Let’s Build some M12 mini Belt sanders ! Milwaukee Tool Mods

#one #two #three
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Facebook PACKOUT Group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/PackoutHangout/
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(JakeOfALL) Bins, Bitbins, #jakestand, drill bit holders and STEALTHMOUNTS (JakeOfALL)|
| https://Shop.jakeofall.com
KAIZAN INSERTS and MOUNTS | https://Kaizensource.com/?a=joall
3D Designer (Electronsmith) | https://workshop.electronsmith.com
Joey, Cord Cobra and Bin Beaver are from Packible Tool
| https://https://www.packibletool.com/
Bitstacker bins and more (Dennis Smallbone Prints) | Code JAKEOA10 4 10% OFF
| https://dennissmallboneprints.com
Latches fan mounts and more ( Deckout PACKOUT)
| https://www.3dtechnologiesusa.com/
Cooper Customs Hand Made PACKOUT, Hooks, cup holders and more.
Bins and dividers (Neat Tools) | Code | JAKEOFALL10 4 10% OFF
| https://shopneattools.com/?ref=jakeofall
For the steel PACKOUT Style plates go here (Tell them JakeOfALL sent you)
| https://www.instagram.com/rdr_cnc/
CNC Aluminum PACKOUT cleats |
| https://unbeatenpathdesigns.com
4 BLACK PACKOUTS ( Tell them JakeOfALL sent you)
| https://adzysgoods.com/ Use code ADZY10JAKEOFALL
Ohio Power Tool |
| https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1232301&u=2199782&m=68758&urllink=&afftrack=
My Amazon Store Front, Here a a few collections for products we use for 3D Printing, Tools or just Electronics .
| https://www.amazon.com/shop/jakeofall
Brunt workwear, Boots and more !
| https://bruntworkwear.com/discount/JAKEOFALL10?redirect=%2Fcollections%2Fboots-1

Top 5 Must Have Items for the Milwaukee Tools Packout System. ( Mods and Hacks)
| https://youtu.be/zvKxLZWM-YA
REDWALL ! REDWALL ! Garage Tool Organization ( @Milwaukee Tool PACKOUT Wall with the E-Track )
| https://youtu.be/D-lJrhbfcG4
QuickTip : Custom 3D printed Latches for your Milwaukee Tools PACKOUT
| https://youtu.be/ABN8dm7WvoU
Biggest PACKOUT Hoarder! Bit Stackers & bins for Milwaukee Tools PACKOUT drawers ! You could WIN!
| https://youtu.be/d-e0NbE98zQ

See also  Get a FREE Stihl Battery with Select Blower Purchase!