Best & Deadliest Jack Stands (6 Ton)? Let’s find out!

Brands: Husky, Daytona, Big Red, Larin, Arcan, US Jack, Esco, Sunex, TCE, Hein Werner, ZSP. Jack stands compared for stability (tip over) from side to side and forward movement. The jack stands were also compared for stability on a rubber mat to simulate soft asphalt. The jack stands were also compared for handle functionality and jack stand failure load.

I bought all of the jack stands and everything used to compare their performance. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

Motor oil videos on this channel bring out the funniest jokes about “Project Farm’s coffee”. So, I decided to surprise everyone by creating a new coffee brand, Ozzie’s Coffee. As you can probably tell by how fast I talk, I like coffee. Thanks again for supporting the channel.
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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Big Red:
US Jack:
Hein Werner:
Daytona: Harbor Freight
Husky: Home Depot

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Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
Go Pro Bundle:

This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

When I was just a kid I saw a car fall On top of a person because a car was not Properly secured it was a terrible event And fortunately the person did survive The question is which Jack standand Brand is the best and which ones are Dangerous well let's find out these jack Stands look dangerous and we'll see just How dangerous they are in the first test Then we'll see which brands pass and Fail the handle test we'll see which Jack stands offer the most stability Finally we'll test a fair load of each Brand at a price of $46 is this tce Brand and I had the tce mailed to me and The tce just about busted out of the box It have a height range from around 15 in To just about 24 all the jack stands Will be testing are rated for 6 tons Equipped with double lock protection Feature increasing safety by 200% the Tce is made in China the metal tab has Bent inward once the ratchet bar is Installed to keep the ratchet bar in Place most manufacturers combine the Weight rating for both jack stands to Come up with a 6 tonon rating and the Tce weighs 14.77% subjective the Wells on the tce Are actually pretty decent if your car Is up on jack stand you probably don't Want a bunch of side to side wobble and The tce jack stand has just over a/ inch Of movement on the highest setting jack

Stand performance has a lot to do with Build construction the width of the base And side to side movement when a crawl Under a vehicle I typically place the Jack stands on the highest setting so That I have plenty of clearance often Times on counter stuck Fasteners and I Have to apply a lot of force which could Be risky so in our first test let's set The Ford Ranger on jack stands and then See how much force it takes to cause the Ranger to fall off the jack stands with A maximum height of just under 24 in and A base width of over 15 in the tce Should perform well and it took 1866 lb Of lateral Force to reach the Tipping Point with the tce which is pretty good At a price of $55 is this arcan brand They claim that their base pads prevents The Jack from sinking into the asphalt They advertise a working range of 15.5 To 24 in the counterweighted PA locks in Place securely to prevent slipping we're Going to test that 10.5x 11.5 base Delivers Superior stability the arcan is Made in China China and the Aran weighs 15.52 lb and the Aran has a height range From 15 and 58 to 24 and 5/8 or 11 in of Range and the welds on the Aran Definitely look better than the welds on The tce while the arcan has some greatl Looking welds it also has a lot of slop At almost 7/10 of an inch all that back And forth movement in the ratchet bar

Allows a center of gravity to shift off The center of the jack stand and the Arcan reach Tipping Point at around 169 LBS or 18 lb less than the tce at a Price of $70 is this big red brand they Claim that the saddle has a large Surface area to provide better contact With the load being supported and a Ratchet bar on one of the stands is Extremely stiff and doesn't settle into The locked position without some help The other jack stand started off stiff And loosened up quickly the chain for Holding the Locking pin also arrived Broken definitely some quality control Issues with the jack stand set the big Red is made in China the quality of the Wells look about the same as the tce but This one was definitely built on a Monday morning and there's just over 1/3 Of an inch of side to side movement the Best yet 15 and 38 in on the lowest Height setting and 23 and 78 on the Highest and it's is 15.11 lb for the big Red and the tce and the big red look Almost the same but the Big Red's Ratchet bar has less side to side Movement and that really helped on this Test 189.5 lb is the best yet at a price Of $80 is this Len brand it claims to Have a heavyduty steel body and collar It's a locking pin style for added Safety full Wells for added strength Made in China and the Ln is the lightest

