We put the VTOMAN V150 Jump Starter to good use with our 1995 Chevy 454 that had a dead battery. In just a few seconds, we had the leads hooked up and ready to turn the key. Even after using the 150 PSI air compressor on the same battery, the jump starter started the 454 without hesitation. You can get this VTOMAN 2500A Jump Starter for just $89 and this includes the 150 psi air compressor as well. #jumpstarter #battery #amazon
VTOMAN V150 Jump Starter:
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It sucks it charges and it'll even pump Your car tire up if you have a flat We're talking about the vitamin v150 Okay we're not real sure on how to Pronounce the name but you see the Spelling we're going to call it veto men And this is the v150 and it comes as a Kit with a battery pack that's supposed To put out 2500 amps and an air Compressor head as well as the jump Starter cables and that comes in one Single kit and then you can expand that Kit into a vacuum as well as other tools Now let's take a closer look and see the Specifications of each of these and then Of course we're going to use it because We got a great test subject a couple of Great test subjects then we'll come back And talk about pricing these are the Vitamin or vitomen or tomin however you Pronounce this name I'm not quite sure But it's V-t-o-m-a-n tools and batteries it's a Pretty cool system at first when we got This we weren't sure what we thought About it but it's actually a pretty cool System and let us show you what we're Talking about So right here is kind of the heart of of The system if you will and this is the Jump starter this is the v150 jump Starter with air compressor Very tight case there so nice packaging There's a manual
And there's what looks like uh I don't Know Something you could shoot with And a bag and let's Okay there's our jumper cables Air hose And different air attachments and looks Like USB cable And the Heart of the system the battery So in the main v150 jump starter kit you Get the jump starter battery cables but You also get this head here which is Also an air compressor a high pressure Air compressor up to 150 foot-pounds and This is the battery here so the battery Will just slide in there like that and Then you can pull the trigger and Operate the air compressor and we'll go Over all the details here in a moment And then if you pull this off this is Where this port right here is where your Jumper cables will actually plug into And they claim that this will start up To an eight and a half liter gas engine Or six liter diesel engine and we've got Something to test the upper end of that Scale now in addition to the you know Tools that you see here the air Compressor and the battery or booster Box if you will jump starter they also Have things like this here so this is a Little car vacuum so you can see we we Can vacuum up with just the port right Here and the battery slides in right
Here and now you've got a little vacuum But they even have extensions to where You can add to it and actually hook to a Floor vac as well or just add some Crevice tools or you have the brush Attachment that's built right into the Tool right there or it will pull off and Actually go on the extensions also so Kind of cool little tool that's also Expandable And not only that you can even expand it To like an impact wrench that uses this Battery so pretty cool system where you Can continue to add to it but utilize The same battery for all of it so let's Get a closer look at the heart of this This is the battery pack I believe it's A 56 or 59 watt hour 2500 amp output Max Not quite sure how they get 2500 amps Out of this but that's their claim and They claim as I mentioned up to an eight And a half liter gas engine started or Six liter diesel engine started we have A full battery here as you can see if we Just push that button and it shows our Indicator there and it's very easy to Charge this because all you do is take The USB type-c cable and you plug it Right here in the end of the battery and Charge that up you can also charge a Cell phone from that same port there so That's in or out we can charge with that We can also charge output or charge our Smart devices from that as well now to
Use the jump starter we're just going to Plug that in the end plug this into our Battery and then we'll look for This Little Light to show Green telling us It's ready if it's not showing green Then we push the Boost button until it Turns green and we'll show that here When we connect it to the truck in just A few moments so we have a 1990s 454 Truck it's got a dead dead battery and We're going to try that out on it here In just one moment and we'll see how Well it succeeds now this is the air Compressor so easily just slide that Battery on yes it's kind of long but who Cares if it gets us out of a jam right And then we see we have an LED display Right there Oh So simple on off switch if we want to Use it manually just Hit the button once it's going to fire Up the compressor hit the button again It will shut it off this goes up to 150 Psi Easily take the hose here screw it into The front until it seats And seals and Then we open this up attach it to the Tire valve or to the Schrader valve and Then close that down to lock it and then We have a needle for pumping up balls And then one for pumping up rafts and it Looks like a Schrader to Presta Valve
For any of you bikers out there that's Included in the kit as well and we'll Bring a tire over here in a moment and See if it doesn't pump that up Completely All right we have a full size SUV truck Tire and wheel here and Let's just Ensure That our PSI is down or our pressure is Down All right let's check this There are 25 a little more Okay we're right at 20 pounds Or 20 psi on this tire now it's Typically you know 37 240 and so let's Take it back to that Okay we're down to 20 pounds and let's See yeah we've got a full battery And we'll connect Push it on Closes down seal it And you see we're at 20 pounds so we Started Now we're at 21 PSI but anyway let me Put a stopwatch here and let's get a Reading While we're doing this see how long it Takes To pump up this tire Let's go ahead and hit the button Oh So it stopped at 39 PSI And it took a little over three minutes Almost three and a half minutes three
