Can it BE? 56V 20″ Farm and Ranch Saw – EGO 20-inch Chainsaw Review [CS2000]

We got our hands on the all-new EGO CS2000 20-inch Farm & Ranch Chainsaw, sent to us from the brand. #sponsored The brushless motor and 56-volt battery delivers a ripping chain speed of 82 feet per second (25 m/s). The Full Chisel 3/8″ pitch .050″ gauge 69-link chain makes quick work of the fresh-cut Florida oak tree. With just one 6Ah 56V EGO battery, we were able to get more than 39 cuts in the 12″ diameter trunk. #review #chainsaw #tools

EGO CS2000 20″ 56V Chainsaw:

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OS fighting the big boys with a farm and Ranch 20-in Chainsaw this is the brand new 56 volt 20in Farm and Ranch chainsaw from egoo The model number is the Cs2000 now there's a lot of cool Features on this as well as some pretty Big power claim so let's jump right in And take a look at these features and Then of course we're going to use it can You tell wonder how many Cuts we made by The way ego did provide this saw so this Is a sponsored video however that never Comes into play when we're offering our Opinion and our thoughts on performance Or any other factors and features of the Saw or any tool ego's definitely Stepping up a notch in their chainsaw Category they're releasing this new Model number CS S 2000 and it's their 20in Farm and Ranch chainsaw running a Full 38050 chain a 69 lengths it's got a full Chisel design for the fastest cutting We'll get into those details in just a Moment one of the biggest things that Stood out at me was the chain speed of 25 m/ second now Translating that into Feet per second and you're looking at a Ripping 82 ft per second now just to Give you an idea on a farm Ranch saw we Have a hush Varna 460 Rancher which is a Great saw and chain speed on it is only 65 feet per second so we're talking

About another you know 20 feet per Second faster with this Ego battery Powered chainsaw now it runs on their 56 Volt platform it's recommended you can Get it kitted with a 6 amp hour battery So definitely recommend a a 6 amp hour Battery or more of course you're going To look at runtime difference uh on Anything smaller than that or larger Than that even if you go up to say a a 7 And 1 12 or a 10 or a 12 amp hour as Well but definitely recommend at least a 6 amp hour now let's dive in here and Take a closer look at each of these Features now obviously for safety Reasons we have the battery out of this Saw so there's no chance of this chain Going while we're talking about it now This is supposed to be a 55cc equivalent So that 460 Rancher I mentioned very Close to 55 CC's I think it's right at 60 C Regardless uh one thing similar is the Full chisel chain Style and what I mean By that is if we take a look right here At the chain uh here's the cutting teeth And you have one that's left-handed face And we one one that's right-handed face So basically the this the back side of The full chisel design this is kind of The front side if you will The Cutting Side is over here right here on the face And coming towards us now if we look at A full ch chisel design that's basically

We got a square corner right here at the Top a semi chisel would be kind of have A champer all kind of have a rounded Corner now the full chisel design is Going to cut much faster however it will Wear faster as well so you will need to Sharpen this more often than like a semi Chisel design but again if you're Looking for the fastest and best cutting That's going to be that full chisel Design that big rightand angle real Sharp corner right there and that's Going to give it that really ripping Through that wood with the sharpening Side here and the sharpen side up here And that's what's actually cutting those Wood chips now it is an LP so you see The 38 LP that tells us that's a Lowprofile chain uh typically you'll see That on battery powered chainsaws it Just lessens the mass that it has to Spin around the bar on the Chain so a Little bit lower profile than a typical Just a regular 3850 chain but as far as The size between teeth all that still Going to be the same and this this is a 69 link chain on a 20-in bar now another Feature that really stuck out at me were These huge bucking spikes here so big Steel bucking spikes that will allow you To literally bite into that wood to get You some leverage so that you can then Bury the chain now the key in this is Making sure that you have a saw powerful

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Enough when you do kind of bear down and Put some leverage on it that it has the Power to actually cut through the wood So we will find that out here in one Moment now stepping right next door here Is the oil tank and you can see it's Translucent so if we have oil in here we Can easily see the level that it's at we Have a a minimum line there to make sure That we're actually supplying oil to the Chain uh taking the lid off is very easy Just a quarter turn so you flip this up Turn it a quarter turn comes right out Obviously you can lay that down put the Oil in it and we'll do that here in a Few moments now up under the saw we will Find the scrinch and the scrinch Actually has two different sizes is on Uh the wrench and then we have the flat Blade or standard blade screwdriver on The other end and that's for tightening The tension on the Chain the larger end Is going to give us that 3/4 in or 19 mm Size and this should be 13 mm/ in size On that side not sure if there's any Half inch but maybe that'll work on Other chainsaws as well but if we look At the bar nuts that are retaining the Bar and chain again you can tell we're Stepping up up to a large form factor Full sizee captured nuts there these are Again those 3/4 in or 19mm if you want To go Metric and they're captured bar nuts

