Craftsman S2000 Rolling Tool Chest and VersaTrack Organization & Storage

Get your Tool Storage and Organization game on with the Craftsman VersaTrack and S2000 Rolling Tool Chest. The VersaTrack system allows you to organize just about any size tool or accessory with different hooks, mounts, and brackets. The Craftsman S2000 Tool Box provides plenty of storage for the serious DIYer and Garage Motorhead. #review #craftsmantools #versatrack #sponsored

Be sure to stick around because we're Going to transform this to This so what do you get the Craftsman Guy that has everything well you upgrade Him let's get started Craftsman recently Reached out to us and asked if we'd be Willing to share the great features of The S2000 Rolling tool chest and tool cart as well As their Versa track system and we Actually had the perfect opportunity Because we've got a great friend who is A Craftsman tool nut in fact he's got Several of the smaller Craftsman tool Boxes that we were able to kind of Shrink down into the larger S2000 box And utilize the Versa track system to Store and organize common tools that Many times get misplaced around the shop Lay in corners or just get misplaced all Together this is the Craftsman Versa TR Garage organization accessory kit uh Comes with each kit actually comes with Uh two of these 48 in Runners here so You get two of these which in this case We've got we're using um about four Pieces so we're three deep um a little More than than one full length wide so We just took a piece of/ in Plywood And Spanned uh two of these metal structures These vertical structures here and then We mounted the Versa track system right To the to the/ in plywood so several Ways that you can actually Mount this

But as you can see you can utilize all Types of different um Hooks and uh and Mounts and things like that whether You're hanging you know string trimmers Shovels axes extension cords power tools Uh even into uh levels brooms that sort Of thing just a great place to hang Things that you like to get to rather Quickly And let's face it many of these items uh Usually they're kind of Hidden Away Falling away and and you're leaning up Against the wall so just a great system To be able to organize things in your Garage this is the Craftsman S2000 box It is a 52in long toolbox on the lower half and The top upper half's Just a Touch Smaller to fit inside uh the actual top Of the box the the bottom section is 18 In deep and the top section is going to Be 16 in deep we get eight Drawers in the top section and 10 Drawers in the bottom section each have A 100 lb capacity ball bearing slides And soft closed drawers as well now we Have locks independently that lock this Column of drawers another lock that Locks this column so the lock here will Lock the lid so you can close the lid And then this lever here where you can Actually lock and unlock the draw so you Can have the lid actually locked down And still have access to the drawers if

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You want to so that enables you at the End of the day if you wanted to lock Down the lid have all your power tools On charge but still have the ability to Get to your hand tools you could Absolutely do that the toolbox comes With the liner on the top the liner for Uh in between the top box and the bottom Box nice thick liner here as well as Liners for the drawers as well these Upper drawers are about a little over 22 In about 22 and 1/4 in wide and as we Mentioned uh about 16 in deep actually It measures out right at 50 15 in deep And then depending on which one uh this Is about 2 and 1/2 in from top to bottom And the Upper Drawer is going to be a Smaller about a 1 and 1/4 in height on Those the bottom section here on the Larger drawers you're going to get uh About n a little 9 and 1/4 in from top To bottom and 22 and 1/4 in wide and 16 1/2 in deep from front to Back the mid size Drawer is going to be uh almost 6 in Tall and again that same width of 22 and A/4 22 and 38 of an inch and then the Depth of 16 1/2 in from front to Back then we have a drawer here where It's going to give you about 3 and 1/2 In top to bottom 16 1/2 in deep and Again that same 22 and 38 of an inch Wide and then the top two are going to Be pretty shallow drawers at 2 and half

In I believe both of these are yeah with That same 16 16 and 1/2 in deep and that 22 and 38 wide and both Columns of these Drawers are going to match so right Split right down the middle so these Drawers here are going to be that same 22 and 38 in wide and each drawer able To handle 100 lb we get large 5 in Casters uh that are swivel on the handle End as well as lockable so you can Easily lock these down so it doesn't Roll around unlock them very easily as Well as they swivel again on the handle End the two on the opposite end down Here are actually going to be stationary And up on the upper section you see we Get uh some actually pegboard integrated Into the actual steel box and the Integrated power strip with USB as well A great place to again store your radios Your fans your power tools get pneumatic Cylinders SO gas cylinders that give you An easy close as well as an easy open as Well and uh really displays very well With the lid open and staying out of the Way but you obviously can close this With with no problem at All without the fan in here of Course overall capacity for the entire Box is 1,500 lb and you get over 32,000 cubic in of storage so here we Are we're finished up we've got the new Toolbox in place and we have the Versa Track system up as well and really

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Helping to organize as well as the Larger toolbox format definitely gives The ability to store many more tools Than the smaller tool boxes that were in Place so I'm sure that he's going to be Really exstatic to have this larger Toolbox as well as the integrated power System in it and to be able to to store Larger tools in the top as well you can Get this whole toolbox the lower and the Upper for about 950 bucks and again We'll have a link in the description Where you can check that out as well as The Versa track system is a very lowcost System to out of the box be able to Store and organize your common tools That you're grabbing all the time be Sure to check out the links in the Description uh for both of these for the Toolbox as well as the Versa track System we may have some additional links There also also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already And by all means if you hated our video Well give us a thumbs down but would you Let us know in the comments why have a Great day keep Smiling