Best Lawn Mower Blade? Oregon vs Maxpower, Craftsman, 8TEN, Arnold Extreme

Lawn Mower blades compared for grass cut quality (making clean cut), mulching leaves and grass, dispersing grass clippings, distance of grass clipping throw, blade noise, and durability from impacting metal object in yard.

I bought all of the lawn mower blades and lawn mower to ensure an unbiased review. Thank you for supporting the channel. It helps a lot!

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Maxpower Mulching:
Maxpower 3-N-1:
Oregon G5 Mulching:
8TEN Mulching:
8TEN High Lift:
Arnold Extreme:

Craftsman M220 Self-Propelled mower is available at Lowes

Videography Equipment:
Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
Go Pro Bundle:

This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

Is it possible that the lawnmower blade Is holding back the performance of your Lawnmower we have a bunch of different Brands of tests today so let's get the Testing underway and see which brand is The best in the first test we'll see Which blade generates the most air Movement then we'll see which blade can Pack the most grass clippings into the Collection bag we'll see which blade Does the best job at mulching leaves We'll see how the blades hold up when They come into contact with rebar at a Price of only 16 is this organ brand the Organ is made in USA double bevel Technology for extended Cutting Edge and Reduced noise made with boron steel for Extra durability and ductility the organ Claims to have double bevel technology But the blade seems to have a slope all The way from the outer edge to the Double bevel about six and a half inches Of sharpened Edge on the blade the Second level of blade is about 7 16 of An inch above the first the Oregon blade Weighs 710 grams when the blade is in Place it'll have an effective cutting Edge angle of 39 degrees we'll be using My wife's brand new bright red lawnmower For the testing in the first test let's Compare the air speed generated by the Blade using an AirSpeed meter I'll Fasten the airspeed meter to the machine So that we receive a consistent AirSpeed

Measurement the organ blade reached to Peak air speed of 25.5 miles per hour With the sound meter 24 inches behind The mower 100.5 decibels at a price of 20 is this max power three in one blade The three in one blade can be used to Bag discharge and mulch grass clippings Two different levels of Cutting Edge the Sharpened Edge is six inches the max Power is made in USA the second level is About 11 16 of an inch above the first The blade Edge has an effective cutting Angle of 40 degrees the max power weighs 886 grams and the max power three-in-one Blade is moving a lot of air at 31.8 Miles per hour or about 6 miles per hour Faster than the Oregon 101.5 decibels For the max power at a price of 22 Dollars is this 810 high lift blade it Claims to be the best option for bagging Or throwing grass clippings a long Distance performs well in thick grass But requires more horsepower for Optimal Performance and four inches of the blade Has been sharpened the effective cutting Edge angle is very close to 28 degrees And the 810 blade is the lightest at 662 Grams and 27.3 miles per hour is good Enough to move into second place behind The max power 102.4 decibels for the A10 Has allowed us yet and a price of 22 Dollars is this organ G5 mulching blade Morgan claims that tungsten carbide is Fused into the blade this creates an

Ultra hard layer at The Cutting Edge and Increases the time between sharpenings The organ is made in USA the length of The sharpened edge of the blade is eight Inches the most yet and the blade has Two different cutting elevations the Effective blade Edge cutting angle is Very close to 30 degrees the organ is Made in USA and the organ G5 is by far The heaviest yet at 1104 grams and the Airspeed for the Oregon G5 is almost as Good as a high lift blades at 30.6 miles Per hour 102.7 decibels is the loudest Yet at a price of 25 is this max power Mulching blade it claims to offer Greater cutting surface for increased Mulching performance centrifugal airlift Designed for uniform chopping Distribution the length of the sharpened Portion of the blade Edge is 7.5 inches The effective blade Edge cutting angle Is 31 degrees the max power is made in USA the max power mulching blade weighs 930 grams and the airspeed with the max Power mulching blade is only 22.46 miles Per hour the slowest yet it's also the Loudest yet at 103.6 decibels at a price Of 30 dollars is this 810 mulching blade The A10 is made in China it claims to be The best option for clearing thick Mowing conditions Precision sharpened Hand balanced hardened and tempered About three and three quarter inches of Sharpened blade Edge the effective blade

