First Ever Rugged Power Station – OSCAL PowerMax 3.6KWh Power Station Review [3600Wh]

This OSCAL PowerMax 3600 Power Station has a 3,600 Wh capacity using state-of-the-art LifePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries. We used it to rip lumber, at the same time charging two Milwaukee 12Ah batteries simultaneously. Not only does the OSCAL PowerMax deliver a capacity of 3.6KWh, but you can daisy-chain (connect) up to 16 together for a total of 57.6KWh (57,600Wh). #powermax3600 #powerstation #review

OSCAL PowerMax 3600 Power Station:

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A 3600 wat Power [Music] [Applause] [Music] Station this is the ocow PowerMax 3600 it's a power station on steroids And on Wheels anyway this is supposed to Have 3600 wat hours so that's basically The tank full right and then also either 3,000 or 3600 watts of output or power Delivery uh through the outlets you also Have different USBS you have the ability To charge in multiple ways from solar Panels uh to EV Chargers to your typical Wall outlet your uh Car cigarette Lighter various ways to input various Ways for output as well this is a great Tool if you're using it for a tool or if You're even using it on those camping Trips boating trips uh in your RV it's a Really cool unit let's take a closer Look this is the oscal Power Max 3600 Power station and this thing is just a Beast not only because it's big and Heavy let's face it it's full of Batteries but also the amount of power It puts out as well as the capacity it Withholds as well so 3600 there's 3600 Wat hours but also 3600 watts of output In fact a surge of 70 200 Watts now when You look at the big numbers like that so 3600 Watts number one when we say 3600 Wat hours that is what it is that's the Capacity of the battery so the fuel tank

If you will now you will lose a little Bit because this is a uh an inverter so In other words it's taking DC power from A battery converting it to AC when You're using these plugs here so there Is an inverter running so you're not Going to be 100% efficient but you're Probably going to get somewhere close to That 90% efficiency of that that 3600 Wat hours but my point is the 3600 wat Hourss is a pretty definite number now The 3600 watts is talking about output How much power it's delivering how many Amps voltages things like that is coming Through the uh these outlets right here These standard 120 volt Outlets or the RV plug right here that's 125 volts at 30 amps we're going to test that because They claim on the US side it's like 3,000 watts and on the uh Euro side They're saying 3600 watts and that's Literally just rating this the same Machine so we're going to find out will It deliver 3,000 sustained or will it deliver 3600 Sustained and can we tap into that 7200 of of that surge output in other Words will it power above 3600 for a few Seconds 30 seconds a minute what have You we we'll definitely test that but Let's take a look at some of these Features first this is is not a small Power station now you've seen plenty of Small power stations that you can carry

Around this is not one of those it's 22 In Long uh it's like a small cooler and It's 16 in tall and it's about 14 in Deep so again not a small unit but they Do make it easily transportable if you Will with these pretty large Wheels here In the back and those are 4 in plus 4 And 1/4 in Wheels they're also kind of Lined in rubber so they've got a nice Feel to them feels like they're Definitely on ball bearings as well and Then we have a telescoping handle on the Other end so right now it's sitting on Feet so there's three feet on the bottom Of this but when you use the telescoping Handle then you can stand it up and roll It Around and just to give you an idea this Weighs 98 lb so right at 100 lb uh for This power station now this this is Powered by life P4 batteries in other Words lithium iron phosphate not lithium Ion but lithium iron phosphate batteries Which is going to give us a lot more Charge cycles than your typical lithium Ion batteries which are typically like a Thousand Cycles these have 3500 charge Cycles before they're depleted to like An 80% life if you will now you can see Here we have a large digital display up Here this LED display where we can see Input uh we can see output so when we Have something plugged in it will tell Us how many watts are going out if we

