Three new @RYOBITOOLSUSA USB Lithium tools and accessories will be launching in Spring 2023. We got our hands on the new RYOBI USB Lithium Inflator, Clamp Fan, and Glue Pen. The fourth tool is a One+ 18-volt power inverter for up to 120W output. These should all be available at @HomeDepot by Spring 2023. Prices are between $40 and $50.
Several new products from Ryobi let's Check them out Ryobi continues to expand on your USB Lithium powered tools and accessories We've got three more here as well as an 18 volt accessory also so let's dive in And take a closer look now if you're Wanting to buy these for Christmas Because we're just a couple of days Beforehand you're kind of out of luck Unless you want one of these so one of These are available the other three are Going to be available in Spring of 2023 So we're kind of giving you a head start On what's to come but if you need a good Christmas present and your last minute Then you may want to check out our Christmas gift guide that's loaded with Awesome present ideas Ryobi has released Several new tools well they're not all Tools there's some kind of accessory Items but regardless they've released a Few new products and I guess I shouldn't Say released only one of these is Available right now the others are Probably looking at Spring of 2023 Launch but some really cool little Products and three of them running on The USB lithium that's chargeable with a USB type-c cable that comes with each One of these but let's dive in take a Look at each one of these first up is The model number Fvf51k and it's the USB lithium clamp
Fan kit so very cool little obviously Personal fan you're not going to move a Ton of air on this I think like 5000 CFM No I'm just joking this is a adjustable Head here so you can swivel it looks Like about 180 degrees I don't know why You'd want to point it down but Regardless you can definitely do that It's going to clamp on anywhere and then The battery Slides in right here so you take the Prongs put the flat spot on slide it in And then you put the quarter turn on the Lid and you're ready to go the power Button here So it looks like we have two speeds First speed is high So you feel that Yeah you can oh sorry you can't feel That anyway yes moving a decent amount Of air and then on low Yeah that Low's not moving much air but Hey might uh at least cool you down a Little bit when you need it to so pretty Cool little product run time on this Seven hours on low so seven hours on That little bitty guy is pretty Impressive in Ohio you're going to move A whole 135 cubic feet per minute so 135 CFM that's pretty impressive for that Little guy as I mentioned look for Release of sometime in the spring of 2023 and pricing on this is going to be
Forty dollars for the kit 39.97 at Home Depot or home and you get the USB type-c cable the battery and the fan And two year warranty on this as well Next up we actually have something That's already out but it's still a cool Little product a lot of these out there Now basically a power inverter but very Common battery platform is the one plus 18 volt platform because these batteries These post style batteries have been out For uh you know well over a decade now And Ryobi still uses the same type of Battery and all their batteries were Working all their tools on the OnePlus 18 volt platform and vice versa so There's a lot of batteries out there so Anything that will utilize the 18 volt Post battery is a great little accessory And this is uh goes up to 120 watts so If you want to plug in a small fan you Could do it if you want to plug in your Laptop and charge it you can do that as Well we have you two USB a Outlets here One at a 2.4 amp out so you get a decent Charge right here there's not a USB Type-c out wish it the wish there were But still still a very cool and Youthful Little power adapter hold the button Down until it's green and we now know It's ready to charge and again you can Plug in something here or you can plug Into the USB a Outlets or the standard USB outlet and be able to charge
Whatever device you need to so it looks Like we're looking at uh one amp 120 Watts on the 120 volt side so we're not Going to be running something that's Doing a major draw but we can you know Run a small fan or or something like That if you need to now price on this is Fifty dollars I think 49.97 and you can Get this now at your local Home Depot or On this is a really cool Little unit here this is the fvif 51 Which is the USB lithium inflator and This goes up to 100 PSI we have a power Button here well we need a battery in There first so just like all on the fan Slide the battery in find the flat spot There you see it won't go in anyway Except the flat spot slide that in and Then we can put the lid on it and now we Turn this on we get a digital readout Here that tells us the PSI so obviously We're at zero And pretty cool to it stores the hose Right here on the tool just screw it in The end right here Also get a little LED work light Screw that in we got an O-ring there so We don't have to tighten it hard just Tighten it finger tight and that's going To seal and then we have a standard Schrader valve attachment so you can go On any bicycle tire or automotive tire And this is something you could top off Your tire on your vehicle with but it's
Not going to last a long time it's not Going to create enough volume to pump up Your entire Tire with that small USB Battery on it but it'll do great for Basketballs footballs as well as bicycle Tires and actually that's something to Talk about I actually just returned from A hundred mile bike trip from Key Largo To Key West and we took about 15 of us With boys and men and road from Key Largo to Key West a 100 miles Camp two Nights anyway we had many flats along The way and had to kind of bring the Chase van and and do the fixing things Like that but with something like this This would have helped out a ton now the Cool thing about this is this tire here Has what they call a Schrader valve Pretty typical tire valve like you would See on a vehicle and this is going to Clamp on there You see this one's low and let's see Turn that on and we should see a reading There It's saying zero So now we're at 5 PSI I think this Should run at probably 90 PSI on this Tire here Okay So we took that to 50 and it's supposed To be anywhere between 65 and 95 but it Definitely will work would take some Time obviously to take that all the way Up to 90 or 95
