CRANKINATOR 9000 – DeWalt Power Station Jump Starter Air Compressor [DXAEPS14]

Much more than just a jumper cable replacement. This DeWalt DXAEPS14 Power Station offers 750 Amps of cranking power, dual 120V outlets with up to 500W output, 4 USB-A ports with up to 6.2A output, and a 120psi air compressor for pumping up your tires. #dewalttools #review #powerstation

DeWalt DXAEPS14 Power Station Jump Starter:

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What's in your toolbox when your battery Goes dead [Music] We've got a DeWalt power station jump Starter air compressor yada yada yada Several other features that it has let's Go ahead and dive in take a closer look At this then we'll actually use it and Come back and talk about pricing and What we think of it we have the DeWalt Dxa Eps14 now this is a power station but Really and truly it's much more than Just a power station and it's much more Than just a jump starter power stations Jump starters they're dime a dozen you Can find them all over the internet all Over Amazon And purchase them as you will this is Definitely more Automotive related and More than just a jump starter so we get A sealed lead acid battery in here so Yes this is not a lithium ion or a Lithium phosphate battery we get a Sealed lead acid battery that's going to Provide an actual 750 cranking amps Instantaneous when we need it and uh 350 Cranking amps in more of a sustained Power output now more than just a jump Starter which we'll get into that in More in just one moment with some great Leads here on the side of the unit as Well but we also get an air compressor

So we have the air compressor hose on This side we even get a needle that goes Here right on the side if you need to Pump up any basketballs footballs and That sort of thing but anyway we have an Air compressor on the right hand side And then we have 120 volt plugs right Here on the front we have two of those With up to 500 watts of output there and Then we have four USB type A and I Believe a Max of 6.2 amps out 3.1 amps On this side and 3.1 amps on this other Side so it looks like about a one and a Half amp output on each of these USB a Ports now diving even a little deeper we Get a light that's on the back we'll Show you that in a moment and we also Get an alternator check well it will Actually check the alternator on the Vehicle and not just the battery and Then we have obviously a AC power USB Power ports as well so you can actually Turn them on and activate those and then If we turn on the AC power Now Understand this when you turn on the AC Power what's going to happen here is We've got an inverter running now so We're turning DC power into AC power so We have to have an inverter that's Running in there that is going to Utilize some of that power in that Battery so understand that you don't Want to just leave that on we want to Turn those off when it's not in use now

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On the air compressor we can turn this On and we can actually set the desired Amount of pressure that we want in that Tire So if we want 40 pounds we can set that Hit the air and we'll actually turn on The compressor And start pumping until it reaches that Desired PSI and then it will actually Shut the unit off now if you want to Know the size on this about 12 and a Half inches wide and about the same tall About 12 and a half inches tall a little Bit thinner as far as on the width here But overall width is going to be about Six and a half inches as far as depth or Width now this little needle is supposed To go right there but it really doesn't Hold it too well but that's not a major Ordeal at all as I was mentioning we Have a hose here on the side for the air Compressor so we get a decent lead there The length on the air compressor lead is 30 inches so you can still keep this a Decent distance from the actual vehicle And be able to pump up that tire and It's also got a decent place to actually House that hose when it's not in use so Love that some cable and cord management As well turn here on the back side That's where we have these two LED Lights and that's where we can turn Those lights on So we get a decent amount of light if

We're needing to pump up a tire at night Or jump start a vehicle at night we have Lights on board that we can actually use Those or turn them off and this is the Charging port here on the rear of the Unit so you just basically plug that in And plug it into the wall and it's going To be more of a trickle charge you're Not going to fast charge that at all and There is no DeWalt battery ports on here So this is not running off of a DeWalt 20 volt or 60 volt Flex volt battery or Anything like that this is just purely a Self-contained sealed lead acid battery That's also the jump starter and Provides power on the air compressor we Get a Max of 120 PSI so we can pump up Those larger size tires and even go into The high pressure inflation as well so Like even bicycles that require a high Pressure such as road bikes not going to Have a problem with this unit this is Built very robust it feels nice and Sturdy and the feet down here are not Plastic they are a rubber over molded Type of foot and so it has a better feel To it it's not just scratching around on The surface and then if you look here on The opposite end of the air compressor We have the jump starter leads so Kind of a pain to get in here but at the Same time if you fold this out So you can kind of pick up on the cables And you can fold this out and then

