Honest Perspective – EGO LM2110SP 56V 21″ Self-Propelled Mower

So this type of video is typically not What we do at shop tour reviews but it's More of an impromptu because Keith's a Friend of mine that I'll just kind of Start the journey here that a couple Months ago Keith you reached out to me And said hey what's what's the best Backpack Blower to get you know and so My first question to Keith was well why Do you want a backpack blower and uh and And I figured this is where it was going Because you did some Lawn Care back in The teenage days a few years ago Um and the biggest and baddest thing it Would be a backpack blower and but at The same time handheld blowers were a Little bit Lackluster right and you had a Battery-powered handheld blower that was It did it fit your needs no and that's Prompt that's what prompted my call to You is trying to figure out knowing what You know about this industry I wanted to Find out what is it that would best fit What I do for my own home I don't do Multiple yards but I have a big yard and Uh the battery blower that I had just Really didn't do that well so I figured I'd start by asking you to get Understanding of what's out there right And the first thing I thought of was The Backpack Blower because I have a gas Backpack Blower but I don't use it as Often because it's just cumbersome to

Bring in and out whereas a electric Blower was so much easier for me to Right that's easy access to so I came to You trying to find out more Understanding exactly so I brought over The ego 650 CFM which is really not even Their top of the line to be honest but Still and just said Hey try this out and What'd you think I was blown away of the Power that it had in comparison to the Existing handheld blower that I had Electric blower and then also the the Gas blower that was very very comparable In what it would accomplish and like I Said I when the leaves are falling this Thing works so well with just coming out Grabbing the thing blowing you know the Lawn the sidewalk and it's just it's Super easy super fast good battery life On it so I I've been very very pleased Yeah in fact he I think you we I think I Saw you one day and you're like man I'm Using this thing all the time yeah oh Yeah I was I was I was end up blowing Leaves in the grass trying to get them Into the flower bed because I was like This thing just really does a great job Yeah it just it's handy when it worked You know when it when a blower Works Correct directly and it's handy then you Find it more uses for it And you know as you say it's light it's Handy you can you know throw it up on The Shelf you don't have to worry about

Gas oil things like that anyway so long Intro into the mower here so from that Then you reached out and like man you Know what I really need something not so Much to cut the yard which that might Change but you have a riding mower right But it doesn't pick up your leaves and Here in Florida a couple times a year When the lead when the Oaks decide to Drop their leaves it's not a small Gathering of leaves and you can see we Have multiple Live Oaks behind us as Well as some over the other front part Of the lawn but I have a lot of leaves That accumulate in this area and so Using the riding mower becomes a little Bit cumbersome of kind of backing up and Mulching and just trying to grind them Up as much as possible so again I came To Tim and said I really would love to Find an EV mower that I could uh you Know use to pick up these leaves and Transport them into a bag or put them in The back of the property or whatever and So again Tim had another solution that He thought would fit my need yeah and so You literally we we got this thing out Of the truck and nothing else you hadn't Touched this thing other than pushing it Over here and just kind of maybe Familiarize yourself so we're just going To follow him around and see what he Thinks about this thing this is the LM 2110 SP it is a self-propelled mower has

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The six amp hour 56 volt battery on it 21 inch cut so we're going to bag this Thing up or throw the bagger on it which It has on it which you also have Mulching inside discharge as well but Anyway we're just going to kind of Follow them around maybe get some Thoughts from him and then afterwards Just kind of do an accumulation of Overall thoughts on this thing and so Let's get started Uh Yeah the one one thing I noticed Tim Quick on this is that be I'm six foot Seven and the height of this handle Is probably one of the higher handles I've ever had on a on a walking mower so That first of all that's really great For my back and and the stress level of You know using a mower Um when you're walking behind it Probably another thing I noticed too is Pretty good leg room underneath here When I'm walking I'm not kicking the bag And and uh you know creating that Discomfort of trying to stay out of the Way of the bag uh one thing I might do Real quick if you want is I'll try to Use the Mulcher and the in the side Side thing just to kind of get a feel For it real quick if you want me to sure Absolutely okay So you're going to quickly just swap out The bagger and throw on either the side

Discharge or the mulcher Let's see let's try the Mulcher first Okay that's the Mulcher plug just I Think it goes in this way if I'm not yep That's exactly right and then the flaps Just gonna hold that down that was super Easy Foreign Yeah that works good I'll tell you Another thing that's pretty kind of Remarkable about them is they're quieter Than I expected in the sense that I Don't you know I usually always wear Earplugs when I'm using a gas-powered Mower and out here you don't feel like You really have to even use it you know Your I mean obviously if you want to Have some extra safety you can wear them But it's just not very loud so it Doesn't feel like it's So now you can get out here at 6 30 and You're yeah your neighbors won't be here Come out here and just start and crack It on right so no that's good so now We're going to change out from the Mulching plug to the side discharge See if you can figure this out Slides in that little Groove put that in There rest that on there and I think We'll go Foreign One other thing I like about it Tim is When when you're not in self-propelled Mode it's very easy to shift forward and

