FLEX Stack Pack Storage and Organization

FLEX Stack Pack Storage and Organization products were released just last year, and now they’re rolling out their 2nd generation of products. FLEX continues to expand on their Stack Pack system and we like what we’re seeing. #stackpack #organization #tools

FLEX STACK PACK 3-Drawer Tool Box:
FLEX STACK PACK 2-Drawer Tool Box:
FLEX STACK PACK Deep Organizer:
FLEX STACK PACK Hand Tool Pouch:
FLEX STACK PACK Folding Rack Shelf:
FLEX STACK PACK Box Mount Kit 10pc:
FLEX STACK PACK Wall-Mount Rail 2pk:
FLEX STACK PACK Mounting Brackets 2pk:

Flax adds a whole new wave to their Stack pack system Just last year Flex released their stack Pack system which we were concerned of How well it would do because what we Knew was if you're going to release a Storage system you're going to have to Continually add to that system as well As accessorize that system as the market Needs it in other words as people see it And start using it you're going to have To continually expand that system and Flex has done just that not only Releasing accessories after the first Wave as well as uh new rails and things Like that but now they've added a Complete second wave of products let's Take a closer look just last year Flex Released the stack pack a complete System of storage for tools accessories And just about anything else you need For the job site or in the shop starting From the base with a rolling cart and Even a system of rails that attaches to The storage system itself for hanging Tools for putting on extension cords for Even a place for your levels And they didn't stop there they even Added things like multi-port Chargers That integrate with the lids of the Stack pack system and then even looking Under the lid they added things like Pneumatic cylinders gas cylinders to Actually raise and lower the lid as well

As plates underneath to even add the Accessories that they created That easily snap into place not just That you can actually open the box They're still under the lid close it up Take it with you And close the lid and go Well that was the first rendition of the Stack pack system and they've expanded It from there by the way if you haven't Seen the video on this I will link to That as well you should check that out Now the First new addition is the Fs1701 and it's the flex stack pack Stack Dolly and so as you can see here Great roll around dolly for all your Different stack pack items most of your Boxes totes everything's going to fit on There you have two locking swivel Casters and two non-locking swivel Casters and you can Orient those however You want to but you can lock that in Place make sure it doesn't roll around Or unlock it and roll that around the Shop wherever you want to and it Integrates with the full stack pack as Well as some of the half stacks as well So just flip these up and be able to Integrate the Half Stack boxes Price on this is 99 next up we have the Fs1104 and this is the stack pack crate Now obviously just an open tote or crate And you get about 13 and a quarter Inches in

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Wide and about 20 and a half inches long In between the handles about 17 and a Half inches depth on the box is going to Be right at nine inches that's going to Lock in just like the boxes lock into One another Right here in the clips and now that's Locked in price on this is 55 and Another great addition to the crate is The actual worktop and this worktop Again is going to snap in and integrate With the Locking System as it is You got three quarter inch finished Plywood right here and don't worry about Beating that up or screwing things to it Or whatever you have to do you can run These screws out bolts out and actually Replace that piece by getting it from Flex or make a piece for yourself so no Worries on this piece of plywood here it Is a nice finish but if you ruin it it's Replaceable you also have place to put Pin screwdrivers you name it up there on The top just a great place to whether It's fill out invoices or you know cut With a jigsaw whatever you need to do on That hard surface you can do so and it's Going to integrate with all the Different boxes as well and price on This is 55 and the new stack pack deep Organizer expands your abilities when it Comes to organizing not just Fasteners But even things like PVC electrical Items even tools if you need to you can

Actually remove dividers this is going To run seventy dollars and you can Expand this how you like it with your Larger items And all the flex stack pack integration On the lids like the others with even The half stacks as well And if you didn't notice many of these Have nice rubber feet on the bottom of These stack pack containers as well just Makes it a nicer feel when you lay this Down on a finished surface you don't get That grinding of a plastic you feel that Soft rubber foot and this is the fs1105 Which is the three drawer toolbox You get large handles here on the side Make this very easy to carry even when It's filled of course the flex stack Pack integration here on the top and Rather than having a lid we have three Drawers Ball bearing slides And inside the drawers dividers to set Up however you would like to Another cool thing about the flex is Integrated right here into the system You can pull the slide out Slide it down here put a padlock through Here and now you've locked all the Drawers and then when you're done slide This out Slide it back under the lid And now it's there until you need it Again price on this is 160 dollars and

