Best Folding Handsaw? Samurai, SOG, Corona, Gerber, Fujiwara, Silky, Kershaw, Gruntek, Mossy Oak

Saws / pruning saws: Samurai, Corona, Kakuri Gikoh, Gerber, Fujiwara, Silky, One Stop Gardens (Harbor Freight), Workpro, Kershaw, Ginword, Gruntek, Flora Guard, Amazon Basics, Mossy Oak, SOG, Bahco, Eversaw. Folding hand saws tested for initial sharpness, speed cutting through ¾ inch wooden dowel, speed cutting through hardwood, speed cutting through 2×2, blade speed cutting through wooden dowel after extensive use, blade rigidity. I purchased all of the folding handsaws and supplies used to test the handsaws to ensure an unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

Motor oil videos on this channel bring out the funniest jokes about “Project Farm’s coffee”. So, I decided to surprise everyone by creating a new coffee brand, Ozzie’s Coffee. As you can probably tell by how fast I talk, I like coffee. Thanks again for supporting the channel.
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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Kakuri Gikoh:
Mossy Oak:
Amazon Basics:
Flora Guard:
One stop gardens: Available at Harbor Freight

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Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

After the most recent video on compact Chainsaws a lot of people requested Testing hand saws or pruning saws so Let's get the testing underway and see Which brand is the best and the first Test we'll see which saw has the Sharpest teeth then we'll see which saw Cuts the fastest on soft and Hardwoods Using a tester then we'll see if we get The same cutting speed results without a Tester at a price of only six dollars is This One-Stop Gardens brand which is Sold at Harbor Freight it has an 8-inch Blade with seven teeth per inch the Blade is made of carbon steel includes a Push button lock to secure the blade the Grip is made of ABS plus tpr the One-Stop Gardens is made in China and The one stop Gardens weighs 198 grams Let's test the sharpness of the knives Using this best certified sharpness Tester the sharpness chart came with the Tester a double-edged razor blade is Around a sharpness of 50. a utility Blade is anywhere from 150 to 200 new High-end Cuttery is anywhere from 250 to 350. edges that need maintenance around 400 and a butter knife is around 2 000. The saws are designed to cut on the pull So let's test the sharpness of the pool Side of the teeth and the Harbor Freight One Stop gardens made the cut at 475. That's actually not too bad for first Saw blade at a price of ten dollars is

This floor guard brand they claim that Each tooth is sharpened on three sides Then impulse hardened for a longer life The stainless steel blade is 7.7 inches In length the blade lock is designed to Keep the blade from folding during use The floor guard is made in China and the Floor guard weighs 218 grams and a floor Guard isn't nearly as sharp as the One-Stop Gardens at 845. Amazon Basics Also makes a folding pruning saw that Has a seven inch blade to claim that Their pruning saw has triple cut razor Teeth that have a hardened steel blade It's supposed to easily cut through Small to medium-sized branches right out Of the box the blade favors one side and Does not close without a little Assistance the Amazon Basics is made in China the Amazon Basics weighs 258 grams And the Amazon Basics is pretty close to The same sharpness as the floor guard at 915 at a price of twelve dollars is this Gen word brand the Gen word has a 10 Inch blade made of sk5 steel the blades Experienced high frequency Quincy and Has a Japanese style triple slant Staggered teeth they claim this can Easily cut through a six to seven inch Diameter branch tpr and PP non-slip Handle deploying or closing the blade Takes some effort since the blade is Extremely stiff the Gen word is made in China and the Jude wood weighs 332 grams

And a good word has a second sharpest Blade yet at 595 for about 120 Less in The One Stop Gardens at a price of 12 is This fujiwara brand the fujiwara has an 8-inch blade made of sk5 steel triple Cut razor teeth are hardened to stay Sharp for smooth fast sawing anti-slip Soft grip designed to ensure efficient Trimming the Fuji wire blade does not Completely fold into the handle of the Knife the fujiwara is made in Japan and The fujiwara weighs 216 grams and the Fujiwar is by far the sharpest yet at 335 or 140 points sharper than the one Stop Gardens at a price of 15 is this Work pro brand made from ultra high Strength and high speed steel Teflon Coating on surface of salt can prevent Rust and dust soft and ergonomic handle Ensures a firm grip includes a 7 TPI Aggressive staggered tooth design Workpro claims their saw cuts faster Than traditional hand saws the work pro Is made in China the work pro blade does Favor one side when closing and a work Pro is the lightest yet at 170 grams and The work pro has about the same Sharpness as the one stop Gardens at 555 And price is 17 is this gruntec brand Includes a seven inch blade that's been Impulse hardened six tooth per inch Three-dimensional grinding for each Tooth to ensure a perfect cutting Experience Teflon coated handsaw blade

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Made of robust high carbon steel the Gruntec is made in Germany 226 grams for The groom Tech and the groom Tech is at 820 or about the same sharpness as the Floor guard also the price is 17 the Same price as the grown Tech is this Corona brand includes a 7-inch high Carbon steel Blade the blade has been Heat treated for hardness chrome finish Code for smooth action and blade upkeep Triple ground teeth for maximum cut Efficiency the corona brand is made in Korea and a Corona weighs 196 grams and The corona is by far the sharpest yet at 255 or 80 points sharper than the Fujiwara at a price of 18 is this mossy Oak three in one folding saw it's a Pruning saw with wood metal and PVC Blade featuring triple cut razor sharp Teeth rugged razor tooth blade remains Stable during strong pulls the mossy oak Is made in China and mossy oak weighs 266 grams and the mossy oak is a dollar Saw yet at one thousand it'll be very Interesting to see how this thing Cuts Wood in the next test at a price of 18 Is this ever saw brand the ever saw Includes an 8-inch blade made from sk5 Carbon steel it claims to have a ribbed Rubber handle that offers good grip some Of the knives have seven or eight teeth Per inch but the ever saw has nine the Ever saw is made in China and if you Ever saw weighs 292 grams and he ever

Saw is even duller than the mossy oak at 1835. also the price of 18 is this SOG Brand includes a synthetic pouch Textured rubber handle with steel liners The blade is hard case black tempered Steel dual position locking both open And closed the sog is made in China the Sog weighs 266 grams and the sog is the Same as the mossy oak at one thousand And a price of twenty four dollars is This Samurai brand impulse hardened Steel blade made of durable hardened Steel triple ground teeth for maximum Cutting efficiency the samurai is made In Japan 234 grams for the Samurai and The name Samurai seems to fit and it's The sharpest yet 230 very impressive had A price of 25 is this get-go brand Includes a razor-sharp Japanese steel Blade designed to cut wood with minimum Force and short time made a triple Ground hardened steel designed to cut All types of wood the gecko is made in Japan 220 grams for the gecko and the Gecko is almost as sharp as the corona At 270. so the Japanese saws are by far The sharpest in the lineup at price of 25 is this Gerber brand includes Interchangeable blades that are sharp Durable and designed with purpose the Overall blade length is 7.1 inches Gerber claims their stainless steel Blades are sharp and durable as the Dickens they also claim that their

Blades are designed to be one-third more Efficient than typical hand saws also Includes a carrying case with a fine Tooth blade includes a push button blade Lock the Gerber is made in China and the Gerber's the lightest yet at 154 grams And a gerber performed very well with The sharpness of 320. at a price of Thirty dollars is this bako brand Includes a 7.5 inch seven tooth per inch Blade designed for cutting both green Dry wood and plastic specially coated For rust protection and low friction Tobacco is made in Sweden 100 188 grams For the Bako and the Bako is pretty dull At 1490 or about 1200 sharpness points Behind the leader at a price of thirty Four dollars is this Kershaw brand Featuring triple cut razor sharp teeth Rugged razor tooth blade remains stable During strong pulls the Kershaw is made In China and the Kershaw weighs 224 Grams and the Kershaw made the cut at 590 or about 300 points behind the Samurai at a price of 43 dollars the Most expensive brand we'll be testing is The silky Pocket Boy leave smooth Surface after cutting into rip cut cross Cut and slant cut the blade is tapered Ground to reduce resistance giving Smoother easier faster cutting Performance the blade has four cutting Angles along with its length the teeth Of the blades are heat treated instantly

