Does It REALLY Matter? Milwaukee Battery Chargers – Which do you need?

We all know that Milwaukee has a huge array of M18 and M12 tools, but Big Red also has a plethora of chargers as well. Which Milwaukee Battery Charger do you need? Hopefully, we will help you decide which charger is best for you. Whether it’s the Rapid Charger, Dual Bay Rapid Charger, 6-port Rapid Charger, Super Charger, or even the new Dual Bay Super Charger, we break down the numbers so you can make an educated decision. #milwaukeetool #nothingbutheavyduty #review

Milwaukee 48-59-1809 M18 PACKOUT Six Bay Rapid Charger $249:
Milwaukee 48-59-1812 M12/M18 Battery Charger $79:
Milwaukee 48-59-1808 M12/M18 Rapid Charger $99:
Milwaukee 48-59-1802 M18 Dual Port Rapid Charger $129:
Milwaukee 48-59-1811 M12/M18 Super Charger $149:
Milwaukee 48-59-1815 M18 Dual Port Super Charger $249:
Milwaukee 48-59-1807 M12/M18 6-port Rapid Charger $229:
Milwaukee 48-59-1806 M18 6-port Sequential Charger $129:

Are you confused about which Milwaukee Charger you need well you're probably Not Alone in front of us are the majority of Milwaukee current Chargers yes there's Probably several other Renditions of These Chargers but for the most part uh We've got a good selection here of their Especially their M18 Chargers and most Of their M12 Chargers as well we're Going to dig into the details of each One of these and talk about what's the Difference between a typical charger a Rapid charger a supercharger a dual Port Supercharger and even a six Port charger Well let's get started so maybe you Should think about upgrading your Milwaukee battery charger but which Charger do you choose well maybe we can Help you with that we don't have every Single charger here but we've got the Majority of the M18 Chargers that have Been available for the last I don't know Since M18 has been available um so there Are a couple missing but for the most Part we've got each uh generation here For sure well let's start with the first Or at least um the lowest output of them And then we'll work up from there and by The way after I kind of get through this Uh introduction if you will uh then We'll actually bring each one out and Talk about them more in depth this is The M12 M18 charger so obviously you

Have the M12 Port as well as the M18 Port as well and this is the model Number 48-5 59- 1812 then we get to the rapid charger so We just had the regular M12 M18 charger And then we move to the rapid charger And that is the model number 48-59-1808 and then we move on to the Dual Port rapid charger which is the Model number 48-59-1808 now these first two obviously Gave you the M12 functionality as well Then moving to this one this is just M18 And then we get to the supercharger back There in the back so that was the first Supercharger has the M18 and the M12 Port and that is the model number 48-59-1812 15 and then we have the six Port rapid Charger really three ports of M8 three Ports of M12 and this is a little bit Different of a bird um it kind of sits Off by itself and we'll explain why in Just a moment and this is the 48-59-1807 now let's take more of an In-depth look at each one of these and We'll go over the numbers and uh even Talk about the price of them and explain Why they are quite different from one to Another and especially from first Generation up to our dual Port Supercharger so this is basically our First generation of the M18 M12 combo Charger and it's the model number 40

9- 58-8 12 now if you'll look at the label On there not only will you get that Model number but it'll also tell you Like input voltage and output voltage as Well input is obviously 120 volts you're Plugging it in an outlet output voltage Is 12 volts or 18 volts we're going to Look at 18 volts input amperage it says Is 2.1 Amps okay well it says that output Amperage which is really what we want to Look at is 3 amps at 18 Vol well let's Break that down to where it's basically Apples to Apples and so we take volts Time amps is going to give us Watts so That's going to give us 252 Watts and that's going to give us 54 Watts output now what does that mean Well that means that again we're going To look at this output and that's our DC watts output so 54 Watts well if we Look at a battery on The by the way you can also multiply This but it will typically tell you wat Hours so this one says 108 wat hours how Do we get to 108 Watt hours very easy Number one typically it'll say a 6.0 or 5.0 that's your amp hour so multiply That times your voltage which is 18 Volts and by the way if you ever have a 20 volt battery you still multiply by8 18 volts cuz that's nominal voltage

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Milwaukee uses nominal voltage in their Labeling so again 18 * 6 is going to Give us that 108 so 108 Watts well if we divide 108 By 54 that's exactly two what does that Mean that means that this charger Running for 2 hours is going to supply 108 wat hours so in other words it's Putting out 54 Watts so that in an hour Is going to be 54 wat hours time 2 is Going to be 108 Watts 108 wat hours so That's what this battery is so if this Were at zero this were all the way dead This charger would take 2 hours to Actually charge that battery now we can Move faster with these additional Chargers but just kind of explaining the Math to you as we go here and obviously A 5 a hour battery is going to take a Little less time to charge a 12 amp hour Battery is going to take roughly double That and again if we look at the bottom Of an M of a 12 amp hour pack right There 216 wat hours or 2 * 108 again 216 so that's going to take 4 hours to Charge that 12 amp hour battery on this M12 M18 Charger also if you'll notice something Again we have an M18 port and we have an M12 port well it doesn't mean that we Get double the charge capability right So I'm going to take this M18 put it on Here and you'll see it will turn red so

