MONSTER TORQUE! DeWalt DCF961 20V High Torque Impact Wrench Review

This new DeWALT DCF961 20V Brushless High Torque Impact Wrench is the most powerful 1/2″ cordless impact wrench that we’ve tested. We pushed this unit very hard, and it far surpassed our expectations, and this was only using a 5Ah 20V battery. This DeWalt cordless impact wrench hits extremely hard, delivering massive blows to the fastener. You get 3 power modes and a precision wrench mode. #dewalttough #impactwrench #tools

DeWalt DCF961 High Torque Impact Wrench (bare tool):
DeWalt DCF961 High Torque Impact Wrench Kit:

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DeWalt stepping up to the plate again This time with a huge Bat this is the DeWalt DCF 961 before this we had the DCF 900 and Usually you can tell the similarities Between impact wrenches and really and Truly there are not a lot of Similarities between the 961 and the 900 And some of the numbers really got us Questioning what's going on here and we Got to thought that this may get a Little crazy this is dewalt's New King Of the Hill when it comes to half-inch Impact wrenches this is the DCF 961 now i' been rumored for a while and Then we finally realized it was actually Going to come out just a couple of Months ago and this is supposed to have 17750 ft-lb of breakaway torque and 1200 Ft-lbs of fastening torque through this/ Inch hog ring style Anvil that is a ton Of torque coming out of a/ in impact Wrench now one thing I noticed right Away is quite a bit more rake in the Head meaning that tilt in the head which What that does the idea is like if You're uh you know fastening or Loosening a lug on a will when you've Got the socket on there what that does Is it kind of kicks the battery away From what you're working on so the idea Is it gives you a little more clearance When working on things uh the other Thing that stood out right away is just

How much of a beast it is up here not so Much that it's like you know too big but Compared to its closest brother cousin Sister whatever you want to call it this The DCF 900 you can see how much bigger That the new 961 is compared to the 900 Not much taller in fact it may be just a Touch shorter on the back a little Taller in the front but just as far as The breadth in the tool itself now this Has uh four modes it has three different Power or speed modes and it has the Precision wrench mode as well now in Speed one as for RPM this is where Things get quite a bit different than Most of the impact wrenches that are out There at least in the cordless realm and That is and in mode one or speed one You're going to get 0 to 440 RPM so Let's put this in speed One you see we get a variable speed Trigger so we can slow that down as slow As we Want and then wide open we're going to Get 440 RPM and then in speed two we're Going to get up to 800 RPM and then in Speed Three a Max of only 12200 RPM now we Hear a really high-pitch wind from the Actual motor but what we have going on Are planetary gears in here that's Actually you know driving the dogs on The actual Anvil so the Anvil is only Spinning at 12200 even though you hear

That motor really winding up high so Very slow on the Anvil side and very High on the motor side that's telling me This DeWalt is probably turning a really Heavy hitting impact weight as well as Probably a heavy spring that's in here We won't be taking this apart right now But we will at another video but anyway I really think this thing's going to be Hitting hard obviously uh but more of a Slow impact which we'll probably be Feeling as we're impacting on this now a Lot of the ergonomics look much the same As the other impact wrenches not much as Changeed so that same comfortable feel In the handle kind of elongated or a uh Almost a spherical or elliptical feel um In the in the shape of of the handle Plenty of rubber over molding to uh to Be comfortable in addition to the uh Three different speed modes we also have Precision wrench mode now Precision Wrench mode is basically uh when it Senses that it's tight it's going to Stop the tool and then when in loosening In the Precision wrench mode it's going To slow the tool down when it senses That it's backed it off now we talked About the RPM a Max of 1200 impacts per Minute is going to max out at $18.90 so A little less than than 1,900 impacts Per minute that's it in full speed now In mode one is stating that it's only Going to apply about 100 ft-lb of force