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Edge cutting angle is very close to 30 Degrees the 810 mulching blade weighs 780 grams and the airspeed with the 810 Mulching blade is the slowest yet at Just over 20 miles per hour it's also The loudest yet at 104.4 decibels at a Price of 32 dollars is this Arnold Extreme mulching blade produces High Turbulence it allows grass to be Repeatedly cut and re-cut into smaller Pieces lets you bag up to 50 more grass We're going to test that the length of The sharpened edge of the blade is four Inches the Arnold extreme is made in USA The effective belly dance cutting angle Is very close to 30 degrees and the Arnold extreme weighs 780 grams and the Arnold extreme mulching blade is moving About the same amount of air as the 810 Mulching blade at 20.6 miles per hour It's just about as loud at 104.2 Decibels and the lawnmower blade Edge on The Craftsman is very sharp the blade That came on the Craftsman lawnmower is Brand new and never used the Craftsman Has two different cutting levels and Sharpened Edge is six inches in length An effective blade edge angle of the Craftsman is very close to 37 degrees And a Craftsman blade that came with the Lawnmower weighs 696 grams and a blade That came with the Craftsman lawnmower Is moving a lot of air at a peak speed Of 31.6 miles per hour 102.2 decibels

Some of the lawnmower blade Manufacturers claim that their blades Are the quietest and the Oregon high Lift makes the least amount of noise at 100.5 decibels the loudest blade is the 810 mosing blade at 104.4 AirSpeed might Have an impact on the quality of cut and How much material can be packed into the Grass and leaf collection bag and the Max power three in one OEM and Oregon G5 Mulching blades all performed about the Same at 31 to 32 miles per hour of AirSpeed the empty collection bag only Weighs 4.2 pounds so let's see which Blade can pack the most amount of grass Clippings into the collection bag I'll Use a lot more self-propelled system to Control the speed of the mower the grass Just isn't very thick and I'll reduce The height of the grass by about three To five inches after a couple of back And forth passes the Craftsman blade is Given up on packing grass clippings into The bag and the Craftsman blade does a Very good job of making a clean cut and The weight of the leaf collection bag For the Craftsman blade is at 6.8 pounds And just about all the grass clippings Experienced just when cut and a Craftsman blade did not mulch to grass And the organs seemed to be just as good If not better than the Craftsman OEM Blade and the collection bag is plugged And ready to be emptied just like the

Craftsman's OEM Blade the organ mostly Sliced the grass once and did not most Of grass and the organ blade did a great Job of making a clean cut and the high Lift organ blade packed about two and a Half pounds more grass clippings into The bag 9.2 pounds total and the Lawnmower is doing a great job of Maintaining RPM with the max power three In one blade and a grass collection bag Is plugged the max power did a great job Of making a clean cut through the grass It also seems to have done a little bit Better job at mulching the grass Clippings compared to the Craftsman OEM And the organ blades however most of the Clippings were not mulched and the max Power three in one moves into the lead At 11.4 pounds or about 2 pounds more Than the Oregon blade and a Craftsman Engine seems to be working a little Harder to keep the A10 high lift blade Spinning at Peak RPM and the grass That's been cut by the A10 blade is Mostly intact without being mulched the 810 doesn't seem to cut quite as cleanly As some of the other brands 8.4 pounds Is good enough to move into third place Behind the organ and the max power Blades and the Oregon G5 mulching blade Did Cover quite a bit more ground Compared to the other lawnmower blades And the organ mulching blade made a Clean cut and did a great job of

Reducing the size of the grass clippings And the organ mulching blade also packed A lot more clippings into the bag at 12.8 pounds the most yet just like the Organ mulching blade the max power Mulching blade covered a lot more ground Than the high lift blades before the Collection bag became plug and the max Power blade also did a great job of Mulching the grass clippings before Tossing them into the collection bag the Blade also made a very clean cut and the Max power moves into second place behind The organ mulching blade at 12.6 pounds Or just two tenths of a pound less and The lawnmower engine definitely seems to Be working a lot harder with the A10 Mulching blade compared to the other Brands and the A10 blade didn't perform Nearly as well as the organ and the max Power and mulching the grass having just Three and three quarter inches of Sharpened blade Edge doesn't seem to be Adequate the grass seems to have been Ripped away from the plant and not cut And it's 8.8 pounds for the A10 mulching Blade which is about the same as the A10 High lift blade and the Arnold extreme Seems to have covered about the same Amount of territory as the 810 Blade the Lawnmower blade seem to work a little Bit harder but that's a pretty Subjective assessment and the Arnold Mulching blade looks very similar to the

