DO THEY WORK? Torque Sticks or ONE-KEY? Milwaukee 2769 Ext Anvil With OneKey Impact Wrench Review

Walk into any tire shop and you’ll probably see Torque Sticks being used on various impact wrenches. We test the Milwaukee 2769 Extended Anvil Impact Wrench with OneKey to see which is more consistent and safe for use. This extended anvil delivers up to 1,100 ft-lbs of loosening torque. With the OneKey app, you can select a specified torque window to operate in. You can get the 2769 extended anvil as a bare tool, or you can get it as a kit with 2 of the 5.0 oil resistant batteries.
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Milwaukee 2769 Ext Anvil:

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Do you need an extended Anvil high Torque impact wrench and do you need an App to control it well we'll find out And see This is the Milwaukee M18 fuel 2769 and It's their extended Anvil impact wrench Why is it extended Anvil well I think That's pretty self-explanatory the big Nose sticking out the front there so Yeah we got an extended Anvil here which Is going to be great for those Tire and Wheel guys so tire and lube you're Taking wheels on and off all day long That extended Anvil especially with These deeper dish Wheels we're seeing More and more trucks uh even some of the Cars it makes it really nice to keep That impact wrench away from the wheel And you're not getting kind of cornered In and where the battery is hitting Something so that keeps you away from That wheel from banging up against it And gives you so a lot more flexibility But it doesn't stop just there it's not Just an extended Anvil it also has one Key technology to give you some lug nut Control and even custom Drive control Server right from your one key app on Your phone on your smart device you can Actually control what the different Settings on your impact wrench do kind Of Maximum output if you will in fact it Kind of comes pre-packaged on number one And two is actually going to be lug nut

Control for small vehicles for say you Know 40 pounds up to 75 pounds and then On the number two setting it's going to Be more lighter truck from 75 pounds up To 150 foot-pounds now the idea here is Not to hit that number dead on well Actually I'm kind of jumping ahead here Let's take a closer look as always take A look at the features and then we'll Take it over to our test rig we'll do Some pretty cool testing we're not just Going to test the 2769 we're also going To test some torque sticks when you're At tire shops this is pretty common to See and usually it's not just striped Here you'll see the full color-coded Torque sticks they may be yellow green Blue and each one of the colors actually Designates what amount of torque that They're supposed to max out at and how Well do they work well we're going to Test that out and see how well it Compared pairs to the actual extended Anvil impact grid and we included this On our Christmas gift guide this year Because we think it's a great tool for That tire and lube guy or maybe even Just a car nut you would like an Extended Anvil impact wrench we added it In our Christmas gift guide list be sure To check it out because it starts at Just twenty dollars and we give you Multiple gifts at each price category And I think it's like six different

Price categories so be sure to check That video out this is the Milwaukee Model number 2769-20 if you want the bare tool but if You want it with the kit that comes with The two five amp hour batteries the Charger the bag and by the way these are The resistant or chemical resistant oil Resistant 5.0 batteries if you want the Kit with the two batteries and the bag Of the charger and the 2769 that would Be a dash 22R and so that's going to Differentiate between just the 20 Obviously is the bare tool and the 22 With the two batteries and the r for the Chemical resistant batteries anyway this Is the one key model so in addition to Having the big old fat nose on the front Of it that's the extended Anvil we also Get one key technology in here you see The designation right here on the tool As well as you see the little Bluetooth Envelo or the Wi-Fi emblem whatever that Is there on the bottom and that tells us That this is a one key tool so we can Connect this to the one key app and make Some changes to it and even apply torque Settings and that sort of thing but the Main thing we're getting an extended Anvil on the front of this great for That tire and wheel person or tire and Lube person this has dialed down a touch From the regular high torque That's Rated I think at 1400 foot-pounds this