Have it charging it will tell us the Input wattage how much we're feeding Back into it and then obviously uh the Battery percentage right there so it's At 100% And then how many days are left On that now it's saying 99 days because We're really not pulling anything out of It uh it is lighting this display up but We don't have any of these outlets on as You can see we can turn these different Types of outlets on and we may even hear Some fans kick on when we do that so When we do turn those on and we hear Those fans ramp up that is going to Start drawing power so you see right Away it went down to 4 days now it's Going back up to 6 days kind of weighing Everything out to determine uh how long There's going to be life on the Batteries if we're pulling the same Amount so first up let's take a look at These outlets right here so we have Three standard 120 volt Outlets however They're not really standard because if You see this little cross section right There that tells me pretty quickly That's a 20 amp outlet so there's some Tools that you can buy uh where it Doesn't just have the standard plug That's just you know vertical but it's Also got the little crosssection there And those special plugs allow you to Plug into a special outlet and be able To draw up to 20 amps across that

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Circuit rather than a typical 15 amp Circuit um so we've got three of those We also have that RV and this is a 30 Amp at 125 volt so B basically still Pulling 120 volts it's not a 220 circuit Uh but it will allow up to a 30 amp These are typical on RVs when you're Powering RVs things like That and we can turn those outlets on or We can turn them off again if we have Them off we're not running that inverter And using up that power then we have our DC side of things so we've got a typical 12volt U cigarette lighter style of Auxiliary port if you will so your 12vt Power uh that you can draw off of and Then we have these 12vt 3 Amp Max ports Here and then we have the Anderson Connectors right here now you can pull Up to 378 Watts on the Anderson plug and These are called uh DC 5521 plugs so Basically DC output uh but they're 55 21s and we can pull up to 72 wats across Those and again we can power up these or We can turn them off as as Well and then on the USB side of things We have two USB type-c at 100 Watts a Piece so we can definitely fast charge Those personal devices those uh Smartphones tablets things like that uh That is not a two-way so we're not going To be able to charge off of that that's Not input power but that is output power And then we have four of USB type a one

Of them is 12 wats the other three are Fast charged 18 wat Outlet And again we can turn that on or we can Turn it off up here is our main power Switch so we can turn this unit off just Hold the button down and it will shut The unit down and then again we want to Turn it back on we hold the hold the Button and it will power the unit up They also have uh Bluetooth connection As well as Wi-Fi Connection if you hold this button down You'll see the Bluetooth And Wi-Fi signal come up or I I guess if I just push it so we see Wi-Fi and Bluetooth I haven't been able to connect To that I believe they have an app I'm Not sure what that app is I can't seem To find it uh but you're supposed to be Able to connect to it to be able to Control lights uh monitor the status of Your of your power uh and those sorts of Things and then we have a light here Hold this down turn the light on and Then you have some different functions With the light so low and high and then A blinking or strobe light Um and you st A really faint flashing light and then Back to a standard light and hold it Down to shut it Off now if we move around to the left Side of the unit we see a door right Here it has a battery symbol and that's

Basically so you can connect to Additional batteries so we talked about This being 3600 W hours out you can Actually connect to other 3600 wat hour Batteries uh that you can connect to These and kind of daisy chain them with If you will for up to 57,000 wat hours or 576 I think so 57.6 Kwatt hours of power so that would power A house for quite a long time again you Can daisy chain those together off those Portch right here also this is the Telescoping handle as well we'll show That here in a moment and then we see This grate right here this grill right Here and that's for some of the pass Through cooling there's actually four Fans in this and those fans kind of Cross ventilate everything and it also Monitors temperature and it monitors That temperature every 100 milliseconds And based on that we'll safely shut it Down if it's overheated or if it's too Cold and by the way the operating range On this is from -4 fahit up to 131° fah so hotter that I want to be for Sure but it will still operate safely in That range and there are four Temperature sensors in here that's Continually monitoring that every 100 Milliseconds now if we take a look at The back of the unit we see another door Here and if I open that up this is our Solar input so uh we can number one plug

