How to Build a Milwaukee PACKOUT Trailer Tester [M12 Powered]

We use common parts purchased from Amazon and a Milwaukee PACKOUT box and show you how to build a self-contained battery-powered trailer light tester. We use a Milwaukee M12 battery to power the box and push-button switches to activate each circuit for a 7-way and 4-way trailer wire setup. #milwaukeetool #nothingbutheavyduty #packout #diy #howto

7-Way Trailer Plug:
Fuse Box:
16mm Push Button Switch:
12mm Push Buton Switch:
Trailer Light Kit:
Grip Lock Zip Ties:
Milwaukee PACKOUT Organizer:
Milwaukee Hole Saw Kit:
Milwaukee M12 FUEL Kit:

YouTube Music Code: 2UI2U6DZYRZ5UQIY

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We're going to show you how to build a Milwaukee pack out M12 trailer tester [Music] There's not much more frustrating than Trying to track down a trailer light Issue or trailer electrical issues Especially when you're not sure if it's The actual vehicle or if it's the Trailer that's having the issues now I Know there's the little plug-in testers Where you can look at the LED lights and Stuff like that but this is actually Going to let us power the actual trailer And each one of the circuits so we can Have switches to turn each one of the Circuits on and then we can actually run Down and test if the light's not coming On we can kind of back up with our Tester and find out where the brake and Continuity is or where the issue is and We're going to have a link to each one Of these products in the description of The video most of them purchased Straight from Amazon let's get started Okay we should have just about Everything here that we will need to Build this this is a seven-way connector We've got both ends we've got an M12 Battery and an M12 adapter we've got Some 10-24 one inch screws and nuts Probably have to cut those down and These are basically push button Actuators so push it down it's Constantly on and back up it's off we

Also have a LED ring in there that Lights up those are like half inch size And these are a little smaller I think So anyway just a couple of different Push buttons so we can actually activate Each different circuit here's a a plug For the 12 volt adapter where we'll Power everything this is a fuse block a Little Overkill but that's okay you Still want to protect each one of the Circuits our Milwaukee pack out box one Of the half boxes and then this is a Trailer light kit we need this anyway so It's a four-prong trailer light kits are Pretty typical and some fuses for this So that should be about everything you Probably need some you know some wire Strippers Some some pliers and probably Screwdriver Cutters you know General Stuff so let's go ahead and get started The first thing I want to do is kind of Wire up each one of my push buttons I'm Going to need I believe seven of these I Want a power button that powers Everything kind of powers up the whole Fuse blocks if you will and then I want A power button for each different left Turn signal right turn signal brake Lights uh you know the brake signal for A seven-way Um and all that different stuff so Anyway I think I'm going to need six Different power buttons and a main power

Button and so that's why I bought two Different packs here so let's go ahead And get those started because what we Have if you buy this kit they put this Card in it and it tells you if you want The LED light on all the time you Basically wire these two red wires Together if you want to just come on With the power but when you push the Button which is the way we want to do it Then you wire these two together and Basically what you do In this situation is looking at it here We take these two red wires and we wire Those together and that's what will Actually go to that individual light or To that to that trailer plug so I'm Going to go ahead and combine all these Terminate the ends on all these get it Ready and then we'll go to our pack out Start drilling holes So this is going to power our fuse panel So power will come in on these two and Then this will run to the fuse panel so I'll put a piece of heat shrink down Here [Music] [Music] [Music] All right so here's what we're going to Do so now this is the main power button Now we're going to go to each one of the Bulbs that it will tie to and if you're Looking down on this switch where the

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Black wire is So if the black wires at the bottom Which by the way what I'm telling you is Exactly what this card shows you so We're going to take the top red wire and The right red red wire and tie those Together [Music] And that's what is going to go To each one of the trailer lights So I'm going to use a female connector With this one Make sure it's on well And then the other two wires remember to Put your Insulators down there if you're using Non-insulated crimper non-insulated Terminals like me There's one [Music] Okay we got all the push buttons wired Together and ready to go in the Box Let's go ahead and get the seven-way Plug wired up this is our ground our Wide is ground and for the rest of these We're going to use a spade connector and That will connect directly to this side Of the Spade connector the female Spade Connector here so put males on all six Of these and then we'll get them in the Box and start building this thing Foreign Okay we've got all those done for the Seven way

