How to Restore Bolts and Prevent Rust without Paint. Common Tools and Supplies. Bonus BRASS Process!

Old rusty fasteners make your project look terrible. We show you a couple of processes with heat, motor oil, and a wire brush to make your nasty bolts look better than new again. And don’t even think about picking up that paint can. #restoration #howto #diy

Brass Brush:
Induction Heater:
Bernzomatic TS8000:

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How do you go for this [Music] He said this [Music] We're going to show you how [Music] Sometimes the bolts you have to use are In pretty rough shape and particularly I'm talking about more aesthetic bolts Uh I think around fenders hoods door Jambs door hinges things like that on Vehicles and many times they are painted Fasteners that have then had sockets or Wrenches put on them and the paint is Flanked off or you try to paint them Black paint them gray paint them cast And then as you put them on you crack The paint on them or the next time you Put a wrench on them you crack the paint So what other options are there well There's actually a couple let's get Started so we've got several bolts here Several Fasteners we've even got some Screws here and this process will really Work on any faster and other things as Well which we will show you and we're Going to use four different types of oil In this process as you can see behind us We'll explain that here in a moment now Now I've seen this process mistakenly Named black oxide coating we're really Not putting a coating on these Fasteners We're actually trying to treat the metal That will protect this from time to come

From things like rust but it's not going To prevent it forever it will be a Preventative for probably several years Arguably decades depending on how clean You get it how well you penetrate it Things like that but bottom line is it Makes it much more aesthetically Pleasing than what you're seeing here And just to explain like this is a black Oxide coated tap and it's actually a Coating on here we're not going to coat This what we will be doing is more of Kind of a metal or steel treatment and And you'll find that out here in just One moment so what we're going to do First is we need to clean up all the Areas that we're actually going to be Treating on these faster so pretty Simple put these things on a wire wheel Get them cleaned up you can put them in A in a blasting cabinet or a sandblaster And blast them if you wanted to things Like zinc coated nuts and bolts or Galvanized nuts and bolts you'll Definitely need to either soak those in Vinegar you know overnight or a couple Of days or something in muriatic acid For a few minutes and then clean them up But regardless or you could put them on A sander or a wire wheel and get it off That way as well or again another Blasting cabinet the bottom line is even If they're clean and they're zinc coated Or galvanized they still need to be that

Coating needs to be removed before this Process will work now this will work on Stainless Fasteners we think we will Find that out here in a moment and we've Got a trick up Our Sleeve that's Different from just the oils you're Seeing here as well let's get started Clean these up and then we'll get to Heat treating now we're not going to Show too much of the cleanup I think you Probably get how this works basically Turn the wire wheel on and get to work On those fasteners Foreign So we've got our Fasteners all cleaned Up cleaned up with the wire wheel nice And Polished looking Um and they'll probably stay that way For about five minutes here in the Central Florida humidity anyway so we Need to get something on these whether It's paint whether it's some type of Coating but obviously today we're going To do some treatment here so what we Have in the jugs behind here is the First one is actually just a motor oil So good old mobile one 5W30 as it says Little high mile is triple action Synthetic only the best this one here A little better motor oil because it's Actually used motor oil Looks a little thin actually Then we have linseed oil and not just

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Linseed oil but boiled linseed oil which By the way you can use either they say That uh each have a different color Effect to the steel to the metal so Pretty cool hopefully we'll get more of A bronze looking coat on that one not a Coat sorry but more of a bronze looking Finish on it when we finish and then Regular vegetable oil So we're going to see how each of these Turn out All right let's get started okay so the First thing we need to do is we need to Get these things hot now the key is we Don't want to get them too hot if you're Getting them glowing red you're actually Changing the structure of the Fastener Now I do not recommend using any Fasteners that are you know critical Fasteners in other words Fasteners that Need to be you know for torquing down Cylinder heads or crank bolts or Anything like that this is more Aesthetic looking bolts fenders hoods Things like that that you shouldn't Really hurt even if you did get it Glowing red but I highly recommend don't Get it glowing red we'll show you here How to work this so we're going to take A propane torch and then we're actually Going to use something different but I'll show you with common tools like a Propane torch right here so this is just Regular old propane with the old

BernzOmatic Ts8000 torch tip so we're going to get This hot And by the way I couldn't get it glowing Red with this propane torch probably Anyway take a long time And you see it darkening up right now So we want to darken up and then it will Actually turn lighter again as well So it's turning a nice blue dark And then it will lighten up again as we See it happening right now before it Starts turning a glowing red Bigger the faster the longer it's going To take It's like I'm torching my wooden stand And by the way in acetylene torch would Do this a lot quicker And just so you know Where we're wanting to get to Is about 500 Degrees so I pass that up So we're actually good right now I'm going to grab this I'm going to use the motor oil Foreign It's got a decent Hue to it already So we're going to say a single dip and Let's see how well that does we're going To let that sit there and actually a Step I forgot is we really should Degrease all these after we've cleaned Them on the wire wheel Now I doubt there's any

I doubt there is any grease on these After wire welding them but still Take you some brake cleaner or some type Of degreaser You can put it on a rag if you want to I'm just going to spray it on it should Evaporate pretty quick And just make sure there's no Fingerprints on there And that will Aid in this process And to speed things up now I'm going to Use my induction heater this mini ductor Venom to heat up this bolt now and we'll See the transformation happen a lot Quicker So now pull the trigger on this And so anything inside that coil that is A ferrous metal will start heating up Well actually any any type of Steel will Start heating up And we see what's happening right now is That washer is heating up you see it Already turning blue And you see the whole thing turning blue Now Starting to turn white And that's probably where we need to be Yeah so we're right at 500 degrees there So now we'll take this and quench it in The Used motor oil So he's taking a very blue finish On that one Like that one aside and let's get