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Yet at 12.95 lbs the height ranges from 14.5 to 24 a/4 in for a total working Range of 11.75 in the most yet and this Jack stand looks like it was built on a Friday just before punching the time Clock less than a/ inch of side to side Movement is pretty good and the Ln made It to just over 172 lbs before losing Balance and a Ford Ranger took a swing At the weight scale but fortunately There wasn't any harm to the display Also at a price of $80 the same price as The Len brand is this Daytona brand Which is sold at Harbor Freight heavy Duty reinforced steel base double Locking Mobility pin for extra Safety And Security the dayona jack stands are Made in China welded foot pads disperse The load and the dayona jack stand is The heavy yet at 15.82% 7 lb so the big red holds on to The lead at 89.6 at a price of $87 is this sunx Tools brand large Saddles with locating Lugs to provide support it has a Self-lock ratchet stud that prevents Lowering of stand under load we're going To test that made in China and it's 15.53% behind the tce at a price of $90 Is this husky brand it has a heavy duty Steel base with anti-syn feet for added Durability and safety made in China and The Husky weighs 15.4.1 lbs and one of The Husky jack stands is about 5/16 of

An inch taller than the other one in the Lower and in the highest position just Over 152 in in the lowest position and Just over 24 and 1/2 in the highest the Quality of the welds with the Husky seem Acceptable but not as good as some of The other brands just over a/ inch of Side to side movement with the Husky and The anti-syn feet really add a lot of Stability to the jack stand and the Husky moves into the lead at 1995.5 lb When it finally reached the Tipping Point at $145 for the pair is this Esco Brand circular base pads allow for Maximum stability and safety the Manufacturer claims that their jack Stand is designed with Incredible Quality and durability we're going to Test that just like the other brands the Esco is rated for 3 tons for one stand Or 6 tons for the pair the owner's Manual shows 6 tons per pair and the Esco is the lightest yet at 11.51 lb and The welds on the Esco look good enough But definitely not as good as as some of The other brands and Esco is at just Under 13 in without the rubber pad and Just under 21 in with it and there's Almost a/ inch of side to side movement And the Esco doesn't offer enough Lifting height to keep the rear wheels Of the Ranger off the ground so I gently Lower the truck and then I chain the Rear axle to the frame so the question

Is is a three-legged jack stand just as Stable as a four-legged stand and the Esco does have large foot pads and lower Clearance which are both helping for a Three-legged jack stand the Esco Performed well at 187.5 lb at a price of $178 this zsp brand the manufacturer Claims that it's a 6- tonon adjustable Performance car and truck jack stand It's a 3- ton jack stand or 6 tons for The pair they claim it's built with high Quality cast ductile iron what separates This from the other brands is that it's Very compact the zsp brand is made in China and the zsp is extremely light at Only 4.35 lbs and the zsp doesn't offer Too much ground clearance with the range From 10 1 12 in to around 16 and a qu on The highest setting and W quality is the Least of my concerns with the zsp and The manufacturer claims that this jack Stand is as steady as a rock and I'm not Joking these things look terrifyingly Unsafe and there's almost 3/4 of an inch Of slop the most yet of all the brands And the zsp claims to be steady as a Rockton deal trust and confidence into To take $178 out of your Pocket and both jack stands broke at Only 95 lbs of lateral Force definitely The most dangerous jack stands I've ever Seen at a price of $179 is this Heine Warner brand Dual Purpose handle serves As a carry handle and a saddle column

Release multi-purpose ret bar provides Strength and durability the H Warner is Made in USA and H Warner is by far the Heaviest yet at 2.42m it 187.5 lbs before dancing around On the way down and nearly taking out The camera fortunately the camera Survived without any damage and the most Expensive jack stands will be testing at A price of $280 is made by us Jack Double lock security system utilizes two Paws to engage two teeth on the load bar Just like all the other brands the rated Capacity is based upon the pair the US Jack is made in USA and it's 14.52 LBS For the US Jack and the US Jack offers The most clearance yet at just over 25 1/2 in and the quality of the Wells on The US Jack look very good and the US Jack has the least amount of side to Side slop yet at less than 1/10th of an Inch while the US Jack really benefits From having little side to side slop it Also has the most clearance putting it At a disadvantage on this test and the USG act finally toppled over at 186.65 3 lb big red finished in second At 189.5 and several other brands were All within a pound of each other a lot Of parking lots and driveways are made With asphalt when asphalt becomes hot it Can become soft and jack stands can sink Down into the asphalt and become Unstable the simulate hot asphalt I'll

