It’s worse than I thought… Demolishing My Old Shop

I’m starting to make this old shop into my dream shop and it starts with ripping everything out!
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Today I'm starting my journey to turn this 
old shop into my dream shop and it starts   With ripping everything out so we can have a clean 
slate I found a ton of issues some small and some   Pretty darn big and also I found some things that 
we're not going to talk about This video is sponsored by WD40 Brand So this is just a  standard metal pole barn and at the end of the day 
I want everything to look like this so it's nice   And clean and we can actually frame up some new 
walls if you saw the property tour video you know   That this office was actually a deer butchering 
room so I feel like we need to really make sure   That we keep this deer poster and we've definitely 
been seeing some weird things around here if you   See any deer ghosts in the video let me know down 
in the comments how many you end up seeing but   I'm gonna pull this down and we're definitely 
going to find a spot for that in the new shop Oh We do have a lot of good material up here on the 
wall so I'm going to be taking all that down and   Trying to save as much as I can we're gonna have 
a ton of OSB and probably quite a few two by fours   As well I found some hidden goodies up here and 
I was taking off this next piece and uh I almost   Got cracked in the head by a grease gun so uh yeah 
there's that all right we'll keep going thank you All right some more hidden goodies 
it's like a boat uh signal light oh   A water pump repair kit like a bag 
of gold that's what I'm looking for This is just absolutely disgusting 
there's like a thousand years of rat   Poop but I'm definitely masking up because uh 
I think you should be breathing in rat poop   Guano whatever else I'm gonna find in here I 
can't wait to see what's in the office walls We found what we were looking for probably 
gonna have to uh blur this out for uh Liz   Playing at home oh my gosh yes definitely this 
is uh from February 2003 issue number 22 of   I I can't even read the name of the magazine yes Naughty naughty before we jump into the 
office I want to take down these shelves   And I'm gonna move one section of them back 
over into the Breezeway because we're gonna   Be pulling some stuff out of the office 
there and it'll be nice to have a little   Spot to put them back there and we can have 
them under the cover of the Breezeway all   Right we didn't have any good enough names 
for this guy so we're not keeping them What is going on here all 
right I am done with this   It's gonna break out the big guns we're 
just gonna saw these things in half I need to cut the top one I can't use them now but they're out Oh gosh so found another set of deer antlers 
behind the wall they're still ranging around here   Somewhere but this whole thing if I could sum up 
the entire construction of the shop in one picture  

It would be this right here I mean honestly   Doesn't every joint need 
five screws and five nails Second set of shells it's kind of like your 
second kid first one you take a lot of care   And time and check everything right the second 
one just hope they don't die or let you go back   All right with all these walls getting exposed 
I'm really starting to get excited and really   Starting to feel the whole width and size of the 
shop with less clutter around here and this is   30 feet wide so it's almost twice as wide as my 
current shop which is about 18 feet so let's call   It 66 percent bigger honestly guys it is crazy 
when I think about just having a space like this   And compared to where I started I had my first 
shop over 20 years ago it was in Cincinnati in   This little house it was a 1907 build and the 
walls were literally stacked stone with like   Mortar put in there so there's water in there 
all the time and it was moist and the ceiling   Was like seven and a half feet tall so going 
from that and then my next shop was in another   Basement and that one was definitely better eight 
foot ceilings this time then my next shop I think   Eight and a half foot ceilings which was great 
also in a basement then when we moved down to   Nashville I finally got into the garage shop that 
I'm in today before coming here and just looking   Around here and seeing this and seeing how far 
I've come and the journey to get here has been   Awesome so I am so excited to be here and have 
you guys along with me but as you can see I've Every single piece of Lumber in here because 
you know that's what I do I'm I'm a nerd so   It's going to be really fun to just play around 
with it and I would love to hear from you what   Are your best shop layout tips and tricks or 
what do you wish you had done that you didn't   Do when you're building out your shop because 
I'm right in the midst of that of planning and   I want to just absorb as much as I can so let 
me know what you guys think but now I can start   Unloading stuff from the office and I'm going 
to be interested to see what we find if that   Little magazine was any indication we'll see if 
we find their other secret stash let's get going All right after some coercing I did 
get that down I also found the stash   How many of you've been drinking beer now you'd 
seen the cases if I was drinking beer hiding   Uh beer cases I guess that's what we're doing 
okay you've got to be kidding me the love for   Nails I have never seen anything like it uh 
the cabinet is actually screwed in but also   Nailed it I've never seen a cabinet nailed 
to the wall ah see if we can get this out Foreign Doesn't knock over the camera All right Now amazingly we do have uh cleaning 
supplies and they're unused I think we   Know why but I'm really excited about 
is the audiovox 5cd changer all right  