PSI but it definitely works and the Handiness of this by the way when I was Initially pumping it up I kept turning It and it was leaking past the O-ring so I had to turn it to where I could hold It and it would keep that from loosening Regardless the cool thing about this is It's going to store away Very Compact and in fact we have a Little hole right there all the way Through and we can take the provided Velcro straps and be able to strap it to A bike or strap it to whatever to be Able to store that as well and there's Something else really cool about this While that is your typical Schrader Valve Many of your road bikes run what they Call a Presta Valve which is what this Looks like right here and you see a lot Different it's a lot smaller it's Typically all metal And then you have kind of a purge valve Look here on the top well your typical Pump will not go on there But what's cool is inside this little Tool here right here in the end on the On the gray if you slide this out we Have a needle so we can pump up our Footballs basketballs and uh different Things like that and then we have a Little adapter right here and this goes Right on that Presta Valve Screw that down and then we can put
And now we can pump up the Presta Valve So pretty cool that this not only works On a typical Schrader But it also works on the Presta and by The way don't ever forget the Screw that back in on your Presta Valve So that locks it in so you can't release In the air And then I can put this back on there Slide it back in that little compartment And now it's ready for the next time Now this is also going to be available In Spring of 2023 And it's going to run 40. or 39.97 and Two year warranty on this as well and Then last Up glue pink kit so this is the model Number fvh 56k you can get this for 50 Bucks or 49.97 at your local Home Depot Or on and again look for This to be available in Spring of 2023 This is going to run the same USB Lithium Ryobi battery Easy to slide it in and then this is Supposed to heat up in 30 seconds so Let's see here Okay now it's turned on and let's go Ahead and it uses a 5 16 inch glue stick So we'll go ahead and Slide this in here There we go Wow Oh wow they're not joking it is already Heating up I could I could tell when I
Was sliding that glue stick in then I Could kind of push it past the the Heat And so there you there you see and this Is cool I love this little stand here You've got like a plastic cup that that Rests in you have a basically a Protection from the heat on the tip for Your fingers and then you have a nice Little pad to set that on and that's Going to catch all your glue drippings Because that's always going to happen a Nice little precise what they're calling A glue pin so I was thinking you kind of Held it like this but it looks like I See pictures and they're kind of holding It like this and so you can push this With your thumb and we have a little Depression on either side so it can be An ambidextrous where left or Right-hander so again it looks like They're holding something like this and Then being able to push like that Or Like that as well but that does seem to Hold on to the glue stick so A couple of fingers on top and then push With your thumb And it's more of a detailed stream Rather than a you know big glue blob but You can Push that Without issue So pretty cool little glue pin I know The uh the 18 volt glue guns are just a
Huge hit around here we find more and More uses for that thing and I think I've sold tons of those just by telling People about them and showing them but Anyway this is a pretty cool one too so Smaller jobs smaller little projects or More detailed projects be able to just Come in and do what you need to do Put it in your stand keep working it's Going to catch your glue so again this Is going to be 50 bucks From Home Depot And it comes with the battery it comes With the the pin here USB cable the Stand and three glue sticks as as well And remember these are going to be 5 16 Inch glue sticks they're not going to be Your standard style standard size glue Stick so be sure you buy the correct Ones well listen none of these tools are Going to do any really heavy lifting for You in the shop but they are cool Personal accessories and maybe not just Personal accessories but other things That will make your life a little easier So the glue pin and the inverter are Both 49.97 and the fan and the little Compressor the little inflator is going To be right at 40 bucks or 39.97 you get A two year warranty on the USB lithium Tools so check them out we'll have links In the description now the Links may not Work for quite some time because again They're not looking to launch these
Until spring of 2023 and I'm sorry the Links will work it'll take you to a Product page but you can't go to Home Depot and buy these just yet you can buy The inverter if you want to buy the Inverter and that again is going to run You 50 bucks and that's a dual power Inverter in other words it can be Powered by the 18 volt as well as a 12 Volt auxiliary port in your vehicle or Side by side or boat or whatever has That cigarette lighter slash auxiliary Port in it hey keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video well then give us A thumbs down but would you let us know In the comments why have a great day and Keep smiling