GREAT FOR EVERYONE! Thread Wizard Bolt Cleaner [on AMAZON]

We saw these first at SEMA Show this year and this Thread Wizard was one of the finalists in the SEMA Launch Pad for innovative products. We also included these in our Christmas Gift Guide for this year, since they make sense for just about anyone the works with bolts and screws. The Thread Wizard makes cleaning threads very quick and simple. You can get the SAE and Metric version of the Thread Wizard on Amazon for less than $20.
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Thread Wizard SAE:
Thread Wizard Metric:

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Do you want a really easy way to clean Those nasty corroded threads or maybe Even those greasy threads we have a very Simple and cheap solution for you [Music] This is the thread wizard now we saw This at the SEMA show it's been out a Few years but it's kind of a a small Company that's developing these really I Think it's a family that has made these And we saw them at the SEMA launch pad So kind of the the new ideas of sorts And they made it through to I think the At least the top ten maybe even in the The top three round I can't remember Exactly I know they didn't win but we Loved it just because it's simple it's Very easy and it's very cheap as well Now they make this in the SAE version as Well as a metric version you see the Different holes in here that's going to Line up for the different bolts really Simple design as well so let's get Started we'll show you how good it works And then we'll show you the internals And show you some different ways to use It also let me mention these things are In our gift guide the reason is they're Low cost really simple really easy to Use and a great fit for just about Anyone one as I mentioned in the opening This is just a very simple and cost Effective tool that will be great for Anyone with any type of shop whatsoever

Because everybody faces this from time To time and most face this very very Often so I'm going to pull these out These are the thread Wizards And there is a red and a blue And if you've seen tools before then you Probably already get what the color Coding is for and then we also have an S Here and an M here so red is SAE so your Standard thread and M is for your Metrics thread so the blue is going to Be metric the red is going to be SCE Again A lot of times you'll see sockets And wrenches in the same color-coded Format so they stuck with that and You've probably already figured out what This is this is a thread cleaner we've Probably already told you what it is and For the SAE it's got all your different Sizes here all the way up to it looks Like probably half inch but anyway so Your most common sizes that are going to Fit in here so you're going to find the Find the hole that it goes in and then You can either turn this by hand but Probably you want to grab a power tool And be able to run that in and out to Clean threads because let's face it Whether you're pulling old bolts out of Something and they're Rusty or they've Got grease all over them or whatever you Need to clean those off or maybe you're Looking for a bolt to replace something That's missing and the only thing you

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Can find is that one that's been laying Out in the bed of your pickup truck or The one that's been underneath the the Grinder and and wire wheel for uh six Months and you haven't taken a chance to Clean it yet and that brings up another Topic typically when we have bolts like This what do we do we take it over to The shop grinder the bench grinder we Put it on the wire wheel we get our Hands close to it it grabs and it slings It across the shop we pray it doesn't Hit the customer's car or the race car Or the family SUV and then we go to try To find the bolts again so we've all Been there not that we still don't use a Shop grinder or bench grinder to do that But the least amount of times you can do That the better now the cool thing about This is it doesn't just clean the Threads it will clean the shank on this Bolt as well So I don't think there's a lot of Explaining to do we will take this apart Here in a moment but let me just show You how this works so I'll grab my Impact driver here with a socket on it And I'm going to use this little fine Thread it looks like I think that's an Old header bolt if I'm not mistaken and Again I'm going to find the hole that it Fits I think it'll fit better there We go Run this in

Run it out throw it in run it out And you get it after just a couple of Times it's clean those threads pretty Good and it's also cleaned the shank of That bolt as well in a lot shorter time Than running that through the shot of The bench grinder and having to turn That and rotate it every time you want To do that So let's grab another one again I'm just Going to find the one that it fits the Best there we go My socket on there Those threads were goobed up pretty good And now we've got some nice clean Threads and let's go ahead and Clean the shank of that as well You may have to help assist pushing it Back out the tip weight kind of will Work itself out Again pretty cool you can see all the Rust here that it's pulling out and all The corrosion that's pulling off of These threads and this is going to do a Couple of things number one now that Bolt's going to go in there a lot easier As well as if you're running any uh Loctite or thread lock that's also going To adhere a lot better and not have any Corrosion that's going to absorb that And cause any issues especially when You're torquing something down So you can easily see that it only takes A few seconds for each bolt to clean