Backwards for me The lightweightness of it makes it very Versatile I think we're I feel like I Could really maneuver around where I Wasn't even I didn't have to use the Self-propelled and Tighter quarter so Made it a lot easier to manage as well So I like that feature as well Got some leaves and grass in there yeah I've got a combination They're both leaves and grass and over Here and dump it in the pile Just like that turn it into a mulch pile Ready to go again okay so this is after Several minutes of using this I I don't Know probably a half hour so by no means Are we calling this a full-fledged Review and I think maybe what we'll do Keith is maybe follow up with you in a Couple of months after we start getting Some rain here in Florida the grass gets All full and it really becomes a real Mowing job as well as uh you know being Able to to bag things but as far as Right now just kind of getting your Initial assessment on this what are your Thoughts on using a battery powered you Know push mower specifically the the ego Yeah so very impressed with the ease of Use the the lightness the efficiency of It at like I think Tim mentioned we're In some pretty not high high grass Everything's kind of in an easy mode Right now because of the Season we're in

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But I would say that everything worked Just as well as as I would have with a With a gas powered mower we've got to Folded up here which looks like a great Way to be able to store it in my shed And keep it kind of out of the way and Don't have to worry about you know oil Or gas and things leaking so I love that Idea of the aspect of the electric mower Yeah it's sorry to stop you there but You mentioned about having a gas powered Vacuum like a leaf vacuum I'm assuming a Mulching vacuum aside from it it not Wanting to start right now I'm sure that Takes up a larger footprint than like This it does I'll be immediately you Know figuring out how to replace that And put that in a lot smaller spot but I've got to get that out of the way and Put that in so yeah you're right it's Definitely a lot smaller footprint and That's that's one of the nice things of Going to a battery powered motor like The ego is the fact you know you can Fold this thing up and and stand it in a Corner or in a closet if you you need to And you're not worried about gas or oil Or the smell or anything like that as Well as the smaller compact footprint Yeah we could definitely if you want to Come back and try and check it out when We get a little bit you know more of our Florida climate and rain and High Grass I'll be more than happy to give you guys

A second second look at it but so far Everything the conditions that I have Now with the grass and the leaves that We have it did exactly what I was hoping For it to accomplish for the reason I Had called Tim in the first place yeah And and Keith honestly I I it didn't Really come into mind to be a concern of Mine of being how tall you are of course I know how tall you are but it was Interesting that you picked that up that Was the first thing you did when you Grabbed it because I think you were like Okay here we go yeah I'm going to be Leaned over totally yeah I'm I'm Impressed with how high they Accommodated for someone of my height Because that's not typically the norm And it it definitely fits me perfect at Six foot seven now what about your uh Your stride at you know pushing a Self-propelled mower did you feel like It you could still stride with it Decently I feel like I got short a Little bit as the bags seem to get more Full I could feel a little bit more of That weight underneath me as I would Step into it so I wouldn't say it was Never necessarily cumbersome but I could Tell that I had to adjust my stride just A little bit now was that because your Foot was hitting the full bag or was That because the speed was slowing down I think it was because I was hitting the

Full back okay okay so yeah your foot Running into the bag yeah but again You're you're a much longer stride than A than an average person right but I've Noticed that from time to time as well On other mowers speed of it works great I mean I thought the pace that I mow at And so forth it was perfect for my Stride I had it at full speed yeah so For me it was a good Pace it's just I Think as the bag got more and more full I could feel that bag sitting lower to The ground to where my stride was Starting to kind of tap it what annoying It was just right I would shorten my Stride something you'd notice yeah so uh Any any issues that you think off the Bat with anything no not at all I mean It's I guess the biggest thing is the Weight difference of these versus a gas Mower you know I'm assuming you know all That's they've they've built them to Where they they feel like they're safe And they've got what they need from a Reliability standpoint from the body of Them but it's just a different feel to Have such a lighter mower when you're so Used to such a heavy metal that you feel Like that's kind of like your protection When you're mowing whereas this seems to Be such a lighter feature but still Effective and not yeah it doesn't feel Like it's making it unsafe it just feels Totally different and then you mentioned

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Uh earlier that you like the fact that You're not having to wear earplugs oh Yes the sound was completely different Like with a lawnmower I'm always wearing Earplugs where I mean it comes Recommended to wear them if you you know Just for the sake of your hearing but This is a much quieter uh mower so you Don't really have to wear one if if you Don't need to if you don't want to but That was a big difference I could tell In the yeah as well and and the cool Thing and I noticed you know uh when you Would stop and talk to me you just kind Of let go of the handle but you never Had to start anything back up right and Then just push a button Go ahead and pulling a string or Anything like that instant energy and Not a lot of extra you know is it a hot Mower and you can't start it again Because you know you got to let it sit And cool down I mean with all the Different things you sometimes are used To from a mower that may have age to it Or so forth right this thing was ready To go when you were ready to go yeah and That's one thing I really like about a Hand blower as well you know versus like A backpack your neighbor comes starts to Talk to you you shut it off now you got To take it off start it back up yes very Much so my other Backpack Blower it's Kind of like you gotta you got to take

It off and re-pack it whereas this is You know it's ready when you are and You're not losing energy you're not Losing uh you know that battery time or Anything when you shut it off so yeah It's a good good point yes so we're Going to wrap this up so be sure to Check out this is the this is the ego Self-propelled mower specifically it's The lm2110 SP you can find it I believe At Lowe's for like 549 five year Warranty on that comes with a six amp Hour 56 volt battery and charger as well Be sure to keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tech and By all means if you haven't done so Already please hit that like And Subscribe button and if you hated our Video well you can hit that thumbs down But let us know in the comments why have A great day and keep smiling