Cheap Blender Better? $630 Vitamix vs Ninja, Hamilton Beach, Cuisinart, BioChef, Nutribullet

10 Blenders Compared: Vitamix, Nutribullet, Ninja, Syvio, WantJoin, BioChef, Yabano, Cuisinart, Brentwood and Hamilton Beach. Blenders compared for crushing ice, making smoothies, breaking down seeds, and making peanut butter from peanuts. I purchased all of the blenders to ensure an unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

Motor oil videos on this channel bring out the funniest jokes about “Project Farm’s coffee”. So, I decided to surprise everyone by creating a new coffee brand, Ozzie’s Coffee. As you can probably tell by how fast I talk, I like coffee. Thanks again for supporting the channel.
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Hamilton Beach:

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When it comes to blenders do you need to Spend over six hundred dollars to find a Good blender or will the 25 blender work Just as well we have 10 different brands To test a day so let's find out and the First test we'll see which blunder does The best job converting ice into snow Then we'll see which blender has enough Blade sharpness and speed to break down Seeds we'll see which blender can make The best smoothie finally we'll see Which blender can make the smoothest Peanut butter at a price of only 25 Dollars the least expensive brand we'll Be testing is made by Hamilton Beach It's a 10-speed blender with 56 ounce Capacity it claims to be designed for Making smoothies it claims to offer Smooth results with patented wave action System powerful 650 watts and durable Patented ice saber blades to power Through ice we're going to test that the Bottom of the blender is not designed to Be disassembled before cleaning the Hamilton Beach is made in China the Weight of a product is sometimes a good Indicator of quality in the Hamilton Beach weighs a total of 4.07 pounds and The Hamilton Beach makes 19801 no load RPM 95.6 decibels is pretty loud and 240 No load watts in the first test let's Compare how the blenders perform Crushing ice for the blenders that don't Have ice cream press programs I'll go

Ahead and use the pulse feature 10 times Then I'll give the jar a couple of bumps And give it 10 more pulses and the Hamilton Beach blades made contact with The ice for about three pulses and then The large pieces of ice Were Out Of Reach for the blades and the narrow Profile of The Jug along with the Depressions are dense in the base is not Well designed for processing ice and the Hamilton Beach really struggle in this Test leaving mostly large chunks of ice And the plate with the ice weighs 2.49 Pounds and the plate with snow weighs 1.78 at a price of only 26 dollars is This shibano brand includes a pulse mode As well as two different speeds they Claim that their Triton plastic jar has Passed the desktop drop test we're gonna Test that the bottom of the container Can be disassembled for cleaning the Blade is designed to create a Vortex to Improve the blending action the yobano Brand is made in China blender can reach 35 000 RPM and the ubano has a total Weight of 4.21 pounds the ubano came up Almost 15 000 RPMs less than advertised 90.7 decibels and 213 Watts Which is Less than the Hamilton Beach the albino Jar has a very large diameter and almost Perfectly rounded vase which is really Helping the yubano and the large Diameter base is allowing the ice to Move freely and to settle after each

Pulse during all 20 pulses the ice made Very good contact with the blades only About 10 chunks of large ice with the Ibano and the snow is Fluffy and not Packed tight and the plate with snow Weighs 2.455 pounds Which is far better Than the Hamilton Beach had a price of 39 is this Brentwood brand it claims to Offer a powerful 350 watt motor with 12 Speeds including pulse chop mix grade Blended liquify includes a 50-ounce Plastic jar the bottom of the jar can be Disassembled for cleaning cord storage Under the base it claims it can easily Crush ice and blend Delicious Fruit Smoothies the burnt wood is made in China and the Brentwood is the lightest Shed at only 3.52 pounds over 17 000 RPM Is the slowest yet 95.8 decibels and Only 166 watts and the blades made Pretty good contact with the ice for the First few pulses and then the blaze Became stuck And the pulses just aren't doing much to Circulate the unprocessed ice and the Brentwood Left Behind 15 large pieces of Ice 2.08 pounds is good enough to move Into second position behind the ubano at A price of sixty dollars is this civio Brand it claims to make 1450 Watts with Four presets it claims to be designed For shakes smoothies crushing ice and Frozen fruits 68 ounce Triton container It has a hardened and heavy duty

