NEW RYOBI 18V Heat Pen and RIDGID 18V Hot Glue Review [PCL916 R860433]

Cordless heat and hot glue tools can be very handy. The RYOBI PCL916 18V Heat Pen offers two temperature ranges at 450° and 750°F. And the RIDGID R860433 18V Cordless Hot Glue tool has three temperature settings: 280°, 340°, and 400°F. You can also adjust the amount of glue released with a trigger pull. The RIDGID cordless hot glue tool is available now for $79 for the bare tool, while the RYOBI Heat Pen is $99 with a 2Ah battery and charger.
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RIDGID R860433 18V Hot Glue:
RYOBI PCL916 18V Heat Pen:

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Ryobi and Ridgid continue to launch more New tools we've got a new Ryobi heat pin And a rigid glue gun let's check them Out Well we've got two new tools one from Ryobi and uh one from rigid we've got The new Ridgid 18 volt heat gun we've Seen the ryogi heat gun now we have one From rigid I really like the fact that We've got actually three heat modes here As well as some other features and we Also have the Ryobi Pcl916b which is the uh it's a they're Calling it a heat pin not a heat gun but A heat pin so basically you're going to Have a base and then it looks like a Kind of a tethered heat pin on the end Of it let's get these out and see what We think By the way if you haven't seen this this Is the fvc 51 and it's a great little Package opener even does great with you Name it wrapping paper fabric but Definitely cutting open blister packs This is a Time Saver Now this is the Ridgid R860433 and obviously runs on their 18 Volt batteries since that's the only Batteries they make now Uh looks like we get some Glue sticks And a wrench And let's get a battery on this Okay let's first take a look at the

Rigid heat gun we'll move the heat pin Out of the way right now and as we Mentioned we get uh five glue sticks and These are the eight inch glue sticks With the tool does not come with a Battery we've got it paired with a six Amp hour battery it comes with a little Wrench and basically that is for these Tips so if you slide these the rubber Off the tip You can see there's a nut there where You can use that wrench on if they don't Come off finger tight and by the way you Have a like an oval tip which helps kind Of disperse a little more glue and then You have more of a A longer tighter tip and then your Standard tip so this is more of a Precision tip I believe is what they're Calling it and this is your normal tip And then you get the oval which again I Believe disperses a little more a little More glue and a little flatter process So pretty cool idea to change the tips Out one of the things I really like About this well two things in particular Number one that we have three different Heat modes and by the way you're just Going to push the mode button here on The bottom and cycle between low Medium high and then off Now in low you're going to get 280 Degrees and medium is going to give you 340 degrees and then high will give you

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A 400 degree range so that's going to be For your high temp stuff the other cool Thing so that's one of the cool features Is just the ability to actually be able To dial in that temperature and to use It for different things you know your Low temp glue as well as even getting Into maybe PDR or paintless dent repair And being able to use glue sticks Without having to you know plug Something in and carry a wire around With you while you're trying to fix Dents the other cool thing here is the Disbursement amount so you can actually Tune this in and you see it's it's kind Of doing it in a very simple way and It's just kind of you know making the Trigger shorter if you will but still You can dial this all the way down to The minimum and then as you pull the Trigger a full trigger pull is only Going to get you a little bit of glue Out whereas if you turn it to the max You do a full trigger pull you're going To get a lot of movement in that glue Stick and you're going to get a lot of Glue out of the tip so just the ability To fine tune that and here's why I like That I'll jump to this in a moment when You're doing paintless dent repair you May be doing something really small like This you know where you're trying to Pull out just a little Ding and using a Tool like this to pull it or you may be

Loading something this much with glue And you need to get all that glue on There while it's still hot get it on the Body panel before it starts setting up So the ability to have that higher temp So it can really flow out as well as Being able to adjust that trigger pull Is a really cool idea especially when You're getting into you know again Paintless dent repair Now once you turn The gun on so right now if I push the Button I've got nothing that's a little Light down there but if I turn this on Now I'm on low and I push the light Button now we've got an LED light as Well so if you're in a dark spot or Something and needs some light then it's Great that you've got that ability to Turn that light on if you want to now You can if if the tips are loose oh it's Warm these tips will get warm but you Should be able to thread them out by Hand if you get a lot of glue on there And get it all gooped up then it may Become where you need to get in there With a wrench and get that but again you Can pull that sheath back and get to That nut but you can also Hand tighten these on here And put them on just understand they Will get warm because that tip does get Too temp and you'll notice here there's A little check ball in these tips so