Is rated at 1100 foot-pounds I'm sure It's a little detuned due to that long End well that's more of a chance for Breakage the longer you get out there But let's test this and and see how well It does it and we'll do that here in a Few moments but let's go over a few of The features here half inch hog ring Style that are friction ring anvil on The end there again as I mentioned we Have one key technology so we can Actually adjust some of these settings And what you can do you can actually Dial in these four different power mode Settings here you can actually dictate What those are for now out of the box it Actually tells you right here on the top Of the tool that number one is set at 40 To 75 foot-pounds number two is set at 75 to 150 foot pounds and number three Says heavy duty number four is full Power so four is going to give you full Power I think three maybe 450 Foot-pounds for the larger trucks but Let's pull up one key and see So here is my 2769 I'm going to click That and yes we want to connect And you see the blue light just Activated on here now it's flashing and Now I believe it just connected yeah There we are Um and so here we see the different Modes uh number one is set at lug nut Control 45 to 75 foot-pounds and reverse

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Speed is set at 1800 RPM number two is Set at 75 to 150 with reverse speed at 1800 RPM and then number three is custom Drive control if I click in there uh it Tells us 1800 RPMs uh and and by the way You can you can see where you can dial That I can make it slow if I wanted to But all the way up and precision mode at 12 I can set even a trigger ramp on that And I can leave it at that so custom Drive control on that so under three Here I can also go under task and it Says custom Drive control I can switch That to the lug nut control and then That's where I can select you know the Lower 40 to 75 foot-pounds or the higher 75 to 150 foot pounds since we already Have uh number two set to that I'll go Back to custom Drive control and this is Where I can set the you know number of RPM For max speed and then I can set Precision mode and I can crank it all The way up if I want to Or halfway down And halfway is going to be roughly half Power so roughly 550 foot pounds And then I'll go back to four and I Thought four was max out of the box but It says Precision mode 10. I'm going to crank that all the way up Or actually that's Precision mode is off And so there is no Precision mode on and We're just set the max speed at full

1800 RPM and there is no Precision mode So it's not actually Adjusting that or monitoring that it's Just going to let it go at full power so Just a couple of things you can do with The one key app so let's actually take This over test it a little bit and show What type of stuff we can do with this All right right out of the box let's go Ahead and we're going to just change the Setting back to setting one which is the Torque control from 40 to 75 foot-pounds And the idea here is that even your Light cars that you can use this to Tighten the lug nuts and then come back With a torque wrench and you won't be Over torqued so even with the impact It's going to shut the impact wrench Down when it reaches that somewhere Between 45 and 70 foot pounds or 40 and 75 foot-pounds and will not over tighten Tighten those lug nuts so let's see how This works Well first it would make more sense to Actually tighten this wouldn't it There we go okay so now we've got it in Tightened and here we go So you see my finger is still on the Trigger it shut that down Foreign So that's how the lug nut control is Going to work on the tool it's going to Sense that it's going to shut the tool Down so it's not just going to allow you

To you know eyeball when the socket Starts moving when it senses it's hit That window between 40 and 75 Foot-pounds it's going to shut the tool Down now what does that really mean and Does that really help Well let's look at some other ways of Actually tightening lug nuts now Obviously the best way is with a torque Wrench and even with this tool Milwaukee As well as you know most of your other Impact wrench manufacturers are Recommending that you go back behind With a torque wrench and torque the lug Nuts to the specified Torque rating for the the lugs or the Wheels or whatever the manufacturer Requests or recommends and that's the Case with this we need to come back and Hit these let's say you know 80 foot Pounds or 105 foot-pounds or whatever it Is that's recommended the one key app And the impact wrench is just trying to Be under that window so you don't go Over so when you come back with a torque Wrench you can set that properly now When you walk into most tire shops you May see some cordless impact wrenches You may see or you will see a lot of air Impact wrenches and then typically You'll see some torque sticks and these Torque sticks most of the time they're They're fully color coded and probably Even powder coated with you know blue or