Let's see if this works first of 
all oh standby there we go mother We definitely have some sound we do have 
the storage for six extra CDs in the cases   Gotta Love That Let's see if it'll play I can 
hear it spinning it's not playing it's probably   Scratched I'll have to figure that out later 
because we need to know what CD is in there So good All here and uh got on all taken down and 
cleaned up it's just this place is so dirty   But now I'm gonna get this freezer in the 
fridge out of the way and I went ahead and   Cleaned half of the freezer I'll let you guess 
which half I cleaned yeah that looks real nice   Oh oh this place is so disgusting so next time 
you see nasty fridge don't throw it out just   Give it to melbow grease and hope nothing's 
rotten on the inside which this one was fine Now we do have some water here which is awesome 
so we actually have two little sinks here because   You know when you're butchering deer you need 
two sinks and a little place apparently and we   Also have this surface mounted electrical so I'm 
going to take care of all of this get this out   And hope that that shutoff valve actually works uh 
and then we can be ready to take everything else   Down and start getting into the walls I'm gonna 
go ahead and shut the water off to the shop and   That's in the crawl space which was filled with 
mold if you remember from the last video but we   Did have that taken care of and now check it out 
it is nice and clean in there all of that mold   Is gone a little insulation work still needs 
to be done but it is looking so much better   And now we won't uh get black lung supposed 
to start cutting this out that's the best Oh this P-trap is absolutely disgusting oh I 
think that's uh I think that's deer guts oh That's gonna empty that This smells horrible too oh gosh should have 
thought about the fact that this would have to   Drain actually tilt this on its back there we 
go all right five pans worth of water and uh I   Think we're good now that little hot water here 
was absolutely disgusting I think he had told me   He hadn't run it in many years so that water was 
just stale and stagnant but I'm taking the power   Out to it and again I don't think anything should 
surprise me at this point but this is like a hint   Of a electrical connection I have not unscrewed 
this at all this is just how it was I feel like   I could breathe on that the wrong way and that's 
going to come out or Arc and set the place on fire There was still a lot in here All right I'm taking the last Outlet off of the 
interior wall of the office over by the desk   And I'm tracing it over here I was looking 
for a junction box and instead I found this   I believe that's what they call the redneck 
junction box which is just a big wad of wires   Electrical tape together oh my gosh so these wires 
are charred and so is the insulation Vapor Barrier   All right this is uh coming down not a second 
too soon last thing to go before we start ripping  

Down the Walls will be the old elevator door it 
already took off the little stop up here this   Thing is probably going to be super heavy I'm just 
gonna roll it off and kind of hope for the best   Oh that's heavy store's staying here forever 
two layers of quarter inch thick sheath All right let's move this thing out 
hold on hold on hold on like what   Should we keep this or should we just get rid 
of it I mean this thing is super cool like it's   Really cool but where are we gonna put it and what 
are we gonna do with it you're asking like logical   Questions here I do not like this this uh no that 
is a great point though this is probably something   That uh I will hold on to for 10 or 20 years and 
then finally get rid of it at some point uh we're   Not going to have any doors in here to open really 
all right guys I need help my wife is uh asking   Very valid questions and we need some ideas for 
this door let me know in the comments what you   Think the best idea is and maybe we can save it 
one idea is to sell it just get the garage door   All right yet another Saga we're trying to get 
the door open and having a bit of an issue kidding All right that other door is actually pretty good 
and this one I don't know what's going on with it   It's all whacked out so I'm gonna go ahead and 
repair this real fast and just give it a little   Tune-up because we got to get in and out of this 
door since all the cabinets are stacked up over   There like everything else this has not been 
maintained and it looks really dry looks like   It needs to be lubed up as well as some alignment 
issues the sponsor today's video is WD-40 brand   They've been a long time sponsor of the channel 
so I've got some WD-40 specialist white lithium   Grease and I'm just going to go through here 
and just soak down everything make sure it's all   Nice and lubed up so the white lithium grease 
is great for applications like this for metal   On metal and the little bearings are metal and the 
rails are metal so it is a rust inhibitor and it   Also just gives you a long lasting lubrication 
so this is perfect for tuning up garage doors   Now the white lithium grease is great but of 
course we have the WD-40 multi-use product this   Is the one we all know and love I definitely 
brought this one along because if anything is   Squeaky or just is not moving this one is great 
and then another one that's great for demo work   Is the w40 specialist penetrant and this is if 
you have any locked nuts or bolts this one works   Great the WD-40 brand has a whole a lineup of 
products I'm gonna have a link Down Below in the   Description to these and some of my favorites so 
you can go check them out a big thank you to WD-40   Brand for sponsoring today's video definitely 
better all right so now we can finally start   Ripping down the office I'm actually going to 
start with the exterior so I can pull that down   Remove all the insulation and then it'll have 
light inside because if I start on the inside   Then I have to turn off the lights and it'll be 
super dark in there so we'll do the sides then   Probably move to the top and go from there there's 
a little time lapse let me ripping everything down All right with all the sheathing off now 
I can start taking it down the insulation  