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A10 mulching however the blade Edge is Quite a bit sharper and has a little bit More sharpened blade Edge at four inches Definitely a cleaner cut than the A10 But not quite as clean of a cut compared To some of the other brands and the Arnold extreme did not most of grass Clippings nearly as well as the Oregon G5 or the max power mulching blades and The collection bag weighs 9.4 pounds the Quality of cut is highly subjective but Most of the blades earn the highest Possible rating of one and the factory Sharpened blade Edge on the 810 blades Was only 3.75 to 4 inches and not nearly As sharp as some of the other brands After a few minutes of use moving along With the self-propelled system on the Craftsman mower paint is worn off the Front of the blade by about six inches So not enough blade Edge has been Sharpened on the 810 blade and both the Organ G5 and the max power mulching Blades performed extremely well at Collecting grass clippings at 12.8 and 12.6 pounds respectively the max power 3 In 1 blade also performed well at 11.4 Pounds and the next test we'll see how The blades perform at lifting and then Mulching leaves that are packed together And settled on ground that doesn't have Much grass the amount of dust will be a Great indicator of how well the blades Are doing and lifting the leaves and

There's not nearly as much dust with the Craftsman OEM blade however it did a Decent job of lifting and then mulching The leaves about 60 to 70 percent of the Leaves have been mulched however it'll Take two to three passes to lift the Leaves and then mulch them and the very Affordable organ high lift blade Actually did quite a bit better job at Lifting the leaves and then mulching Them about 80 to 90 percent of the Leaves have been mulched and the max Power three in one blade also performed Very well at lifting and then mulching The leaves while it is subjected the max Power seems to perform just as well as The organ there's not much dust being Generated by the A10 high lift blade Unfortunately the A10 blade just isn't Doing a very good job of lifting and Then mulching the leaves and the A10 High lift blade is leaving behind quite A bit of Unfinished Business and the Oregon G5 is making by far the most dust And the Oregon G5 is doing by far the Best job yet of lifting and then Mulching the leaves and the organ Mulching blade is pulverized about 95 Percent of the leaves and there's very Little unfinished business and the max Power mulching blade is stirring up Quite a bit of dust it's doing a Terrific job but not quite as well as The organ mulching blade around 80 to 90

Percent of the leaves have been Thoroughly mulched and the 810 is Stirring up quite a bit of dust and the Mulching blade is pulverizing the leaves And the A10 mulching blade has Outperformed all the other blades except For the Oregon G5 it looks to be around 90 of the leaves that have been Thoroughly mulched and the Arnold Extreme continues to perform about the Same as the A10 and is stirring up quite A bit of dust and the blade has done a Terrific job of lifting and then Mulching the leaves it's too close to Call a winner so I'll call it a tie with The 810 brand while assessing Performance is highly subjective the Oregon G5 did the best job with the Highest possible reading of one the A10 And the Arnold Xtreme mulching blades Also performed extremely well with the Rating of 1.5 let's compare the Performance of the Blades by allowing The grass to discharge from the side of The mower and the Craftsman's OEM blade Threw out full length grass and most of It collected around five to five and a Half feet from the discharge chute the Clippings are mostly full length and the Organ high lift blade seems to have done A better job at dispersing the clippings Evenly compared to the OEM Blade the Clippings are mostly full length and the Max power 3 in 1 blade performed very

Well at dispersing the clippings a lot Of the clippings were thrown beyond the Length of the eight foot board the Clippings are mostly full length and Very few remotes the 810 may have hit a Thicker portion of grass than some of The other brands and the blade just Didn't do a good job of dispersing the Clippings compared to the max power and The A10 clippings are mostly full length And the Oregon G5 hit a pretty thick Patch of grass and did a great job of Dispersing the grass clippings the Oregon mulching blade also did a great Job of mulching the grass clippings and The max power mulching blade just Doesn't seem to have as much throw Capability as Oregon G5 most of the Grass clippings collected around six to Six and a half feet from the mowers Discharge chute and the max power did a Great job on mulching the grass Clippings and the 810 mulching blade Performed about the same as the max Power mulching blade tossing the Clippings around six to six and a half Feet however the max power seemed to do A better job at mulching the grass Clippings and the Arnold extreme Performed about the same as the max Power and the A10 at dispersed into Grass clippings it also performed about The same at mulching the clippings let's Go ahead and remove the collection bag