Now the light is red it's charging we Know it's charging because it's solid Red if it were blinking red it would Mean it's Waiting so if I take this M12 Battery and put it in Here now you see this light is blinking This light is steady that means this Port is charging this port is waiting Now that battery pack is out now this One will start charging because there's No longer one in this port I put this One over here now this one will start Blinking and what will happen is once This is fully charged then this one will Start charging so it's a sequential Charger it's going to charge one when It's finished then it's going to move on To the other and it's always first in First out in other words it's going to Whichever one you put in first that's One that's going to start charging and The other one's going to wait now this Is the first rendition of the rapid Charger we get the combin ation we get The M18 and the M12 but it is the rapid Charger which gives us let's first get The model number the model number is the 48-59-1808 input amperage is 2.75 Amps and again that's at 120 Volts and output amperage is 6 amps at 18 volts so we know this is uh 60 and 48 So

108 watts and uh this would be 330 Watts so that's input really doesn't Matter this is the stuff we're looking At so 108 Watts if we wanted to charge This 108 wat hour battery then we know That's going to take 1 hour to charge Okay and then this is going to take 2 Hours to charge so basically we're Doubling our output from the previous One now at at the same time we're only Sequentially charging here as well so Again if I put my battery in Here we will see it will start charging So it's a solid red that means we're Charging and if I put my M12 battery in There we'll see that this one will go to Flashing so it's waiting so it's going To charge this one fully before it Starts charging that one again if I Pulled this one out now it's going to Start charging this one so this is still A sequential charger it's just providing A lot more output to charge these Batteries so this is our dual Port rapid Charger so now we're going to have a Rapid charger that's dual port and it's Also simultaneous so you'll see a big Difference here we're no longer just you Know doing one than the other we're Actually charging both ports at the same Time now on this one we're going to have 120 volts let's first get the model Number that is The

4859 18 02 so at 120 volts got 5.5 amps and at 18 volts we get 6 amp output just like On the other 6 amp output so that is 108 Watts and this is 660 watts now the difference here is Obviously we're going to take an hour to Charge this 6 amp hour battery going to Take 2 hours to charge the 12 amp hour Battery but the difference here is that I can put one battery in and you'll see It goes to charging so we get a solid Red light so we know with Milwaukee that Means that it's Charging and if I take a second battery And put it in you'll see that light go Solid as well so this is not going to Just charge one and then the other it's Going to charge both batteries although This one may get done before this one Obviously because this is a much larger Capacity battery than this one so if They're both all the way dead then it's Going to take longer to charge this one Than this one but we get that right also Something different on here we hear a Fan running in here so in the Dual Port Rapid charger we've got a fan running Keeping things cool keeping these Batteries cool while it's charging them So a lot more battery management going On in uh the better battery Chargers a lot safer to charge those as

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Well now we have our six Port rapid Charger so still the rapid charger rate If you will but we'll explain a little Different now uh but now in a six Port Design and in this one we have 38s or 3 M18s and 3 m12s now actually each one of These is set up is this is set one this Is set two and this is set three I say That because this will actually charge Three batteries at a time now it will do M12 M and M18 batteries meaning if you Had three m18s in here it would charge These three at the same time time if you Had two m18s here and an M12 over here It would charge all three of those at The same time but understand if you had Two in set one it's only going to charge One of those at a time and it's going to Charge these others so look at these as Kind of dividers so if you got two m18s On this on these two sets make sure you Put your M12 Here model number is the 48 59 1807 And input voltage obviously 120 18 Output and 6 amps and 6 Amps obviously that's going to be 720 Watts this is going to be the same 108 Watt rate the difference being now we're Sending that and we're using that across Three simultaneous Chargers could be a Little less than that if we were Actually charging two m18s and an M12 so

The cool thing about this six Port is Not only can you load up six batteries And just you know be done and by the Next morning everything's charged but it Will also charge actually three sets of These so set one set two set three or Bank One Bank two bank three and it's Going to charge three of these banks at The same time the difference being now You've got the ability to charge you Know three of these within an hour Versus one at a time for an Hour now we've got the Supercharger so Now we're getting into the latest Rendition of Milwaukee's charger and Some of the highest performance now the Model number on this is the 48- 59-8 11 at 120 Volts 18 volts we get 6 amps and 13 and 1 12 amps of output the same 720 Volts I'm sorry that's 720 Watts and 243 Watts so that's giving us the Ability to now charge something like This 12 amp hour battery in less than an Hour because again if we charge this for 1 hour we're getting 243 Watt hours this Is only 216 wat hours this is only 180 Wat hours so we're charging this in less Than 30 minutes and charging this in Less than an hour now understand Something when we're getting to the