Three-layer stainless steel blades that Are designed to handle the toughest Ingredients it claims to be dependable And not disposable we're gonna test that It claims to make 30 000 RPM and 2.25 Horsepower the civio is made in China And the cevia is the heaviest yet at 7.3 Pounds and ascivio came up about 3 400 RPM short of its 30 000 RPM rating and The civio is allowed to shed at 98.2 Decibels and 367 no load watts and the Silvio has a programmed ice Crush Feature so this program feature should Help it perform better than the first Three brands unfortunately the square Profile of The Jug seems to be Preventing the ice from circulating Freely during the test as you'd expect The RPM fluctuated throughout the 40 Second test but the city video really Struggled around 20 cubes of ice and 2.23 pounds is good enough for a third Place behind the Brentwood at a price of 73 dollars is this one join brand unlike The other blenders this one claims to be For both home and commercial use Includes a very powerful 1800 watt motor It claims it condense ice in only 10 Seconds without adding extra water it Claims it can make up to 30 000 RPM the White joint is made in China and the one Joint is the heaviest yet at 8.42 pounds And the one join came up 7000 RPM short Of its 30 000 RPM rating 91.8 decibels

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And 361 watts and the wide joints Struggled to get started on the first Pulse and the narrow square and wedge Shade profile of the jar is really Hurting the want join after three pulses The want joins blades are pretty much Striking out 2.39 pounds of ice chunks And the one join is second to last at a Price of 95 is this ninja brand it Claims to offer a thousand watts of Professional performance power 72 ounce Pitcher is designed for large capacity It claims to turn ice into snow in just Seconds the ninja is made in China and The ninja weighs 7.3 pounds only 5 1000 RPM for the ninja which is by far the Slowest yet 93.3 decibels and 329 no Load Watts while it's a very minor Detail the ninja has a parasitic energy Draw of 0.6 Watts when it's not in use No parasitic draw for their previous Brands the nun use instructions call for Using speed setting 2. and the three Sets of blades with the ninja made very Easy work of the ice and the ninja is Finished in very close to 20 seconds it Moves into the lead with a full plate of Snow and no ice chunks at a price of a Hundred dollars is this Cuisinart brand Includes a 56 ounce bpa-free Triton Plastic jar includes a one horsepower Heavy duty motor Cuisinart claims this Blender uses smart power it has Sophisticated Electronics to mince

Delicate herbs whip up some smoothies And even chop ice easy to clean Removable base the Cuisinart is made in China 6.74 pounds for the Cuisinart 24 300 RPM for the Cuisinart 600 watts with An empty jar and 96.3 decibels just like The want joined the Cuisinart has a Programmed ice Crush function and the Cuisinart did a great job for about one Second and the blades are housed in the Narrow space beneath the much larger Diameter container above love 2.41 Pounds is the second to last position at A price of 105 is this biochef brand six Preset programs as well as pulse and Variable speed buttons it has a powerful 1600 watt motor it has a 67 ounce BPA Free jug Advanced Japanese stainless Steel blade system operating at 23 000 RPM the bioshaft is made in China and a Biochef is the heaviest shed at 9.35 Pounds and a bioshaft did great at 3 600 RPM better than advertised it does have A small parasitic draw and 428 no load Watts 98.8 decibels is allowed us yet And the bioshaft has a programmed ice Mode feature and the blender did great For about a second just like several of The other brands the narrow wedge-shaped Profile of the jar really hurt its Performance unfortunately the bioshaft Did a little bit worse than the Cuisinart to move into second to last Position also the price of 105 dollars