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And the side discharge chute and compare The performance of the blades at Mulching grass and a Craftsman has Plenty of horsepower for the OEM blade a Close look at the freshly cut grass and The Craftsman made a nice clean cut and The Craftsman Zoey and blade also did a Decent job at mulching the grass Clippings but there are still some Unfinished business and a Craftsman Engine struggled to maintain RPM with The Oregon high lift Blade the high lift Blade isn't designed for mulching and it Did struggle quite a bit at most in the Grass clippings since it lost RPM it Also struggled to make a clean cut and a Craftsman engine has plenty of power to Maintain a pretty good RPM with the max Power three in one blade however just Like the Oregon high lift blade there's Quite a bit of Unfinished Business and The max power three in one blade did a Great job of making a clean cut and a Craftsman has plenty of power to Maintain good blade speed with the A10 Blade the blade performed about the same As the OEM Craftsman and the max power At mulching the grass and the engine Just doesn't make enough torque to Handle the G5 mulching blade however the Organ mulching blade is done by far the Best job yet and mulching the clippings And the Craftsman engine held RPM just Fine with the max power mulching blade

However the max power didn't mulch the Grass clippings quite as nicely as the Oregon G5 and a Craftsman engine really Struggled with the A10 mulching blade And the engine finally stalled and the 810 blade just didn't perform quite as Well as the Oregon G5 at mulching the Grass and the Craftsman engine struggled To maintain RPM with the Arnold extreme And the engine finally stalled the Arnold molts to grass clippings quite as Well as the organ mulching blade also The blade didn't make quite as clean of A cut compared to some of the other Brands while assessing mulching Performance is highly subjective the Oregon G5 seems to have performed the Best but the blade does require a lot of Horsepower most of the other blades Received a pretty good rating of two Let's see how the Craftsman OEM blade Holds up hitting rebar and the engine Came to a sudden stop a large chunk of The blade Edge is missing from the OEM Blade unfortunately the OEM Craftsman Blade experienced a pretty bad Bend I hope the Briggs and Stratton is going To survive all this abuse and the Oregon High lift blade experienced quite a bit Of damage to the corner of the blade by Design the blade Edge has a taper so I Don't think that the blade is bent And the max power three in one blade Came to a sudden stop and caused a lot

Of damage to the rebar and the max power Three-in-one blade has bends in it Allowing it to mulch unfortunately the Physics of a Bent Blade hitting a fixed Object usually doesn't go well the max Power blade is now bent pretty badly it Also experienced the most damage yet to The blade Edge and the A10 blade came to A sudden stopped and the Briggs and Stratton air filter blew off I sure hope My wife doesn't watch this video and the A10 high lift blade experienced the Least amount of damage yet with a small Dent to the blade Edge the blade Survived the test without bending and The Oregon G5 mulching blade carries a Lot of momentum with it since it's the Heaviest blade however the blade head Still held up very well with just a Small chip to the blade Edge and the max Power mulching blade is a beast the Briggs and Stratton barely slowed down After hitting the rebar I didn't find Much damage to the blade so I decided to Hit the rebar again And the bridge of strategies kept on Going and the max power mulching blade Experienced the least amount of damage Of all the blades with a very small Amount of damage to the blade Edge And the Briggs and Stratton came to a Sudden stop with the A-10 mulching blade The new A10 blades are the Dulles in the Lineup and that helps the blade head

Survive an impact And the Briggs and Stratton didn't slow Down too much with the Arnold extreme Hitting the rebar unfortunately the Arnold extreme blade did experience a Very small bend the blade Edge also Experienced quite a bit of damage Assessing damage is highly subjective But the max power mulching blades seemed To hold up the best with the highest Possible rating of one the A-10 high Lift and the organ mulching blades also Held up very well so which blade is the Best a lot of Assessments were Subjective however the organ G5 mulching Blade came out on top with the best Average finish of 1.6 the biggest Drawback to the Oregon blade is it does Require a lot of horsepower compared to Some of the other blades both of the max Power blades also performed extremely Well I had a lot of fun testing Lawnmower blades but if you'd like to See another review on lawnmower blades For riding lawnmowers please let me know And I'll try to put together a review All the videos in this channel including This one our viewers suggested so if you Have a video idea I hope you take time To leave a comment thanks so much for Watching please take care and look Forward to next time