NEW Milwaukee 2967 M18 FUEL High Torque Impact Wrench Review

The tool industry is definitely pushing the limits of the 1/2″ anvil. This new Milwaukee 2967 M18 FUEL High Torque Impact Wrench paired with the new M18 FORGE battery is loosening fasteners set to over 2,000 ft-lbs. We ruined a brand new socket, mushrooming out the 1/2″ anvil square in the socket. The new Milwaukee High Torque Impact Wrench also includes the Tri-LED that surrounds the socket and fastener. Look for these to hit the shelves in October. #milwaukeetool #review #impactwrench

Milwaukee 2967 M18 FUEL High Torque Impact Wrench: -not yet available-

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Does Milwaukee's new high torque impact Wrench have the goods to make you switch This is the brand new model 2967 from Milwaukee it's their half inch high Torque impact wrench has four power Modes has a new battery isolator what Does that mean we'll explain in just a Moment we'll also explain more the Details with the 5.0 battery which it's Kitted with or you can get it as a bare Tool as well as the new forged battery Where they're claiming some astronomical Numbers as well as a faster charger for The forged batteries and your existing M18 batteries let's get started this is The brand new Milwaukee M18 fuel 2967 which is their half inch high Torque impact wrench brand new we just Saw this at the pipeline event a few Weeks ago finally got our hands on one Now this is paired with two of the XC 5.0 batteries however they did a lot of Their testing with the new M18 forged Batteries and they also published some Pretty crazy numbers with the forged Battery so we may test both of these so Pretty cool new forged batteries we'll Go over those in just a moment but Anyway here's the 2967 let's get this Out So this is the model number 2967 if you get it bare tool be a dash 20 if you get the kid to be a dash 22 Which is going to come with two of the 5

Amp hour batteries and the M12 M18 Charger and the gorgeous blow molded Carrying case of course anyway so this Is the new high torque impact wrench one Of the things you'll notice right away There's a little bit of a little bit of Bounce in its step and that actually Comes from the brand new battery Isolator here so basically that's going To really protect a lot of the circuitry And the battery and wiring connections From the battery to the tool so we'll go Over that here in just one moment but You will notice that again a little bit Of spring in its step right there now It's replacing a couple of models this Is the 2863 which is the high torque With one key but there is a little bit Of difference in the size as well as Some of the controls on here and Obviously kind of the whole front snout There is quite a bit different number One if you'll take a look right there on The front you'll see that something that We had on the mid torque for a couple of Years now and that's the tri LED light Right there on the front of the tool so No more are we requiring that light to Shine up from the bottom and hopefully Get somewhere around the Fastener now We're literally surrounding that Fastener where we want that light with Three LEDs surrounding that socket Surrounding that Fastener where we

Actually need it so we love to see that Been waiting for that to happen and it Shortened up a little bit on that as Well let's get a measurement here in one Second but you'll see Right there side by side about three Quarters of an inch difference From the front to the back of those Tools So saving a little space on this and We're upping the horsepower not the Horsepower we're upping the torque on This as well so we're going to a full 1600 foot pounds of breakaway torque When using the forged batteries I Believe it's 1500 foot-pounds with the 5-0 batteries and we'll be testing that Here in a few moments now you do get a Half inch hog ring style Anvil or Friction ring now you can get this in a Push button detent however because of The hole in the Anvil they literally Detune the impact wrench so it's not as Powerful as the friction ring Anvil Because you basically have a void in That Anvil and you'll start breaking Anvils if we had the same amount of Power so if you do elect to go to the Pin detent it does have less power Because they've programmed it that way To keep from snapping those anvils now Right here down on the mode section You'll see that we have three different Modes three different Power modes and

Then we have another mode which is Basically our auto mode so basically It's auto shut off when in tightening And when loosening we're going to call That bolt removal mode and what that's Going to do is if you're loosening it's Going to provide a hundred percent power And then as soon as it breaks that free It's really going to slow the tool down And then on with that same mode on that Fourth mode when you're tightening as Soon as it senses that it's somewhat Snug it's actually going to shut the Tool off and they claim that it won't do Any more than 50 foot-pounds so you Could you know put your lug nuts on in That auto mode let it shut off and then Come back with your torque wrench and Set the proper torque on those lug nuts Or whatever other type of critical Fastener that you're working with now When you are dealing with the different Modes you're going to have a different Max RPM So we get a brushless motor variable Speed trigger so we can still you know Go as slow as we want to with that but In the low speed in speed one you're Going to get up to 700 RPM and up to 1300 impacts per minute now if we're in Mode two then we're going to get up to 1300 RPM and up to 2100 impacts per Minute and then in mode 3 is going to Give us a full 2000 RPM