The same price as the bioshaft is this NutriBullet brand includes a powerful 1500 watt motor includes four different Design programs three blending speeds And pulse control the pitcher includes a Locking lid and an easy pour spout the Base of the blender includes suction Cups to keep the blender from moving Around the NutriBullet is made in China And the NutriBullet weighs 8.5 pounds 23 600 RPM for the NutriBullet 0.3 watts of Parasitic draw and 441 no load Watts a Fairly quiet Blender at 90.7 decibels And a Nutribullet doesn't have a Programmed ice mode and the NutriBullet Just about bit the bullet when the Blades became stuck with the ice after Several attempts to free the NutriBullet It finally began making snow and the Large diameter blades did a great job of Reaching the ice chunks as they fell to The bottom only about two and a half Pieces of ice to move into second place Behind the Ninja at a price of 630 Dollars the most expensive blender we'll Be testing is made by Vitamix it's a Series 750 low profile 64-ounce Container includes five program settings Powerful 1440 watt motor includes Aircraft grade stainless steel blades The Vitamix is made in USA and the Vitamix is by far the heaviest shed at 12.73 pounds around 22 160 RPM there's No parasitic draw and 411 no load Watts

92.3 decibels is less noise than most of The other brands just like the bioshaft The Vitamix has a very large diameter Blade that has a lot of reach and the Vitamix made very good contact with the Ice for all 20 pulses and there's only One large piece of ice at 1.695 pounds Which is good enough to move into second Place behind the ninja subtracting the Weight of the glass plate the ninja came Out on top without any unprocessed ice The Vitamix finished in second at 0.025 Pounds of unprocessed ice in NutriBullet 0.045 let's compare power and blade Speed next using two cups of water and Chia seeds the blenders will have right At one minute to pulverize the seeds as A test gets closer to the one minute Mark the mix will become very thick and Really put the blender design to the Test and it didn't take long before the Hamilton Beach began to struggle the Motor just doesn't make enough power to Maintain a high RPM under load and the Motor only made 318 Watts most of the Chia seeds survived without any Noticeable impact from the blender and The chia seeds are way too large to pass Through the strainer the bottle started Off just as ambitious as the Hamilton Beach and the yabano seems to have done A better job at maintaining a high RPM Throughout the entire test 319 take Watts is about the same as the Hamilton

Beach and the yabano definitely did a Better job of breaking down the seeds Unfortunately the seeds are still too Large to pass through the strainer and The ubano left behind a lot of Unfinished business at only 350 Watts The Brentwood has the least powerful Electric motor rating and breadwood Peaked at 360 Watts during the test Unfortunately the blender lost a lot of Blade speed near the end of the test Most of the seeds are still too large to Pass through the strainer but the Brentwood did perform better than the Hamilton Beach and the civio makes over 26 000 no load RPM a lot more than the First three brands and asynio started Out strong and maintained RPM better Than the first three brands throughout The entire test 685 watts is about twice As much as the previous Brands and some Of the seeds are actually passing Through the strainer without any Assistance but I'll add some water to Speed up the process while there is some Unfinished business the civio has done By far the best job yet just like the Civio the one joint started off strong And is making very good RPM the one Joined made it to 670 watts are very Close to the same as the civio and the Blender was still maintaining very good Blade speed near the end of the test Just like the civio the seeds are

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Flowing through the strainer however the One joint didn't perform quite as well As a Sevilla with quite a few large Seeds and only 5000 RPM the ninja has by Far the slowest spinning blades in the Lineup however the ninja also has three Rows of blades which might help and the Ninja only made it to 360 Watts which is Not a good sign unfortunately the ninja Just doesn't make enough blade speed to Break down the seeds as well as some of The other brands and the strainer is Plugged and adding water to the mix Isn't helping the seeds processed by the Hamilton beaches on the left and the Ninja on the right and the very Affordable Hamilton Beach blender Actually outperformed the ninja and it Didn't take long before the Cuisinart Turned the mix into a slurry and the Cuisinart made it to 716 Watts the most Yet and the seeds aren't flowing through The strainer nearly as fast as they were With the civio so the Cuisinart and the Want joint perform very close to the Same on this test and the bioshaft made Over 26 000 RPM which should really help On this test and the bioshaft made it to 651 watts and maintained very good blade Speed throughout the entire test just Like the civio the seeds are flowing Through the strainer quickly while there Is some unfinished business the bioshef Has done the best so far and the

NutriBullet is off to a pretty strong Start with the seeds in the water Forming a slurry very quickly and the Blender made it to 1022 Watts the most Yet and the NutriBullet maintained very Good blade speed throughout the entire Test and the results from the NutriBullet as well as a bioshaft are Very close to the same and a Vitamix Started off strong and almost Immediately made it to 900 watts and the Water in the seeds form a slurry very Quickly and the Vitamix finally made it To 1058 Watts the most yet and the seeds Are flowing through the strainer the Fastest yet without any assistance and Vitamix is done by far the best yet with Almost all the seeds flowing through the Strainer while assessing performance is Highly subjected the Vitamix earned the Highest possible rating of a plus the Biochef and the NutriBullet each earned An a rating in the next test let's see How the blenders perform making a very Thick smoothie consisting of two cups of Blueberries chia seeds greens and two Cups of water I'll measure out the exact Amount of ingredients before testing Each blender to perform well in this Test the blenders are going to need a Lot of blade speed to pulverize the chia Seeds and the frozen blueberries and the Hamilton Beach doesn't come with the Tamper so I'll borrow one and hopefully

Keep from hitting the blades and the Hamilton Beach is really struggling to Maintain RPM and it's been right at two And a half minutes and there's still Some frozen blueberries on top and the Chia seeds survive without too much harm Unfortunately the Hamilton Beast just Doesn't make enough power to perform Well on this test just like the Hamilton Beach The ubano is losing a lot of RPM And blade speed without adequate blade Speed the chia seeds are going to be an Issue after two and a half minutes the Yabano did a little bit better than the Hamilton Beach while there aren't any Blueberries visible from the top of the Container the blender performed poorly On the chia seeds so the yubana Performed a little bit better than the Hamilton Beach and the breadwood is only Rated for 350 watts and it really bogged Down trying to process the Smoothie mix And the lack of blade speed is a big Problem for the Brentwood after two and A half minutes there's still a lot of Floating blueberries unfortunately the Brentwood didn't perform quite as well As the Hamilton Beach or the ubano and The Silvio has a programmed smoothie Mode and the design of the civio's jaw Really seems to be an issue the blaze Just aren't making consistent contact With the Smoothie mix and the civio Performed about the same as the Hamilton

Beach with a few surviving blueberries And a lot of intact chia seeds for a Blender that claims to have an 1800 watt Motor the one joint really struggled to Maintain enough blade speed at the start Of the test after about a minute and a Half the white joint finally began Processing the smoothie without help From the tamper and the white joint Smoothie has very good consistency there Aren't any floating blueberries and the Chia seeds are mostly pulverized so the Want join has done the best yet and the Ninja only makes around 5000 no load RPM So cutting to the chia seeds is really Going to be a challenge for the ninja About a minute into the test I stopped The blender and used a tamper to free Stuck contents to help the ninja while The ninja did a great job with the Blueberries it just doesn't make enough Blade speed to process seeds and the Cuisinart has a smoothie mode Unfortunately the Cuisinart doesn't come With a tamper so I'll borrow one from The competition and the Cuisinart Performed better than most of the other Blenders but not quite as well as the Want join no surviving blueberries but It didn't break down the seeds as well As the want join and a biochef makes a Lot of no load RPM at over 26 000 about Midway through the test the bioshaft Begin processing the smoothie without

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Any help from the tamper just like the Want joined the bioshaft did a great job Processing the smoothies and most the Chia seeds are broken down as well so The wine joint and the bioshaft have Done the best so far and the NutriBullet Seems to be doing the best yet at Maintaining a high blade speed under Load and the blender began processing The smoothie without help from the Tamper about Midway through the test and The Smoothie seems to be a pretty nice And smooth consistency and the NutriBullet seems to have done the best So far at breaking down the berries and Seeds and the Vitamix has a smoothie Mode like several of the other brands And the Vitamix made very good blade Speed and made very easy work of the Smoothie in only 45 seconds compared to Two and a half minutes for the Competition very nice consistency and The Vitamix did well breaking down the Berries and seeds assessing blender Performance is subjective but the one Joined bioshaft NutriBullet and Vitamix All receive the highest possible rating Let's move on to our most challenging Test yet turning 1.5 pounds of peanuts Into peanut butter and the Hamilton Beach really struggled in this test from The very start And the blender lost a lot of blade Speed throughout the entire 2.5 minute

