MAX USA SuperRoofer Coil Nailer Review [CN445R3]

Send them home with the MAX USA SuperRoofer Coil Nailer. While cordless may dominate much of the newer power tools, pneumatic still has the advantage in many areas. This MAX USA CN445R3 is lighter and smaller than any battery-powered coil nailer; therefore, it’s also more nimble. The included and installed swivel inlet allows for use at any angle, without binding the air hose. This coil nails shoots collated nails from 3/4″ to 1-3/4″ in length. While this MAX USA SuperRoofer is great for roofing, it also has it’s place for other jobs as well. We used it to install pressure-treated lumber for the skirt of a house, delivering 1-1/4″ stainless steel collated nails home. You can pick up the MAX USA CN445R3 SuperRoofer Coil Nailer from Amazon for about $255.
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MAX USA CN445R3 SuperRoofer:

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Is the max USA super roofer a good fit For you let's find out [Music] [Music] Now listen I'm no roofer but I am Friends with the best roofer in the World and his name's bubba this is the Max USA cn445 R3 and it's their coil Roof nailer this shoots a variety of Nails in between three quarter inches And one and three quarters of an inch we Use this in a couple of different Scenarios so let's dive in take a look At the details of this nailer and then We'll use it then we'll come back and Talk about pricing warranty and what we Think of it this Max USA super roofer is The model number Cn445 R3 and first thing this thing is Very light now obviously this is a Pneumatic tool you see the air fitting Here on the back so therefore you don't Have a lot of things like batteries and Flywheels to weight this down so very Light tool we'll weigh this here in one Moment the other thing when we talked About pneumatic that I love about this Tool there's a few things going on here Right here at the back of the tool Number one it comes with this swivel Fitting and it's just not just a single Pivot fitting you can see here no matter What way you turn this it will pivot in The way that's going to keep you out of

Entanglement so really cool design here And built right onto the tool so love to See that you're not fishing for a pivot Or a pivoting fitting it's right there Out of gate you add your quarter inch Fitting and you're good to go the other Thing is just in front of this is a Filter element and that's going to keep Contaminants because you know I know you You treat this just with the best of the Best right you put this in a velvet case When you're done when you're on the roof You lay it on a nice velvety towel no These things get banged around thrown Around your best friend uses them and Swears he's going to take the best of Care and we know how that goes anyway so This filter element in here not only Traps the contaminant but there's also Something that happens when you Disconnect the air line and and that is There's like a self-purging system in Here that when you disconnect that Airline it blows debris back out of this Hole right here on your quarter inch Inlet so not only is it catching it it Also tries to purge it out as well so Really cool design in there and love to See that there's lots of people that Swear by the max USA nailers because of That system and we're going to take that Apart and look at it here in a moment Because there's also an o-ring in there So I love to see that O-ring not a

Gasket that's going to come apart or not Even a non-gasket with just some type of You know nylon sealant around the Threads now this will shoot from three Quarter inch to one and three quarter Inch coil Nails 15 degree coil nails so Really cool system here for the coil Nails for the different depths or Different lengths of nails this is for The three-quarter inch so it's all the Way up so your three quarter inch your 7 8 and one inch you can pull this up it's Kind of spring loaded And twist it and it drops down to the Second level and that's going to shoot Your one and a quarter inch and one and A half inch and then for your full one And three quarter inch again quick turn And lift and now it's down here at the Bottom so very easy to adjust this You're not pulling it out and putting it In a like a little shelf system or Anything it's just a quick pickup turn Pick up turn and adjust where you need To so three different settings for those Different lengths of nails also this Door just kind of holds this in there's Not two different things you have to do Once you open this up you get to your Firing mechanism you load your nails you Open the door everything's done right There with that Bolt style system so you just pull this Down

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And I love to see this is all metal as Well except for this and this seems to Be still nice and sturdy plastic Everything else in here is metal again This is all nylon or plastic here but Very tough built system and if we look Down in there we can see a magnet and That's going to ensure that number one When you're loading the nail is going to Hold that in place while you close Everything up also it'll it will ensure That you're even shooting down to the Last nail and we have a full round head Firing pin as well that's going to keep Any you know cupping happening from the Nail heads you'll see that it shoots Nice and flat Now they also have a tar resistant nose Here that is removable very easy to Remove if you need to but they say it's Up to eight times more resistant to Tar Than most of your typical noses there so You're not going to get that build up Right here but if you do very easy take Your five millimeter hex Take out this screw right here this Allen screw and you can remove that in Fact let's go ahead and do that Obviously you want to disconnect your Air Pull out that single Allen head pull This out clean it up whatever you need To do And then replacing it all you need to do

Is make sure that that little tongue Right there goes into that Groove And now you can put your screw back in And that's less than a minute now Obviously you might take some time Cleaning it up But we're done on the trigger here we Have a lockout where we can lock that Trigger out and then we can just flip That back and now we have our trigger Again and we can Rapid Fire by holding The trigger down and just bumping or we Can just shoot one at a time as we want To by pulling the trigger obviously with The tip depressed here's your depth Adjustment right here very easy to Adjust this so turning it clockwise is Going to give you a Firmer shot or a deeper shot and turning It counterclockwise is then going to Kind of back off that pressure or back Off that power so very easy to do that With with one finger one thumb whatever You're using there to adjust the depth Of the nail and then as you're throwing In banging this thing around Up on the Roof we have metal guards here that's Going to protect that tool no matter how It lands there to keep again it from Getting all beat up so we got some Protection here protection here as well Now if we look at the underside of this Tool get a little help for those novice Roofers like me so you have an

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Adjustment here that's like a shingle Adjustment so obviously you roofers that Have been doing this you don't need this That you can actually set this and Adjust this again with your five Millimeter Allen or hex tool and be able To adjust that foot and then you can Line it up with the bottom of that Shingle and that's going to position That nail where it needs to go now as Far as size of this tool from front to Back you're looking at about 11 inches Here to the exit of the air that doesn't Doesn't include your fitting obviously You run whatever fitting you want to and Then it's about 10 and a half inches Tall a little less than 11 inches as far As the width on this head here about Four inches wide so not a huge tool Still nice and Compact and nice and Light So you're looking at less than six Pounds five and three quarter pounds Five pounds 11 ounces uh for this tool Obviously there's no Nails in there no Airline hooked up but still less than Six pounds to carry this tool around So as I mentioned we're going to take This apart but let's first fire a few Nails and uh and then we'll take a look What's in there all right so we've got a A small setup here uh we'll shoot a few Shingles in just what everybody wants to Do right a roof over right over some

Shingles something you should never do But anyway uh just let's try it out We'll shoot through two layers of Roofing some tar paper some felt so Let's get started here so first what We're going to load into the nailer Is actually something that's probably Not that common in Roofing unless Somebody's specking for it especially in Some maybe some high moisture areas well Here in Florida sometimes that's the Case these are stainless steel ring Shank nails there I believe they're one And a quarter inches and they're oh 120 Nails and so let's install these we were Actually using this on like a Landscaping project we'll show you some Of that footage as well we were kind of Installing like a uh a house siding or Cover if you will for some landscaping And so that's why we're using some Stainless steel to keep the pressure Treated from acting to or reacting to The metal in a like a galvanized Something like that so anyway a very Easy to install this although the magnet Is not going to attract to stainless Steel so that's why you don't see it Just kind of sucking in there but still Even so not hard to put these in and Close this up close this up and we're Good to go so very easy to install those Nails and now let's get started Foreign

And again I can bump fire Or I can depress and shoot As well And again you see there's no cupping Going on In these nails nice and flat shots from That full round pin that's driving those Nails and one more shingle Again you can go About as fast as you are So I lifted pretty early on that one but As far as all these others drove very Nice You see what I'm talking about here with The shingle guide you can actually set It to where you're putting your nails in The right spot depending on which Shingles you're using You can slide that up there and then Pull the trigger But make sure you set it in the right Place before you tell somebody to use That So first let's uh listen as we relieve This air pressure and I'll explain What's happening although this is a Safety relief coupling here so it's not Going to do the same as your typical Coupling because when I pull this back It's going to actually bleed out the air Out of the hose anyway But also the air in the tool Now when you release that so what was Happening is it's actually purging the

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Air backwards out of the tool and out of This Inlet here now normally you would See that exhaust because the hose would Actually pop off but this was a safety Relief coupler so it doesn't give you That same effect of that actual fitting Popping off but still what's happening Is it is reversing course and pushing Anything out the exit here or out the Actual typical Inlet now let's take a Look here So I'm going to back this off And again you're seeing that big black O-ring there I'd love to see that love To see that it seals the the best of Anything and then you see a huge filter Here so you can see that if anything Does get past here you drop this in the Dirt or whatever you hook up your Coupler and the coupler's full of dirt Or dirt dauber's Nest something like That this is going to catch all that and Not let it travel in to the tool this Can be replaced as well but I'm just Going to take this off And let's have a look You can see there not really any dirt Let's Yeah not much in there Is a little bit coming out But again that's going to trap Everything and if you're putting oil in It that's even going to better going to Filter out any of that particulate right

There and keep that in the filter and Not traveling through the tool So love to see that Now if you've been around our channel For very long then you know we're pretty Big on cordless power tools impact Wrenches drills impact drivers Grinders You name it cordless is definitely Growing however there's still a select Group of tools where pneumatic just Works better especially when you're Looking for lightness or adding less Heaviness if that makes any sense so and That's one thing with this coil nailer There's no flywheel to have to deal with There's no any other big mechanisms that Have to do with power like batteries Things like that brushless motors that Are going to weigh a tool down we have Basically a diaphragm system in here the Nailing system in here and then a Pneumatic hose yes you have to have a Hose yes you have to have a compressor I Get it those are expensive items as well But as for a tool like this where you're Moving around on the rooftop it does Make sense to have a Pneumatic tool and This is a great nail Taylor love the Swivel system love even more the filter System that's built into here and then The performance does very well in the Couple of jobs that we used it on it Performed flawlessly now pricing on this Is 240 dollars and you get a five year

Warranty now we'll have a link in the Description if you want to check that Out and be sure to keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock hey if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video well give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day and Keep smiling