NEW for 2024 – RIDGID 18V Hybrid Fan and RYOBI 18V Bucket Vacuum

Cool off the shop and clean up messes with the new RIDGID 18V Hybrid Drum Fan and the RYOBI 18V Bucket Wet/Dry Vacuum. Get them at @HomeDepot for $199 and $60. #homedepot #ryobitools #ridgidtools #tools #review

RIDGID 18V Brushless 18″ Hybrid Drum Fan:
RYOBI 18V Bucket Wet/Dry Vacuum: (coming soon)

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New 2024 products from RI and [Music] Ridgid rigid opens up the year with Adding a new 18-in fan that's hybrid and Ryobi launches 2024 with a vacuum that Sits a top a very common tool let's First take a look at this new Rigid fan And I will tell you right away it's Pretty large uh and it doesn't weigh a Little So it looks like we have the base here That's zip tied up let's take care of Those really Quick by the way best flush cut Cutters In the world I don't know maybe that's Not certified anyway knipex awesome Flush Cutters not sponsored by the Way let me tell you why I love them so Here are these zip ties I just cut off You see that little tab sticking up Right there hopefully you can see that Watch This cut nice and Flush those don't like to rip your Skin anyway back to our normal Programming so here's our Fan okay it doesn't look like we have to Do a lot of assembly I think we can Figure this thing Out I would assume something like This There we go that's all it Took here we go the satisfying

Moment wasn't exactly Satisfying so this is what they're Calling their 18in hybrid fan uh and Let's look across yeah looks like a Really a 19in opening so probably 18in Blade and you can see we have a five Blade design there looks like some Engineering going to work in there on Those blades much different than your Typical box fan blade and by the way Decb are supposed to be way down in fact I think they say 55 DB on high and That's a lot to do with the design of The blade as well as the housing because You can see this housing is not just a Kind of a pass through drum uh this is Actually much wider here on the backs Side or on the inlet side and uh smaller On the exit side on the back here you See why we call this a hybrid fan uh Because not only can we Mount our Battery right here our rigid 18vt Battery will slide on there uh but also We have plugs in there obviously you Have to remove the battery and then you Can take the supplied or any extension Cord and plug that in right here plug This into your typical outlet and now You can run this on uh actual outlet Power 120 volt volt uh typical outlet Power uh and that's going to give you Unlimited runtime as long as you have Power right here we have six-speed Settings and a large knob or lever there

To be able to select so all the way down Is off then 1 2 3 four five six or Max That's going to give us up to 4,000 Cubic feet per minute and 600 feet per Minute did you hear that wrong no you Didn't hear that that wrong and I really When I read that I thought that's kind Of crazy let's talk about that so rigid Says we get 4,000 cubic feet per minute CFM it's 4,000 CFM now that is basically the area Or capacity of an area Okay so that Seems like a lot that seems like a good Amount of air that's moving and that's Typically what we talk about when we Talk about fans but then they added a Number and they said uh 600 Fpm now Fpm is a lot of the information that's Here and that is feet per minute well 600 feet per minute is distance over Time that's the speed if you will and if You really want to dig in typically when We're looking at fans we hear m per hour Or something like that to talk about Velocity um or speed and in this case if You boil down 600 ft per minute so in Other words the the air is traveling at 600 ft in 1 minute well 1 mile is 5200 over 5200 I think it's 5280 ft and If one mile is 5280 ft and to cover a Mile in 1 minute is 60 MPH well we're not even going 60 MPH With the air we're not even going 30 in

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Fact we're dialing it down to about 6 Mph so if we want to get exact we'll Take take our feet per minute which is 600 this is our feet in a mile so 5280 / 600 equals 8.8 units so if we take 60 MPH ided by 8.8 equals 6.8 milph so sorry instead of 6 milph I guess it's 6.8 mil hour And we'll Even give the benefit of the doubt and Call it 7 mph so regardless I don't Think that is a a Bragg unit of Measurement there the 600 ft per minute Don't know why they added that don't Know why they didn't use it a mile per Hour because I promise you this fan is Blowing more than 7 m hour 7 mil hour is Just kind of a nice breeze in your face But nothing that you would think is Windy and if you don't trust my math We'll go to the calculator here and We'll say 600 is 6.8 miles per Hour so my calculations ended up very Correct and uh let's go from speed now To transition into runtime rigid is also Saying uh that on a 12 amp hour battery So on 12 amp hour that we're going to Get 15 hours of runtime and that is on The setting of low well I know most People don't have the 12 amp hour rigid Battery in fact the common ones are the