Green or yellow and that's indicating The specified torque range which this Yellow here that's set at 65 foot-pounds Now the problem here is these are meant To be calibrated with your impact wrench They're not to be they're not meant to Just be thrown on the impact Put It On Full go or full send and run that all Until it stops turning although that's What most of your technicians out there Will do if you read the calibration Settings on these torque sticks on I Don't care what manufacturer it is it's A pretty lengthy process to calibrate Your impact wrench with the tool things Like monitoring air pressure or actually Setting air pressure to setting the tool To testing it and then making sure that Happens every single time and I doubt That happens in a tire shop anyway I Won't get into all that scientific Jazz But I can have that full discussion on a Sidebar if you would like anyway so That's another way of actually you know Impacting these and then or actually Setting torque and then obviously the Other is just by ugga dug as oh I know I Can feel you know how tight it is blah Blah blah and we know that's just not The case so is this a better solution Than a torque stick well let's actually Find that out And you see by the way I'm still in mode One but in Reverse I get full power

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Foreign So first let's test something really Quick Turn on my torque wrench and it's set at 100 foot-pounds I'm going to tighten A couple of these bolts A couple of these nuts That's 101.8 I'm going to write this down so we've Got 101.8 100.9 9.3 100.6 And 101.5 Now what I'm going to do Is I'm going to take these nuts off and What we'll find out is it takes less Torque or less Force to remove a Fastener than it does to tighten it I Think we can realize that and that's Going to change based off the thread Pitch diameter all those different types Of things friction you name it that's Going to change but typically it's going To stay in the same window so let's just See where it's at here 86.6 81.6 76.7 82 83.9 So if we look at that average we're Going to get an average of 81.5 percent

What's that mean that means it takes an Average of about 81.5 percent of the Force it took to tighten that to 100 Foot-pounds in order to break that free And we're going to use that same Calculation here in a moment when we Tighten these bolts again so again we're Still on uh number one here and let's go Ahead and we're going to tighten these The first five until they stop There we go Now we're not looking for 100 foot Pounds here we're just wanting to get an Average of what it takes to break these Free because we're in mode one which Averages between or which stops Somewhere between 40 and 75 foot-pounds Here we go 28.8 32.4 35.7 27.8 27.5 so it looks like we're a little low On that one So even if we take all these and we Divide By 0.815 because that was the factor we Used so if we look at those numbers it Actually falls a little low here which Is not a big issue so if we use that Factor of 0.815 so we take 28.8 32.4 35.7 27.8 and 27.5 and we divide by that Point eight one five we get 35.3 39.8 43.8 34.1 and 33.7 so none of those over

75 foot-pounds obviously most of them Under the 40 foot-pounds and the average Is 37.3 Now again that's going to change based Off the faster but the point is we Didn't over tighten any of them so we Come back with our torque wrench we set The torque now let's do that same test Using a torque stick and an air impact Okay so we've got an air impact wrench Which you can see this is kind of a a Micro or a a small air impact wrench so It's definitely not overpowering and We've got our 65 foot pound torque stick On here with our socket now typically The go-to is that you tighten until the Socket starts moving and basically That's when the torque stick is Absorbing all that force and so you Tight until it stops moving and move on So that's what we're going to do with The 65 foot-pound Torx deck Foreign I'll tell you one thing I don't like Right off the rip is when does it stop And when is it not and how soon do you Let off when you see it stopped I tried To as soon as I see it stop or even kind Of near stop I went ahead and stopped so Anyway but that's one possible flaw so Let's take our torque wrench and by the Way we have no idea how much we actually Tighten this so we're going to go back And and now remove it and see what we