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Unclamp them so you don't have to reach In there with your fingers to do that so I'm fine with that I'm absolutely fine With this is something you're not using All the time so I would rather have that Cord management that actually wraps it Up nice and tight provides a place for Everything and deal with a little bit of You know discomfort if you will or you Know not so easiness to have to be able To unplug these or or dislodge these Than something this easy and just kind Of Fallen all over the place so I like The cord management And also on this we get some decent Length as well we get at least 24 inches Right there to the edge of the cables or To the edge of the actual clamps we also Get some decent clamps spring clamps Here with some decent Jaws on them so They're going to grab a hold not some of Those chintzy ones that you see on a lot Of the jump starters And if you want to see here us wrapping These back up Number one you can separate these but Then you can also clip them back Together so like that aspect of it and Then they just wrap around here And then that's where we can connect Them right there And connect them right there And fold that back in So again I like the compactness of it

And the cord management where you're not Having to put those in a bag Everything's self-contained right here And uh just FYI with that 120 volt Output here with 500 watts out you're Going to run something like a a small DC Cooler I will run just fine off of that But you're not going to power a coffee Pot a coffee pot is probably about a Thousand Watts so this is not going to Going to sustain that but a small cooler Small fans computers things like that Will absolutely do fine with these 120 Volt Outlets So under here we have a completely dead Battery and a 454 driven Chevrolet truck So big 7.4 liter Old School Big Block So let's see if we can't get this Started And we'll just show you Try to crank this nothing at all no Click no anything Not sure if this is going to handle this But we will see By the way you always want to go to a Chassis ground and not grounding to your Actual battery uh showing 12.2 volts Let's go ahead and try this and see what We get And when you see the flashing Engine icon and the solid battery then You know that it's ready to crank So now we've got to run an engine took Two tries to do that but this thing

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Hasn't been started in months So now let's go into the alternator Check It just shut off on us let's try to Crank it again Let's go ahead and do an alternator Check And we know now that we have an Alternator good sign and the solid Battery that we're good if not we would Have a little Caution light there that Tells us we need to check something else Or that maybe it's not charging Correctly The DeWalt power station does exactly What it says it will do it will output 500 watts and be able to plug things in And run that but again don't think You're going to plug in a hair dryer or A heater or uh something like a large Refrigerator or even like a coffee maker That's pulling you know a thousand Watts Or like a big refrigerator that might Draw a thousand Watts at startup but for Your smaller appliances fans and you Know small shop coolers and Shop Refrigerators it will absolutely work Just fine plugging in computers and Tablets and things like that to recharge That'll work absolutely fine as well the Most important thing is that you have Nice large leads that will handle the Load and the 750 amps of cranking power That it says that it has for

Instantaneous and 350 sustainable amps Out on a longer run and you saw that on That 7.4 liter 454 and literally that Had not been started in months so it Took twice you know and it recommends it Says you know crank it over five or six Seconds and then stop and then crank it Over again and as you saw on the second Try it fire dried up and spun over quite Nicely with just this because that Battery was completely dead we have no Dings or anything when we turn the key On we started to hear the blower just Starting to blow for the AC but it was Barely turning over it all so it did a Great job on that this is going to run You about 200 bucks 197 dollars is the Exact price you can find them on Amazon As well as some other places and we'll Have a link in the description we Believe the warranty is like a year Warranty and really a 90-day return Warranty on it because it's an Electronic but check it out for yourself Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and Hey if you don't mind when you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video well give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling