MORE TOOLS from Day 2 of The SEMA Show 2022

Only the second day in on a 4-day adventure. We’re bringing you even more tools and equipment from the SEMA Show 2022. We cover everything from Oil Filter wrenches, to steamers, more from Omni-Wall and Milwaukee, and awesome work benches. #semashow #tools

Milwaukee 2117 Neck Light:
OmniWall Detailers Kit:
Zero Degree Ratchets & Wrenches:
JM3 Oil Filter Wrench:
Optima Steamer:
BadA$$ Workbench:
Koken USA Nut Grip:
AIM Battery Powered Welder:

Keep current with our great content:

Day two of SEMA Starts Now So for getting in those very odd places This is the exofit extreme access Ratcheting wrench now you can see here We got a couple of joints here in the Design of this wrench and so I can Index This at three different locations in Both of these joints so I can get to the Side but watch this I can pull this out And turn this and now I've changed the Angle at which we're getting to so Really cool where you can set up Whatever you need to to get around the Corner to get to that to get access to That Fastener and you can change these Different sizes out get this in a single Form or in a kit form an SAE and or Metric We're here at the Milwaukee booth at the SEMA show and this is the new neck light That just released last week this is the 21-17 runs on the red lithium USB Battery pack You can see here so the battery can can Be removed and charged that way or it Can be charged with the USB type-c port Right there on the light now you can run This on high or low the buttons right Here and you can also adjust each slide Independently around your neck or both Of them and you're going to get a high And a low so 250 lumens and 400 lumens And you're going to get two and a half Hours of run time or eight hours of run

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Time on low Foreign This is the panel beater and this runs Off of a battery so this is all battery Powered you can dial in your power right There and uh uses that DC power of the Battery to weld itself to the panel and Then pull dents But just a quick Arc Foreign Twist Do a quick grind on it sand you're good To go We're here at the zero degree booth at The SEMA show and they have zero degree Gearless ratchets as well as zero degree Gearless ratcheting wrenches so very Smooth so there is no ratcheting going On there's no teeth and paws like Typical ratcheting wrenches or ratchets Just to give you an example I've got a 92 ratchet here if I go in here You see we get no movement on that Needle there where I can swap this out And go to the zero degree Gearless ratchet Very easily it's moving that needle on Every swing And Go to the zero degree Ridge And the same thing So very smooth operation the wrenches Should be available very soon the Ratchets are actually already available

On like twenty five Dollars for a quarter inch thirty five Dollars for a 3 8 and about 40 for a Half inch Thank you Thank you Foreign We're here at the jm3 oil filter Ranch Booth and we've got their oil filter Wrench this is much different than Anything you've probably used before Because what you want to do is put this On here and then twist and that's not How you operate this oil filter it's Very cool put this on here And then what you want to do is kind of Keep this stationary and squeeze here And that engages those teeth into that Oil filter wrench flip it over Left-handed no problem for tightening So really cool oil filter wrench that Works much different than anything out There and you can really get some torque Onto those and not just for small oil Filters Also heavy equipment diesel stuff as Well and look at the teeth on here that Bite into that so you're going to get That oil filter off it's not going to be A pain for you anymore Thank you Foreign Foreign So we're back at the Omni wall Booth

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Checking out their kit here for Detailers so really cool setup to hold Not only the pads but the polishers are Well completely integrated into their Omni wall system that will go in a Vertical state or a horizontal State Also places for your polishes you name It and then even into your hand tools Gloves things like that as well so great System from Omni oil here at the SEMA Show we're here at the Koken USA booth At the SEMA show 2022 and looking at a Couple of really unique offerings that They have they have their nut grip Design which you can see we've got a Spring around the outside edge of this 10 millimeter and there's two little Ball detents in there that are going to Hold that bolt in the socket they also Have the Gripp ring design here on the Hex key or Allen key design as well so It will hold Those Fasteners on there as well and Even on their Universal sockets You still have the nut grip ring on There that's going to hold that Fastener So really cool design from coconut and By the way if you use the code SEMA 2022 At you get 20 off We're here at the assembly tool Specialist booth and they started out as Making kind of anti-marring tools so Like filler gauges here that are not Going to Mar any finishes even into

Things like here where you're checking Door gaps which again you're not going To scratch any paint or anything and Then they really got into working with The auto manufacturers and making tools That just make a lot of sense like you See here you have magnets in there very Strong magnets that are holding that Faster in place again anti-marring here On the surface and then even into like Dual use tools here so here we have a 10 Millimeter and after you run that in you Can push this out And then we have a T25 so you don't have To stop change tools or change uh any Accessories to then go on to running Your torx bits in so they have a Complete line of different tools to save Time for those that are in manufacturing And doing multiple jobs all the time We're here at the American Innovative Manufacturing booth and they have a Battery powered welder now this is their 350 multi and it runs on two batteries And will run pretty much all day long Depending on what you're welding but if You're running let's say a quarter inch You're welding quarter inch you'll get About 500 inches of weld off the two Battery system and then plug it in and Recharge it Foreign ER weld when you're dealing with Straight DC power instead of inverting

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It well that's a wrap from day two of SEMA be sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock have A great one we'll see you tomorrow