High Speed AND Extended Reach!! Milwaukee 2568 and 2569 M12 FUEL Brushless Ratchets

These Milwaukee 2568 and 2569 M12 FUEL High-Speed Extended Reach ratchets deliver more than double the speed of the previous extended reach models. You also get a much slimmer and lighter rachet as well. We compare these new models to the existing high-speed ratchets and to the extended-reach ratchets. We take a close look at the complete family of Milwaukee M12 cordless ratchets. The Milwaukee model 2568 is the 1/4″ driver, while the model 2569 has the 3/8″ anvil. Both models have a MAX 450 RPM and both are stated to have 35 ft-lbs of torque.

Milwaukee 2568 1/4″ M12 Ratchet:
Milwaukee 2569 3/8″ M12 Ratchet:

Milwaukee 2569 3/8″ M12 Ratchet Kit:

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Finally we got both the high speed and The extended reach ratchet all in one Just last year we went to Milwaukee and At one of the pipeline events they Showed us the new high-speed extended Reach ratchet and we were very excited To see that and couldn't wait until we Got it in our hands at the shop and here We go the 2568 quarter inch and the 2569 3 8 drive high speed extended to reach M12 fuel ratchets from Milwaukee now Let's not waste any more time we'll dive In take a look and take a closer look at All of these things and they're not Identical as you can see but anyway We'll take a closer look and then we'll Come back and talk about pricing Warranty and what we think of it these Are the brand new extended reach high Speed M12 fuel ratchets from Milwaukee We have the 2568 and the 25 69 I believe that's Correct I believe the 2568 is the Quarter inch and let's take a look yeah The 2568 is the quarter inch and the 2569 is the 3 8 drive they do not have This in a half inch drive as of yet so You can get the extended reach in a half Inch drive but you can't get the Extended reach high speed so we were in Milwaukee I believe the end of last year And we got to see these but we're Finally seeing these hit the shelves and Finally got them in our hands now when

We get here well we get an extended Reach ratchet which we had that before But we also get a high speed extended Reef so we have the high speed ratchets And we had the extended reach but we Didn't have a high speed extended reach So now we've more than doubled the RPM The old RPM was much much lower than the 450 RPM that we're getting out of both Of these tools also both of the heads Are the same only quarter inch and the 3 8 obviously other than the actual Anvil Is different but we get the same slim Head design on both of these now the Torque has dropped a little versus the Old one with us I think 55 foot-pounds And now they're just 35 foot pounds now I've said for since we started reviewing Cordless ratchets that I don't think Torque matters much with a a cordless Ratchet and I'll explain that in detail When we get over to the tour Craig and Actually start start testing these Pretty much identical to the body of the Of the other Renditions of the family of these Ratchets we're just getting that Extended head and also we're getting That Slimmer head on these high speed Models I'll bring them over to compare The old ones in a moment we get kind of A plunger style paddle trigger if you're Not aware or not not familiar with the Milwaukee ratchets and then we get a

Lock out here that's going to lock that Paddle out so that if you throw it in Your toolbox throw it in your truck Whatever it's not going to engage the Ratchet just by laying on it so you can Lock that trigger out and then also we Have an LED right here under the body So as you squeeze that paddle it's going To turn that light on and it'll go off After a few seconds here but as I was Meaning we really don't have a large Paddle it's kind of Pushing the plunger here Um but the thing is it's a it's a large Area that we can grasp regardless of Kind of how we're holding the tool Whether we hold it way back here on the Base and can squeeze the paddle or we Have our hand forward and just want to Grab it with our pinky finger that's Going to work as well and it's not too Difficult to squeeze that so I like that I like that paddle style even though It's just a plunger there that's Absolutely fine it's also variable speed So a lot of times when you see a plunger Trigger like this it it may just kind of Turn on or off but that's not the case On this you can see I can make it crawl Really slow just by barely squeezing the Trigger Or I can go wide open and get that full 450 RPM Now as I mentioned there's really

Virtually no difference on the quarter Inch other than the smaller quarter inch Anvil I mean everything down Um to the Everything on this tool looks about Identical although if you'll notice the Quarter inch Drive is a bit shorter as Well so we don't get quite the length in The quarter inch Drive than we do in the 3 8 drive the body's the same but just This mid-length kind of shaft through Here is what is longer on the 3 8 drive Versus the quarter inch I did not notice That until just now so that's Interesting to see that otherwise Controls the body everything else is is Virtually identical Now you can get these as a bear tool you Can also get them as a kit the kit comes With a single 2.0 CP battery M12 battery And a charger and the the case here and Then if you get the bear tool obviously You're just getting the bear tool no Battery uh and no charger now let's kind Of look at the family of the ratchets Now I do not have version one of the uh The first version of these ratchets on The M12 ratchets was a brushed model it Was not a brushless model so it was not An M12 fuel it was just an M12 ratchet I Don't remember the model number but I do Not have that one again like I said that Was a a non-fuel model and no brushless Motor had a brushed motor in it but

