The brand new 2967 from Milwaukee and is Their latest high torque impact wrench You see the three LEDs here on the front Like we've seen on the mid torque for The last couple of years they finally Have it on the high torque look at Something else here look at the flex in This tool here something we haven't Noticed before on the high torch either And that is we have a battery isolator So we've increased the power on the high Torque now to 1600 foot-pounds if you Have the forged battery 1500 foot-pounds Of loosening torque with the XC 5.0 but Again we get that battery isolation to Keep those vibrations down on those Connections on the battery and to keep That battery nice and secure in the tool Without any strapping or anything else We get four mode design with auto Tightening as well as bolt removal mode And we get 2 000 RPM and 2400 impacts Per minute now