And hardened silky claims a tee stays Sharper about three times longer than Non-hardened teeth hard chrome plating Produces an exceedingly High durable Surface the Pocket Boy definitely seems To have the most comfortable handle the Silky is made in Japan 224 grams for the Silky and the silky is about the same Sharpness as the Gerber at 375. there's A lot more to cutting efficiency than Just Edge sharpness but the samurai is The sharpest at 230. the corona finished In second at 255 geeko 270 Gerber 320 And fujiwara 335. the next test will Take into account tooth geometry tip and Blade Edge sharpness using this tester That I put together after fasting the Salt of the tester I'll add a steel Plate and two clamps that weigh right at 4.24 pounds the tester handle has stops In the front and back side that allow Right at five inches of Blade travel Let's start with soft wood a Three-quarter inch wooden dowel with 4.24 pounds of downward force on the Handle the One-Stop gardens made the cut And 8.5 back and forth passes and the Floor guard didn't perform nearly as Well on the sharpness test as the one Stop Gardens and it didn't perform as Well in this test at 15 back and forth Passes and the Amazon basic struggled on The sharpness test and a struggle on This test too at 14.5 back and forth

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Passes with a sharpness score of 595 the Gin would perform is expected at 11.5 Strokes and the fujiwar performed very Well in the sharpness test and it Performed by far the best yet at only 2.2 Strokes very impressive and the work Pro isn't nearly as sharp as the fujiwar On the the sharpness test but it Performed good enough to move into Second place behind the fujiwara at 6.2 Strokes and the gruntex struggled on the Sharpness test but the blade tip Sharpness and tooth geometry helped it On this test at seven strokes and a Corona is extremely sharp at 255 on the Sharpness test and it did the best so Far in this test and only two strokes Very impressive and the mossy oak Struggled on the sharpness test with a Score of 1000 and a struggle on this Test with 15 strokes and he ever saw a Struggle even more than the mossy oak on The sharpness test and has struggled Even more on this test too at 32 back And forth passes and the sog struggled On the sharpness test and has struggled Quite a bit on this test at 18 Strokes To make the cut and a samurai is Extremely sharp with a sharpness score Of 230 and it Ace this test at only four Back and forth passes and the get-go is Extremely sharp but the a tooth per inch Design really hurt the performance at Eight strokes and the Gerber is also

Extremely sharp it has a tooth count of Seven teeth per inch and it made the cut In only 2.2 back and forth passes and Ibako struggled on the sharpness test With a score of 1490 and it takes nine Back and forth passes to make the cut And the Kershaw performance about the Same as the Bako on this test at 10 Passes or about eight passes more than The leader and a silky is sharper than Average and it performs better than Average on this test at 4.5 Strokes so The corona came out on top at only two Back and forth passes fujiwar and Gerber 2.2 Samurai 4 and silky 4.5 let's really Put the blades of the test and test the Blades out on some Green Hedge Apple Wood definitely not a perfect test since The branch will narrow just a little bit With each cut and the Harbor Freight One Stop Gardens really struggled finally Making the cut at 123 back and forth Passes and the floor guard continues to Really struggle and the floor regard Finally finished the job after 212 back And forth passes and the Amazon Basics Continues to perform better than the Floor guard but not quite as good as the One-Stop Gardens at 144 strokes and Again where it is definitely better Designed for cutting hardwood than the Previous Brands making the cut in only 48 strokes and the food you are is scary Sharp and highly efficient on softwood

And it's incredibly efficient on this Test too with only 14 Strokes very Impressive and to work for perform well On the last test and it performed well In this test too at 28 Strokes or twice As many strokes as the fujiwara at six Teeth per inch the gruntec is well Designed for soft wood and it performed Fairly well in this test at 47 back and Forth passes and the corona won the last Showdown and it just took the lead from The fujiwar at 11 passes or three passes Better than the fujiwara and a mossy oak Struggled in the last round and it Struggled again this time at 79 Strokes Just like the mossy oak the ever saw Struggler in the last round and has Struggled once again at 62 passes and The sog struggled at 110 passes or 99 Passes more than the Corona and the Samurai performed extremely well in the Last Showdown and a samurai moves into Third position in this event at 16 back And forth passes at 18th per inch the Geeko just isn't aggressive enough 33 Back and forth passes is still better Than average and a gerber is close to 17 Per inch and has a more aggressive Design than the geeko 20 back and forth Passes is good enough to move into Fourth position and the bako performed Better on hardwood compared to the Softwood 33 Strokes to make the cut and The Kershaw struggled on the last test