In our solar panel here uh and also we Can plug in our standard outlet or Standard charging cord right here to Actually charge the unit and right here Is a breaker so if something trips in There with we're overcharging or Overheating something like that this may Trip and we can come back here push that And reset everything so with the oscal Power R Max 3600 you'll get this box so Here's your Typical charging cord just going to plug Into the back and then plug that into Your Outlet also there's your 12vt auxiliary Charge for like plugging into a car Charger or to a Car cigarette lighter or Auxiliary port and then that end is Going to plug right into that solar Port and this is going to be your solar Panel connectors and again this is going To plug into that solar Port as well Also in here get a handy uh manual and Then a nice felt bag to keep everything In pictures and words for people like Me and that will plug right into there And then other end will'll plug into a Wall and then this port here is going to Be for y like your solar panel charging That will plug right in there just like This cord here which is for charging From a car from like the cigarette Lighter or the auxiliary port and same Connector on the other end it's going to

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Plug right in there and when you're done Close it up stays nice and sealed by the Way this is Ip21 dust and splash resistant so with Your standard outlet you can charge up To 1,600 watts of input same with the Solar panels up to, 1600 Watts with the Solar panels as well the cool thing is If you actually charge with a water Turbine uh you can charge up to 2200 Watts of input and the same thing from a Generator if you're using a generator to Charge it you can charge up to 2200 WS From it as well and if you want to you Can take this along with you when you're Plugging in your uh your electric Vehicle your EV charger and actually Charge from that also also the cool Thing about this you can use this as a UPS device in other words an Uninterruptible power source uh and it Will actually switch at like 5 to 8 Milliseconds which is really really Quick uh the other thing is this is a Pure sinewave inverter in other words You're getting a real smooth curve so You can charge those personal devices Computers and those sorts of things so We've got kind of a real world scenario Set up right here so we've got our Power Max 3600 Power Station set up we've got A Milwaukee dual Supercharger so that's Their highest output battery charger and Then we've got a rigid table saw I

Believe that's like a 13 amp saw we're Going to crank that up we're going to Rip some wood at the same time we're Going to be charging batteries here so Let's get started all right so we'll Turn our outlets On plug the saw In plug our supercharger In one 12 amp hour Battery second 12 amp hour Battery both are charging that's a a Charger it simultaneously charges both Of those this is not doing one then the Other it's charging both those batteries At the same time so you can see right Now it's pulling 300 plus Watts charging These batteries and that will increase As it needs [Music] To [Music] So that's One two three four five rips of a 2×4 no Problem at all it's still Charging okay now's the time we're going To check the output and we've got a very Simplistic a very crude setup here Basically we have a a lot of H hallogen Bulbs that like to create as much heat As they do light and a bunch of switches Here to call them on uh so each set we Should have around 1,000 Watts we'll see The the input here or the output right Here as we start calling them on it's

Going to get very bright right here um But anyway so we will start calling them On one by one we'll bring it up to try To get it somewhere around 3600 and see If it sustains that maybe we can find 3500 something like that and see if it Will sustain that um we're going to be Using three of these power cords we've Actually got four different circuits but Only three Outlets to work off of so Let's plug these In let's turn it on so right now zero Power coming in zero power coming out Oops I have a switch on so anyway so now We should be good we've got 97% battery Life by the way we just uh did all the Ripping of the saw and everything else Only used 3% of that I don't know what Did I do five rips and charge those Batteries um anyway so let's get back to The lights let's see how much power we Can pull out of this okay let's keep an Eye out right here and let's see with One so yeah 950 949 1,129 you he the fans kicking On pull Two Lots of heat so 1930 so just short of a Th000 for each Set let's go ahead and call the third One looks like I've got a bad bulb there So 2400 I think it was close to 25 at one Point yeah there we go about 2400 let's

Go ahead and call in another One So we're at 3281 3300 it's beeping okay So interesting very Interesting so we saw a safety cutout we Saw that it either over tempt or uh that It overdrawn uh the power coming out and That beeping started coming on it feels Like somewhere over that 3,000 Mark and Then it shut the AC Channel Down so as You can see it's not lit up anymore Let's see if I can just turn that back On so it looks like that's all I had to Do is basically it kind of reset itself I don't have to go to the back and uh Reset that trigger I don't think so Let's see yeah so we're back on I didn't Have to do anything just basically turn That off and back on but here's where We're going to see let's uh this should Give us around 2500 if I'm not Mistaken yes so 2433 so we're good there I'm going to call on yeah another one That's a single bulb so this should get Us somewhere near 3,000 and I'm just going to leave it There for a moment and make sure that We're not going to get any uh any Hiccups there so right at 3,000 watts of Output 2800 going to turn those singles back Off And I'm going to call on another another Double