Here and I'm not messing around this time last 
time I dealt with insulation I was itching for   Like a week and it was horrible so I've got the 
whole Timex suit on we're gearing up man them   Say what you want I'm gonna not be itching tonight Me Oh my God I am soaking wet from my head to my toes 
uh just oh it's like I was trying to lose weight   Again in high school during a wrestling match 
or something uh I bailed out because my eyes   Were starting to burn and it was just so hot up 
there so I got a couple rows up at the top but man   The old insulation is no joke try it 
again tomorrow so I started off today   By ripping off the OSB on this wall and 
I found something I can only describe as   The mouse Motel I don't know check this 
out this whole Bay of insulation is just   Completely eaten up by mice it looks like one 
of those ant farms when you look at it but from   The side and you can see all the tunnels and 
there's some more over here there's holes so   If there was any hope of saving this insulation 
definitely not and as I start pulling it out   I think the odds are pretty high that we're 
gonna find Stuart Little so we'll see where he's   Been hiding so I'm gonna finish up this wall I'm 
going to suit back up to get rid of the insulation Oh That sucked worse than yesterday Yeah that ceiling plywood is still on there 
because I need to take the lights down but   Uh for now I gotta get some water before I pass 
out all right guys time to rip down the ceiling Just like a bland hail All right we got all the ceiling out and so now 
I can start taking out those upper joists and do   Not do what I did uh you know get two people I 
don't know I don't know how the right way to do   It but I almost killed myself like three times 
from those things falling down it was it was not   Cool but we are starting to get quite a load of 
OSB and I'm starting to move it all around and   I'll tell you what this little panel carrier from 
Craig is awesome highly recommend one of these if   You're going to be moving a whole bunch of 
sheet Goods makes it a lot easier but next   Up I'm going to take out the ceiling joist and 
then start pulling down the Walls let's get to it Everything That was awesome pushing down this wall really 
has opened up this space and man I can't wait   To get these down and just have everything done 
but I just sometimes wonder how did I get here   How did I did this for my job and want to thank 
you guys for helping support the whole journey   And allowing me to do content creation for full 
time and that's one of the questions I actually   Get asked the most is how do I get into this and 
how do you do it we actually have a course coming   Up that's going to help you figure that out if 
you're interested you can go to a little link Down  

Below in the description the 
forward slash fix this build that it's gonna be   Me and for my friends who you know they're all 
up here somewhere and uh we're gonna just tell   You how we all became content creators and 
basically cut out the learning curve for you   If you're interested go check it out all right 
let me get the rest of these walls down foreign Guys this is getting rough I just took this 
wall down and it looks really bad right there   So here's the normal spacing of these uh support 
beams you can see this one does not follow here   And then this one is actually raised up and then 
this one is completely missing but the part that's   So Troublesome is this look at this yes there 
is a nothing there that is rotten wood I was   Wondering why this was shaking so much so yeah 
this whole wall is basically not supported over   Here I was all ready to wrap up the video with 
a little Victory lap knocking this thing down   Now I've got a jump back in the suit 
get all this insulation out of there   Which I didn't know it was there and 
then just see how bad it is but uh   Spirits are a little bit down nothing that 
I don't think can be fixed but man I was   Not I was not expecting that so oh well 
surprises that you find in an old Workshop Foreign Well that was a complete disaster and 
I'm gonna clean that up later but I did   Find something out of the old CD player Jimmy 
Buffett greatest hit songs You Know by heart   Jimmy rest in peace I hope you earned 
that cheeseburger paradise if you are   Seeing the full property tour I got the video 
queued up for you right there a big thank you   To the fdbt boaters club I'm Brad get 
out there and build something awesome
