WHAT A DEAL?! ICON 22-piece Long Jaw Puller Set [LJP-22]

This is the ICON LJP-22 22-piece Long Jaw Puller Set. You get 3 different sets of jaws, short, medium, and long (4.5, 6.5, and 8-Ton rated). This set includes two different sets of hubs for 2-jaw and 3-jaw setups. All the pins and joints include spring-loaded detents that allow for quick and easy changes. The blow molded case does a great job at securing each piece to remain organized. This ICON Puller Set typically has a price of $250+, but it’s currently on sale for $199. You also get a Lifetime Guarantee.
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ICON LJP-22 Puller Set:

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The icon Master puller set from Harbor Freight would you buy it If you're not aware Harbor Freight now Has a professional line of tools that They call the icon series at least on The hand tool side and this is the icon 22 piece Master puller set let's dive in Take a closer look at this and then We'll come back and talk about pricing And warranty This is the icon long jaw Master puller Set the model number is the ljp 22 and This comes straight from Harbor Freight Lifetime warranty on these icon hand Tools now let's take a look at this kit And see what we think about it Foreign Case if you want to keep it in the case You can Open it up you got metal latches And everything kind of fits in its place Now the cool thing about this case is You can keep it encased as you see it But if you want to put it in your Toolbox without having to remove Everything you can easily just by hand Pull these pins Remove the lid And then you can just take these latches Pull those off and now set those in your Favorite drawer of your toolbox then of Course we'll hold those and you're good To go so now you still have a place for Everything but you don't have to worry

About the lid and the thickness of the Lid or the latches flopping around so There you have it like the fact that Again it's kind of a kind of a modular Storage solution and of course if you Just want to throw it all in a drawer by Themselves you can do that too so 22 Piece set let's see one two three four Five six seven eight nine ten eleven Twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen 20 21 We're short of Peace who knows I'm sure They're probably calling that a piece so Whatever 22 piece set we'll live with it We're happy with it Um we're not going to hold them to Whether or not maybe the case is one who Knows again so we get a 22 piece set uh It's supposed to be 10 different Configurations however on that I believe That many people don't know how to use This properly I know I'm going to get a Lot of hate mail and and hate comments Over that but it just is what it is I'm Sure people are going to grab this thing Throw one of these on here throw a Couple of Jaws on and go to the races And call it that and that's just not the Proper way to do it so let's talk about That let's go over these different Configurations and how to use this kit First thing out of the gate before you Ever use a three jaw pull or two jaw

Puller any type of puller there is Extreme pressure being applied to this Threaded Rod here as well as even on the Nuts or the threaded inserts whatever You want to to call those that ride Along here so again with extreme Pressure being put on there this needs To be greased before the first use and I'm going to say before ever you so that Nobody's going to do that but at least Every couple of uses you want to put Some high pressure grease on this of Some sort that's going to do you a Couple of favors it's going to number One you know give you a longer tool life As well it's just going to make things Work easier Um and you may have to do this a couple Of times especially as your initial use These things aren't threaded aren't Greased up And therefore you probably want to wear Gloves when you do this as well so And I'm sure I can speed this up you Don't have to watch us Lube up this Threaded Rod but I think you get it If this isn't lubed you're going to Gall The threads if not the first use at some Point you're going to throw your Favorite high torque impact wrench on Here and you're going to go to the races With this thing and next thing you know You're ruining threads and ruining your New puller set and you're going to take

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It back to Harbor Freight and say I need A new one and they're going to say yeah But you messed up the threads no go Anyway I don't know what they're going To tell you but you get it Lube up the Threads Okay there's one we've got loose threads Lubed up at least for this time pretty Cool here uh detent balls on each end of The handle here because again you can Use this by hand but most likely you're Going to pull that out put your favorite Wrench or impact wrench on that nut Right there and go to the races driving It with a power tool and then if you Want to put the handle back in just Slide it in love the use of those Detents on there to make that very easy Now you'll notice here we have three Different sized Jaws we have the short Jaws the medium jaws and the large Jaws If you look at how much pressure can be Applied to these this is four and a half Tons this is six and a half tons and These are eight ton Jaws so the large Ones Are built to maintain or to handle eight Tons of pull on there so obviously so Are the different accessories so let's Go over how we use these so if we have a Let's just look at a short jaw two jaw Scenario so we're not just going to grab These and grab these jaws and hook up The pins or screws or bolts or whatever