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This up I can also see well I've got Damaged threads there so I may want to Just chunk that bolt out of the way and Chunk that so we can easily see once we Get the corrosion off of whether these Bolts are good or not Even a stainless Bolt Foreign That up very nice now Let's take this a step further or let's Maybe even call it a different scenario You're pulling that 200 000 mile LS apart and the head bolts Kind of look like this or the crank Bolts and the the mains so you pull it Out because all that sludge has filled Up all those bolt holes and now you can Either take a wire brush or you can take This under your parts washer and and Scrub away and do all of that you can Put it on your bench grinder and clog up The wire wheel with grease and the next Person that uses it gets grease plug all Over them or Let's see what we can do with it So you can see what I have here I've Just got a simple container got a little Degreaser in there and uh we'll take our Our bolts here and go ahead and stick Them in there Some worse than others and now we're Going to take our metric because that's Out of an LS so we know those are going To be metric bolts and who cares we can

Just sling that in there because I Believe all this is made out of Stainless steel so not that it would Hurt steel anyway but anyway we can Submerge that nothing to hurt there and We might as well throw in a couple of The smaller bolts as well Foreign So again we find the corresponding hole That works And there we have a beautiful cleaned Bolt well now now thread wizard can you Make a head cleaner anyway but you see Those threads are nice and pretty now Let's try let's try another one Yeah that one's a little bit dirty You can see just two passes And those threads are nice and clean so Degreasing these things makes it really Easy Again need something to clean that head But other than that those threads are Ready to go And let's grab this nice and nasty one Here Oh yeah Oh look at that that's pretty isn't it [Music] Thank you So look at there just a couple of passes And those threads are nice and clean Do one more nasty one here there we go There's another nasty one Great job on cleaning those threads

So you can see just after a few bolts we Got some pretty nasty slurry in there With this side Let's see what's inside So we're going to show a couple of Things here number one we'll just pull This apart Number two Phillips screw Pull that out The screw aside on the other side Threaded insert That aside steel plate Steel plate looks like stainless steel Plate and look at that a stainless wire Brush inside there And looks like a brass Insert as well or bronze Maybe But by the way you can replace these but They basically say nobody ever replaces Them because you can buy this whole Thing for 20 bucks so anyway and also if One gets worn out you can literally take This out index it turn it to a location That hasn't been used push it back in There these plates are kind of dummy Proof they only they only go on one way So you can see it doesn't go that way Doesn't go that way And there we go Snap it into place in the correct Location And put it back together Actually that's not the right way Because the holes don't line up so you

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See what I'm talking about they make it Near dummy proof just not Tim dummy Proof Let's flip this over and see I think this one went on this side there We go That looks like it there Line those up with the thread insert And that's it Very simple tool that's effective works Really really well and it's cheap so I Think these are like 20 bucks a piece And man these things should last a long Time and again it's something I think You can pull out of your toolbox and use All the time now we hope we were able to Show you how easy this thing works and How well it works it's not going to be a Hundred percent you're still going to Find those really corroded threads where You just need to throw away the bolt or Even you find the the threads that are Actually messed up and you can re-chase Them if you need to or again probably Just Chuck the bolts away but the point Is within a few seconds you've found any Issues with the bolt or you've cleaned It up and they're ready to go it worked Really good degreasing these would just Kind of laying this in the Degreaser Running it in and out just a couple of Times removed all The Nasty sluds it was On these LS head bolts or I can't Believe those may have been main cap

Bolts anyway so you see how well it Worked let us know what you think about It these things are only 2 20 bucks a Piece I think that's the going rate is 20 bucks a piece on these as I mentioned You can replace the internals replace The wire wheel in there and keep going For years to come or you can just buy a New one the reason we really like these Is because they just fit everyone and They're not expensive I'm telling you Everybody needs a set of these in their Toolbox or in their shop and by the way A great gift idea that's why it was Included in our Christmas gift guide hey Be sure to keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video then give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep smiling and Merry Christmas