Started on the next one now this one was A pretty corroded up Bolt and should go rather quickly See it already turning bronze and now Black now blue Now almost white and again let's hit Check the temp there 450 yeah so let's hit that just a little Bit longer actually 400 is probably Absolutely fine And now we have the linseed oil Very gray finish it looks like Lay that one aside Very blue Plenty hot enough And regular vegetable oil And then a question I had was that if a Another option would work which by the Way we really got two more options we're Going to show you here But first let's try this one here In that washer getting hot hot first Not quite where we want to be yet But the question is can we take WD-40 I think you'd probably want to quench it It is turning a little bit of a color But it's really not giving it a very Nice finish As to some of the others but again maybe If you actually quenched it in WD Yeah it'd probably work if you quenched It and now Watch What Happens here so Now we have a bolt here that obviously Is very clean

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In fact I'm going to make sure it's Clean For this next process So same process going to heat this up Very bronze Very blue Brass brush solid brass brush Continue to brush you see what's Happening here So basically the melting point of brass Is lower than the melting point of steel And so we're basically brazing brass on To this head bolt Just a tiny Fractional layer of brass that's melting On To that head bolt or not to that head Bolt to the head of that Bolt That's a pretty cool process right there So you are putting a layer of brass Almost like you're brazing it on there By just Brushing it on lightly And it gives a nice Satin Finish of the brass on the head of that Bolt Be careful you don't melt your brush as We're doing all the things are coming Out because uh I think it's basically Heating up the the plastic of the handle Now we're going to do one really quick For the WD-40 again and quench it and so Let's heat up this bolt really quick

A little cap full of WD-40 there Looks like we've uh We have Melted our lid With hot oil And this process doesn't just work for Fasteners So you can see the brass effect coating That steel and the same is true even on Some tubing Oops Okay first uh the brass coating is just A really cool effect I did better on the Bolt than on the steel I don't know if I Didn't get it hot enough or whatever but I can see some fluctuation in the brass Coating here on the flat part but you Can definitely be careful and uh and Coat uh your your steel flat surface as Well or even a round surface so I really Like the brass effect even on like Stainless Fasteners and even like socket Head screws even old rounded head screws Look good so if that was on a motorcycle Or something like that again I could Have taken a little better care of Getting that on proper but it could be a Really good looking detail but let's Take a look at these coaters so this is Still a little warm And let's just wipe this off So we get a real which this was linseed Oil dipped in linseed oil and we melted Our our little container there out it's

Still really hot anyway so pretty dark Effect on that steel tubing this is the First well no this was the last bolt we Did in that series because it was Vegetable oil Wipe that off nice and clean and it Gives a really Sheen looks very dark Don't really see any bronze it's more of A black or a dark gray with the Vegetable oil And the linseed again giving a very dark Gray effect almost a blue But really not any bronze I was Expecting to see kind of that dark tea Color but it's more of a dark gray Than anything else This one here was the used motor oil And that really looks good that's a Really a That's kind of a dark blue That's more of a bluing than anything Else almost like a gun blue On that color there I really like that One thing you do need to to realize is Like inside that head of course when we Go down and try to submerge it it's Probably got an air pocket there because The color is a little different there so If you were going to do that you may Want to drop it in there somehow turn it Sideways so the oil could get there as Well because it again it looks a little Bit different color more of a brownish Right inside that head but on the sides

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Here very blue looking effect dark blue And then here on the clean motor oil Clean motor oil is more of a more of a Bronze of course that could be dependent Upon which motor oil you use But again that's more on the bronze Brown side than it is the blue or the Black but still gives it a nice Appearance on the head of that Bolt And then finally this was the WD-40 that We actually submerged and that looks Really good actually Again same thing here we probably had an Air pocket here of course we were Dipping in that cap as well before it Melted but that's actually a pretty good Look to it so make sure you have a big Enough container that it doesn't Overheat and actually melt your Container and you may want to use more Of a tupperware or something like that But again the more fluid the more it Will stay cooler and not melt the Plastic but just a really cool effect That you could you can do with common Shop materials most people have oil Either vegetable oil motor oil used Motor oil boiled linseed oil but really It looks like you don't really have to Buy anything if you're going to do the Brass effect you have to have a solid Brass or a true brass brush not a brass Coated brush a lot of your brass brushes Are steel brushes just brass coated it

Needs to be a solid brass so that it Kind of braises on there or kind of Melts as you brush it on this one just Did a really good job Still a little warm and I probably could Have done a better job on the flats but On the top just gives a really good look I think that's what we built our Building out of anyway uh cool effect on That brass stuff I have to say that my favorite is the Brass however that's not going to look Good on everything that definitely Sticks out like a sore thumb so if if You're wanting to Accent the Fasteners Then definitely the brass is the way to Go if you like that but if you're just Wanting it to look good I like really All of these and they have some Different Hues to them so you can play With different oils to get different Hues got it real black on this one after A couple of treatments and will it come Off yes you can really you know you can Take a wire wheel and get this off but It's not really so much a coating as it Is just kind of impregnated with that With that burnt oil so it will come off Over time but it should be a rust Preventative for years to come some say Even decades so you know if it's under The hood and not outside the vehicle Then it will probably last for many many Years but anyway check it out easy

Process to do with materials you Typically have around the shop anyway Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and hey if You don't mind when you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already by all means if you hated our Video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep smiling