Don’t Waste Your Money! 3M Cubitron vs Benchmark Abrasives 3-inch Roloc Discs on Amazon

Typically, when it comes to cutting, sanding, or grinding, 3M sets the standard in performance. However, with that performance usually comes a high price as well. Such is the case with these 3M Cubitron II Roloc sanding discs. We’re comparing the 3M discs to the Benchmark Abrasives Roloc Sanding Discs that you can purchase on Amazon. Actually, we purchased both brands on Amazon, but the Benchmark was much cheaper than the 3M Cubitron II sanding discs. #3m #review #amazon

3M Cubitron II Roloc Discs 15-pk:
Benchmark Abrasives 3″ Sanding Discs 25-pk:

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Foreign Now if you do any fabrication work or Any body work where you're actually Maybe welding panels and not even Welding panels but also just general Body work and metal work then you Probably are familiar with rolock disc And especially die Grinders and three Edge cutting discs or three inch Grinding disc as well as two inch Grinding discs as well and by the way We're going to give you a couple of tips During this not just a reviewer not just A comparison but we're going to compare The cubatron 2 which is typically Typically the 3M cubatron in you know Grinding and sanding is a very very good Product and typically will make up for Its high cost so there is a high cost For the kubertron 2 Disc but is it worth Stepping up to the cubatron versus in This case Benchmark abrasives which we Can find on Amazon which by the way we Even bought the cubatron discs on Amazon As well but again a higher cost but the Benchmark abrasives were a lot cheaper And had a higher quantity in the package Now all of these are 60 grit discs and By the way we got several different tips During this as well some about the disc And some about the actual die grinder And some that just may help you out Period so let's get started and see is It worth stepping up to the cubatron or

Should you stick with the Benchmark Abrasives so we've got our cubatron 2 Sanding disc or rollock disc and we've Got also some Amazon purchased discs as Well by the way we purchased both these On Amazon these are the obviously the 3M Branded cubatron which are pretty Expensive on Amazon you could probably Pick them up at your local supplier Paint supplier detail supplier wherever You can find your 3M Products you could Probably find it a little cheaper there Than on Amazon but regardless we did Purchase these on Amazon and it comes in A box of 15. now these are you know some Other discs you could purchase on Amazon Which these are actually Benchmark Abrasives so somewhat of a well-known Brand in the grinding sanding industry There's probably some cheaper ones you Can purchase like these here I don't Remember the brand some deer or Something I don't know Um and anyway thought we'd throw these In here as well don't really have a Price on them but you can find even Cheaper discs I didn't want to go like Bare Bones where you knew they were just Trash if you will but we wanted to Compare to see is it worth stepping up To a cubatron disc that we know Typically the cubatron abrasives are Very good some of the best if not the Best versus a pretty decent product or

Which should be a pretty decent product And they're both 60 grit I believe these May be 80 grit but regardless we're Really mainly comparing these two now Here's the big difference this box of 15 Will cost you about 40 bucks like 39.99 This box of 25 or bag of 25 will only Cost you about 20 bucks So quite a bit of difference for a price Of each and let's break that down so These are the 3M And these are the benchmark Abrasives both of them 60 Grit This comes in a pack of 15. And this comes in a pack of 25. now the Price on these as we're mentioning is 39.99 we might as well call it 40 bucks Right and the price on these is 1989 Now if you divide 15 into 39 you're Going to get 2.67 And if you take 25 into 1989 we know That's less than a buck in fact it comes To 80 cents So that means that 267 is more than Three times the expensive in fact this 335 percent So in other words 3.35 to 1. this is a third of the price Of these cubotrons so in a sense these Need to perform three times as good Three times as fast or you know last Three times as long however you want to Break that down you better see some

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Improvement in using these cubotron Discs versus uh The Benchmark abrasives Disc so let's get started and see what We find all right so here's our test Subject we've got a piece of square Tubing I don't know this is probably Yeah five by five uh Square tube about a Quarter inch thick that doesn't matter But it's been sitting outside nice and Rusty so we pretty much split it down The middle except I'm kind of favoring The Benchmark side you can see we're a Little more than 17 there at our hash Mark or our halfway mark and a little Less than 17 over here so we're going to Give this side to the benchmarker braces This side to the 3M cubatron so a little More to do for 3M but anyway and we're Going to take a single disc see how Quick we can do this as well as see how Thorough we can do it and see if one Disc will clean this up to some shiny New bare metal I do the same thing to This side and see if it takes multiple Discs or if one can do it and by the way We're using the roll lock adapter so you Can quickly change these discs that's The only way to go with these and and We've got a three inch and a two inch Now I didn't buy any two inch discs Because I've got a tip for you that I'll Show in just a moment so I wouldn't Recommend buying two inch and I'll show You why now there may be some instances

Where you just use two inch and listen That's fine you use your two inch disc Otherwise I'll show you the tip in a Moment you're probably ahead of me right Now and then I've got another tip when It comes to the die grinder I'll show You in a moment as well now we are using The Milwaukee die grinder I know there Are pneumatic die Grinders that are a Lot stronger than this this is not the Strongest die grinder out there but I'm Purposely using that so we're not Muscling our way through we're actually Letting the grit letting the the Sandpaper the the sanding disc grinding Disc do do all the work here we'll run It in the same speed we've got fully Charged 4-0 amp hour batteries on here For the M12 so we're going to try to Match it the best we can so we'll start Off with a brand new battery with each Abrasive I will throw on the cubatron 2 First and let's get started all right Let's throw on the cubatron 2 60 grit Three inch disc about a quarter turn Locks that on there you can see the Overlap just about an eighth inch Sticking out around the edge there on The three inch pad and we're on speed Two let's go ahead we'll throw it on Speed four and again we've got a full Four amp hour battery And let's get started Foreign

Now we're not getting through the mill Scale here but we're going to go ahead And just kind of clean all this rust off Get to the mill scale and then go from There and see how the other disc does as Well Oh Foreign Okay other than the mill scale most of That is clean we got all the rust Cleaned off And looks like we burnt about half the Battery off And that disc is still cutting however On the edges we've pretty much worn that Off and you can see where we pretty much Burned off all the discs now if we hold This flat It will continue to cut but it's kind of Hard to do so it wants to walk all over The place that's why most of the time We're kind of Feathering on that edge And working the edge of that pad now This is where I recommend instead of you Buying two inch discs you can see the Center of that disc is actually still Pretty much intact or pretty much still Ready to go So take my two inch Roll lock And by the way you could take a marker And mark around this or you can do what I'm doing And now you've got a nice two inch disc

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This still ready to go I'll show you Here in just a moment And here's my second tip that was my First tip here's my second tip And really this is two tips in one so Bonus day here now here's the two Wrenches to actually undo the the bits Out of this die grinder which is pretty Typical on any die grinder you have your You know your inner wrench which is Smaller and your outer wrench which is On the collet nut which is larger now I Took this one and bent it and when I Bent it it broke so I had to re-weld it But anyway it's been at a 90 because now With one hand I can put this on here Like this just hold it and now I'm not Fumbling around with this and I use that To brace up against it and this works on My Straight die Grinders as well and Here's the second tip On Milwaukee's dried grinder and just Like on these are on wooden routers as Well it's got a safety collet on it so You can see this nut is now loose that Shaft is now turning However that bit will not come out of There you can't pound on it and put it In a vise and hammer on it has nothing To do with that you're not going to free Up that safety collet even though this Nut is free so we've broken it free once And again I don't care you're somebody's Going to say well you can just hit it