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And then in mode two you're going to get About 900 foot- PBS of fastening torque And mode three is going to give you that Full 1200 ft-lb of fastening torque in Loosen anytime you have it in loosen You're going to get that full 100% power 1750 ft-lbs of loosening torque now you Can get this as a bare tool you can also Get it kitted and when you get it kitted You get the 5 amp hour oil resistant Battery obviously they're 20 volt Batteries and the tool is also tool Connect ready so you can take these two Screws out right here pull that plate Out put your tool connect chip in and Now you can be part of the you know Inventory tracking uh keeping your tools Secure and all the things that the tool Connect gives you now let's take a look At the size of this tool and widthwise At the widest Point we're almost 3 and 3/4 in so 3.66 In and tip to tail front to back uh Almost about 8 and 38 of an inch and Then height wise right at 11 3/4 of an Inch at the tip of the tool and that's With the 5 a hour battery this is really Where it's going to tip the scales as Well with a 5 a hour battery 9 lb 3 oz So not a light tool whatsoever but at The same time this is a high torque Impact wrench right so yes 7 and 3/4 of A pound by itself with no Battery and just to give you an idea of

5 amp hour battery with the DCF 900 7 and 3/4 lb tool and Battery that's How much the tool itself weighs over Here so 7 and 3/4 lb versus 9 lb 3 oz For the 961 now in addition to the uh Modes or power modes where you can cycle Through the different modes we also have An LED light button where we can turn This on on low or on high or Off so you can see even when we pull the Trigger the light is off put it on low It's going to come on on low and put it On high obviously when you pull the Trigger it's going to stay on high and That will go off after sitting there for About 10 seconds now let's go have some Fun put this on the test bench and and See if we actually make the numbers that They Claim okay folks you may want a pack a Lunch cuz we may be here a while with How strong this thing is supposed to be Uh but let's go ahead and get started we Will take our torque tool and we will Torque the first Fastener at 150 foot- PBS just because that's the least we can Go on that and then we're going to Increment up to 200 and then 100 lb Increments after that so 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 and uh then we'll jump up to 800 900 1,100 after that if we get through that Whole cycle then we'll start back over On those larger Fasteners at 12200

Ft-lbs I think we may go through a few Of those Cycles so let's get Started Okay here's how we run this if you Haven't seen our testing before uh we've Got each of these torqued we're going to Let the impact wrench hammer away or Impact away at the fastener for up to 10 Seconds now these first few it's going To break them free really quickly uh but As they get tougher the impact will sit There and impact on them now what we Will allow is it for to hammer on that Faster for up to 10 seconds if it's Starting to move that Fastener in that 10-second window we will let the impact Wrench continue to turn that until it Actually breaks it fully freeze but once It starts turning we're going to give it That unless it just stops again but it's Going to have that 10-second window to Start that turning and once it does We'll let it go ahead and finish if it's Not turning that faster in that 10-second window Then we actually won't give it that Faster so let's get started we'll make Sure that we are in mode three that Gives us 100% make sure we're loosening Get our first socket On and you'll notice we have hash marks Around the socket so you can see when It's turning or not and again these First few are going to happen really

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Quick Okay here we are on the last four Fasteners here these are our largest Fasteners and they are torqued at 800 900 1,100 ftlb I do want you to notice We have pretty much a brand new socket It is a brand new socket other than like Just a tad of testing on it but I think You'll see this change quite a bit after Testing with this DeWalt let's find Out still in Reverse full Battery 800 Foot-pounds Okay let's start this over again and We're going to start at 1600 foot- PB 1700 1800 and 1900 have a full battery Still still in mode three and in Reverse Okay that's the first time I've felt This and heard this kick in it basically Has uh a turbo mode if you will in other Words it hits for 4 five seconds I Believe DeWalt says 4 seconds and when It's hit at a maximum of 4 seconds it Literally puts in another charge and you Actually feel it hear it see it Everything uh kick in more power to Drive that faster and that's where you Saw it would be hammering first a few Seconds and then bam just break those Free so you definitely feel it come on You see it come on you hear it come

