Jackery Explorer 2000 Plus Solar Generator – Expand up to 24,000 Wh [24 Kwh]

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Never run out of power, no matter where you are, with the Jackery Explorer 2000 Plus Solar Generator.

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Can we push this jackary 2000 WT solar Generator past 3,000 WTS of [Music] Output this is the jackary Explorer 2000 Plus solar generator so more than just a Power station it's a solar generator Because we've also got with two of their 200 wat solar panels This supposedly Puts out 200 Watts at 18 volts when the Sun is shining now there's plenty of Cool features that they claim but let's Take a closer look at each one of those And then we'll come back and talk about Pricing and warranty and what we think Of it we've got the jackary Explorer 2000 plus and this is not just a power Station it's a power station and a solar Generator big difference there uh we can Actually stack up to uh the possibility Of stacking their 200 W solar panels Which we'll go in detail in just a Moment uh and charge this very quickly It will also charge off of 120 volt uh Standard outlet in under two hours from 0 to 100% I believe like a 100 minutes Uh up to 80% so very fast charging and You get 2,000 watts of continuous output And 3,000 watts of surge output and the Other great thing about this is It's Stackable in other words you can add to That wattage output where you could Stack two of these together and have a Connecting cable and even have 240 volts Out you can also stack additional uh

Capacity or wat hours where you're just Stacking power stations on top of one Another and linking them together to Provide up to like 24,000 wat hours out Now I typically don't show a box on this But when I see boxing that's done very Well I like to show it all So first thing this is a very heavy unit We'll weigh it in a moment to show you But basically it's full of lithium Phosphate batteries so it's not a light Unit by any means and you kind of fill The quality in it uh right here on the Top is your bag of goodies like your Accessories things like that that comes With the unit so it looks like A so there's your 12vt auxiliary for Your vehicle to be able to charge This I like that it looks like the theme Is orange kind of hard to miss and hard To lose an orange cord looks like the Charging cord I'm sure we probably got An adapter in there this plugs into or It may be built in and that plugs Directly into the unit but that looks Like a charging cable love the fact that They already have the velcro straps on There and then it looks like we have Some adapter ends Here as well we'll check that out later Pull the foam top off it's probably Going to want to lay down there we go And this is brand new with jackary and This is basically

The telescoping handle there to wheel This thing around so that hides nice and Flush there on the top so nothing Sticking in the Way so I just wanted to point out that This was packaged very well so it looks Like we get all black or it may be a a Dark charcoal gray and orange Accents venting on the side Big Orange Handle here to grab and carry rubber Wheels or at least a rubber coated wheel It's been very nice looks like it's Probably a bearing maybe a good bushing But and again that telescoping handle That comes out and Tucks Away really Nice DC expansion Port just kind of Getting an idea I believe that's your Connection cable if you want to stack Two of these Together and then your there's your Charging port right there so it looks Like basically you're charging Transformer which is usually a kind of a Big brick when you look at these uh Power stations so usually you have a big Brick Like A a laptop would have or a Computer would have but we don't have to Worry about that now because it looks Like it's built in cuz our cord plugs Directly into here then here's our DC Inputs that would be for our solar Panels as Well here on the side looks like we have A small port for AC output reset so I

I'm assuming if if you trip the breakers Maybe you could push those and reset it And one thing that I'm Noticing again these are just kind of Additional nice to have these big orange Rubber pads so when it sits down it's Nice and soft you don't feel it like Grinding away from hard plastic uh so It's got a nice soft sit to it and it it Also wants to grab it doesn't want to Move around or slide around like a hard Plastic would be to give you an idea of The size of this uh full length of this Is just over 18 in so about 18 and 1/4 In long and height on it is under 15 in So right at 14 and 3/4 In if you look at the width of the top Right at 13 in maybe a touch over 13 in With the wheels sticking out you're Looking it right at 14 in so just shy of 14 in in depth so we're going to try and Weigh this it's got a 75 lb limit and From what that feels like I don't think We're at 75 but it does have some heft To it So it looks like we're at 61 lb and 132 O so about 62 lb for this Allin so you Get a continuous output of 2,000 Watts With this unit and up to a 3,000 watt Surge so if something kind of kicks it Hard like a refrigerator starting Something like that initially and it Goes up to say 2500 2800 it should be Able to handle that as long as it comes