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Use these rubber mats which take a lot Of force to compress with the back of The truck resting on top of the tce Stands the feet are sinking down into The rubber mat with the slightest Movement we still have several more Tests to go and I don't want to destroy The jack stands just yet so I'm going to Try to stop the test before the truck Falls off the stands and it's 154.32 stands and the Aran has pads on The bottom of the feet to prevent the Jack stands from sinking into the Asphalt and the jack stands reach Tipping Point at 1549 lb which is almost The same as a tce and aside of the jack Stands supporting the weight of the Truck are not digging into the rub mat As badly as the tce and the big red jack Stands look a lot like the tce and it Performed like them too and the vehicle Fell off one of the jack stands at 148.9mm of the big red Jack is really Digging into the rubber mat and the lrn Does not have pads on the bottom feet And that held it back a little 151 lbs Is still a pretty good performance and The feet on the Len are really sinking Into the rubber pad and the datona jack Stands have performed well throughout The Showdown and it performed well in This test at almost 154 PBS and the pads On the feet really help prevent the Detona from sinking into the rubber mat

And the Sunex has pads on the bottom of The jack stands and they're really Helping it stay on all four legs 169.99 lb even though the Esco doesn't Offer as much height as most of the Other brands only having three legs Really held it back at 147.5 lb and the Pads on the bottom of the jack stand are Doing a pretty good job and Hein Warner Offers the second highest clearance of All the jack stands however it doesn't Have pads on the bottom of the jack Stand and Hein Warner still perform very Well and moves into second place at 159.jpg In a close second Heine Warner also Performed very well at 159.jpg Of 3351 lbs I'll stop the test before The vehicle completely tips over to Avoid damage to the jack stands since There's more testing and the arcan jack Stands have a lot longer base than the Tce and that really helped and the arcan Jack stands are up on two legs at 350 lb Or 15 lb more than the TC and a big red Jack stands don't have as long of a base As the arcan stands but the big red does Have a lower maximum height and 362 lb Is good enough to move into the lead Over the arcan and the Len jack stands Use a locking pin instead of a ratchet Bar and the design of the Len really Helps as it moves into the lead over the

Big red stands at 371.50 lb with the Locking pins in place the ratchet bar on The dayona did lean towards the front of The vehicle a little during the test and The dayona reached Tipping Point at 334.30 on the sunx began to lift and the Ratchet bar leaned forward the movement Of the ratchet bar changed the center of Gravity quite a bit and it's 345.8 LBS For the Sunex just like the Sunex the Handles on the Husky jack stand did LIF A little but not quite as much and the Husky moves into the lead of 372.00 test however it also has a longer Base which really helps quite a bit and 372 lb is less than a pound less than The liter and the US Jack offers a Highest lift but the base of the jack Stand isn't as long as some of the other Brands and that really hurt his Performance and the US Jack is on two Legs at 2978 lb so the Husky Hein Warner and Lren all finished within a pound of each Other at around 372 lb let's compare the Handle mechanism for safety if you're Under a vehicle and something comes into Contact with the Jack stand's handle the Jack standand should remain locked the Jack standand handle handles have a roll Pin or a dow that should Shear before Unlocking or collapsing I'll first lower About 800 lb onto the jack stand and I'll go ahead and remove the lock from

The tce the scale on the right will keep Track of the downward force from the Farm equipment as I apply a lifting Force on the handle the scale on the Right will show a weight reduction as a Scale on the left will show the amount Of upward Force applied to the Handle wow I did not expect that with Only around 180 lb of upward force on The handle and over 800 lb of weight on The jack stand the jack stand collapsed And the Aran does not have a locking pin To prevent the jack stand from Collapsing if the handle is contacted And the Aran also dropped the 800 lb Load but this time with 27 lb of upward Force on the handle I previously tested Three ton jack stands and almost all the Jack stands pass this test with just Over 800 lb of weight on the jack stand I did not test us Jack Esco or Len since They don't have the traditional handle And Ratchet bar design unfortunately None of the jack stands pass this test With 800 lb of downward Force I've added Some weight to the jack stands and There's now over 1,400 lb of weight and And this time the tce passed the test The handle roll pin sheared at just over 200 lb and the arcan also passed the Test but the roll pin did not Shear Until about 268 lb and the Big Red made It to almost 300 lb before the roll pin Finally gave up at 100 lb more than the

