Best Oscillating Multi-Tool Blades For Metal – Milwaukee Diablo DeWalt Bosch

We try to find out who makes the best oscillating multi-tool blades for metal. We visited our Home Depot and Lowes to purchase all the brands of oscillating multi-tool blades specifically for metal. Only four brands offered OMT blades made for metal cutting: Bosch, DeWalt, Diablo, and Milwaukee. Our tests uncovered some unexpected results. #tools #shoplife #homedepot #lowes #notsponsored

Diablo Metal Carbide OMT Blade:
Milwaukee Extreme Metal OMT Blade:
DeWalt Metal OMT Blade:

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Who makes the best omt blade for cutting Metal these Cordless oscillating Multi-tools have been out for several Years now in fact many of the Manufacturers are on generation 2 or Even generation three of their cordless Multi-tool now in the same manner BL Blades have gotten better and better but Most of them have been pretty specific To wood or at least B metal in other Words being able to cut through some Wood and hit a staple or screw or nail Every now and then and maybe cut through One or two of them before they're ruined But lately there's been specific metal Blades that are meant to cut supposedly Like construction steel and angle iron And cut through screws and nails and do It repetitively but can they really do It and who makes the best well we're Going to put a test together to Hopefully get down to the bottom of who Does make the best oscillating Multi-tool metal specific Blade okay pretty simple test today We're just trying to find out who makes The best allmetal oscillating multi-tool Blade there's been tons of testing done On you know wood cutting and even Bimetal stuff where you're cutting Through a staple every now and then uh But there's been some releases recently In with cbide teeth and the omt blades And being able to have an all metal

Blade where you can actually cut some More you know structural type steel Angle iron and such so really haven't Seen anything on who makes the best one Or a lot of testing on that so we're Going to try to find out so let's dive Into each one of these and we'll talk About uh pricing or cost on each of These and then we'll uh we'll go through And explain our test and then do the Testing well let's first talk about About uh each of these blades and the Cost on these and by the way all of These were purchased uh at a local Lowe's or Home Depot depending on the Brand I believe it was the Bosch and the DeWalt was purchased at Lowe's and the Diablo and the Milwaukee was purchased At Home Depot so this is the Bosch blade It's called their carbide extreme and It's meant for metal and mois say heavy Duty if you take a look at the blade Obviously you got the starlock design That I believe they've patented and uh On the blade it says metal and more Extreme carbide so you have a carbide Tooth blade price for this uh by itself Was $22 a three pack is $36 so if you bought a three pack then You'd be looking at an individual cost Of $12 each right 36 divided by 3 I Believe that is 12 and next up is the Diablo with the carbide teeth and this Is again their Metal Blade uh has their

Black ice coating that's supposed to Keep down uh heat as well as help extend The life of the blade itself now pricing On this is you can get uh a single pack For $20 or you can get a three pack like This that was $40 I think $39.97 now if you bought the three pack Then an individual cost would be 13 33 1334 something like that so a Little over 13 bucks then this DeWalt is Just called their metal blade on the Blade itself uh it has a a picture of Like an ibeam like it's for construction Steel they had another B Metal Blade but When you actually look at this it says b Metal um I really couldn't see if DeWalt Had another option but this was the only One in the store we were at and we Looked online as well and really again Haven't seen anything I believe this is Just kind of a a coated uh high-speed Steel blade so not sure how well this is Going to do but again they had it listed Specifically as a metal blade price on This is $25 and we couldn't see where You could buy this in a multi pack at All so again individual price per blade Is still going to be $25 and this is the Milwaukee extreme Metal Blade it's their Uh what they call their nitrous carbide I believe it's a car it is a carbide Tooth but also I believe it has a Coating that's supposed to again extend The L and help it last longer keep the

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Heat down and so Forth now these blades are $25 each and A three pack is $50 so probably the Highest even in the multi pack um so at 50 divided by three you're still going To be at $16 and what 67 so now let's talk about testing again Going to be pretty simple we're just Going to take some some angle iron here Here I believe this is 1in angle iron 8 In thick and we're going to make three Cuts on these with each of the blades And then after we make the three cuts on This then we're going to see how many of These screws it will knock out so we Have a row for each one of these blades Not sure if any of them will get through That these are 25 screws nothing special About any extra heartened screws but They are just uh they're just number 12x 1 in steel Screws okay so we are set up and about Ready to roll here we've got our piece Of angle iron kind of uh screwed down Fastened down right here which nice and Solid we've got our wood clamped down Here uh we'll make the cuts with all the Blades in the steel before we get Started on the screws we will be using Uh the same multi-tool for this we're Going to use the Milwaukee this is the New M18 fuel oscillating multi-tool and The model number is a 28

36-20 I believe we're going to put it on Like Speed 8 and leave it there uh we Could put it in Auto but I'm just going To leave it in an eight we know we want Something more than half but I don't Think we need a wide open so that's Where we're going to leave it we've got A few 5 a hour batteries that are all Charged and ready to go we'll make sure There's a full charge on each of these Blades or on the battery before we start Each one of the blades let's get the First up and we'll just go alphabetical Order so we make sure that we're not Giving some sort of priority over Anything and with the star loock on the Milwaukee We have to take the screw all the way Out and you have these magnets here and It should line up yep we're Good and just finger Tight and pull this down and we should Be locked in and Good now I know we're using a Milwaukee Multi-tool for this testing and we have Milwaukee blades in the test too and Just to be fair I made sure that I had My Diablo safety glasses on um sorry That I don't have a pair of DeWalt or Bosch gloves uh but anyway let's get Started Okay the Bosch blade made it through Those three Cuts doesn't look to have any missing

