Leverage is your Friend! TRAC Tire Jack Review [SEMA Show Winner]

We ran across this TRAC Tire Jack while at the SEMA Launch Pad that showcases new innovations in tools and equipment. This was actually the Launch Pad Winner at the SEMA Show 2022. The Tire Jack uses a large steel plate and a roller to maneuver even your heaviest of tires and wheels. Easily place the wheel and tire on the studs without any sweat and without putting your toes under the tire.
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TRAC Tire Jack:

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An easier way to change tires with the Track tire jack This is the track tire jack from a Company called lift with track they Actually make a more heavy duty model of This I shouldn't say more heavy duty Because this one's pretty stout but they Basically make a hydraulic lift that Will lift big wheels and tires up so When you have a vehicle in the lift that Are needing to lift wheels you know up Shoulder level that you're not grabbing That 100 pound Wheel and Tire and Lifting it up and putting it on but they Made this smaller version the track tire Jack for when you're working at ground Level and neither lift that wheel and Tire up on the studs or up on the lugs Then you can do so with using either Your hand or your foot and providing Leverage to lift that up got a large Roller here so it can easily roll around We saw this at SEMA and in particular we Saw it at the SEMA launch pad that's Where the way they showcase kind of some Innovative tools and equipment and this Was actually the winner yesterday I Think we showed the thread wizard which Was pretty cool but this is the winner Of the launch pad event so it was the Most Innovative tool at the SEMA show And it's very simple we like that we Like to this very simple design just one Moving part

Um nice sturdy base here so let's take a Closer look at this and then we'll Actually take it over and use it on a Wheel and tire that's much more than 75 Pounds and then we'll come back and We'll talk about pricing and warranty if There is a warranty and anything else That we may think about also we included This on our Christmas gift guide this Year so be sure to check out that gift Guide we've got tons of really cool Gifts starting at less than 20 bucks and Going up as high as you want to so be Sure to check out that video we saw this Product at SEMA at the SEMA show and it Actually won the SEMO launch pad event Where basically new products are Displayed and then it gets cut down to Like a you know top 10 top three and so On but anyway and this track tire jack Actually won kind of the best at the at The SEMA launch pad best idea so Um really cool design because it's very Simple uh we just showed the thread Wizard the other day was another simple Design really like this one too so Obviously piece it looks like quarter Inch plate powder coated a couple of Bins in it but a real simple design and Then we have a stainless steel roller at Least it looks like a stainless steel Roller and a couple of bolts through it So we'll actually take this apart in a Moment looks like there's only a couple

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Moving Parts but basically you use this To you know kind of wheel around and Maneuver around wheels and tires when You have them off the vehicle not Necessarily when they may be on a lift But more so when you've got it jacked up Off the ground on a hard concrete Surface or some type of hard surface and Then you can maneuver this around and Without having to lift it up with your Hands or with your toes you can use this As a leverage to either go you know Right there at surface level or up I Don't know that looks like four inches Or so and maybe we'll even get a Measurement on that here in one moment Yep so about three and three eighths of An inch so not quite four inches of lift But a little over three inches of lift So again anywhere in between there you Can use your hand or maybe even your Foot to be able to guide this and we'll Show that here in one moment I did want To quickly just kind of see if we can Take this apart Okay this is a little simpler than what I thought Foreign So pretty cool here just a big stainless Roller thing's pretty heavy by the way So it looks like a solid stainless Roller and then it's uh looks like Drilled and then threaded here and then With a these shoulder bolts that screw

In and basically it's just riding on These shoulders On that tool which makes sense it's not Like this thing's doing you know 10 000 RPM you're going to move it a few rolls And uh and be done with it and put it Away so it doesn't need a bearing per se As long as it's nice and smooth Foreign So again pretty simple design Powder coated nice and tough Little non-skid tape here the skateboard On let's go over and use it I do have this on the left you probably Wouldn't use this on a lift because You'd probably be lifting it up it'd be Higher but if it makes it easy enough You may just throw it on a lift and then Raise it a few inches off the ground so That's what I'm going to do really quick All right so we're a couple inches off The ground Now let's take this wheel off Foreign Typically wouldn't be a problem you Could probably just grab it and pull it Off but I'm going to go ahead and use it While we have it Foreign Got to say it's pretty simple Roll It Off Set it down Take it to your tire machine or whatever You've got to do and putting it back on

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I'll just roll it in Set it on there So it's easy to maneuver Back and forth as well So in case I need to just line up a Couple of lugs and then kind of twist it See how I can rock it back and forth Like that and get it lined up On the lugs I could probably also Even use my foot To be able to guide it as well Then I want to try to get it to where Now my lug nuts really aren't lined up I'm going to go ahead and see if I can Use this Yep So I can use it just kind of reposition Even though my lug nuts weren't lined up I can just kind of twist it and be able To turn that wheel as I need it Again I can either use my foot And get it all the way on there on the Hub Or use my hand So either way And just for Giggles Let's uh let's get A weight Okay we'll zero the scale out So it's heavier than the 75 pound scale Limit so we know this will entire Is more than 75 pounds Foreign We actually use this really quick at SEMA and it really doesn't work any

Different than we used it there but this Time we got to kind of maneuver it Around and use it a little more on our Floor at least and it works very well It's a great simple idea it's using Leverage the steel does not Flex at all Obviously when you got quarter inch Plate here I'm thinking it's quarter Inch blade I know it's Thicker Than 3 16 And it's powder coated so it's going to Stay nice and pretty for you for a while Grip tape on here so that your hand is Going to have have some grip or your Foot or whatever you're using but again It provides plenty of lift you know like Three and a quarter inches of lift so You can maneuver that wheel around and What we thought was pretty cool is you Can literally even if the uh the Patterns offset a little bit you can use This to turn it and you could you know Kind of grab one one of the studs and Then turn that and position that wheel Where you need to and then slide it on There and again you're doing that with One hand or with one foot and then you Can guide that wheel on with the other Hand or with both of your hands if you Have the foot on there so it is a quite Quite easy tool to use and it works Quite effectively as well now the price On this is 149 or 150 let's just call it 150. 150 bucks you may say well that's Pretty style for a piece of Steel and a

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Roller well Yeah it is pretty South for a piece of Steel and a roller but you go out and Stamp some quarter inch steel and then Take a stainless steel roller solid Roller like this and chamfer the edges And use some hardened bolts anyway You're going to get there pretty quick So we think it's worth it if it's Something you need we think it's a great Idea for around the garage or the shop Listen we see plenty of shops where There's lifts everywhere and there's Still people working from the ground on Jacks and on jack stands so that happens All the time whether or not you have a Lift in the shop so you don't always Work from a lift and even if so you may Lift it a few inches off the ground like We did with the lift and then use this To position this around where you need It with so you don't have to actually Lift that wheel and tire up on those Logs or up on those studs so check it Out again it's the track tire jack from Lift with track.com and make sure you Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter And even Tick Tock and if you don't mind When you hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven't done so already And by all means did you hate our video Then give us a thumbs down but would you Let us know in the comments why have a Great day keep smiling and Merry