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And up to 2400 impacts per minute now Both that the RPM and the IPM or impacts Per minute that's going to go along Obviously with the amount of trigger Pull that you've got in there so even Though I've got it on mode three I can Still again make this go as slow as I Want so you're going to have the slower RPM and at the same time the the less IPM or impacts per minute as well now Let's take a closer look down here let's Take this battery off and we'll see now Rather than just seeing the bottom of The tool and let's compare it to our old Tool so you can see here on our old tool Basically we had the the base of the Tool this was all part of the unit and Now in here we have this black isolator Box now we have a couple of pads right Here that's going to basically keep Tension on the battery and then this Whole piece right here is actually going To flex inside of the tool which again Is going to allow these connections to Stay tight as well as to keep the Battery from vibrating loose or causing Any electronic problems or any battery Problems so again that isolator that we I believe we first saw this from Milwaukee on the one inch extended Anvil Impact wrench and now we're starting to See it carry down to this is the high Torque impact wrench and we're seeing That same same type of battery isolation

Which is going to really do a good job Of isolating those those vibrations to The actual tool and not coming down to The battery and the electronics now with The 5.0 battery the height on this is Going to be right at 11 and a quarter Inches tall and front to back on this is Right at seven and a half inches I don't Believe width wise we've changed much But we'll actually check it there the Widest point we're right at three inches So Not crazy wide for such a powerful tool Now obviously that's going to change you Know the height depending on what Battery we're using but we're still in That same ballpark Now with the 5 amp hour battery you're Looking at seven pounds nine ounces Without the battery Five pounds 15 ounces and then With with the forged 6.0 eight pounds Half an ounce so we're not really Gaining that we're right at eight pounds So really not gaining much on that 60 Battery in fact One pound 1.97 one pound nine point seven ounces Two pounds 1.2 ounces so not a lot of Difference between these two batteries You can ride at eight pounds with the Battery on the tool Now real quick on the uh the new forged Battery you see the different gauge set

Up there different button a little Easier button to push a little bit Larger and doesn't take as much pressure As the older one and instead of kind of The stair step design we just got four Lights beside one another so a little Bit different of a battery a little bit I would say kind of more of a blackout Actually we get more red lines there but Anyway a little different design same Two button approach from side to side so The locking mechanism has not changed But just a little different look and Supposedly a lot faster to charge as Well as even more power output Now if you combine the forged battery With the brand new dual Port Supercharger you can charge A dead battery to full in like 15 to 20 Minutes with the new supercharger and You could do two batteries in about you Know 35 minutes and we're super Impressed with the new dual Port Supercharger Now let's compare the bear tool Six pounds Five pounds 50 now so less weight even Shorter tool so you're getting a shorter And lighter tool but with more power And more light So let's take this We'll take the 5.0 batteries we'll also Take the forged batteries and take it Over to our test bench and see what we

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Think okay let's get started here we're Going to test out the new high torque Impact wrench the 2967. we're going to Take our torque setting tool and we're Going to set the starting at 100 Foot-pounds and go up 100 foot-pounds From there all the way across here so we Go one hundred two three four five six Seven eight nine a thousand and eleven Hundred foot pounds so let's get these Tightened up and then we'll get started Foreign So if you haven't seen our impact Wrenches tested before what we're going To do is put this in mode 3 so the 100 Mode so that we can get the most out of This we're going to start with the XC 5.0 battery and we have our socket on Here you can see that indexed in three Different places are some different some Of these are colored some have not but Basically you got index marks so you can Watch that socket move so we can see the Socket move because we're going to allow This 10 seconds on each Fastener to Break it free now if it breaks it free Before that we move on to the next if it Does not break it free within 10 seconds Then it doesn't score that point and we Stop there now if it's breaking it free Within that 10 seconds we will go ahead And let it finish doing so So we're going to start at 100 foot Pounds and go up from there and remember

We have 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 a thousand and eleven hundred foot Pounds to start now once we get through That which we anticipate we will rather Quickly uh we'll start back over on These largest Fasteners and start at 1200 foot-pounds so let's get started at 100 again power mode three And we have a full battery Let's make sure we're in Reverse there We go Okay no problem so far getting through The 700 foot-pounds okay so now we're Down at 800 foot-pounds so we're Starting on the largest Fasteners you Can see we have an index Mark there on The socket we are in mode three we have A full battery let's make sure we're in Reverse yep we're in reverse Here we go at 800 foot-pounds Not a problem with 1100 Okay now we're going to tighten these up To 1200 1300 1400 and 1500 foot-pounds All right we're back at it we still have A full battery And we let's go to mode three Let's make sure we're in reverse Yep we're in reverse Now we are at 1200 foot pounds so 12 13 14 and 1500. here we go Thank you Okay in both these last two it might Have taken longer than 10 seconds but The Fastener was moving within that 10