Teeth uh little worn teeth it looks like But good job on the BOS let's move on Now on the DeWalt blade I don't have to Take the screw all the way out I can Just ease it under here and let those Magnets hold it now again I can finger Tighten This bring the clamp down and we should Be Good let's cut our Steel Not bad I will be honest I was scared it Wouldn't make it through that because it Is only a coated blade and not Supposedly carbide teeth but made it Through those cuts uh rather well and no Missing teeth again a little wearing but No missing teeth yet now we have the Diablo Blade the metal blade with Carbide Teeth still a full Battery and still in speed Eight Oh No missing teeth after the three Cuts There are some worn teeth it looks like It's starting to wear but made it Through those cuts very Well and now we have the Milwaukee Nitrous carbide which is their extreme Metal Blade still full Battery still in speed Eight here we go three

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Cuts Come So with the long longer blade and if you Would have noticed on the Diablo I could Have extended it there's two different Places where you can mount the Diablo I Chose the shorter stroke in other words The shorter blade and gives it a shorter Stroke the Milwaukee is only long that's The only position you're able to do you Can definitely notice it in that longer Stroke in the fact that it's very Aggressive in other words it was really Wanting to shake and as you saw it Actually you know loosened up my clamp I Had to reamp that now there are no Missing teeth and it seemed to cut Absolutely fine you can just fill it in The tool that it's more aggressive with That longer stroke because it is further Away from the axis of the oscillating Multitool we do have some worn teeth and We may have a chip tooth right there in The middle let's see if that's going to Affect It all right same idea we've got the Bosch blade back in here and we're going To start on this line of screws right Here so this is the Bosch Lane we're Going to see how far we can get and if We get through all 25 we'll time on how Long it took to get There still on Speed8 still have a full battery let's

Go Is Wow impressed did not think we'd get There obviously a few teeth missing from The Bosch blade uh but it was still Cutting as you saw I was trying to cut In different spots of the blade to just Be fair and just kind of roll all over The place but there at the end I was Kind of having to find where it was Cutting in order to uh to make it Through those screws but it did it went All through all 25 okay we've cleared the shrapnel out Of the way at least moved it over to the Table and try to make a nice clean Surface for the DeWalt blade not sure How well this is going to work again This is a like a highspeed Steel Coating So like a b Metal Blade but again they Label this as a metal blade so let's get Started Again speed Eight still a full Battery No go it started to make a mark but as You can see pretty much all the teeth Are gone with the exception of these Three on the end and two on this End so as far as cutting Fasteners not a Good choice made it through the angle Iron okay but just not through these Fasteners okay we're back in the swing Uh we've got the Diablo blade now

Installed still on Speed 8 still have a Full battery battery let's Go The Well it made it through all 25 there are some teeth missing on there In fact quite a few on the end and very Worn down there in the center as you saw I was trying to find spots where it Would actually cut but still made it Through all 25 and finally we have the Milwaukee Nitrous carbide let's see how well it Does on these Screws up make sure we're in speed Eight y we have a drop cell so let's Go pull Battery All 25 no issues and we're still cutting Pretty strong there we definitely have Some warranty And maybe a few maybe a couple missing Teeth but for the most part the whole Blade was still cutting when we finished There in fact as far as speed there was Much faster than when we cut the uh Angle iron with This now the beginning of this test was Quite interesting because we saw DeWalt Jump out there in the lead when it came To just cutting the angle iron so here's A non-carb to Blade that's just a coated Steel blade jumping out to a lead with Just 45 seconds in cutting the angle

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Iron now in second was the Diablo at 53 Seconds and in third was the Bosch at 61 Seconds and Milwaukee with their extreme Metal Blade Was at the bottom at 64 seconds now There's no way they were going to be Able to make up that Gap and prove to Anyone that they were the best and could De even leap over DeWalt and was Bosch Going to run ahead of all of them well We were really curious to see the bottom Line is the next segment of the test Really actually showed the whole picture In other words what we think happened Was the Milwaukee necessarily didn't get Faster but it just never slowed down Because it made up more than a minute in The second series of the test of cutting Those 25 fasters and you can really tell That as we're cutting each one one of Those even though we sped up all of Those in the middle just to keep you From being Bor to death but it was at Just a minute and 15 seconds cutting all 25 screws now the DeWalt couldn't cut Through one screw and the Bosch did all 25 in 2 minutes and 18 seconds and oddly It took the Diablo 2 minutes and 45 Seconds to cut through the same 25 Screws so in the end you had the Milwaukee at 2 minutes and 19 seconds Total cutting through the three Cuts of the angle iron as well as all 25 Screws all complete in 2 minutes and 19

Seconds and then you had second was the Bosch at 3 minutes and 19 seconds total A full minute behind the Milwaukee and In third was the Diablo with a total of 3 minutes and 38 seconds and of course The DeWalt was able to cut through the Steel but then couldn't even cut the First screw so if you're looking for Metal blades there you have it uh There's our test results yes the Milwaukee extreme Metal Blade is a few Cents more a blade or maybe a couple of Bucks per blade more uh if you're buying These multi packs of course you're going To save more and I think you can even Get them in larger bundles as well uh But if you're wanting the fastest uh It's that if you're wanting that second Then you may want to reach for the Bosch Which was interesting because not a lot Of marketing hey behind the the Bosch Metal Blade but we saw that it leaped Ahead of the Diablo which we were very Surprised at uh Diablo metal blades are Usually some of the best if not the best When it comes to reciprocating blades or Even uh circular saw blades anything for Cutting metal usually their top knot so To see it fall behind the Bosch we're Very surprised at but hey let us know What you think about this let us know if You know of any other metal specific Oscillating multi-tool blades hey keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook

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