Meaning you'll see what I'm talking About here in a Second one they spin off very easily Right now anyway but they're capturing They stay there on the actual cover that Makes it very nice also have those steel Sleeves in there so you're not just Squishing a piece of plastic you're Actually getting a good bite on that Steel when you tighten those down this Is the tensioning or the tension screw Where we can actually provide more Tension obviously you can do that Through this hole right here but you can See it better now that we have the cover Off so if we take a look here with the Bar off of here let's carefully get this Off and we can See number one we have a seven to Sprocket it's really not a tooth Sprocket the actual teeth fit down in The disc Of the actual sprocket and so again 7 to Design and then this is our Oiler here So you see we have a little rubber Gasket right there a little hole there That's where the oil actually comes out And lubricates This Bar I did want to Point something out highly recommend as You use this saw that every several Times that you use this you flip the bar Over cuz that's what it's made to do You'll see a little hole right here it Doesn't go all the way through just

Halfway through if I flip this over over We see a hole right here as well now When it's on the back side here that's Where that hole lines up with that Oiler And that's where it actually oils this Bar and the chain drags it all the way Around this bar to the top and bottom Side so again every several times that You use it make sure that you're Flipping this bar over then it won't Wear abnormally on one side or another Also highly recommend you to learn how To sharpen a chain a chainsaw chain it's Not tough to do it's really not takes a Few few minutes with a round file and You're good to Go now when you're tensioning your chain Especially on a 20-in bar what we want To have kind of in the middle of the of The bar is when you pull down on this You should barely see the tip of those Teeth there of the teeth that drive on The sprocket so when I'm pulling down I Got way too much Gap there so I'll Tighten that up and by the way on a Brand new Chain like on this brand new saw or when You replace the chain and put a new Chain on it it's going to stretch really Quickly so you can actually get away With tightening it a little more so just With kind of a little bit of pressure Going to tighten that just to touch More you should see the top of those

Barely see the top of those Teeth little More and I'm good now and I'll tighten This Down good and Snug check that once more yeah we're Good okay right here on the top typical Manual brake just about like any other Chainsaw so forward that's going to Actually lock the chain lock the barn Chain down and then pull it back and now You're ready to actually rotate the Chain or pull the trigger so we'll go Ahead and make sure our chain brake is On and we'll slide in our Battery lock that In check the charge yeah full Charge and then we're going to spin this Around here so you'll see on the saw we Have an LCD screen and I'll just bump The trigger here and turn that on and so We have three different speeds that we Can choose from we have a speed button Right here we have a headlight and Settings button right here and you can See the little red mark right there Telling us that the chain brake is on if I pull that back shows that it's off I Can also hit the speed Button that's speed two and then speed Three just to give you an Idea speed one speed Two and speed Three I can turn the headlight on or the

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Light and it's actually got two Different modes so a low and a high and If I hold this Down it can go into Bluetooth mode where We can actually access uh different Items on our phone see the status of Charge things like that right here on The front of the saw right above the Blade is the LED light there's low And there's high so we'll give you a Little bit of light for when you're Working at dusk or dark the OS saw is Also ipx4 rated so that means that it's Basically protected for you know working In light rain it's going to protect Against any splashes things like that Now let's get some oil in This it does have an 8 and 1/2 ounce Tank so it will hold a good amount of Oil Yeah we got a nice full tank now and Ready to go well we definitely need some Wood to cut and we've got a down oak Tree from a recent storm pretty large Oak and we're going to go ahead and uh Cut the midsection out of this and use This for Testing Oh By the way this tree that we cut uh yeah Right at a 1ot foot diameter 11 1/2 in Diameter so not huge by any means we're Not pushing the limits of of the 20 in But it still give you a good idea of uh

The amount of cut because their testing Was in a 6×6 post which most your Electric and battery powered chainsaws That's what they test at uh but that Really doesn't mean a hill of beans to Me so we've got this I'm going to call It a 1 foot diameter fresh Oak here in Florida loaded with tons of moisture and Let's see how many Cuts we can get cuz They're claiming like 135 cuts out of a 6 amp hour battery on a 6×6 Post uh so let's see where we get now we Cut a couple of chunks out of out of This tree so uh we've already got like Five cuts in as well so let's go ahead Make a couple of Cuts So now you can see where I'm definitely Utilizing those bucking spikes there and Biting into that tree while I'm Cutting and how you can use that is Basically keeping equal pressure on There as you're Cutting so I can get down There get that spike in There now I can easily I don't recommend Cutting with two hands you should always Have that secondary hand up here because If you do get a kick back it's going to Lock that brake and then stop the blade However just showing you with that Leverage cutting very Quickly A