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Tce without the lock in place the Daytona roll pin did not break until Over 360 lb and a suex jack stand held On for a long time and a roll pin Finally let go at 340 lb and the roll Pin on the Husky broke at 242 lb or About 100 lb less than the Sunex and the Roll pin in the handle on the hind Warner held in there quite a long time And the Rope pin finally broke at just Over 300 lb I applied quite a bit of Upward force on the US Jack and it did Not collapse testing the tce with the Ratchet bar in place when it comes to Jack stand failure a direct downward Force on a perfectly flat surface is a Pretty unlikely scenario but let's do it Anyway and the tce made it to almost 39,000 lb when the feet began to buckle Under the load I ended the test after Crushing all four fet and the Aran does Not have a double Locking System but It's holding up very well and the handle Is beginning the Twist and the Locking Mechanism is getting crushed under load And the Aran threw in the can at close To 33,000 lb and that's a lot of damage Let's see how the big red performs Without the Locking pin and one of the Legs is beginning the Buckle underload And the Big Red made it to just over 36,000 lb and then the dreaded clicking Sound however you know that any Jack Stand with a name like big red isn't

Going down without a big Bang and the big red is Big Time Dead With a bent ratchet bar and four bent Legs and the Len made it to almost 35,000 lb when the lren went full Karen Rather than creating some drama the Len Became shorter and finally gave up and The Locking pin is bent but the real Damage took place to the jack stand bar Let's see how the Daytona performs Without the Locking pin and the Daytona Made it to just over 33,000 lb when the Ratchet bar assembly began to stretch And aunex does not have a double lock System and aunix made it to just over 33,000 lb when it began losing ground And theix experienced the same type of Failure as the Aran with the ratchet bar And assembly bending and finally Breaking and the Husky manag to almost 36,000 lb when it experienced a pretty Bad popping s down the Husky thought About quitting but jumped right back Into the fight with 100 T press this Time the Husky made it to 32,000 lb when The ratchet bar and assembly begin Bending and then breaking is it possible That a three-legged jack stand is even Stronger than a four-legged jack stand Unfortunately the Esco went from pretty Unhappy to very Snappy at almost 30,000 Lb once again another W in the wind Column for the 100 ton press I repaired The zsp using a bolt and a zsp already

Broke with 95 lbs of lateral Force but This is a direct downward force and the Legs aren't really needed the Center Bar Is load bearing the legs are not and the Zsp made it to almost 15,000 lb or about Half the load as the other brands let's See how the other zsp jack stand Performs with just the legs carrying the Load just like the other Brands and one of the legs completely Broke off at around 5,000 lb and the Hind Warner does not have a double lock System and the hind Warner made it to Just over 31,000 lb when it reached Failure Point another win for the shot Press and the ratchet bar assembly broke Near the Weld and the US Jack made it to Almost 37,000 lb when a feet began to Buckle and a US Jack didn't give up Unlike the other jack stands the ratchet Bar is not giving up and the legs Finally began to buckle at over 47,500 Lb very impressive and the US Jack is Doing a victory dance and has some Pretty impressive [Music] Moves and big red is not dead and wants In on the Action some very smooth moves but Definitely for the US Jack so which set Of jack stands is the best and the US Jack had an average finish of just over Third place however the US Jack Jack Stands are very expensive the Husky

Brand finished in a close second with an Average finish of 3.3 however the Husky Is a lot more affordable than us Jack at Around $90 reviews like this one take a Lot of physical effort so I try to have A little bit of humor and fun with the Videos regarding the experience I saw Where a vehicle fell on top of a person It was because a vehicle rolled to the Side which in my opinion is the biggest Risk with jack stands and because of That please do not buy this type of jack Stand that has the adjustable legs They're very dangerous all the videos in This channel include this one are viewer Suggested so if you have a video idea I Hope you take time to leave a comment Thanks so much for watching please take Care and I look forward to next time