The ground and the six Male Spades Let's get that box done now our plan is To mount all the switches right here in This Center panel and This little area here We had a little sticker made and let's See if it's going to work Looks like for the most part it should Work play air bubbles in there but hey How do you know Now we're going to use the smaller Buttons across these five a larger Button for the 12 volt and the larger Button for the power button so let's get These drilled out [Music] Now before we go any further Let's make sure that's going to work Foreign Again this one and this one is going to Be a little bit bigger Perfect Covered up our sticker but I think we Can live with it for now This is version one anyway Since this is our power button we'll put It here 12 volt here So don't fret all your fittings will fit In there just put one of them in at a Time All right [Music]

Now my plan was to mount this fuse block Down here but I believe I'm going to Mount it right here and all these wires Can go directly there to keep everything Nice and clean up here and then we'll Just have to uh to run our power wires Here and then our wires from the seven Way as well So I will definitely want to mount this With screws but for Holding it in place till we do I think Use a little hot glue Probably not going to look too pretty Under that lid but That should hold Well for now then we'll Drill our holes and put the screws in [Music] [Music] This is pretty repetitious work so Hopefully the fast forwarding through All this is understood [Music] Thank you So I just made a change on the power Button uh ground I put an eyelet on here Rather than a spade connector And I also put one on the main Ground coming from the M12 battery Separate these by washers And this is driving me nuts that there Is no heat shrink on here even though It's a ground it's bugging me You're saying Tim did you really cut

That connector off Just to put some insulation on the Ground wire I sure did That looks better [Music] So now just a quick test Our battery in here Power is on Tail lights on Turn signal on Right turn Reverse break 12 volts yep so everything Powers up Good to go I'm not sure if I'm too crazy about this Really low voltage wiring here I'll Probably change that out and maybe go Directly to the battery but let's finish This thing So here's what I have here and I want to Mount this to the side of this case I Think I want to go right in the middle Here right here on this flat spot I'm Going to take my calipers And I think this is less than two inches Yeah 1.83.86 something like that but we have This big Notch here too and since it Screws in I don't think I'll have a a Hole saw that size but I know I have a Two inch so I think we'll go to a two Inch hole saw and then let's find So we'll call that five and a half so

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Let's go to 2.25 And we don't have to be exact Let's say about right there So I'll go ahead and drill as a starter Hole And you can see I opened this box I Don't want to grab all that wiring when I'm drilling through Yeah Yeah there's our two inch And this would be too small Yeah that'd be too small Yeah I would recommend that you bracing That up I'm trying to keep it center of The camera with my arms stretched out Can't really brace that well But we got it done and a little higher Speed is going to help don't put it in Low it's just going to try to grab okay Now let's see if we nailed it Oh yeah Yeah so now we can drill our holes put Our screws in there and we're good Somehow we definitely didn't hit Center So my math was way off on hitting Center There but it's going to have to work Now it's pretty simple we're just going To attach the Spade connectors To each of these and then this should go To ground [Music] And now everything should be connected Should have no Loose Ends other than What's going to the battery I'm going to

Use all 5 10 and 15 amp fuses I would Definitely say you'd probably be better Off just to use some Smaller even three amp fuses And that's if you're wanting to go to This Magnitude of protecting the system which Is not a bad idea You don't want to somehow over amp your Trailer wires But you definitely don't want 15 and Even 10 15 amp fuses in there Like I have right now But for testing purposes only okay now Testing uh Power Tail Left turn right turn back lights Break 12 volts We're good All right so I did a couple things here I drilled a couple of small holes here And mounted a zip tie to just kind of Hold that cable so when you're folding This Up and down that it's not a You know bending in the wrong location Or you know moving around so it should Always kind of Bend at the same area now So I added that one and then I also Drilled a couple of holes here and put This bigger zip tie it's actually a grip Tie it's got a rubber lining right here Really cool reusable zip ties and that's