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This is the Fs1106 and it's the two drawer toolbox Same large integrated handles here on The side integrated system at the top For the stack pack to lock into one Another and you get a very large drawer Here on the bottom Great for storing tools and then a large Organizing drawer here on the top to Organize as you see fit And that same lock integration here Built in under the lid as well to be Able to pull that out slide it down put A padlock on it to lock the drawers and Lock the box price on this is a hundred And fifty dollars And this is the Fs1502 and it's the folding rack shelf It comes with the stands that you see Here that actually bolt or screw to the Wall or screw to your Van Wall comes With the hardware as well and as you can See here Very beefy and well-built shelves so These fold down nice and flat and then They come up and lock in and so they Lock into place and the Shelf is going To bolt to the brackets here The brackets are going to bolt or screw To the wall and then when you're done Just Push the tab they fold down nice and Flush to the wall So then you have a folding shelf that

You can easily lift up lock into place Fold back down also again integrate with Your different stack pack system this is 55 for the complete kit with the Hardware the brackets and the shelf and This is the Fsm1501-10 and it's their 10 piece box Mount kit what this enables you to do This enables you to integrate your stack Pack system with a wall mount so in Other words you can mount these rails to The wall and then your different stack Pack boxes with these pieces added on to The corners of the boxes to the aluminum Rails you can actually hang these on the Wall 16 inch Center so easily Mount Those to studs or Mount them in your van Or in your shop and then these actually Mount to the boxes and again you can Hang those on the wall so great 10 piece Wall mount system and this is going to Run you sixty dollars And this is the fs 1503-2 and it's just a smaller wall Mount kit so here you just get the rails And it's just a two-piece kit with two Rails A cheaper option at just 30 bucks so you Can mount those rails to your wall and Then Mount your other boxes as you see Fit so same 16 inch centers the same Exact rails as the 10 piece kit just a Smaller kit So again 29.99 or 30 dollars for the two

Piece Comes uh with these Flex Different mounting kits as you get a Complete template so they didn't just Take a piece of 8×10 paper and print That out that's a two size template of Where you need to put the holes to mount That rail kit and this is the Fs1505-4 and it's just simply four of The mounting brackets for the stack pack System and it's called the two pack Mounting brackets kit so you get Actually four of these so one on each Corner of a box so it enables you to Mount a couple of boxes or one large box And this is going to run you twenty Dollars for this four piece kit this is The Fs1504 and this is a two piece rolling Box mount kit so what this does this Actually integrates with the aluminum Rails on the first generation rolling Box so these will integrate in bolts Onto the rails and then it enables you To hang another box on the front of that That with these brackets here so your Newer boxes or your existing boxes you Could have these bolted on the corners Of the rear of the rails and actually Hang boxes on the front of the rolling Cart so enables you to kind of double up You can go vertical as well as going Forward or horizontal as well Not sure on the prices of these just yet

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But they come as a two-piece rolling box Mount kit And flex also added the Fs1107 which is the cabinet and the Cabinet is going to run you a hundred And forty dollars and it is exactly what It says basically a big open front that Opens up and slides back and enables you To you know put paint cans or whatever Large items you want to and again this Can be wall mounted or it can just be as A cabinet that you carry around then we Have a couple of soft pack items so we Have a 16 inch tote with a large Integrated handle and even a sling and This is going to run you a hundred Dollars 99.99 made from 1680 D high Density ballistic polyester you get 44 Pockets and slots and even Quick Connect Latches is going to enable you to Integrate this with the stack pack System removable divider as well as Other accessories and then the fs1202 is The stack pack hand tool pouch so just a Small polyester 16 80d polyester pouch That enables you to carry small tools Maybe even multi-tools things like that And it's only going to run you 25 Dollars there you have it the majority Of these should be hitting the Shelf Sometime between now and November 15th Of this year of 2023 so look for those We'll have links in the description for Each of these products also keep track

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