Supercharger and really in the rapid Charger as well that 0 to 80% of charge Happens a lot faster or really at that Maximum rate and once it gets to that 80% it is going to slow down there's Some battery management going on it's Going to cool things down make sure Things are cool because when you're Charging it really fast you start Overheating things and so it's going to Be reading these batteries and saying Okay we're going to slow down that Charge rate when we're charging from That 80% to 100% if you look look at Electric vehicles and Teslas and things Like that kind of same thing applies That's why they typically recommend you Just to you know charge to 80 85% and Roll on uh same thing with these Batteries once it gets up to that 80 85% It's going to really slow down that Charge and not make it as fast so we're Using whole numbers here but understand That's kind of a ramp effect or a Diminishing effect when it gets to the Upper end of the charge cycle but the Bottom line is you can throw this on Here when it gets to 80% grab those off And that's going to happen really fast f With the rapid charger even even more so In the supercharger and as you can see Here with the supercharger I can throw An M18 in Here fan comes on it starts charging and

If I take an M12 stick it in There so now this is a sequential Charger so it's waiting so it's not Charging it's waiting until this one is Finished before it moves on to this One Now let's look at the new Mac Daddy and This is the 48- 59- 18 15 and this is at 120 volts it's 4 amps That's 480 watts and that's interesting Because that's less than the other Supercharger we just looked at it was at 6 amps input and now output here at 18 Volts is 18 amps Which gives us 324 watts output now here's one thing to Understand here this supercharger is not Only their fastest charger but it's also Optimized to run with their brand new Forge batteries so the BMS or battery Management system and the communication Between the charger and the battery is Going to allow this charger to charge The forge batteries quicker than your Typical even your high output HD battery Uh your high output to high demand or Your regular high demand batteries uh so It's going to charge these Forge Batteries quicker so you're really not Going to get that full 18 amps on a Battery like this or even your older Batteries just on your Forge batteries So it's going to charge this battery

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This Forge battery really really quickly In fact it will charge this battery in Just 20 Minutes but yet on the 12 a hour battery It's going to take closer to an hour Like 53 minutes on it now something Something interesting here you can see I've got two batteries in here and it's Charging both ports at the same time but It's supercharging one port at a time so It will supercharge this port and then It will go over and then change over to Here so even though it's charging both Cuz you can see here it's not flashing It's actually solid red telling us it's Charging it's charging this one faster Than this one and again it's going to be On a a first come first serve basis if I Would to put that one on First You see now it switched over to that one Being the faster charging I put this one On it's going to Charge but this one's being charged Faster and really loud fans in here in Fact there's there's a fan for each port And you can see the ports here right Near the batteries where it's actually Recing that air around these batteries To keep everything nice and cool in the Charger and in the battery pack while It's charging it so now let's go over Pricing really quick and this is Probably not going to surprise you at

All so the oldest one of the bunch is $79 okay and then the first rapid Charger and that's going to be $99 Moving on to the Dual rapid charger That's $129 the supercharger is $149 And the Dual supercharger is $249 and then the six Port charger is $229 so we're going to let you work Those numbers on what you think is most Beneficial I'll give you a quick uh Rundown of my thoughts on this if you're A a DIY at home and you're using you Know one tool at a time and you're Burning through one battery at a time You having one extra battery charged is Probably plenty enough so having a dual Port charger or a single charger and Even one of the slower ones I would say Recommend at least have a rapid charger You're going to probably be fine now the Six Port is awesome because you can just Load them all up on there leave it Plugged in and it's going to have them Charged whenever you get up in the Morning or or start your next day it's Going to be fine if you're at a point Where where you've got a team going and You're constantly running through Batteries then definitely stepping up to A supercharger and the Dual dual Port Supercharger and even into the forge Batteries by all means time is money

Step up to a better charger so I would Say this Christmas season or uh you know As people are asking maybe you're not Looking for more batteries or more tools Maybe it's a charger you need to upgrade On so think about it so just remember it May not always be that you need more Batteries or more tools maybe you need a Better charger to step up to maybe you Need a multiple port charger charger That will charge several of your Batteries at the same time and you may Not need it in Rapid succession it may Be fine to leave that overnight we're Going to let you decide on that but We've given you most of the options here So hopefully you can make a choice let Us know if we missed something also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep Smiling