Minutes and 20 seconds now there for a Second uh it shut off I accidentally hit The button I was just making sure it Wasn't leaking here make sure it wasn't You know had an air leak because I Really couldn't hear what the compressor Going but it was sealed fine but again So that Split Second I did turn it off And back on but not too shabby yes three Minutes 20 seconds that's a lot slower Than your air compressor your main air Compressor can do but that's not not What this is for this is that roadside Emergency and this would absolutely work Well for getting you back on the road And really and truly you probably could Have stopped it you know 30 foot pounds And that would have been safe enough to Get you back on the road and get that Repaired but it can take you to up to 150 psi that's just going to take longer And longer as that goes now the cool Thing is we've still got a full battery Even after running that for three and a Half minutes running the compressor now I will say the compressor is pretty warm And that's going to happen your hose is Going to get warm that's going to be any High pressure compressor it's using a Lot of repetitions of a little bitty Piston to actually deliver all that air So now let's take this and put this on a Battery on a dead truck battery and see How it does as I mentioned this is a big
Block 454 Chevrolet from the 90s you'll See right there it says 7.4 liter And that would be a 454 Big block that's got a dead battery now Just to show you how dead this battery Is We'll go in here And you hear I mean nothing Barely a click got some groaning from uh I don't know if it's a blower mode yeah Groaning from a blower motor over there So yeah it's not even wanting to run the Blower motor That's how dead this battery is Okay we're in direct sunlight here so I Don't know how well we'll be able to see These LED lights but hopefully they will Work we'll attach our ground And then we'll attach Our positive And wait for the Solid green LED And then once we get the bright green LED then we know we've got 30 seconds to Start it Okay booster is attached let's see now All right success on the first try let's Give it a little gas And we'll try out the vacuum really Quick uh you hold the power button down To turn it on And that turns it on low push the power Button again goes into high
Not too shabby That's really not bad at all And then you can see right here this Button open this up and Be able to dump out your trash clean out Your filter Oh that's cool so we just Can close that turn that And now we have access to the filter so Just twist it pull it out now you can Clean that up dump all your debris out And get back to vacuuming and then for Quick Cleanup in the car Listen testing on that battery on that 454 was no joke in fact that truck's Been sitting for months and we knew the Battery has been dead for months as well So we haven't touched it that was Literally putting the jumpers on it Turning the key over and you see it Turned over for a few seconds before Firing up then it fired up died again And then it cranked right back up and That was utilizing the same battery that We had just pumped the tire up with so That was the same one that had ran for Three minutes and 30 seconds we did not Charge it any further we literally took It went right over put the booster Cables on it and probably within 15 Minutes again without charging use that Same battery pack to start that motor And you see it started it up a couple of Times with no problem at all and then we
Even took the cables off after it ran Several minutes and showed that trying To start it again the battery was Already Stone dead after the cables were Taken off of it so a purely dead battery On that 454 and it had no problems Cranking that up now as far as the Compressor it's going to work great in a Pinch it's not going to be fast it'll be Great for like balls and bicycle tires Things like that but you just have to Take into consideration volume when You're looking at car tires truck tires SUV tires because yes will it handle the PSI no problem at all but when it comes To volume you have to think about how Many times that little piston in there Has to go in and out to be able to Create that much volume in that tire so It will take some time it's not going to Be like your you know five gallon Compressor you have in your shop or your 10 gallon or 10 horsepower compressor You may have in your shop as well as the Vacuum listen to vacuum I think is a Kind of a me too or a nice addendum I Will say that it sucked better than or Worked better than what we thought uh Did a really good job of picking stuff Up but it's not going to be like your Shop vac if you're trying to vacuum out Your car but Hey listen it'll be great For sucking up that stuff that uh you've Been looking at under your feet for
Months Um Hey listen pricing on this 89 for the Air compressor professor and the jump Starter or booster and then I think the Vacuum is like 29 we'll have a link in The descriptions these are on Amazon so You can find them on Amazon again we'll Have a link to each of these so be sure To check them out not a bad deal I don't Think at 89 and at twenty nine dollars Hey if you don't mind would you follow Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and then hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means did you hate Our video well then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling