CHEAP POWER! SKIL IW5761 20V Brushless Mid-Torque Impact Wrench Review

This SKIL IW5761 20V Mid-Torque impact wrench is really impressive with its power. The halo light surrounding the anvil is another very useful feature that lights up the whole work area. However, the most impressive part of this review the actual price point of the SKIL Impact Wrench at less than $170 and you get a 5-year warranty. Available at Lowes and on Amazon.
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SKIL IW5761 20V Mid-Torque Impact Wrench:

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Are you looking to upgrade on Power and Still want to save a lot of money well Skill may be the Ticket this is the new skill mid torque Impact wrench runs on their 20vt Platform it does have a brushless motor It's got the awesome Halo light on the Front and it's supposed to have 800 Ft-lb of breakaway or nut busting torque Does it we'll find out this is the skill IW 5761 and it's their 20 volt brushless Half in impact wrench they're dubbing it A mid torque impact wrench and it Delivers up to 800 ft-lb of breakaway Torque so if it's actually delivering That much then it definitely deserves to Be in that mid torque class in fact it Pushes it up into that high torque class Of just a couple of years ago uh we have Multiple speeds on that really there There's three speeds on this impact Wrench but there's also a couple of Other modes we'll discuss here in one Moment and the speeds are controlled Down here on the bottom of the impact Wrench so you see these lights right Here there's a speed button one two and Three now in those speeds in speed one We have a variable speed trigger so we Can go as slow as we want To all the way up to 800 RPM and up to 1,00 impact per minute so Once it's under stress or under load

You'll hear the impact start hitting and So 800 RPMs is the max and 1100 impacts Per minute is the max in speed one now If we go to speed two then we're looking At 0 to, 1400 RPM and up to 2,000 Impacts per minute and in speed three Looking at a Max of 1,00 RPM and up to 20 600 impacts per minute now in Addition to the speeds there's also a Another button over here and there's a Couple of Lights there so when we dig Into there there's the RM and the NB and Then nothing basically when it's in Nothing it's in what they call normal Mode uh if it's in the RM selection then It's in the reverse control mode which Means supposedly when you back something Off when it senses that the the nutter The Fastener is loose it actually stops The tool like there so my finger's still On the trigger it senses there was no Load there so it's stopping the tool now Then we have the NB which is nut busting Mode so that's basically going to apply The most amount of power to make sure That we're getting everything we have to Break away that Fastener now I just want You to know once I tell you the price on This you're probably going to flip out Out like for an impact wrench they Should be able to do what they're Claiming it will do and we'll find that Out here in just one second uh but we're Dubbing this the half price Destroyer

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I'm telling you you're just going to be Blown away at the price because you can Get it with the battery with the Charger And the tool for just an insane price uh Another really cool thing about this is The Halo light there on the front of the Tool we love that totally surrounding The Fastener and you can use that with a For a flashlight if you wanted to and It's going to stay on for 10 seconds After the trigger pull so once you Release the trigger it's going to stay On another 10 seconds and then shut off Now size on this this is not exactly a Small mid torque which at the value Price it is and the amount of power it's Delivering we didn't expect it to be Really small However if you look at it next to the Snap-on it's about the identical size if We lay them on their back You see really really and truly almost Dead heat I think the snap-on's Just a Touch longer uh and height Wise about the same as well the skill May be a touch taller than that but Again not a small tool but for the price That they're delivering this at and uh For the amount of power it's delivering Still a good deal and not too big again You're looking for power it's about 11 In tall and that's with the 5 a power Battery on here uh and length of the Tool is going to be right at 8 in Long

Uh from tip to tail if you will or from Front to back and then as far as width I Don't know probably 3 in yeah maybe just A touch maybe 3 and an eigh of an inch And we get a 1/ in hog ring style Anvil Or friction ring style anvil on the Front of the Tool now let's go ahead and get a weight Again I'm weighing it with the 5 a hour Battery even though you can get this Kitted with the uh with the 4 amp hour Battery we didn't have a 4 amp hour Laying around I don't know how much of a Difference probably an ounce or so Difference in the 4 amp hour to the 5 Amp hour uh but let's just weigh it tool And 5 a hour battery 6 lb 11 o so 6 and 3/4 lb uh for the impact wrench and the Battery and let's just face it when You're reaching for a mid torque or a High torque impact wrench you're not You're really not caring about how light It is right uh you wanted to get the Work done so let's go over and check and See if it actually does what they claim It will do well you probably know the Drill but if you haven't seen us test Impact wrenches then what we're going to Do we're going to take our torque tool And we're going to torque these Fasteners here starting at 150 foot- PBS And the only reason we start at 150 is That's kind of the bottom of the uh the Electronic Tor torque tool that we use

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So we're going to go 150 and then go to 200 and do even increments so 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 and if we make it past 700 then We'll uh we'll start with our larger uh Torque tool and we'll start torquing at 800 and go all the way up as high as we Can go until this thing will not break Free the Fasteners now we let it impact On each fastener for up to 10 seconds if It's starting to move that faster at 10 Seconds we will let it continue to turn Until It Breaks that free uh freely now If it's not moving after 10 seconds then We stop the tool it doesn't get that Point and that's it but again we give it 10 seconds if there's any movement there We let it carry on so let's go ahead and Get started get these fasters Torqued Okay you see we have hash marks drawn Onto the socket we have three different Hash marks just so you can see the Rotation to make sure that you can see That it's either turning or not turning After 10 seconds or before 10 seconds so Let's get started at 150 ft-lbs and I'm In reverse and let's make sure that We're In nut busting mode in speed three and We have a full Battery on 500 foot PBS Okay definitely struggled on that

However I'm thinking that we may have Something wrong with that Fastener Because it was moving it probably at the 5 or six second range if not sooner Regardless we got it broken Free okay here we go again I'm going to Start right here with 800 ft-lb and then Go to 900 and I'm going to skip this Faster and go to the larger fasters and Then start at 1,000 Okay let's get this started Again still got a full battery we're Still in speed mode 3 and nut busting Mode and we should be in Reverse there We Go and so now we're starting at 800 Foot- PBS then 900 and if we break those Free we'll move on to the larger Fasteners now this is what it's rated For is 800 foot- PBS Okay here we are Again full Battery power mode three uh nut busting Mode make sure we're in Reverse yep We're in Reverse 1,000 Ft-lbs Okay definitely couldn't move the 12200 Ft-lbs the 1100 it was barely budging it at that 10-second mark it started moving it Around that 8 and 1/2 9sec Mark and so We let it go ahead even though it took

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Probably 18 20 seconds to actually break It free but it was starting to move Before that 10-second Mark man what a Performance by the skill 20 volt for $169 you can get the impact wrench the Battery and the charger not a bare tool Bare tool I think you can get for like $92 and you can buy it on Amazon and you Get a fiveyear warranty it is hard to Beat that for sure now let's take a look At these couple of other modes here so It's in nut busting mode so I'm going to Go to the uh removal mode and we'll see Here on the Titan side really doesn't do Anything but if I shift to Reverse you see it stops the tool finger Still on the trigger I'm going to let That performance speak for itself yes it Had trouble Breaking Free the 1,100 Footb could not do the 1,200 but still For something that's $169 Allin so not too batteries but just One 4 aamp Hour battery the tool and the Charger for $169 I don't think you can find it Anywhere else at least not in a name Brand with a 5-year warranty at that and You can get it on Amazon shipped right To your door so we'll have a link in the Description let us know what you think Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and Hey if you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't

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