Get 96.4 and again this is a 65 Foot pound Torque stick 91.3 89.6 89.9 3.1 So we do see one thing it's pretty I Don't know pretty flat curve across all Of them but all of them are grossly over The limit using that small impact wrench So if we average all those out basically We get 112.6 as an average so that's pretty Grossly over the limit of a 65 foot Pound torque stick now we can escalate This problem even further by taking a Torque stick And using it with just a a mid-grade Impact wrench I'm going to take this Craftsman Impact Wrench this is very I Would say it's probably not even Mid-grade this is several years old and It's not that powerful but you'll see Now what happens when you just take an Impact and you throw a torque stick on It and again we're using a 65 foot-pound Torque stick we're going to go until the Socket stops Foreign S on that 86.7 0.5

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82.9 83.4 73.9 So when you take those numbers again on A very mid-grade uh impact wrench we Averaged out 97.5 foot pounds of force on those Fasteners from a 65 foot-pound torque Stick And just because I know that everybody's Going to want to know how much torque This thing will put out we're not going To push it to the Limit but we'll take It up uh pretty far here Okay so we have torqued these Fasteners At 400 500 600 and 700 foot-pounds We've got a full battery And We'll go to speed four Quarter foot pounds Not a problem at 700 foot pounds now We're going to finish out at 800 900 and 1000 foot-pounds Foreign To 800 900 and 1000 foot-pounds So we'll see if we can break them free With the extended anvil That took a little bit but it was Jumping all over the place I'm going to Try to stabilize it a little better and See if that delivers the energy where it Needs to Foreign ER

Okay so I don't know if you added them Together what's that 16 17 seconds Something like that Maybe a little less Maybe 15. So I broke it free but are we going to Give it that on our normal 10 second Rule no I'm not I don't see this tool as Being that all out maximum effort impact Wrench it's an extended Anvil you are Losing your impacting Force the longer You extend this Anvil it's just physics That's what's going to happen you're Going to lose some of that strength Through here as well as you're going to Lose some of that impacting the further You get out away from this tool okay if You were here to see maximum numbers in The most horsepower and the most foot Pounds of torque and everything else This was not that video for you as you Saw it had trouble breaking for you 900 And even a thousand foot pounds do I Care nope I don't this is a very Specific tool they didn't come out and Say this is our biggest and baddest in Fact they took this impact wrench and They detuned it from their high torque Impact Wrench It delivers you know 1400 Or 1500 foot-pounds of torque whatever It is nowadays and anyway they detune This to be roughly 1100 foot pounds do We hit that no we didn't but again does It really bother me it's supposed to be Meant for you know controlling the

Torque and will it fit in that window And I think Milwaukee kind of nails it In fact they say hey look don't replace Your torque wrench if you're looking Looking to hit numbers on Wheels then we Want to be in that safe window and if we Hit the safe window that allows you to Now take your torque wrench and tighten It up to where it needs to go Be that as it may you take the results That we gave you and you let us know What you think about it we think it does Exactly what they say it does in fact it Stays on that safe side we saw it on the Lower side I will tell you the larger You get with those Fasteners the larger You get with the lug nuts as well as the Impact sockets the more those numbers Are going to go toward the top of that Window and in fact with an impact wrench With a torque stick we showed you the Same thing the stronger you get with These torque torque sticks the more You're going to go past that window Because we saw these things are not safe And I know that they are not calibrated 90 of the time the impact wrenches are Not calibrated to these torque sticks Like they're supposed to be every impact Wrench is supposed to be calibrated to Each torque stick to make sure that the Proper PSI is used the proper setting on Your impact wrench and that you Consistently test that

I know that does not happen in tire Shops that's my point here torque sticks Are not a safe example of you know just Being able to throw it on an impact Wrench crank on it until it stops Turning and be done with it you need to Be using a torque wrench especially with Today's higher dollar wheels and tires Even on stock Vehicles anyway so the 2769 is going to cost you about 400 and That's bare and if you want the kit with The two uh chemical resistant batteries And the charger I believe that's going To be somewhere somewhere around the 600 Range again we included this on our Christmas gift guide it's a great tool For what it's meant to do if you're just Looking for high torque then buy the High torque impact wrench and save Yourself some money hey be sure to keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind when you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means did you hate Our video well then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year