Is it a Drill Press? RYOBI RHS01 Rotary Tool Hobby Station

This RYOBI RHS01 Hobby Station is a very versatile tool, using a Rotary Tool to drill, sand, polish, etc. You can use this much like a miniature drill press, and you can index the head every 15 degrees, at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees. The great thing is that you can use the RYOBI rotary tools, cordless and corded, and you can also use a Dremel and Milwaukee as well. The Hobby Station comes by itself, and you adapt your own rotary tool. Available at the Home Depot.
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RYOBI RHS01 Hobby Station:

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This is the brand new Ryobi miniature Drill press not really let’s find out What it is [Music] This is the Ryobi rhs01 and it’s the Ryobi hobby station and that’s a great Name for this uh it does look like a Drill press it acts kind of like a drill Press but it’s used in tandem with Ryobi’s rotary tool or with a rotary Tool which rotary tool well there’s Actually several that it does work with Let’s dive in take a look at these Features we’ll unbox this thing put it Together pretty simple installation but Anyway we’ll put it all together then We’ll use it on some different tools and Different products then we’ll come back And talk about what we think of it as Well as pricing and warranty well this Is the new Ryobi rhs01 or their what They’re calling the Ryobi hobby station I would call it a mini drill press or a Cute drill press or something of that Fact anyway so let’s uh I don’t normally Do unboxings but I thought why not this Seem pretty simple we’ll see what comes In here Looks like the base the cardboard Looks like it’s gonna be pretty simple To set up so let’s figure this out That’s cool okay so that looks like a Reversible table perforated so I’m Assuming this set it’s vacuum capable oh

Yeah so you can put a Vacuum port in there whether there’s Your vacuum port So that’s cool so vacuum capable table Uh looks like you could probably flip This over yep so that’s where you can Clamp things to rulers right here That’s kind of cool Little dual purpose Okay looks like some bit holders Sure if they sit yeah okay so they sit On a shelf in there as well So you pull them out have your bits on There put them back in there close them Up that’s cool I like that they have a Storage area All right so that looks like the top There Assuming this comes off By the way I did not see any Instructions Oh Okay then Interesting So I pulled this out It’s a hex key here The set bolt right here So I’m going to loosen that because it Sticks through right through this hole Right here And then There’s also a little protrusion that Sticks up and that’s what keeps that Thing that just stuck out the bottom

There that falls out Obviously we don’t want that to stick Out the bottom So now we can Stick that in there like that Assuming Clamp that yep okay so now that’s seated All the way down it feels like And now let’s tighten that out Okay Okay so here is that two-stage pole uh That the actual press or the hobby Station kind of rides on and we can Loosen up this clamp and move it up and Down if we want to Um kind of like any old drill press if You will in a sense so this is that Two-stage pole and you see there’s a Pole inside of a pole and basically if You turn it there’s kind of a neutral Position and you can move this up and Down then you twist it to lock it in and That holds it in place I’m going to move That all the way down and then what we Have is we have this little adapter Right here and it Shoves down in there And then you can use that kind of as a Handle to move that up and down but also What happens is this little hook will Reside right there and I’m assuming what That is for is like a cable holder so if You’re if you’re using a corded or a Cord holder so if you’re using a corded

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Rotary tool which by the way that’s what This is for is for rotary tools then you Could run that cord over here and it Stays out of your way now also on here As I mentioned is the dust Port so Here’s the dust extraction Port that Comes with it so you push it in here and Then you can plug in your vacuum if you Have the right size or use an adapter Fitting whatever and then this is pretty Cool here a couple of thumb screws and a Couple of nuts on the back and you just Slide it in these grooves whichever way You want and so now you’ve got an Adaptable fence You know we can move that however we Need to and then I’m assuming there’s Something back there that’s kind of Capturing those nuts And now we can have a fence to ride up Against whether we put it there Or on this side We’ll have our weight however we want to Set that up so pretty cool we’ve kind of Got a a workable table here and a fence That we can clamp onto there Now up here on the head we have a depth Adjustment and we’ll show you here in a Moment when we hook up a rotary tool but You can see here at that point we’re About about a two inch travel So if we lock that in there Pull this all the way down we’re getting Two inches of travel or we could move

That down and limit that trowel to say An inch So now you’re setting your depth of cut Or your depth of drilling or grinding or Whatever you’re doing Right here you see basically kind of our Bevel adjustment and we get up to 90 Degrees rotation to one side so if I Loosen this thumb screw here I can’t go Any further this way but I can turn it And it indexes looks like every 15 Degrees So we have it at zero 15 30 45 60 75 and 90. so if I wanted to You know mount my rotary that way and Maybe have a sanding drum on it or Something and I could be you know Sanding or polishing whatever it is I Need to be doing Put it back on zero lock it down and now I’ve got a drill press motion again now We’ve got the Ryobi 12 volt rotary tool Kit and this comes with a like a 35 Piece accessory kit so it’s pretty cool And we’re going to see if obviously it Should work on on their Hobby station or drill press but this is A cordless version they also have a Corded version and it’s cool because This one comes with an accessory kit so Nice to have some different accessories So let’s try this one out first and then We’ll try a Dremel Dremel and see if That works but you can see how this

