece a dried piece of wood our Florida Oaks have tons of moisture in Them as well kind of a real pain to cut Sometimes And after 50 or some odd Cuts we’re Still at three cells on this 6.0 battery I really like the dexterity of this as Well that I can really control this very Easily pretty center of gravity with This bigger battery on here a little Tail heavy but not bad whatsoever Especially with two hands on very agile Saw We were very impressed with this little Eight inch hatchet it worked very well And I think typically with an eight inch Blade you’re going to be cutting that You know four inch inch smaller type of Limbs or logs if you’re that arborist It’s a very small saw that now you can Hang with your lanyard on this Loop here And be able to meet the needs of cutting Those smaller limbs without having to Start us all up in a tree as well as the Ability to just pull the trigger and Within a second you’re at full RPM this Thing cut really quick much quicker than We anticipated just like when we were at

The show or at the pipeline of it and Impressed us then because you can really Bear down on this tool without it Cutting out now I’m not saying that it’s Like a 60cc saw that’s not what it’s Meant to be but you can put much more Pressure than your typical battery Powered saw without this thing cutting Out and if it does cut out and let off The trigger pull it back and it’s ready To go again love the features of this Very balanced tool a very agile tool you Get a three year warranty with the M18 Hatchet and it’s 279 dollars for the Bare tool I haven’t seen it in a kit Form yet so just the bare tool you’re Looking at 279. I know that’s not crazy Cheap at the same time I don’t know of a Battery powered saw in this size and Platform that will match the performance That we’re seeing out of this so check It out for yourself again it’s the Milwaukee 3004-20 the M18 fuel Hatchet or eight Inch pruning saw also keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don’t mind when you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven’t done so already and by all Means if you hated our video then give Us a thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day keep smiling