Back down and it sustains at somewhere Below 2,000 now Max wat hours which is Basically your tank how long it will run That's 2,42 wat hours but it's stackable so you Can add up to five more of the 2,000 wat Batteries so you're looking at adding Another 10,000 wat hour so arguably 12,000 wat hours alog together and then You can actually stack two of these Units kind of in a series if you will For 240 volts out and you can get up to 24,000 wat hours out and up to 6,000 watts of surge output now we have Not yet powered this up at all you Literally saw us pull it from the box we Have not cheated and opened this yet I'm Assuming to hold this Down maybe not yeah there we go so it's Powering up now so we're at 28% let's go ahead and take Our so it's not only going to show you The balance of the battery but it's also Going to show you how how much you're Outputting as well as how much you're Inputting this is another great Point Some power stations uh some battery run Power stations are limited to either Outputting or inputting in other words You can either charge them or you can Use them this has got pass through Charging so in other words you can Actually charge this at the same time as You're using it as well and again it's

Letting you know how many watts are Coming in how many watts are going out You also see this little Bluetooth and Wi-Fi sign you can connect this with an App with a jackary app on your Smartphone and we'll go over that here In just a few moments now this plug here This is your 30 amp output a lot of your RVs have this so it's still 120 volts But it's a 30 amp plug so you can pull From here go into your RV or whatever You're using uh to power and that's uh 30 amps through that 120 volt plug and The rest of these are your standard 20 Volt uh Outlets but they are 20 amps Each unlike most of your homes typically Are maxed out at 15 amps these are Actually 20 amp Outlets so you can run Some of those more high performance High Demanding tools off of these Outlet now To utilize these Outlets you have to Actually have to power them on which is A great thing because when you're Turning these on you're actually using An inversion process you're actually Using an onboard inverter that is Draining a little bit of power from Those batteries because we're turning That DC power into AC power that's going Through these Outlets so if you're not Using them go ahead and turn that off so You don't need it same thing here if You're want to utilize the USB ports Over here you can turn those on or turn

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Them off and then we also have a 12volt Port right here some may call that a Cigarette lighter adapter or cigarette Lighter Port that's what I grew up Calling them but most of the time now You're hearing that call a 12vt car or 12volt auxiliary whatever you want to Call that I I think you get it now if You'll notice right here it says we have Two USB a ports and two USBC PD ports or 100 wat Max ports now The cool thing about this is these are Independent of one another in other Words you don't have to split the 100 Watts across these two PD ports you Actually get 100 Watts here and 100 Watts there 18 Watts here 18 Watts there So charging your devices is going to Happen very quickly also on the AC side Many times people want to know Especially when they're used to using Generators uh where you get some kind of Dirty power this is pure sinewave power In other words it's going to be safe on Your small electronic so charging your Cell phones charging your iPads charging Your computers um any electronic devices It's going to be absolutely fine with Pure sine wave that curve is going to be Nice and smooth it's not going to be Dirty it's going to stay nice and Continuous now I am curious so so we've Got our screen on you see the screen Actually automatically went off after a

While you can just touch the button and That screen will light back up I am Going to take my charger and plug this In I want to see how many watts we're Going to get in on This so open up my door back Here just plug this In so now I'm going to plug it In okay so took about 10 15 seconds for It to actually trigger that wow that's Charging pretty quick okay so it looks Like it's using about 1,500 watts and if You take a 15 amp circuit uh times 120 Volts that's basically your max output On a typical household Outlet is about 1,800 Watts so it's really tapping out That outlet for the most part and Pulling 1500 watts to charge this really Quickly and it's telling me look right There it says it's going to take an hour And a half to charge that to 100% so we May fast forward through this but Basically I've downloaded the app and it Says either log in or create an account And I'm going to create an Account paste in my verification Code so I need to I'm assuming add a Device let's try to add a device Bluetooth configuration mode please make Sure the Bluetooth icon is flashing Before proceeding to the next step So the Bluetooth emblem is not flashing Anymore I'm assuming I probably should Read but let's try to power this

