MORE Made in the USA! Milwaukee Nitrus Carbide OMT Blades Review [EXTREME METAL MATERIAL]

More Made in the USA accessories. These new Milwaukee Nitrus Carbide Extreme Metal and Extreme Material oscillating multi-tool blades cut more than wood. Milwaukee has been using the Nitrus Carbide on Sawzall blades successfully for a while now. Expanding on this success, we now have the new Extreme Metal and Extreme Material Nitrus Caride OMT blades. These are available in single, triple, and 5-packs.
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Milwaukee Nitrus Carbide Extreme Metal:
Milwaukee Nitrus Carbide Extreme Material:

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Brand new nitrous carbide blades from Milwaukee and they're made in the USA [Music] Just today Milwaukee is releasing two Brand new oscillating multi-tool blades Both part of the nitrous carbide family We have the extreme material blade and The extreme Metal Blade let's check them Out these are the brand new nitrous Carbide oscillating multi-tool blades From Milwaukee we get the extreme Materials and the extreme metal blades You can buy these in a single pack in a Triple pack and I believe they're also Going to be available in a five pack as Well we'll have the part numbers in the Description as well this is the 4925 1573 the 1561 the 1563 and the 1571. now Basically the extreme materials version Is supposed to be typical construction Related stuff PVC nail embedded wood Screw embedded wood drywall that sort of Thing just your typical kind of All-around Blade the extreme metal Version is supposed to cut not only your Typical nail embedded but also your Hardened screws your bolts your all Thread even getting into steel so we're Definitely going to test that now one Thing they did they didn't just add like Nitrous carbide to the tip and make the The teeth stronger or last longer even Though they're supposed to cut two times More material than typical carbide tips

They also reinforced here at the base as Part of their Universal fit open lock Design you can see here at the base Where there's been some design stamped Into this and that's just not for looks Let me show you what I'm talking about So here is one of their regular made in The USA wood blades very nice blade but If you'll see here at the base it's just A smooth ramp up here So here we get a smooth ramp up And on this one here you see at the base There's a stamped edge around here and That's going to provide more Reinforcement mitigating any Flex in the Base of that blade as well as these two Indentions right here it's going to do The same thing mitigating any Flex right There at the base of the tool where it's Providing the power so we definitely Have some reinforcements here on the Blade itself different from their Typical carbide tooth blades And we see that in both the extreme Metal And in the extreme materials blade as Well That stamped inner portion again is Going to add strength around the edges Of that as well as in the in the break Or the bend of that blade as well these Are designed with their Universal fit Open lock as far as for installing on The tool so they will not work with

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Starlock tools now installing them on The Milwaukee oscillating multi-tool Very easy they have the magnets Impregnated into the base of the tool Here so that really helps you can set This whatever angle you want and then It's going to kind of hold it in place Just gently tighten the thumb screw flip The lever down and now you're ready to Go Also love that headlight right there on The front of the tool if you haven't Seen our review on the new Milwaukee Oscillating multi-tool you better check That out So we've got a 2×6 in the Vise here with Some nails and screws already in there I Think some small nails and a big nail in There and we're going to test the Extreme materials blade I'm using the Milwaukee M18 oscillating multi-tool I'm Going to leave the speed in auto So it should ramp up as I get into the Wood and so we'll go ahead and try to Cut some wood I'll start here just on The woods portion and then I'll get up Into the screws and nails or nails and Nails So you hear the power ramping up that's The auto mode as soon as I get into the Wood it ramps itself up and knows when It's under load and pours more power to The tool Okay let's get into the nails here so we

Know it cuts wood decent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] All right Foreign Again this is just the extreme materials Blade not the extreme Metals blade [Applause] [Music] Okay we've got a piece of all thread in Here Now let's go ahead and take off our Extreme materials blade Put on our extreme metal blade Hand tight the thumb screw Flip down the lever and we're good to go I'm going to leave it in Auto now I will Give you some advice when you're cutting Thick metal with an oscillating tool it Will want to walk on you so you want to Make sure that you're giving it a good Bracing or that those teeth are going to Want to grab and actually walk to one Side or the other Foreign [Music] There you have it cut through half inch All thread without a problem You saw that one time where I was not Paying attention and it wanted to walk One way or the other so again make sure

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You're bracing that tool do another cut Oh And to eliminate that I could probably Go to just a lower setting which we Should be in a lower speed anyway when We're cutting thick metal A little higher and go to six That's perfect let's do another all Thread cut And I'm going to go to Five just slow it Down right in between Foreign Very clean cut Very clean cut on that one so we've got A small piece of flat bar I believe That's eighth inch flat bar [Music] All right [Music] Foreign [Music] You know I thought slowing down the Blade would help but really speeding it Up is making it cut a lot smoother Than going slower I'm going to go up Even higher now Go up to eight You know what I'm going to go back to Auto [Music] I think that's just too fast I'm going To go back to Let's go to seven Yeah you see the vibration there

Definitely took care of a couple of Teeth so make sure you're cutting metal Slow the blade down a bit [Music] [Music] Seven seemed to work very well as far as The speed for that one still cutting Even with a few teeth missing [Music] [Music] [Music] Um [Music] [Music] So even eighth inch wall one inch square Tubing no problem again got a few teeth Missing from some of the vibration but Still seems to be cutting And one more on this flat bar again same Same blade [Music] [Music] [Music] And a piece of angle iron again same Blade [Music] [Music] Still cutting These new nitrous carbide blades are Pretty impressive and the most Impressive part was the fact that even Once it got chewed up a little bit it Continued to cut and I cut several Cuts After noticing a few of the teeth were

Missing as I was mentioning uh you want To make sure that you're bracing the Tool well especially when you're going Into thick metals and especially when You're cutting on two profiles so like When I went into the corner of the angle Or the corner of the square tubing and Once it ate through that corner and then It was basically cutting on two profiles Or on you know one one wall of the pipe And the other wall of the pipe and That's where it wanted to grab in one Kind of so you want to make sure that You're bracing that tool well or just That vibration and that kick out is What's going to ruin teeth but even After I lost a few teeth there again This thing continued to cut and cut and Cut and cut so so pretty impressive on These new nitrous carbide blades now You'll be able to get these in single Packs triple packs and even five packs Acts as well and you can get them in the Extreme material or in the extreme metal Now we'll have pricing in the Description we don't quite have that yet But hopefully by the time we release This video we will have the pricing and We'll be sure to post that in the Description with the link so you can Purchase these be sure to follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you

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