Test fortunately the blender survived And there's no smoke coming from the Motor and the blades hitting peanuts Causes the kinetic energy to transform Into heat let's see if higher Temperatures correlates with better Performance 100 degrees and this is some Really crunchy peanut butter so the Hamilton Beach really struggled in this Test and the Albano bogged down pretty Badly from the start of the test and Stayed bugged down throughout so the Blade speed was definitely a problem for The ubano the ubano does have a better Designed jar for this task and it Definitely performed better than the Hamilton Beach by breaking down the Peanuts to smaller chunks very close to 103 degrees and the Brentwood has the Least powerful motor in the lineup and The motor was pushed Beyond its design Throughout the entire test and I could Smell smoke fortunately the blender Motor survived the test and the Brentwood actually performed just as Well as the yobano breaking down the Peanuts to form a peanut butter with Some grit 96 degrees and the sevio's Electric motor makes a lot more torque Than the first three brands and the Blender is off to a great start quickly Breaking down the nuts compared to the First three brands the Savio is Definitely doing a much better job of

Processing the peanut butter with Assistance from the tamper 127 degrees And the peanut butter almost made it to A creamy consistency but it still has Some grit and the white joint seems to Be struggling more at the start of the Test compared to the civio a look inside The jar and the one joint isn't Processing the peanut butter nearly as Well as the civio and it want joint Performed Nobles as well as a civio Forming mostly smooth peanut butter with A small amount of grit 115 degrees or About 12 degrees lower than the civio Peanuts are a lot easier to break down In seeds and this really helped the Ninja perform well in this test having Three loads of blades is really helping The ninja break down the peanuts without Any assistance from a tamper the ninja Left behind some unfinished business on The side of the jar but most of the Peanut butter looks really good and the Ninja performed fairly well in this test But the peanut butter is a little Grittier compared to the civio 112 Degrees and a Cuisinart motor became Pretty bogged down during the start of The test in the blender motor and jar Design just didn't perform nearly as Well as some of the other brands during The test and the peanut butter is still Pretty gritty with a few large peanuts Still in the mix 104 degrees after two

And a half minutes using the program Setting for the nuts and bioshaft Started off strong and didn't seem to Need nearly as much help as some of the Other brands and pockets of air formed Around the blades is the peanut butter Formed and this slowed the progress of The bioshaft and the bioshaft definitely Performed better than a Cuisinart but it Did leave more of a gritty texture Compared to the civio 111 degrees is About the same as the ninja without the Tamper in place the NutriBullet was Tossing peanuts out of the jar during The beginning of the test and the Blender held a pretty high RPM Throughout the entire test and the NutriBullet did the best yet with creamy Peanut butter and a very small amount of Gritty texture not bad for two and a Half minutes of effort 134 degrees is The warmest yet using the program Setting for nuts the Vitamix started off Strong and didn't need too much Assistance from the tamper there weren't Any issues with air pockets foaming Around the blades during the test and Two and a half minutes was definitely More than enough time for the Vitamix And the peanut butter is definitely the Smoothest with the least amount of grit 148 degrees is the highest temperature Yet so the Vitamix definitely came out On top with the highest possible rating

Of a plus but the NutriBullet also Performed almost as well with the rating Of a considering the price the civio Also performed well with a B plus rating I also drop tested all the jars and they All survived without damage so which Blender is best the Vitamix came out on Top with the best average finish of 1.3 Considering the price the NutriBullet Also performed very well with an average Finish of second place and several Brands averaged a fourth place finish All of the blinders are organized from Least expensive to most expensive if You're in the market for a blender Hopefully this information will help you Make an informed decision and Vitamix is A very nice blender but six hundred Dollars is a lot of money for a blender I always buy all the products in this Channel just to ensure unbiased reviews So once again thank you very much for Supporting the channel also all the Videos in this channel are viewers Suggested so if you have a video idea I Hope you'll take time to leave a comment Thanks so much for watching please take Care and look forward to next time