Down so I pulled out the plug and now I'm going to shut this Down okay so now we powered the unit Down I'm assuming when I turn this back On it's going to go Into looking for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi yeah there we go okay so I see it Flashing and I'm going to say next Jackary would like to use Bluetooth Okay cool okay so uh bounce sucessful do You want to connect to Wi-Fi sure why Not so we'll paste Our okay configuration successful uh We're at 35% power uh it tells me it's 25.1 de C I have no idea what that means I know 0 degrees is freezing but I'm a Fahrenheit type guy anyway I'm sure I Can change that in the settings but it Tells me that we have zero input and Zero output let's plug that charger back In So now we've got the charger plugged In and it tells us that we have over 1,000 Watts now 1,400 Watts coming in so it looks like it's a Little bit of a lag from the screen but Still if you're you know sitting away at The campfire or something like that you Can still monitor what's going on with Your solar Generator so I can also turn my screen Off like I just did and I can also turn It on for two minutes turn it on for two Hours right there from the app so that's Pretty cool so right here from the

Screen I can go to the settings and There's some cool things you can do in Here one of the things is the charging Settings so right here where it says Charging settings fast charging mode Right here I can turn it to quiet Charging mode where I think it will slow Down the charge but it'll also probably Back down the fans so rather than like 42 DB it's down below like 30 DB so see I got a screen icon right up here has a Little volume or speaker thing and I did Hear the fan kind of Throttle Down even Though it wasn't loud and again I think It's like from 42 DB to 30 so a lot of Times at night you start picking up Those things when everything's quiet so I'm assuming that's what that's for is You can actually turn that down and go Into quiet charging mode and have a Really silent charging let's go back to Fast and and now you see the wattage Going back up so yeah it throttled that Way down to like 300 300 400 watts now It's going back up to that probably 1500 Watts of charging and you'll probably Also hear the fans ramp up as well we Going to have hibernation settings in Here for auto off time uh so 2 hours 8 Hours 12 hours 24 hours or never so you Can set That you can also set the battery Settings and if I go into here into Battery saving mode this is actually

Pretty cool Uh this will extend the life of your Battery they're saying up to 30% and Basically what it's going to do and many Times the way most people use these Typically you can get away with just Using it in battery saving mode so what It's going to do now is it's going to Charge this up to 85% so it's going to Stop charging at 85% and it's going to stop supplying Power at 15% and if it's hooked up to Something it'll start charging at at 80% So in other words it's going to keep the Usage of this between the 15% and 85% of Power which again most people can use That with no problem and if not you need To tap into that lower Supply or charge It up higher you can turn off this Battery saving mode but it's worth it to Extend the life and the uh the charge Life of these batteries which by the way I believe it's up to 4,000 charges There's still at least 70% power left in The life of these batteries And these are lithium iron phosphate Batteries or life po4 batteries um so Have a very long charge life as far as Charge cycles but if you do utilize the Battery saving mode that's going to Extend those batteries even Longer okay so let's turn our screen Back on of course I could have done that From my unit here now these are the

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Jackary solar Saga 200 solar panels and These things are really quite something Very cool package that they come in and These are serious solar panels they work Really really well and they're very very Functional as well as they package up Really nice as well that's one thing About jackary for sure is uh their Thought and uh their quality control Into the packaging side of things is Really really nice and it feels nice and Stable when you're setting these up as Well as packing them away so basically You have the the cover here uh and then You have the actual solar panel which You kind of pick this up and it stays Together for a second so magnets that Actually hold these together here at the Ends where the handles are so you can Carry these out of the pack if you want To but really cool idea with the handles So there's no straps or connectors you Have to do and these are basically kind Of a quad fold so you can see here They're going to fold out with three Different seams so basically four Different panels in here and by the way They have these little kickstands built On the here as well so we'll take this Out and set it up in just one moment so Really cool design to these panels that Again are quite functional even though They are flexible right here in the Pouch of each one of these this zipper

Pouch reach in here pull this out so There's your actual cable that goes from Your output which is right here straight To the unit and by the way you have a 90° connector pull that off you have a Straight connector as well You get 200 watts of output or up to 200 Watts of output at 18 volts so Connecting two of these you can get up To 400 wats of power coming in from the Sun so here's our output from the solar Panel there's a little rubber flap right Here open that up and that's where our Cable is going to plug In kind of dummy proof it's only going To go in one Way won't go in that Way whe go that way and then we take our Other end and plug it into the jackary Solar generator so let's see what we're At right now with power so we're at 53% I've got a combination belt sander Here these don't draw a whole bunch of Power I just thought I'd see how it Does oh doesn't work right now have to Turn this On now we're Good so without a draw on the sander Without actually kind of you know Pushing it any we're outputting 235 234 Watt so let's uh put a little strain on [Music] It so it looks like up to about 13 00 [Music]