At 10 passes and it struggled a little Bit on this test at 57 strokes and Nissilki did better than average on the Last test and it continues to perform Better than ever average at 24 Strokes So once again the corona came out on top At 11 Strokes fujiwar finished in second At 14 Samurai 16 Gerber 20 and silky24 a Far less scientific approach but let's Do it anyway I'll cut through a 2×2 and Let's once again compare the cutting Speed for each brand I'll skip testing The One-Stop Garden since I accidentally Hit a nail and caused damage to the Teeth just before this test and it took Me 15.7 seconds to cut through a 2×4 With the floor guard and the Amazon Basics made the cut quite a bit faster Than the floor guard and very close to 10 seconds and the good work continues To outperform the floor guard at only 7.3 seconds to make the cut and the food You are continues to amaze ripping Through the board at only 3.44 seconds Very impressive and work pro continues To perform better than average making The cut in 6.5 seconds and the gruntec Continues to Trail the work pro in Performance including this test in 7.2 Seconds and a Corona performed extremely Well making the cut in 4.8 seconds or About 1.4 seconds slower than the Fujiwara and emasioca's struggled Throughout the Showdown and has

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Struggled in this test in 9.4 seconds And he ever saw is even slower than the Mossy oak at 9.6 seconds and the sog is Barely faster than they ever saw at 8.6 Seconds or about five seconds slower Than the leader and the Long Blade on The samurai really helped his Performance and it made the fastest cut Yet and only 3.28 seconds And the geeko is very fast in 4.08 Seconds but the delay deflection was a Bit of a challenge and a gerber Continues to perform better than average Making the cut and only 5.1 seconds and The bako is a little bit faster than Average at 6.8 seconds or about half as Fast as the leader and a curse shot Needs almost a second longer than the Bako at 7.6 seconds and the silky Continues to perform much better than Average at only 4.1 seconds so the Samurai is the fastest at only 3.28 Seconds the Fuji wire is almost as fast As 3.44 geeko 4.05 silky 4.1 and Corona 4.8 seconds let's test blade Edge Retention next by running the saw blade Across some fully cured Hedge Apple 100 Times let's compare the sharpness once Again using the three-quarter inch Wooden dowel most of the saw blades Claim to have some type of protective Coating which could impact the initial Sharpness and the floor guard performed A little bit better than new making the

Cut in only 14 Strokes instead of 15. And the Amazon Basics performed rumbles As well as new at 15 back and forth Passes and againward started out at 11.5 Strokes and is half a stroke faster this Time at 11 and the food you are shredded The wood and doubt and 2.2 passes in the First test and made the cut this time in 3.1 And the work pro performed about the Same as new going from 6.2 passes to six And the grunt Tech also performed about The same as new dropping off slightly From 7 to 7.2 strokes and a Corona once Again performed very well making the cut In 2.7 passes and the mossy oak Struggled on the first test at 15 passes And needed 16 passes this time and the Coating on the ever saw blade must have Really interfered with the new blade Performance and it showed the most Improvement yet at 14 passes and the sog Made a little more progress over the new Blade going from 18 to 16 back and forth Passes and the samurai made the cut in 3.2 passes this time to move into third Place behind the fujiwara and the geeko Performed better than new making the cut In seven back and forth passes and the Gerber made the cut in 2.2 seconds and Lost a little ground making the cut in 4.4 passes this time and the bako Improved his paint wore away cutting Through the dowel in seven passes and

The Kershaw lost a little progress going From 10 passes when new to 13 passes This time in a silky brand also lost a Little progress this time going from 4.5 To 7.2 Strokes so after all the testing Necronas now the sharpest all making the Cut and 2.7 back and forth passes the Fujiwa of 3.1 Samurai 3.2 and Gerber 4.2 I also measured the amount of lateral Blade Bend with 2.5 pounds on the tip of The blade and a floor guard in the work Pro only experienced 1.25 inches of sag With 2.5 pounds of weight the bako Nakershaw were at 1.4 blade thickness Has an impact on cutting speed and blade Stiffness and the geeko is extremely Thin and wobbly at only 0.6 millimeters The Kershaw is also very thin at 0.8 Millimeters Gerber 0.83 Samurai 0.87 and Gin work 0.88 millimeters I also tested The blade lock strength with 10 pounds Of weight on the front of the blade Although the folding saws survive this Test except for the Amazon Basics which Really struggled so which folding hand Saw is the best and the corona came out On top in The Showdown with an average Finish of second place the samurai had An average finish of 2.2 fujiwara 2.6 And Gerber 4th Place I really like these Showdowns when the affordable products Outperform the more expensive Brands and That's exactly what the corona did in This showdown it's a very good handsaw

And would definitely be my choice if the Price was right all the videos in this Channel including this this one our Viewers suggested so if you have a video Idea I hope you take time to leave a Comment thanks so much for watching Please take care and look forward to Next time