Attaches which is pretty cool Right here you see that kind of threaded Capture nut right there that uh that Rotates On the drill press head and I’m assuming I’m reading no instructions here but This probably comes off Um then I must have to so if I Need the wrench now Push my Arbor lock 10 millimeter takes that off by the way To change bits you don’t need a wrench You can just use that knurling right There but I’m actually having to take That off so I can remove this Because I am assuming this goes right on There like that yep But let’s first See if oh yeah So let’s first put our Collet back on And now the collet will slide through There And then we can tighten that up so now That is on there All right so we’ve got the rotary tool In there and now we can move that up and Down but let’s let’s go ahead and move This up So let’s put a drill bit in here Push our Arbor lock and Tighten that down that’s in good and Speed for us go to three Turn on

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[Laughter] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Laughter] That worked fine There’s definitely some movement in here When you press on it so you know you Have to be cognizant of that but it Definitely drills the hole And I don’t know how you would know Whether you’re straight up and down or Not whether you’re completely Plum I Guess you could put some type of bubble Level on the face of this but then you Would have to assume that it’s in Parallel with the bit so there’s no real Way to get dead on as to knowing that You’re perpendicular so You know if that’s of of Need for you Then I don’t know that this is the Station but otherwise let’s play around With some other things Let’s take out this bit I’m going to put on this uh little wire Wheel And then let’s uh Index this 90 degrees there we go And now we got a nasty piece of aluminum Diamond plate and we’ll just clean it up Again [Music] [Music] Put all the Polish pad real quick

[Music] So I’m just definitely not a jeweler Don’t have that polished out of course I Probably should have sanded a little Better but anyway so you can polish with It you can drum sand with it just Depending on what accessories you have With it So not a bad idea for the indexing Portion of it but let’s now try To see If we can get a different unit on this So I’m going to take this off And now let’s see if a standard Dremel Take that off And let’s see here Yep so standard thread it threads on now I can use a Dremel as well so I don’t Have to use the Ryobi I will say I Couldn’t put it this part back because This little hump right here looks like For like an ergonomic grip kind of gets In the way of the of the press of the Drill press or the hobby station so Turning it to the side but I can still Access my controls right here and turn It on Oh So that’s pretty cool The only difference is on on the Dremel I need this little uh this little nut Thing right here to actually Take uh the bits in and out because

That’s the wrench or you could just use A wrench but anyway that’s what and oh That’s kind of trouble-less I guess I could turn it just a touch but That’s the arbor lock right there To hold that so that I can then use this Wrench But again not the end of the world but It will work with your Dremel Now one more thing And I was curious because Ryobi has two Uh cable driven rotary tools so like a Professional style Dremel this one’s More of the hobbyist slash professional Style it will not work in here I was Hoping that maybe we could hang it up And hang it on our hook here but that is Not going to cut the thread on this is Much smaller than the one in this hole And then I check they’re really nice one With the aluminum body here it will not Work either so there’s no there’s no Threads here to capture that but I was Hoping that maybe these will work on There they will not this is a really Nice rotary tool by the way as good as Any really any rotary tool we have used So love the cable drive you get a lot a Lot more of a professional feel when You’re using one of these so you’re Handheld uh your Dremel your your Ryobi 12 volt even I believe the three and a Half or four volt whatever it is Cordless will work it on it as well and

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Then even your corded models uh as long As you have that that thread design There it’s going to thread into this and Lock in and finally I was really curious Because uh this reminded me of something That’s Um a few years old and that is this the M12 rotary tool so will it work well Let’s find out Well would you look at that So there we have it The M12 rotary tool [Music] Works absolutely fine in there And it’s it’s not getting it’s not Hitting anywhere on the back side like The Dremel does so that would work Absolutely fine [Music] As we mentioned in the video it’s really Cool how you install these very simple Process on capturing that front thread That’s that’s common on dremel tools or Dremel tools uh Ryobi dremel tools are Ryobi rotary tools as well as even their Plug-in models however it does not work With their cable driven rotary tools Wish it did but it does not so they’re Kind of plastic handle rotary tool nor Their aluminum handled rotary tool cable Driven will work with this but all of or Most of their other rotary tools all That we know of it will work with even The older M12 that I think we’ve had

That probably four or five years will Mock up into this or or thread into this Very quickly so we love that aspect of It but as we mentioned just a little bit Too much Flex in here to really be Anything professional be great for a Hobbyist great for somebody that’s you Know playing around with crafts and Things like that but if you’re getting Real detailed and very specific I just Too much flexion in here deflection in Here for it to be able to handle any of That but a really cool idea and looks Like you could use it on a ton of Different things and we love all the uh You know all the hidden areas where you Can you know Mount put your bits and Things like that and even I’m sure the The vacuum attachment here will come in Very handy 99 bucks from Home Depot you Could find it at also you Can find it at your local Home Depot and It’s the Rhs01 so be sure to check it out also Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don’t mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven’t done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video then give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep smiling