MASTERFORCE 20V Brushless Compact 1/2″ Hammer Drill Driver Review [Menards]

Small and Lightweight, but plenty of power to get most jobs done. The MASTERFORCE 20V Brushless Compact 1/2 Hammer Drill Driver delivers up to 525 in-lbs of torque to the 1/2″ chuck. Two speeds and a variable-speed trigger allow you to control the RPM from 0-500 and 0-1,800 in speed 1 and 2. You can get the MASTERFORCE Compact Hammer Drill at Menards for less than $150. #review #drill #tools

MASTERFORCE 20V Brushless Compact Hammer Drill:

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Can a 150 drill take care of your needs [Music] This is the master Force 20 volt Ultra Compact hammer drill driver and not only Is it less than 150 dollars it's less Than 150 in the kit so the four amp hour Battery the drill and a charger now Let's take a deeper dive into each one Of the features and then we'll use this And come back and talk about what we Think we've got the master Force 20 volt Brushless Ultra compact hammer drill now Specifically this is the model number 2410383 and as I mentioned they call it The ultra compact 20 volt brushless so We get a brushless motor driving up to 525 inch pounds of torque and it is a Hammer drill so in addition to locking Out for drill mode we can also lock it Out for hammer drill mode or go into the Screwdriving mode and with our clutch Here we can set up to 17 different Clutch settings depending on what kind Of screws we're going to be driving Obviously the a keyless Chuck here as Well that will accept up to a half inch Drill bit get an LED light here at the Base and we also get a variable speed Trigger So we can make this go about as slow as We want and ramp that up depending on How much throttle we want to bring on we Also get a two-speed gearbox here so Speed one is going to be low and Speed 2

Is going to be high Speed one is going to give us up to 500 RPM and Speed 2 is going to give us up To 1800 RPM now to get an idea of size Here from the tip to the back of the Tool right at six and a half maybe six And three eighths of an inch from the Front to back and as for height You're looking at with the four amp hour Battery about nine and a half inches to The top of the tool now you can get this Kitten with the four amp hour battery And a battery charger not this dual Port Master force that we have behind us but You can get a master Force 20 volt Charger and this 4 amp hour battery and This drill for a great price as a kit Now if we get an idea of the width of The tool about 61 millimeters let's Change that inches 2.4 inches so less Than two and a half inches wide I even At the widest point of this tool so it Is a compact tool so it's going to be Lighter and easier and more Nimble to Carry around if you will and we'll get a Weight on this as well So with the 4 amp hour battery three Pounds 11.5 ounces so three and three Quarters of a pound for the tool and the Four amp hour battery Now this is not meant to be the biggest And baddest tool or drill in Your Arsenal if you're needing something like That that's not what they're meant to do

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Here this is supposed to be handy Nimble You know small tool that you can get in And still get work done and with 525 Inch pounds of force it should be able To do that and the master Force Flex Power battery easy to see that fuel Gauge there just by the Press of a Button and see the four lights light up Telling us where you got somewhere Between 80 and 100 percent of charge in That battery life as I mentioned this is The four amp hour obviously you can get Different size batteries as well this is Their Master Force boost 20 volt lithium Battery now the cool thing is you can Get this kit with the charger with the 4 Amp hour battery and the drill for less Than 150 bucks so that is a really good Deal now let's go over and see what we Think about this All right we'll start small here with a Couple of small screws and uh use the Drive mode and let's see I don't know What are those inch in probably inch and A quarter inch and a half screws uh Let's just start at 10 on the clutch Setting I'll put it in high That worked pretty good another one is Speed two So pretty good guess on the clutch Driving those pretty much flush of Course they do have a a big washer head On them as well now if we wanted to go

To a longer drywall type of screw I Don't know what that's probably a two Inch let's bump that up to 15. All right So back that out and go back forward Again So it looks like For one of the countersink those into a Two by four we kind of need to Max that Out at the 17. change over to my T25 And now we'll go to a three inch Construction or a deck Fastener deck Screw And of course we'll leave this at the Max setting and it probably will not Countersink these we may have to go to The drill mode Yep So the clutch setting on this not quite Firm enough and able to drive three and A half inch deck screws down below the Surface but I think the power's there Again the clutch setting is just not Going to handle it so let's in screw Mode try speed one and see if we can't Get this to sync differently we're going To put this back down to 15. Foreign So it sinks a little bit deeper and Let's go into 17 and see if we can't get It to countersink So just about to get it flush And 17 in screw mode on mode one or on Speed one

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The power is definitely there To drive it as deep as you want to Foreign Using the drill mode and locking that Out And let's switch over to a one inch Self-feeding auger bit so you can see That's a one inch bit Has these self-feeding auger tip on it We'll try this in Speed 2 but we may Need to go down to speed one So So we can cheat it a little bit but if We go into speed one You'll see here it will Breeze right Through So no problem at all driving that one Inch bit just not in Speed 2 which I Didn't expect it to do So for an ultra compact drill uh driving That one inch auger bit not a bad job at All And now we've got a quarter inch Concrete bit in there I will turn this Into Hammer mode So we should be the hammer impacts as Well and we'll try it here in this Concrete block Let's turn that back to speed two [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] So no problem at all driving that

Quarter inch Bit Go to a 3 8 bit Foreign [Music] No problem at all Now as mentioned a couple of times this Is 150 all in in fact it's cheaper than That you get the four amp hour battery You get the hammer drill driver as well As a charger not this dual Port charger But their regular single Bay charger Offer 149.99 or something like that however if You're near Menards you can buy this and Get a mail-in rebate right now and I Think it's like 133 dollars so pretty Crazy price for all this can do now is This the beefiest most horsepower drill We've ever used no and master Force Didn't mean for it to be that's why they Call it their Ultra compact you know Will it drive deck screws if you need to Yes Should you buy this if that's all You're doing no get their quiet impulse Driver impact driver that will do the Trick or their bigger drill will handle That as well but this is great for those Lightweight needs and then you can still Drive those heavier screws if you need To and using hammer drill mode to drive In some quarter inch and 3 8 inch holes Through concrete or cinder blocks or Whatever you need to do to again no

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Problem with that either so we think This is a great deal we'll have a link In the description be sure to check it Out also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and Hey if you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video well then give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day and Keep smiling