On you can see here we're at 2300 ftlb Is where we just torqued these Fasteners To okay let's start at 2,000 ft-lb 2100 2200 and 2300 2700 Ft-lb okay here we go again 2400 foot lb 25 26 and 2700 As we thought with the slow moving huge Hammer uh you're actually feeling all of That impact it is a very aggressive tool Which it should be we're not opposed to That at all when you're reaching for a High torque you want to get the work Done and it's definitely getting work Done we're going to call it at uh 2600 Ft-lb not give it the 2700 definitely The first we've seen a/2 In impact wrench go and as we mentioned Ow that's hot uh we have gone through That socket now and it's time to replace It after one Use let's take a look here at Precision Wrench mode so we're going to put it in Precision wrench mode and then these Nuts are loose here so let's go ahead And tighten those Up so you see it actually tighten for a Second and then stopped the tool and Then started hammering away again I'll Do that one more Time so my finger never left the trigger It it actually sensed it was a little

Snug stopped for a second and then Started hammering away again now let's Go to Reverse so you see that once it broke it Free it slowed it way Down so that's what Precision rinse Mode's going to do it's going to really Slow down down uh the reverse side and When you're tightening it's going to Pause for a second and then start back Up Again here's the bottom line when you're Building a high torque impact wrench you Can take one of two paths well I'm sure You could take about any path but you Could choose the Thor hammer or you Could choose you know the small Machinist Hammer uh point being is You can attack the situation with RPM in Other words a lot of Revolution so speed And a lot of hits of a smaller weight or You can attack it with a slower method With a heavier weight and when you're Swinging that heavier weight it's going To require probably uh some more beef Behind it uh so a bigger motor to be Able to hammer that larger weight as Well as beefing up everything else to be Able to absorb those impact or to be Able to hold up to those Impacts and this is basically what DeWalt has done with the 961 it is a tear to use I shouldn't say Tear like it's not that uncomfortable to

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Use initially but after we've been Testing on the test bench for quite a Long time uh it starts getting to you Because you're feeling every hit and Especially when it kicks into that Second gear if you will it really pours The power on and you feel a huge Difference so you're feeling all of Those impacts but it never missed a beat It never hiccuped or anything else I'm Surprised at that because there is no Battery isolator that we can tell on Here um so it's handling all those Impacts there's there was no uh Hiccup And power or where the the battery came Dislodged or anything like that I would Be curious to see if DeWalt could add That a battery isolator of some sort Because there is a ton of vibration Going on with that huge hitting but Here's the bottom line this thing is a Beast it delivers a ton of power we were Breaking free 2600 foot pounds and by The way we went back with a fresh Battery and we were able to break free The 2700 I know it was starting to move And then stopped so I don't know if we Sent some maybe some battery voltage Drop off or if the tool was just heating Up but we did wait a couple of minutes As we were cleaning up and then hit it Again and it did break free here's the Point on this we have far exceeded the Power needed on a/ in Anvil uh the

Powers we're seeing now should Definitely be stepped up to a 3/4 in uh Anvil minimum if not to a 1 in Anvil When you're needing that much power on a Fastener I know some of you are going to Say you should push it as far as you can And we did we push it as far as we saw Comfortable and again Breaking Free 2600 Foot- PBS is a huge feat so this thing Definitely delivers the power now let's Talk about pricing uh you're looking at $369 for the bare tool and a 3-year Warranty if you step up to the kit you Get one 5 a hour oil resistant battery As well as the charger and the bag and That's going to run you $499 so 500 Bucks is going to get you the 5 a hour Battery the 961 and the charger uh so Your whole kit and again 3year warranty On that as well we'll have a link in the Description not sure if you can get These yet you should be able to see These on the shelves any day now uh so Check it out for yourself also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep Smiling