And go to town that's not how this works Number one this knurling here on this That's going to go on the top that's Going to be the first thing to go on And the next thing to go on will be the Icon Two jaw block And again I can already tell that that's Right I can already tell that's drying out Because none of these are lubed up so I'm going to apply a little more Lube Behind that one And thread that back on Okay So now we're going to take and depending On whether we're going to do an inside Pull Or an outside Pole We've got Short detent pins and we've got long Detent pins now all of these are going To be used well Two of each On a short jaw two jaw pull And the long ones are going to go on This thicker area The cool thing about it we don't have to Thread anything we just push them Through And they're in place and Then the shorter jaw The shorter jaw is going to go on the Thinner arm

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So pretty hard to mess up here As long as you kind of got an idea of How they're supposed to work And line up the hole push it through and Now we have our puller set up now the Cool thing about this is not only is it Going to do the pulling but our knurled Handle here is going to set the pressure On applying against on an inside pull Toward the outside or an outside pull Outside pole toward the inside and kind Of lock these on here so no longer do I Have to sit here and hold these in place Or spread them apart or anything like That because with the Turning of this Knurled handle handle here you'll see As I Back it away it's pulling it closer And as I tighten up It's pulling those jaws apart again Setting pressure against whatever we're Pulling on so that I don't have to hold Those in place or put some type of Spreader in there to do that and then All I've got to concentrate on once I Get that set in place and that pulled Tight is now I can use my handle here to Crank this down and once you're holding Both of them it's going to apply the Pulling Force where it's actually Pulling that off Now the other thing I add here is right Here on the snout if we don't want the Blunts now right here or the hollow

Right here again a detent ball just Pushes right into place and so now we Have our ConEd or our pointed shaft to Go into Center to the center point of a Uh you know like a countersink of a Crankshaft or something like that or if We wanted to just go against the bolt Again we can use the blunt in there So again love all these detents and pins That make life easy And now when I'm done I can easily just Push these pins out Or if I wanted to set things closer You could put the pins on the inside And having even closer proximity of These Jaws so we got some flexibility There but then to take things apart Easily pull these out Foreign S out with no pressure on them Put things away And we're good to go for the next time Everything has its place And even if I wanted to go to a Even a large jaw pull And let's say to the Pulling to the inside Again large pins on the Bottom area Large pins on the top So it's a pretty broad pull You can adjust the Jaws where we need Them set the spread and then go to town So we get it

Short medium long doesn't matter Easily hook up to the two jaws And then again everything has its place To be put away Quicken things up take my 7 8 inch Socket Let me go ahead and Lube up the rest of This All right So that's it with the two jaw three jaw Kind of rinse and repeat right Again we want to make sure it's good and Lubed up And again make sure that our knurled Basically this is kind of our handle is Up closest to the nut in or closest to Where your hands will be We'll go to our medium rods here And then go to our three jaw Solid puller And put our long pins in Long pins go in the solid Long pins go in the solid piece and the Short pins Then go On yeah Pretty self-explanatory But I see tons of people that misuse These all the time either because They're lazy or they really never Understood how these work And again you want to hold this and turn This one to adjust Your pre-tension

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On your jaws And you can see as I'm tightening down Getting them closer that's bringing Those jaws together on an inside pull So maybe we're pulling a harmonic Balancer or something like that And then once we get the pre-tension set Then we can come in and you hold the Whole housing and drive this and then That's what it's going to actually do The pulling and remove whatever it is You're pulling off and again we can put In our Center pin To make sure that we're centering or Pull it off if we don't need it So pretty cool system Very solidly built Very impressed with this Love how everything tucks away in its Own little compartment Everything's cleaned up and ready to go Now it's ready for you the next time you Use it one of the huge perks of this set Is definitely the ease of use we love The actual detent push pins on all the Different pivoting locations so it makes It very easy and quick to make these Changes to assemble it to disassemble it And put everything back in its place we Also love the case and the ability to Again store things in their place Whether it be the centering pin to push On here and pull out again detent or any

Of you know changing from two jaw to Three jaw and from you know small to Medium to large you name it very easy And quick to actually assemble and Disassemble this kit so we love that now Pricing on this is usually somewhere Around that 300 range I think it's Usually 269 289 something like that but I just noticed in doing some research Before we did this review right now this Is on sale for 199 bucks I'm sure that Won't Last a whole long time maybe a Week or two but I would say that's a Great buy for this kit because if you Look at the tool you know truck prices On a kit like this on a 22 piece kit You're probably going to be in the six Eight hundred a thousand dollar range For something that's going to be like This and the icon series on this is a Lifetime warranty on it so anything Happens take it back to Harbor Freight And they're going to replace it for you So really hard to beat that it's made Very well and again the ease of use is Just really up there with some of the Best Brands so check it out for yourself We'll have a link in the description Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means did you Hate our video well then give us a

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