HEAT IT UP with the RYOBI PCL801 18V One+ Hybrid Forced Air Propane Heater Review

@RYOBI TOOLS USA sent us out the RYOBI PCL801 18V One+ Hybrid Forced Air Propane Heater to try out. This is a very simple machine that has a fan powered by the 18V battery, or you can plug in your extension cord. Heat is fueled by a Propane tank and the included 15’ hose and regulator. The controls are very easy to use and you can throttle the heat between 30,000 and 60,000 Btu. You can purchase the RYOBI PCL801 for $149 that includes the heater and the 15’ hose and regulator. #ryobitools #homedepot #heater

RYOBI PCL801 at Home Depot:

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Do you need to heat things up in the Shop Ryobi may have your answer [Music] Ryobi pcl801 I know I know you’re saying Tim we know you live in Central Florida Well some of you may know that anyway I Live in Central Florida and it doesn’t Get cold too often but when it does it’s A wet cold and it’s really really cold I Know all of my friends in Canada and in The Northeast and elsewhere are making Fun of me right now but that’s fine go Ahead it does get cold in Central Florida just not that often but when it Does We’re kind of whiny about it so we need A shop heater we actually need something To uh bump up that temperature just a Bit in fact we just had a cold spell Dipped down into the 50s yeah that’s Fahrenheit not Celsius 50 degrees Fahrenheit and it was pretty chilly Anyway let’s take a closer look at this Unit and see what we think of it then We’ll come back and we’ll talk about Pricing and warranty yes we know it’s Barely fall however we did get our first Cold spell here in Central Florida it Dove deep into the 50s for the first Night and that’s just cold actually it’s Not too bad but we wanted to get ahead Of the curve and we got our hands on the Ryobi Pcl801 this is the 18 volt one plus

Hybrid forced air propane heater so Basically we get an 18 volt battery that Drives the fan we get a propane tank That actually provides the heat so you Actually get a propane Source that’s Creating the Heat and then you get a fan That’s driven by the 18 volts that’s in Forcing the air like any other fan out The front and being able to cover a Wider space and by the way not just Driven by 18 volts but you can also Plug in your extension cord as well to Power the fan side so if you want to run It off of 18 volts you can do so Or if you want to save your batteries And just use that outlet that you have You can plug in your extension cord and Power it that way so you won’t be Limited to running off a battery however If you’re outside out and about and you Don’t have access to an outlet then as Long as you have a propane tank as long As you have an 18 volt battery then you Are good to go a couple of simple knobs On here these are the only controls we Have an on off button we have an ignite Button and then we have temperature Control so this is basically going to Throttle the propane I’m sure there’s no Fan controls it’s basically own or off And here’s our port for the propane so Let’s take a look at the size of this Thing if you can’t tell it’s not that Big but it’s not a tiny suitcase either

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It’s about 16 inches tall And with battery to the front about 22 Inches from Back to Front without that Battery probably going to save an inch And a half or so or so around 20 inches And then width on this thing Right at 11 inches maybe 11 and a half Inches on the width so not too big not Too small kind of right in between It’s pretty light as well we’ll go ahead And weigh it with the battery on there Just assuming you’re going to run it With a battery actually we’ll do both So there were zeroed out 15 pounds with the battery We’ll take that battery off so 13 and a Half pounds 13 pounds seven and a half Ounces with no battery on there so very Easy to carry because let’s face it You’re not carrying this around like a Tool you’re going to carry it to the Spot you need it and uh and leave it so Pretty compact as well is pretty light And easy to carry got an integrated Handle right here on the top of the Heater making it very easy to carry Wherever you need to Let’s take a look down the throat of This thing so basically we have a fan on The back side that’s blowing across that Looks like a honeycomb surface or Something like that and then I’m sure Our propane is entering somewhere around Here and that’s our burner and we have a

Little igniter right here which we’ll See ignite here in just one moment and You don’t have to like this it’s going To self ignite as long as you hold the The kind of the primer button down then It should ignite so let’s hook that up And let’s try this thing out so you get A hose and regulator with it And this is a 15 foot hose so you can Keep that tank Well away from Wherever this heater is We’ll just go ahead and throw our tank Up here And it’s going to thread on the internal Side So it’s going to be Lefty tidy And it’s got a no-ring in there so it Shouldn’t seal up without having to get That too tight Open my valve here we’ll go ahead and Throw in what’s it a four that’s a three Amp hour battery So we’re going to turn it on And then it says to hold this down That’s the primer until this light turns Green solid green There we go So now we’re lit You can see we’re lit That’s warm The measuring about 700 degrees in there 690 675 And now you see we’re starting to Glow

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So that’s going to continue to heat up Nicely Yeah well over the 700s Turn this down You see our flame really settles down Now it’s a real low flame still pumping Out plenty of heat just the fan has Slowed down so That’s interesting I think the fan may be controlled with That temperature knob Maybe not but you can definitely feel a Heat difference coming out in the front And let’s cut this off Now we’re off So very easy Again we’ll turn it on There we go Foreign You’ll see on the back side here was Something that was interesting to me There’s really not a lot of Craziness going on here looks like a Just kind of oversized PC fan just a big Square fan back there that’s blowing Across that across that heater and Dispersing that heat and it really Doesn’t need to be like a leaf blower Where it’s pumping out tons of CFM or Tons of uh tons of velocity it just Needs to push that warm air out there we Know warm air is going to rise so if you Got this on a low area dispersing it Across the floor that’s going to

Continue to rise and create that Venturi Effect in the shop or Outdoors put it Near you something like that but that’s A pretty cool and simple system I love The Simplicity of it love the lightness Of it that it’s not that heavy and the Fact that so they’re claiming that this Will do up to 2500 square feet we have a 2 000 square foot shop we have another Shop and we can test that out here when It gets cold I’m not sure if it’ll do a Full shot but let’s let’s face it if it Brings it down or up 10 degrees Hey more power to it that’s uh enough to Take the the briskness out of the air Take the frostbite off your fingers so Pretty cool here on the other side too We have a Safety chained manual right there or Instruction manual kind of telling you All the do’s and don’ts and it sits Right there in that slit continuously Because it is wired to the unit so Check out the Pcl801 now let’s talk about pricing and Warranty very very simplistic unit we Love the PCL 801 very easy to operate Very easy to hook up just hook it up to Your propane tank and with the included 15 foot hose and regulator uh throw in Your 18 volt one plus battery or you can Plug in your extension cord to power it And basically push the button hold the Ignite button down and wait till the

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Light turns green and you’re good to go And then dial up the temperature that You need this thing puts out some very Very good heat so you know we’ve seen All the you know the diesel driven uh Jet heaters if you will and those are Great but usually you smell that diesel Burning especially when they first Ignite and when they shut down and They’re just kind of a pain and you get Diesel leaking here and there you got to Carry diesel anyway those are great However there’s a cost to actually Having to own those as well as maintain Them this this is very simple basically Get a fan driving over the the propane Uh heat and dispersing all that hot air And they claim up to 2500 square feet And you get from 30 000 to 60 000 BTU And that’s with the temperature knob Here the plus and minus so they say on Low is 30 000 BTU and oh high is 60 000 BTU and you can just variably select What you want in between there so anyway Check this out it’s a hundred and forty Nine dollars as a bare tool but you do Get the hose and regulator with it from Home Depot we’ll have a link in the Description you get a three year Warranty on this as well be sure to keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don’t mind when you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven’t done so

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