Wat and right now it's saying that we Have about 100 hours of run time on this Well there's no way it's going to run That 100 hours but the reason is because We're plugged in with our plug and Actually charging the unit so that's why It's saying 100 hours Let's actually Shut off the charging and then see how Long it says okay now I've got my Charging off now let's turn this On So now you see at 260 Watts it's saying It'll run This For a few hours anyway it's clicking Down because it was at 100 now it's kind Of taking the average and it should Settle down here in a in a few moments Yeah so it settled down at 3.8 hours now When I put a load on [Music] It you see now it's going down to 2.1 2 Hours something like that so once I Loaded up and it's taken into account We're only at 55% charge and it's going To shut off at 15% so it's letting you Know how long it's going to run that Until it gets to that cut off time and By the way we'll test the max output on This in just a moment okay this is our Very sophisticated testing rig no it's About as unsophisticated as it comes Very analog uh using old hallogen 500 Wat bulbs we can basically trigger uh

Different sets of these to come on to Increase the power to see how much power Output we can actually pull from here And to see where it actually trips so We're going to Plug I don't think we need all Four but we'll go ahead and plug in Three of These and let's turn those On there we go and we're going to pull Our charger so we're not charging so We're at 60% And we're at 0o Watts out right now and What we're going to do by the way you're Going to get a big flash in the camera So I'm going to show you what I'm going To do and then we'll Shield the camera And we'll point it straight at the Screen so you can actually see what's Going on but basically I'm going to call On with one flip of a Switch it's going to turn those lights On and it's going to turn two on at a Time but I do have one switch down here Where I can turn this on and it only Turns on one bulb but the bottom line is As I turn these on more and more of them You're going to be watching the screen Here and it's going to tell you how many Watts we're pulling all right so we're Looking at the screen we're at 60% power We've got zero output now this is Changing just because I just turn those Switches on to show you uh but that will

Settle down here in a moment but I'm Going to call one of these on should be Somewhere around 1,000 Watts so yeah 987 Watts 984 so obviously it has no problem Pulling 984 so let me call on another Set should bring us somewhere around That 1800 Mark yeah 1898 so right at 1,00 watts is What it's pulling now so the max output Is supposed to be right at 2,000 watts And then it's supposed to be able to Surge at 3,000 Watts so I'm going to go Ahead and call on 500 More so there's 2330 curious how long this is going to Take to trip because now we're over the Amount it Says so I would say we've been over four Five 10 seconds now is still pulling That this is impressive because other Power stations that we've tested they Instantly tripped when we went over that 2,000 Mark so we're pulling 120 volts 2329 Watts out right now and have been For probably close to a minute Now and by the way at this output you Can see it's only going to run that uh 4/10 of an hour so that's about 24 Minutes wow I'm pretty impressed I Really am I I really thought we would Have tripped that by now and maybe I'm Wondering if we go over kind of like a

2500 threshold if it will will trip but Let's uh I'm going to call off the 500 Watts so it should settle down below 2,000 now I'm going to call on another Thousand it should trip I'm expecting it To trip Now so 2850 Wow I'm really impressed that it's a Sustaining this this long we're past 30 Seconds now so we've got the jackary 2000 watt solar generator that we're Actually Pulling 2833 Watts out of it should be tripping By now but it's not okay let's go ahead And call in another 500 watts and see if It Trips 3275 Watts out so finally after I don't Know probably a minute of running at 3200 plus Watts it finally just trip the Inverter very Impressed so now I'm curious if I can Turn this off and turn it back on and it Will reset or I'm wondering if I have to Actually retrip reset those Breakers let's see if I turn a switch on Here yeah so it reset itself so I didn't Have to manually push those buttons so Basically I turn this off and back on it Resets the inverter and now up and Running again by the way I probably Should have had a camera on here as well

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But this one right here was glowing red Uh I don't know if it maybe got a little Bit less of a connection definitely not Going to touch it that's red hot right Now in fact all of this aluminum is very Hot right now uh but anyway this was Actually glowing Red call these on Again so yeah that's so there's 1900 Watts and this is the one that was Actually glowing red so you can see it's Not quite lighting up as much but we're At 2,800 Watts right there then I called On another one and so there's 3750 3,800 Watts right there I'm not going to push It Again so let's go ahead and turn on our Screen here and you see we're at 45% Zero input zero output we've got the two Solar panel cords let's go ahead and set These up we've got the jackary solar Saga 200 Solar panels set up they are very quick To set up take seconds much less than a Minute to set these up because they have Their own uh stands and feet if you will That that tuck away so you can fold Those out and set whatever angle you Need to on these we've had tons of Clouds and rain over the past 4 days Here in Central Florida so we've got a Little bit of sunshine uh but definitely Still a lot of cloud cover but let's see How much we're producing definitely no

Rocket science here Just lift the rubber Flap plug in your Cord so right now we're at 0er Watts Plug in the first Panel let's see what we Get 180 Watts so that's really pumping Out 180 out of 200 is pretty good so Let's plug in the second One wow 393 Watts that is some pretty good Efficiency Out of 200 watt panels so we're almost Getting 100% efficiency out of these Panels when the sun is Shining so Sun's tucking behind the Clouds right now so we're only getting 193 Watts out of both so about 50% a Little less than 50 and you'll see that As that shade moves away or as that Sun Peaks out this will go right back up so We're down as low as 90 Watts 89 Watts Now because we have a basically a rain Cloud going over the top of the sun Right now so the sun is now starting to Peek out and it just jumped from 90 to 278 now to 387 so again very impressed With the efficiency of these panels to Be 200 Watts a piece that means 400 Watts total and we're actually pulling More than 90% of that when the sun's out Again now 385 Watts Again 425 so we're actually over Producing from what the panels state so

We're pulling in 4 430 Watts right now Of charging and it says 3.2 hours to Charge this so that's really a pretty Short time frame to have only two solar Panels and to be able to charge this in Less than 3 Hours so a couple of things we really Like about this number one it pushes way Past the power limit that they claim it Has other power stations that we've Tested as soon as we eclipse what they Claim was continuous output they tripped Not on this one It would push way past 2,000 watts and Sustain it and then even quite a ways Past 3,000 watts and sustain it for a Little bit before it actually tripped Now in the video we showed it just kind Of tripping the inverter that we had to Turn it off and back on again and then It was fine one other time we actually Got it to trip the actual breaker in Here just open up this flap here push The breaker in and then you were good to Go again so very quick either way Whether it's actually tripping the Breaker or it's just tripping the Inverter and shutting that off it's Basically turning it off and back on and You're good to go again we also like the Fact that the solar panels way output The claimed 200 watts each we were Actually inputting way above 400 watts I Believe like 435 Watts at one time which

Again these are claiming 200 Watts a Piece and we're getting way past that so We like the fact that the it's actually Outperforming the claims that they have Now one thing to note on the solar Panels the actual covers that they go on When you unzip them all the way they're Kind of a pain to get started really a Small thing but just so you know uh you Could use two hands and get it started And it was absolutely fine they really Have great quality covers and zippers on These but I just wanted you to note that That when you open it all the way and Try to zip it back up you may have a Little trouble and have to use two hands To get it started again now pricing on These typically this thing's usually Around $22,000 but you can actually get This for $659 for the Explorer 2000 plus but They've actually got a deal right now Where these usually run about $700 a Piece for these solar panels if you get Two solar panels and the Explorer 2000 Plus you're going to get that for 2259 And not only that they're also going to Throw in their 240 W kind of personal Power Station if you will so great for Charging cell phones charging laptops And very handy to carry much handier Than this this going to weigh you know Around 62 lbs so a little heftier to Just kind of you know throw in your

Backpack and carry that around Regardless a great deal if you're Wanting solar panels to add that to the Set and you're getting a lot better deal On it now the solar generator has a Three-year warranty and the solar panels Have a 2-year warranty however if you Purchase it on the jackary site you Actually get two more years on the solar Generator so 5 years total and you get One more year 3 years total on the solar Panels again if you purchase it directly From the jackary website also they're Having a lot of other Black Friday deals So be sure to check those out and then Finally these cords hard to get lost When they're nice bright orange also Very high quality on the cords Connecting to the solar panel the Charging cord love the fact that there Were no charging puck you had to add to This it's all on board the solar Generator and that it charges really Quickly whether you're using the solar Panels or whether you're using the Charger cord to plug in the wall or to An outlet hey be sure to keep track of Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would You hit that like And subscribe button If you haven't done so already and by All means if you hated our video well Give us a thumbs down but would you let Us know in the comments why have a great

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