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Several years ago they came out with the M12 fuel brushless ratchet so this was Kind of version one of the M12 fuel Ratchet right here and this is the 3 8 Drive you can see the size of the head There This has had plenty of use around the Shop as you can see I know it's not as Beat up as many others out there but It's definitely had some use got a Pretty large head on here and this Pretty heavy unit as well but anyway This was version one of the fuel and I Believe I believe it was 200 RPM if I'm not Mistaken 200 or 250 and then after that Everyone was saying you know what I wish It had the uh the original brushed model Non-brushless or non-fuel model had a Lot smaller head on it and they said I Wish we could get the smaller head with The brushless tool because this head's Kind of bulky on it and that's when we Got the M12 fuel high speed ratchet and You see much smaller head on here I've Got a boot on there so you can't it Throws it off a little bit but much Smaller head even a a shorter tool as Well because it just shrunk all around When they made that smaller head or went To that high speed ratchet then after That they said you know what we really Need some more length as well and they Came out with the extended Reach In fact

I think the extended reach came out Before the high speed but regardless and So here we have the extended reach model Which which again kept that larger head And just made this a bit longer so you Can get a better reach into those you Know spark plugs on the back side of the V8s and or somewhere you know reaching Back in the in the depths of the Crevices under the hood and the pain That we know ensues by Working on vehicles so anyway we got the Extended reach version of the original M12 Fuel and that's what we got there And then we got the high speed ratchet And then of course everybody said well Why can't we get the high-speed extended Reach M12 fuel ratchet and that's what We have here so sorry for the the long Introduction of the family of M12 fuel Ratchets and and again the the older Model of the first generation models Were again if I'm not mistaken I think 200 RPM and now on the extended reach High speed as well as the high speed We're at now 450 RPM so getting a lot More speed out of it however on this one Here I think we are at 55 foot-pounds Which is the 2560 if I'm not mistaken uh No 25 57 and then the extended reach is The 2560 And those had 55 foot-pounds or were Rated at 55 foot-pounds and now on the New ones they're at 35 foot pounds but

Again I don't think that's a big deal With a cordless ratchet I see them as Nut Runners I don't see them as an Impact wrenches get a right angle impact If you're looking for something to Bust bolts loose otherwise I just wanted To be able to manually input the amount Of force that we need so and I believe Milwaukee's rating these at 100 foot Pounds of manual Force so it's something That they stand behind as well and so We'll use these in just one moment but Let's get a measurement on these and Maybe even compare it to the older M12 Extended reach as well so let's compare The 3 8 here and by the way we'll tell The difference as well so the length on The 3 8 with the battery is just over 15 Inches so it looks like 15 and an eighth And on the quarter inch drive so the 2568 uh You're right at 14 and a half a little Less than 14 and a half inches so looks Like it's just over 5 8 of an inch Shorter than the 3 8 drive but anyway so The 3 8 drive we're looking at right at 15 inches just over 15 inches and the Older 3 8 drive M12 fuel now on high Speed is 15 and a quarter so it looks Like that we're losing about an eighth Of an inch but it's probably mostly in That head right there So let's break out our calipers and Let's go here

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So it looks like 1.587 inches And then you see there you see the Difference So 1.16 So almost a half inch good 3 8 of an Inch uh smaller there but that's going To be all around because you see we Don't have the quite the depth here Either and now let's look at the depth Of that Over an inch so 1.03 inches and again There you see the difference So just right at just under three Quarters of an inch so we're saving at Least a quarter inch in uh in depth as Well as 3 8 of an inch in width as well Now let's bring in a scale And we're on ounces and so we'll weigh The older model 48 you know what let's Go to Pounds ounces so three pounds one ounce For the older extended reach Versus Two pounds seven ounces so you're Looking at over a half a pound you're Actually looking at 10 ounces different So nine ounces would give us right at Three pounds and then another ounce Because it was three pounds one ounce so Ten ounces different over a half a pound Difference on the uh the new extended Reach high speed is more than a half a Pound lighter with the two amp hour Battery actually with a 2.5 amp hour

Battery on it versus the 2.0 battery on It so a much lighter tool and you can Definitely tell it in your hand as well So Slimmer lighter and faster And let's just go ahead and we'll weigh Two pounds five and a half ounces let's Weigh these again not since I zeroed Them out two pounds five and a half and Then 3 8 is Two pounds seven so it looks like a Ounce and a half heavier so two seven And then yeah three three one so still The same so definitely lighter tool Faster tool and Slimmer tool and by the Way for uh the extender reach high speed Ratchets the 3 8 and the quarter inch Drive You can get the protective boot for There as well so just like we have on This one here this will slide over and Protect that in if you want to run that I believe these are 30 bucks oh man a Lot of money for uh just a slide on Cover but if you want it and we've Already had somebody ask on social media About do they have the boots for them Yes they do and the same boot will work On either the 3 8 or the quarter inch Model all right so we've got our old Version of the M12 fuel extended reach Ratchet and then we have the two new Extended reach high speed uh versions of The ratchet we're not going to use the Quarter inch right this second so I'll

Move this aside and we have a 24 Millimeter socket on both of these and I'm going to go ahead and run out these Nuts here And I'll put them try to put them as Flush as possible and I'm not wanting to Get an exact speed here but just kind of Want to show you the speed difference in Between these two the the older ratchet And the new high speed ratchet Okay so I'm just going to try to grab The trigger on both these we'll see Which one finishes first So you see that one's already finished And this Bolt's about halfway down Foreign So again this one's about halfway down So much faster ratchet on the the new High speed extended version of this tool Which is the 2569 for the 3H 2568 for The quarter inch now one of the things That people are always interested in Is the torque on this but I I again I I Don't see torque being a big deal on a Cordless ratchet I've said it before get A right angle impact wrench or get an Impact wrench if you're looking at Something to bust the Fasteners loose Otherwise I just wanted to be able to You know lean on it and be able to Provide some manual Force break it free Then pull the trigger and let it be a Nut running device now at the same time It does need to be able to handle some

Drag without you having to pull the Trigger all the time so I get that but Let's go ahead and we'll go ahead and Torque these Okay I'm going to start at 15 foot Pounds Okay 20 foot pounds 25. 30. And 35 foot pounds so we've got these Torqued now do I think this is going to Break free 35 foot pounds no I do not And I I'm pretty confident in that because I've seen all the ratchets do the same Thing but again I'm not concerned about It but I will show this to you because Everybody wants to know So I'm just going to hold the ratchet Steady here and pull the trigger this is 15 foot-pounds Doesn't break free 15 foot-pounds now The reason is It really depends on the size of the Fastener the size of the socket Everything depends on how much force is Providing this tool and where the cutout Is on it now if I kind of loosen my grip Up and just kind of let it be Loosey-goosey it'll probably get enough Runoff that it will actually break that Free so watch this I'm not going to do Anything as far as providing Force I'm

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Just going to let it kind of be loose on The faster and pull the trigger So it still won't do it Now let's just see if it'll do on 20 Just maybe there's some Oddball on that Fastener Nope Again I don't think that's a problem and Here's why all I have to do break it Free pull the trigger Break it free pull the trigger Break it free pull the trigger Foreign I can't just pull the trigger but all I Have to do is break it free and I can Pull that trigger and it will run the Nut off That's happened on just about every Ratchet that I've tested that it won't Hit the numbers they claim that it does Again I'm not going to get into Specifics on how they test that I don't Think it's a critical thing I just need It to be able to run that nut off once It gets going and not stop and I don't Have a problem with it doing that with That said let's go ahead I'm going to set this at 100 foot-pounds Okay so now we've torqued these first Three to 100 foot-pounds Now what I want to know is can I Manually provide enough Force to break That free without damaging the ratchet No problem at all that's what I want in

A cordless ratchet I want to be able to Manually provide input to break Something free and once I tighten Something I want to be able to finish tightening It Without any Flex in the tool And again I don't want to get too Excessive if I'm going over 100 foot Pounds and I probably need to get my Torque wrench or something else or a Longer breaker to actually finish Tightening that but the point is I'm Doing brake pads things like that I can Give that manual input without any Flex In the tool and without hurting it and Also be able to run those off once you Break them free So it's been several years of Development from the first generation of The M12 Fuel and before that there was The non-fuel version which was the Brushed version and then we got the M12 Fuel version and then we got the M12 Fuel extended reach ratchet uh with the Larger head on these and pretty slow at 200 RPM and then we got I don't know a Year or two ago we got the first High-speed M12 fuel so M12 fuel we got The brushless high-speed ratchet at 450 RPM and then everybody asked right away When do we get the extended reach Version of the high speed and voila here We have it now I know we're probably

Going to have some haters talking about How much torque and blah blah blah I'm Just telling you I don't know of many Mechanics that gripe about Milwaukee Ratchets or DeWalt ratchets or Makita Ratchets or any other ratchets and say Man they just don't have enough torque I'm telling you most of the people just Want to make sure that they can run Those Fasteners out now yes would it be Great if it was both an impact wrench And a ratchet maybe I don't know but an Impact wrench Works totally different if You ever noticed a right angle impact You can't ratchet manually if it frees Up you can't do that with a ratchet you Can you can manually provide input on Tightening or loosening as long as the Tool is going to hold up and not have Any Flex in the body which it does very Well so I'm happy with it I love to to See the higher speed I don't have a Problem with it not having the torque That they say it does or that we were Able to test anyway and all the other Ratchets have done the same thing now Pricing on this pricing is going to set You back 250 bucks for the high speed Extended reach ratchet which I think the Regular extended reach ratchet is also 250 anyway 249 for the bare tool I think If you get it with a single battery and A charger you're adding 100 bucks going To be a 349 five-year warranty on the

Tool I believe three year uh warranty on The battery if you get the battery and The tool so check it out for yourselves We'll have links in the descriptions to Each of these and also you can get the Boot to protect the head here for uh I Think that's 29 or 30 bucks so again We'll have links in the description also Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means as always if You have did our video then give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day and Keep smiling