Second range so that's why we let it go Ahead so we've now eclipsed the 1500 Foot-pounds and we're still on the 5-0 Battery let's see if we've dropped a Cell yeah it looks like we've dropped One cell we'll go ahead and throw a Freshman on there and get restarted Foreign Here we are again Let's make sure we have a full battery Yes have a full battery we're in mode Three let's make sure we are in reverse And now we're starting at 1600 foot Pounds 16 17 18 and 1900. Keep an eye on this index mark it'll Tell you whether we're moving or not Thank you Okay we're really getting into insane Range here Speed three mode three Still full battery which we've been Changing out the battery and should be In reverse and by the way this was about A brand new socket when we started you Can see it's already starting to Mushroom out which tells you we're Really Beyond a half inch Anvil really And truly but we're still going to test So two thousand foot pounds 2100 22 300. Thank you Okay we did not move that in 10 seconds It stayed right there it might have Nudged at the very beginning I think That was just setting on the nut but

After 10 seconds it was not moving from That spot so with the 5 amp hour battery We're claiming 2 000 foot-pounds not Quite getting the 2100. I'm going to Reset this at 2100 just in case it moved At all we're going to go to the forge Battery see how much further we can go Okay now we've got on our Fords XC 6.0 Battery Full battery Again mode three We're in reverse 2100 foot pounds Foreign Got 2200 let's go to 23. Okay let's try this again 2400 foot Pounds Full forged battery In mode three Okay that's where we stop We got 2 400 foot pounds could not Accomplish a 2500 with the forge XC 6.0 Battery and the new 2967 high torque Impact wrench watch this battery as we Hammer on this 2400 foot-pound fastener Now you can see the whole impact wrench Moving around but you can see more Movement in that battery shaking around That's what that battery isolator is Doing for that Okay really quickly we're going to go Into mode four And this is the auto shut off as well as The uh the auto Titan Mode as well so

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We're first going to go into bolt Removal and we're gonna keep our finger On the trigger So you see that once it broke it free it Slowed it down did not stop it now let's Tighten it back up Now I'm going to just hold my finger on The trigger with it tightening in the Auto shutoff mode So you see my finger's still on the Trigger it only took it to so far and Then shut the tool off now we're going To back this one off Again got to a certain point and then Slowed it down but did not stop it So now we're in Titan So once it hit a couple of times it shut The tool off my finger is still in the Trigger so that's what The auto mode in Mode 4 is going to do These high torque impact wrenches are Really starting to put out crazy amounts Of power in fact they're getting past The levels of what a half inch Anvil Ought to be putting out this is a brand New socket we just bought this when we Got the new high torque so you're Talking about wasting a 50 to 100 socket Every time we have to test one of these And we're talking north of 2 000 Foot-pounds of breakaway torque now Arguably you can test on different Rigs And get different types of numbers but The bottom line is you can see the

Damage we're starting to do with a half Inch Anvil it's really time if you're Starting to do that just step up to a Three-quarter inch anvil regardless of What that number is that it's outputting It's a ton of torque and it's doing a Very good job of doing it we really like The battery isolators doing a great job At removing a lot of that vibration on This tool because I'm telling you when You're actually hammering on those Fasteners for 10 seconds 20 seconds at a Time you're really taking a beating and I'm sure all the electronics in this Tool as well so being able to save those Connections at the battery is a great Job we did notice a step up in power on The forge I don't know that we can nail It but it feels like on the forged Battery that you start the tool and then It almost gives it a little boost where You can actually almost feel and hear it Come in a second later that may just be Our minds but we all kind of actually Thought we heard it as well as felt it In the tool but regardless we did see Some power bump in the forged batteries We definitely saw charge times that are Crazy with the new supercharger and the 4 storage Batteries Now obviously that's An extra expense and that's a big Expense so let's talk about that this Tool 299 dollars as a bare tool so 300 Bucks you can get it as a bare tool if

You get it with the kit we haven't seen A kit with the forged batteries yet but With the 5.0 battery so 250 batteries a Charger and the tool you're looking at 500 so 499 dollars and you get that five Year warranty now if you are interested In these new forged batteries one forged Battery is going to set you back 200 Bucks yeah that's right 199 dollars for A single XC 6.0 batteries so if you want Two of them you're going to pay 400. if You want the new supercharger that's Going to charge two batteries at a time And is going to do it really fast Especially if you have the forged Batteries uh just this charger is 250 Dollars as well so if you're wanting a Battery a charger that's 450 bucks and Then another you know 300 to 500 for the Impact wrench so it's setting you back a Little ways so if you're wanting Milwaukee's top of the Heap as far as a Half inch impact wrench it's the new 2967 check it out for yourself it should Release sometime in October we'll have a Link in the description as soon as it's Available also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep smiling