Four and the 6 amp hour this is real Easy calculation so take 15 divided by Two that's going to give you 7 and 1 12 Hours of run Time on a 6 amp Hour sorry we're not going to actually Compute runtime with this fan but That'll give you an idea on low the 6 Amp hour you're going to get about a day Worth of work out of runtime Let's get our battery In let's turn it off First by the way on this stand one thing I really like seeing are these tabs here Because that tells me that is a cord Wrap so in addition to our 6t cord if we Want to have an extension cord which a Lot of times you will you can actually Have a place to wrap it right down here On the frame of this machine so again I Love seeing when we have cord wraps and Hose management things like that on Tools and by the way this is also an all Steel design so the can here is metal And the grates are metal on the front And the Back so even the front is a metal grate Now there's some plastic housing around The edge here but as far as the uh build Of the fan itself it's all metal even The bottom stand and then large knobs Here on the side where we can Adjust And tighten where we want the aim of the

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Fan get almost full rotation oh you do Get full rotation at least this Way so really adjust this anywhere you Want it clamp down on your knobs and It's going to stay in Place so soft startup you see that I Turned it on Max and took a few seconds For it to speed Up it is very Quiet looks like right in front of it I'm getting 72 so not quite 55 me Talking More now 6 ft away directly in path I'm Getting 66 and uh about 60 when I'm out Of the direct path of the fan so not Quite getting down to 55 but still it is A very quiet fan and and it won't be a Nuisance when you're running it and Trying to Work turn it down a couple of notches Even quieter now so again very quiet fan That is moving a good amount of Air but I will tell you the speed is not As much as I thought it would be but You're covering a large area so even Though you're moving a lot of air you Don't have to have a lot of mile per Hour like you would with like an air Hose Also like this large integrated handle Here for Carrying now this fan is available now And as a bare tool it's going to cost You $199 and you get the lifetime

Service agreement as well now let's take A look at the brand new Home Depot Bucket these are new 5 gallon buckets They hold five gallons of material and They're made of plastic have an Integrated handle no I'm just kidding Let's take a look at the new bucket Vacuum from Ryobi this is the new PCL 732 and it's very simple it's basically A bucket top vacuum so you have the Motor and uh the filter and everything That's housed right here it sits a Top a 5G bucket and basically turns your 5 gallon bucket into a v vacum now I see Right away something that I was really Really curious about cuz they really Didn't talk about it on the box so first It just kind of clips into Place so there it is no thinking about It put it on there clip it down and You're good to Go the other thing is that I was Wondering would the handle still work With this on top of it cuz I thought if You had this on top and you had to carry It by the sides that's really going to Be a bu Hummer but as you'll see I lift Up my handle Here Clips right in these clips and so Now you still have the handle you still Have access to your battery port so That's the handle's not getting in the Way of that the handle's not getting in

The way of the power switch either so I Really like that so very simple idea That just works well we'll see if it Works anyway and it only works with the Home Depot buckets by the way no I'm Kidding any standard 5 gallon bucket it Should work with there are some Oddball Buckets out there but that's just going To be what they are your typical paint Buckets and Home Depot Lowe's buckets Things like that it should work Absolutely fine with it comes uh with This filter bag also it really doesn't Come with a filter just this um and this Little rubber band so this is not a high Feature type of vacuum or a really you Know high output vacuum it's like 45 CFM But the idea here is being simplistic 1 and a/4 inch hose so you can run your Standard one and a/4 inch hose or this One that's Included and then we also get a crevice Nozzle just a very small crevice nozzle That will fit right there uh but still a Very simple design actually doesn't fit Right there it fits right here so it Looks like you can put another nozzle Right there if you want to and if you Look at it and say well Tim you really Like hose management and cord management And you don't have it yes you do you Pull this Off take your handle Down take your back them

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Off and you put your hose in there Because you always clean up after the Job right so now you've still got Everything nice and contained in one Place these are great for trades Industries I think for again for really Simple jobs uh this is a great idea so I Love this Pricing on this you're looking at $119 for a kit with a 4 amp hour battery And I believe it's $60 if you just want The vacuum does not come with the bucket But if you just want the vacuum then That's going to be 60 Bucks by the way so you get a vacuum Port here and even on the back you have A blower Port also so if you want to Hook the hose up and actually blow some Dust around you can do that as well Let's go take this and see what we think So we've got a readymade mess right here So let's go ahead and take care of This we've got our filter bag On running a 4 amp hour [Music] Battery [Music] And you can also see the little hose Grab right here push that on hold it Carry this away go dump It and you may see some water right There well let's grab that too okay Let's get this water on the floor here We took our filter bag off the

Ryobi hook up our [Music] Hose So it's not the most powerful shop back In the world but it does work picking up Water picking up dust great idea as we Mentioned prices vary from $60 for the Vacuum to $199 for the bear Tool uh fan And then I believe it's $120 if you want The kit of the vacuum uh that also comes With a 4 aamp Hour battery it does not Come with the bucket hey keep track of Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tik Tok and if you don't mind hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video well give us a Thumbs thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day and keep Smiling