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Here so 2890 that's getting this a Little bit closer and now I'm going to Call on one of those single Bulbs so we're 2860 third okay so right there it's Calling that on let's see if I shut that Back off so I shut it back off in time And it didn't trip it let's maybe give a Good count Here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so it looks like five Or 6 seconds and it's actually doing Going into the trip mode so what this Tells me is on the US side they rate This at 3,000 watts and on the Euro side They're rating it at 3600 Watts I'm Wondering if that has something to do With uh typical on the Euro side you're Running at 22240 volt and we're running At 120 volt here and I know that a Higher voltage allows you to run things A lot cooler so maybe it's much more Efficient and you're able to draw that Power in a a better manner I don't maybe Can someone can explain that to me Regardless doesn't look like we can push Far beyond 3,000 before that's starting To Trip turn that back on again But still at the 3000 watt Space we can pull that out no problem up Let's kick one of those off oh wow that Happened fast so must be uh on the Temperature side that it's tripping that Because that was only a second or two

And it went ahead and uh shut that Down I'm going to call a couple On should give us somewhere around 2,000 Yeah so we're running at 1920 uh Watts right now fans are running Uh no problem there whatsoever at 2000 and even at 2500 seems to sustain That absolutely fine as Well yeah 2409 2425 now again let's call on let's bring It right to 3,000 it should And let's leave it on there for a Moment air is exiting on this back side It's probably coming in from the front Side so we're not drawing in heat from Here so we do have a quite a bit of heat But it's Really it is quite Warm so at that below 3000 really not an Issue it's just Getting up beyond That and again few seconds and it's Tripping that so I think I think 3,000 Is that magic number on the US side Anyway uh as far as what type of output You can expect from This well listen we definitely didn't Get 3600 watts of sustained output but We did get 3,000 watts of sustained Output it's just when we went beyond That 3,000 that we kind of went into That trip mode after a few seconds the

Unit took over and said hey I'm Overheating or over amping and basically Shut down the AC port side the cool Thing is nothing happened other than Pushing the button resetting it and Turning the lights on again or turning On whatever Appliance you need this Thing is still outputting much more than Your typical power stations that are at You know half of that output the ability To rip lumber on a table saw at the same Time as char charging two batteries on a Simultaneous charger uh we could have Plugged more things in and would have Been absolutely fine so as far as Running a refrigerator running a blender Uh running a microwave this thing is Going to be able to do it and you're Going to be able to charge it really Quick as well so in an outlet uh I Believe you can charge this within a Couple of hours uh with solar panels Stacked up you can actually charge this In about an hour and a half and with an EV charger as well or with a generator You can charge it much quicker as as Well so hey in addition to the dust and The splash resistance the ip21 rating This is also drop rated at like8 M now That's over 2 feet so that's like 2' 7 In so it's like rolling it out of your Pickup truck so they' built this thing Very tough and the company behind this Builds really tough tablets and phones

As well so they know what they're doing When it comes to that uh the lithium Iron phosphate batteries are the way to Go when you're looking at a power Station not lithium ion not Lithium Polymer you want a lithium iron Phosphate when you're looking at Power Stations this has them in fact the Latest technology in that pricing on This is going to run about $1,800 right Now I believe you'll see it launch on Indiegogo and then after that you should See it hitting their website as well as Various other outlets as well and I Mentioned that you can actually stack These so you can buy the actual Batteries that are a little bit cheaper Than this in fact I think you can buy The 3600 wat hour battery for like $1,500 and be able to daisy chain these Or stack these together to get even more Output or more capacity out of those Power stations we'll have a link in the Description to this also keep track of Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would You hit that like And subscribe button If you haven't done so already and by All means if you hated our video well Give us a thumbs down but would you let Us know in the comments why have a great Day and keep Smiling