So there's a 11 Cuts in seccession as Well as a plunge cut all the way through There on that battery so far it looks Like we've got three out of the five Cells still uh good so sure if you're Faing a tree you're going to be making a Lot more Cuts in this at the same time It's not going to be equal to your Typical 6×6 post this is going to be Much Tougher Now here's the deal the ego Cuts really Quick it has the power to cut through This 1T uh 12 in diameter log with no Problem now can I stop it Absolutely so once I get some leverage There on the Bucking Spike I can put Enough pressure to stop the Salt however if I just keep ample Pressure I'm keeping the saw moving it's Not like that I'm stopping and letting It speed up and I'm not backing it off The material and I can actually start in In the Material I just let off the trigger There uh but what I wanted to point out Was there are a lot of saws um that on The battery powered side anyway on the Cordless saws that you can't start the Saw in the Material I would actually have to bring It up get it started and then go but I've got this all the way across here Biting in that material and I can just

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Pull the Trigger and start the saw so that that Resistance is not keeping the saw from Starting but if you just grab this and Really and dig in yes you can stop It but decent Pressure Great Saw now I've got one flashing cell left On this battery this original battery I Just made a few cuts on a a new battery Uh but this is one flashing cell left on The original battery that we've cut Everything else on I'll be sure to Separate which ones we've cut with this Battery and the other one so I'm going To see can I get any more cuts out of This Okay there we Go so in their claims I think they Claimed 135 Cuts in a 6×6 on one 6 amp Hour 56v battery well we didn't make it To 100 but we did make 39 Cuts in a 12in Freshly cut wet Florida oak tree and is That something yeah I think it's Something maybe it's not the toughest Hardwood you can find but it's not like This 1ft Oak was a walk in the park now As we mentioned this thing has the power To cut right through these pretty Quickly can you all the saw absolutely We showed you that we explained that so If you bury the Bucking teeth and then Really put a lot of Leverage on it you

Can stop the saw and do it without a lot Of force however if you let it keep Eating and you put you know equal Pressure on it keep putting pressure Through it it'll cut through these logs Really quickly and pretty impressively As well we did plunge cuts no problem Sailed right through there again keep Your finger on the trigger keep pushing Through and it eats right through really Quickly now the key to this is always Keeping your chain sharp and that goes With any chainsaw so learn to sharpen Your chain you're going to save a lot of Money that way and it's not that hard to Do you can probably sharpen this chain In 10 or 15 minutes and just do it with A round file and a flat file so learn to Do that maybe we'll do a tutorial video On how to do that anyway uh as far as Battery life we think making 39 Cuts in A tree is is pretty good so and by the Way uh just like any other C cerence or Area the the less you get of this it's Exponentially smaller so uh as you're Growing say a 4-in limb has a lot less Material than just a 6-in limb and that Grows exponentially as things get bigger So if we were cutting a bunch of 4-in Limbs along with these you would get a Lot more Cuts in those 4-in limbs than Obviously we got in a full 12in oak tree Trunk the LCD display is pretty cool is It going to last over its life I sure

Hope so only time will tell on that I Like the fact that you really don't do a Lot there other than kind of uh mess With the speed and you can check battery Status is is right there in your face so That's kind of nice to see uh but as far As the speeds I don't know where you Would use this at a slower speed I'm Probably not going to set it slower I'm Going to leave it at High make my cuts Whether I'm cutting you know 2in limbs Or you know 12 in 14in 18in limbs it Doesn't matter I'm probably going to Leave it in high I'm sure there might be Opportunities when you're cutting Smaller stuff you don't need all that Speed um so it might be nice to then Throttle that down also the light up Front again may be nice for for the dark I didn't really notice anything Obviously in the daytime but very Impressive with the Saw's performance Let's talk about price $299 for the bare Tool so if you just want the saw you Already have ego 56 volt batteries any Of the 56 volt batteries are going to Work so you can get this for under 300 Bucks now if you want to step up to a Kit with the saw and a 6 amp hour Battery and a charger you're looking at Right at $500 $499 5year warranty on the tool 5-year Warranty on the chainsaw threeyear Warranty on the batteries hey check it

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