And it's going to loosen up and I'm Telling you can hit it all day long and It's not going to loosen up that collet What you have to do is keep turning and It will get hard again and so now it Stopped again And you can see I can put my wrench on Here And I can't turn this by hand but if I Watch this just another quarter turn now That's broken free And now that's free as a bird so that's On a safety collet you have to actually Have to loosen it twice so you break it Free loosen it until it gets tight again Break it free again and it will break Free that safety collet I'll show you What I'm talking about see that collet It's not loose in that nut it's part of That nut and that's made it's called a Safety collet so that even if it breaks Free it's not going to let that bit go Flying we first saw those in routers and High-speed routers before we saw them on Die grinders So Just going to show you real quick Now I've got my what used to be a three Inch disc on my two inch roll lock and Now Still perfectly fine and ready to cut so You're going to wear out that outside Edge on the three inch and then just Trim it out and there's your two inch so

Just a little money saver there for you Now let's switch this out and go back to The benchmark All right let's take our battery out That's our dead battery or one that's Not fully charged put our fully charged In And then we'll put our Benchmark Abrasives Off of Amazon 80 cents each One-third the cost of the cubatron let's See how well we do Still on speed four Oh Foreign Laughs We see we're starting to burn up the Edge there but it's still cutting in the Middle All right Okay I believe this is a situation where I don't believe that the cubatron is Doing that much better of a job than the Benchmark abrasives especially when this Is three times the cost Typically when I'm looking at cubatron Products consumables they definitely Outperform uh you know the others that Typically you can find for cheaper and Typically they they outperform it enough To justify the cost in this case I don't Believe that's the case I believe this Benchmark abrasives is cutting almost as Well and almost as quick especially

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Seeing that this is a third of the cost By no means am I seeing it being a third Of the performer in time or in the Actual quality of the cut than the 3M Now 3M is not bad at all but again I'm Not seeing the justification of stepping Up to that cost So kudos to Mark for uh definitely Being a good performer same thing we're Burning up the edges here and we can Take this one Put it on our two inch So here's our two inch Benchmark Abrasives You know I will say it seems like that That disc is used up compared To the center of the cubatron That still seems to be cutting I don't know it's probably about the Same So what's your thought this is the 3M Side Looks remarkably the same As the benchmark's abrasive side over Here on the other side Looks like we're getting the same Quality of cut Or nearly the same quality of cut maybe A little bit slower on The Benchmark but Again at the price of 80 cents a piece Versus 2.67 a piece I think I'd have to give it to The Benchmark abrasives it's not worth Purchasing the cubatron in this

Situation and one last tip for you when You're using these for Bodywork which is A lot less aggressive than what we're Using on this this rust and hard steel a Lot of times you want to kind of feather Something out especially like a paint Bondo something like that where you're Wanting to work out an area where you're Blending something it could be a weld Anything but where you want kind of that Softer Edge where you can use the same Paper a lot of times even some worn Paper but also taking a three inch three Inch disc and putting it on a two inch Pad lets you kind of Be able to kind of feather that edge Kind of bend that edge over And get a softer grind On the area you're wanting to blend so Just another little tip for you of Running a larger disc so you kind of Feather that edge on the smaller backing Plate Now we were actually very surprised of The outcome with this as we mentioned in The intro many times we'll see that the High cost of the cubatron makes up for Itself because of the performance and How quick that it typically cuts and Sands in this case I'm not sure if just The cubatron is not that much better or If the Benchmark abrasives is just that Good regardless they are very close Competitors and at 80 cents per disc for

The Benchmark abrasives a lot better Deal than the near three dollars a piece For the cubatron disc so highly Recommend the Benchmark abrasives also Make sure you utilize those those three Inch discs for your two inch backing Plates as well give you a lot longer use Out of those three inch discs once you Cut them down and you can still use them On the two inch as well hey let us know If you've got any tips and if you've got Any other brands that you like we know Norton makes a good disc as well but Typically their North are higher than The 3M as well so let us know in the Comments also keep track on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video well give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day keep Smiling