These tips aren't just Hollow all the Way through so that keeps the glue from Continuing the flow so there is a little Check ball in there to keep that from Happening but that also means these tips Have to get up to temp before that glue Is going to flow now we're supposed to Get a 90 second heat up time so I've got It on low in fact it's already up to Temperature on low now and I'm not sure What heat sticks are What glue sticks these are let me push This oh yeah it looks like it's going to Flow out pretty good you can see that's Shoving in there kind of priming the gun If you will if you notice when you first Get a heat gun you need to fill up all This cavity with glue and that's why I Can just kind of push this in almost a Whole eight inch glue stick Yeah so Basically it's already up to low and That's not wanting to flow too fast so Probably would like a let's turn that up To medium and you can see the the medium Light there is still flashing and that's Telling us that it's still coming up to Temp so once it reaches that 340 degrees It will quit flashing so now you can see The medium light is now solid and so now We should get a better flow yeah much Better So you can see with that oval tip Lots of glue flow

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So if I was needing to fill up this tab Of course I'd be using you know either This gray or our green or our black glue Pulling but regardless I've already got This stick in here You can see we need to really fill this Up quick And then get in And be able to get that glue pull Or that dip pulled Let that set up and then we can pull it So anyway just the ability to flow that A lot quicker and the ability to adjust That temperature depending on which Sticks you're using and what type of Application you're using it for pretty Cool idea and this is the Ryobi pcl916 Which is their 18 volt heat pin uh so You basically got a tethered Heating tool here so you have the base Where you've got your battery and your Heat control so your low and high so you Have a knob there to turn from low to High And based off of that Once I turn that on you see the fan Comes on or you hear the fan coming on See not a huge tip there but a decent Size tip And we have an LED light there I guess That's just telling us that we're active And on But one of the cool things I saw when I Pulled this out of the package I was

Looking for two tips because I thought It came with two tips and I thought they Were missings and what I realized was if I take the battery off right under there Under the base Are the two tips So thought that was pretty cool So we have a tip like for doing uh so Like your heat shrink things like that And then a broader tip if you're going To do I don't know paint stripping or You know heating up vinyl whatever You're doing so pretty cool that those Tips hide under there under the base now The low setting on this is going to give You 450 degrees and the high setting is Going to give you 750 degrees You also hear the fan kick on a little Higher So that fan runs a little higher when It's in high than it does in low So let's try a couple of things here We've got some Wire and I'm going to slide on some heat Shrink And Then I'm going to strip some of this Wire back And on the other end I will do the same Now one end I'm going to install A spade connector that has the heat Shrink built into it I know I shouldn't be using this type of Crimper but I am so usually takes a

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Little more heat than your typical heat Shrink to shrink that so I'll put it Over here on this clamp And then on this one here I have the Heat shrink in there And then we'll take a non-insulated Connector We'll put it on this side Okay Good connection there Slide the heat Shrink up And now we'll turn this on low And we'll see if we can't Give this to shrink Oh yeah it's already shrinking And we see there we see the adhesive Actually coming out of that heat shrink Which is what it should do once it gets Up to Temp seals that heat shrink up This is heat shrink with adhesive in it And then we're going to turn it on high And now we'll work on this one I usually like to start right there the Spade connector Get that working And basically push the air all the way Out the end And again we should get a nice Bond From that heat shrink and same thing There we've got some adhesive coming Rolling out the edges Confirming that we got enough heat in There And we don't have any air bubbles nice

Tight Bond there That should keep that from the elements Be a nice sealed connection Then we'll turn this on high And be able to melt that glue stick if We needed to So pretty cool little heat pin and love The base that it kind of holds Everything and even the tips underneath Now we only have pricing on one of these And this is the rigid hot glue gun this Is going to run 79 for the bear tool It's going to come with the tips and Five glue sticks as well the heat pin we Don't have a price on this yet I'm Assuming bear tool I would say 59 to 79 Dollars without a battery obviously Coming with the tips but don't quote me On that yet we'll obviously put a link In the description once we have one for The heat pin we already have one for the Ridgid so check that out and then again We'll release the pricing and a link to Purchase it if you want to once we have That so keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don't mind hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep smiling