Going to hold My M12 Battery Very well actually I mean cinch this thing down if you want To but that rubber lining there really Holds that Well And it's not going to slide around And I can trim that if I wanted to or I'll just tuck it Tuck it down in there and it should be Fine Power tail left turn right turn reverse Break 12 volts Now let's see if it actually works There's our grip tie zip tie and there's Our small zip tie and there's our Seven-way plug Now I could also mount a four-way wire There too and maybe have it coming out Here and just wire that into the into The fuse panel which I could easily add Or you could have your seven to four way Adapter or even seven to five way and Use that as well and that's what we'll Use for testing here Okay just so we don't have to go outside And actually hook it up to a trailer I've got some trailer lights hooked up Here I don't mind my mess of wiring but Anyway we have it wired up correctly Other than our jumper wire jumping from

The white wire the ground wire to Everything but anyway we've got tail Lights we should have stop lights turn Signals And then we've got our four-way plug Plugged into our seven to four way Adapter and we'll go ahead and push that In that locks into place Get our self-contained Pack out Trailer we'll turn our power on tail Lights should give us both lights There we go Running lights and by the way I didn't Hook up these running lights I think we Get it right that would tie into that Same circuit right there and we come on With those tail lights and running Lights And left turn there we go and by the way If you wanted to flash her on this you Could add an LED flasher you know for 10 Bucks or something and add that into the Circuit I don't care I just want to make Sure does the light work Right turn there you go which is your Turn signals are also your brake light So this is your brake signal as well So there we have it right turn left turn And tail now obviously if we were on a Seven-way circuit we would also have Reverse lights which we see Power there We'd have a brake signal and then we'd Also have a possible 12 volt auxiliary

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As well that could charge batteries or Something else on the RV or trailer or What have you so there you have it It works Pretty cool Now what would I change I think I'd probably take a little more Time in routing the wires I think that I would probably have some Of those zip tie holders maybe glued to The top here we could route these down And kind of Mount it to the lid and I Can obviously come back and do that I'll Probably run a heavier gauge wire coming Maybe right off the battery with just Some Spade connectors but I wanted to Use this adapter here I really don't Mind the the grip lock tie the zip tie Holding the battery thing there it Actually works very well it's easy to Grab and pull out and pull the battery Out so I don't think I would change that I really don't I'd probably Mount this Maybe towards the front And because we have plenty of room and That would get it out of the way of all Wires but it still gets out of the way Fine I don't have to you know move wires Or anything I can just close it Lock it up and now it's a self-contained Unit I can take it wherever I need to go We really like our Milwaukee pack out Trailer tester we think it turned out Pretty good especially for V1 we were

Literally just kind of making this on a Whim and uh you know drew it out on Paper but definitely would do better on The the label here we're kind of going Downhill on our on our label making Skills and we also covered part of it up With our buttons but hey again for V1 we Think it's acceptable we love the fact That light up buttons here and we can Activate each uh each wire our Channel As we need to and as you'll see here With the tail lights we get running Lights but on the left turn signal there Is no running light just the stop light Turn signal so everything works properly Same way with the seven way if we had The seven-way hooked up and what's cool About this is there's really plenty of Room if we need to dissect this or Disassemble it or carry maybe a you know Some different spare parts or something In here we can easily do that so the Pack out is still functional to carry Other things as as well as house all the Stuff here we'll have a link in the Description of all the different tools And pieces well all the different parts And some of the tools as well and pieces That we use now price on this you may Have a lot of this stuff laying around So you may do this with as little as you Know 30 40 bucks now we spent probably Somewhere in the neighborhood a little Over a hundred dollars but we bought the

Trailer kit because we got to wire up a Boat trailer and also we bought a lot of Other things as well that probably Really didn't need to the fuse panel do You want that I want that I just want That extra layer of security but again You could probably skimp on some of this Stuff and still do okay but we're happy With utilizing the zip ties as well and Not hard mounting like the the battery Adapter or anything like that so hey let Us know what you think about this let us Know if you would add something to this As well so keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling